blob: 76efad2c9b30db71622427f4392eb78abb4b5b27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.predicates;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.TokenBuffer;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.BrooklynObject;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.Configurable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityAdjuncts;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.Locations;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BeanWithTypeUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.JsonSymbolDependentDeserializer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.WrappedValue;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.JavaGroovyEquivalents;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.BrooklynTypeNameResolution;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DeferredSupplier;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.ValueResolver;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.units.Range;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.UserFacingException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.SerializablePredicate;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Boxing;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Reflections;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.coerce.TryCoercer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.math.NumberMath;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.NaturalOrderComparator;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.WildcardGlobs;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class DslPredicates {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DslPredicates.class);
static AtomicBoolean initialized = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public static void init() {
if (initialized.getAndSet(true)) return;
TypeCoercions.registerAdapter(java.util.function.Predicate.class, DslEntityPredicate.class, DslEntityPredicateAdapter::new);
TypeCoercions.registerAdapter(java.util.function.Predicate.class, DslPredicate.class, DslPredicateAdapter::new);
// could use json shorthand instead, but this is simpler
TypeCoercions.registerAdapter(String.class, DslPredicate.class, DslPredicates::implicitlyEqualTo);
// TypeCoercions.registerAdapter(DeferredSupplier.class, DslPredicate.class, DslPredicates::implicitlyEqualTo);
// TypeCoercions.registerAdapter(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WrappedUnresolvedExpression.class, DslPredicate.class, DslPredicates::implicitlyEqualTo);
// not sure why above don't work, but below does
TypeCoercions.registerAdapter("60-expression-to-predicate", new TryCoercer() {
public <T> Maybe<T> tryCoerce(Object input, TypeToken<T> type) {
if (!(input instanceof DeferredSupplier)) return null;
if (!DslPredicate.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) return null;
return (Maybe) Maybe.of(type.getRawType().cast(implicitlyEqualTo(input)));
static {
public enum WhenPresencePredicate {
// we might want these, but it is tricky sometimes even in our code to distinguish!
// /** value is set but unresolvable (unset or not immediately resolvable) */ UNRESOLVABLE,
// /** value is not set (including set to something not resolvable or not immediately resolvable) */ UNSET,
// /** value is set to an explicit null */ NULL,
/** value unavailable (unset or not immediately resolvable) */ ABSENT,
/** value is null or unavailable */ ABSENT_OR_NULL,
/** value is available, but might be null */ PRESENT,
/** value is available and non-null (but might be 0 or empty) */ PRESENT_NON_NULL,
/** value is available and ready/truthy (eg not false or empty) */ TRUTHY,
/** value is unavailable or not ready/truthy (eg not false or empty) */ FALSY,
/** always returns true */ ALWAYS,
/** always returns false */ NEVER,
static <T> T unwrapped(WrappedValue<T> t) {
return WrappedValue.get(t);
static Object unwrappedObject(Object t) {
if (t instanceof WrappedValue) return ((WrappedValue)t).get();
return t;
static Object undeferred(Object t) {
if (t instanceof DeferredSupplier) return ((DeferredSupplier)t).get();
return t;
public static final boolean coercedEqual(Object a, Object b) {
if (a==null || b==null) return a==null && b==null;
// could handle numbers specially here, if differences between 2.0d and 2 are problematic
// if either believes they're equal, it's fine
if (a.equals(b) || b.equals(a)) return true;
if (a instanceof DeferredSupplier || b instanceof DeferredSupplier)
return coercedEqual(undeferred(a), undeferred(b));
// if classes are equal or one is a subclass of the other, and the above check was false, that is decisive
if (a.getClass().isAssignableFrom(b.getClass())) return false;
if (b.getClass().isAssignableFrom(a.getClass())) return false;
// different type hierarchies, consider coercion if one is json and not json, or one is string and the other a non-string primitive
BiFunction<Object,Object,Maybe<Boolean>> maybeCoercedEquals = (ma,mb) -> {
if (ma instanceof String && mb instanceof Class) {
// if comparing to a class, look at the name
if (ma.equals(((Class<?>) mb).getName()) || ma.equals(((Class<?>) mb).getSimpleName())) return Maybe.of(true);
} else if ((isJson(ma) && !isJson(mb)) || (ma instanceof String && Boxing.isPrimitiveOrBoxedClass(mb.getClass()))) {
Class<?> clazz = mb instanceof Number ? Number.class : mb.getClass();
Maybe<? extends Object> mma = TypeCoercions.tryCoerce(ma, clazz);
if (mma.isPresent()) {
// // repeat equality check
return Maybe.of(coercedEqual(mma.get(), mb));
return Maybe.absent("coercion not supported in equality check, to "+mb.getClass());
} else if (a instanceof Number && b instanceof Number) {
return Maybe.of(new NumberMath((Number) a).withinTolerance((Number) b));
return Maybe.absent("coercion not permitted for equality check with these argument types");
return maybeCoercedEquals.apply(a, b)
.orMaybe(()->maybeCoercedEquals.apply(b, a))
/** returns negative, zero, positive, or null, depending whether first arg is less than, equal, greater than, or incomparable with the second */
public static final Integer coercedCompare(Object a, Object b) {
if (a==null || b==null) return 0;
// if either believes they're equal, believe it
if (a.equals(b) || b.equals(a)) return 0;
if (a instanceof Number || b instanceof Number) {
try {
// if either number is a string try to treat both as string
if (a instanceof String) a = new BigDecimal((String) a);
if (b instanceof String) b = new BigDecimal((String) b);
if (a instanceof Number && b instanceof Number) {
if (a.getClass().equals(b.getClass())) {
if (a instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) a).compareTo((BigDecimal) b);
if (a instanceof BigInteger) return ((BigInteger) a).compareTo((BigInteger) b);
if (a instanceof Long) return ((Long) a).compareTo((Long) b);
if (a instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) a).compareTo((Integer) b);
return ((Double) (((Number) a).doubleValue())).compareTo(((Number) b).doubleValue());
if (a instanceof Integer || a instanceof Long || a instanceof Byte) a = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue());
if (b instanceof Integer || b instanceof Long || a instanceof Byte) b = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) b).longValue());
if (a instanceof Double || a instanceof Float) a = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).doubleValue());
if (b instanceof Double || b instanceof Float) b = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) b).doubleValue());
// all now normally big decimal
if (a instanceof BigDecimal && b instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) a).compareTo((BigDecimal) b);
// some weird type; proceed to string stuff below
} catch (Exception e) {
// one number is not parseable as a string; proceed to natural order comparator
if (isStringOrPrimitiveOrNumber(a) && isStringOrPrimitiveOrNumber(b)) {
return, toStringForPrimitives(b));
if (a instanceof DeferredSupplier || b instanceof DeferredSupplier)
return coercedCompare(undeferred(a), undeferred(b));
// if classes are equal or one is a subclass of the other, and the above check was false, that is decisive
if (a.getClass().isAssignableFrom(b.getClass()) && b instanceof Comparable) return -((Comparable) b).compareTo(a);
if (b.getClass().isAssignableFrom(a.getClass()) && a instanceof Comparable) return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b);
BiFunction<Maybe<?>,Maybe<?>,Integer> maybeCoercedCompare = (ma,mb) -> {
if (ma.isPresent() && mb.isPresent()) return coercedCompare(ma.get(), mb.get());
return null;
// different type hierarchies, consider coercion
if (isJson(a) && !isJson(b)) return maybeCoercedCompare.apply( TypeCoercions.tryCoerce(a, b.getClass()), Maybe.of(b) );
if (isJson(b) && !isJson(a)) return maybeCoercedCompare.apply( Maybe.of(a), TypeCoercions.tryCoerce(b, a.getClass()) );
return null;
public static final boolean coercedCompare(Object a, Object b, Function<Integer,Boolean> postProcess) {
Integer result = coercedCompare(a, b);
if (result==null) return false;
return postProcess.apply(result);
private static boolean isStringOrPrimitive(Object a) {
return a!=null && (a instanceof String || Boxing.isPrimitiveOrBoxedClass(a.getClass()));
private static boolean isStringOrPrimitiveOrNumber(Object a) {
return isStringOrPrimitive(a) || (a!=null && (a instanceof Number));
private static boolean isJson(Object a) {
return isStringOrPrimitive(a) || (a instanceof Map) || (a instanceof Collection);
static String toStringForPrimitives(Object a) {
if (a==null) return null;
if (a instanceof Number) {
// print decimal numbers without E notation
if (a instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal)a).toPlainString();
if (a instanceof Double) return toStringForPrimitives(new BigDecimal((Double)a));
if (a instanceof Float) return toStringForPrimitives(new BigDecimal((Float)a));
// fall through to below
return a.toString();
static boolean asStringTestOrFalse(Object value, Predicate<String> test) {
return isStringOrPrimitiveOrNumber(value) || value instanceof Throwable ? test.test(toStringForPrimitives(value)) : value instanceof Class ? test.test(((Class)value).getName()) : false;
public static class DslPredicateBase<T> {
public WrappedValue<Object> implicitEquals;
public WrappedValue<Object> equals;
public WrappedValue<String> regex;
public WrappedValue<String> glob;
/** nested check */
public WrappedValue<DslPredicate> check;
public WrappedValue<DslPredicate> not;
public List<WrappedValue<DslPredicate>> any;
public List<WrappedValue<DslPredicate>> all;
public DslPredicate assertCondition;
public @JsonProperty("has-element") DslPredicate hasElement;
public DslPredicate size;
public DslPredicate filter;
public Object key;
public Integer index;
public String jsonpath;
public WhenPresencePredicate when;
public @JsonProperty("in-range") Range inRange;
public @JsonProperty("less-than") Object lessThan;
public @JsonProperty("greater-than") Object greaterThan;
public @JsonProperty("less-than-or-equal-to") Object lessThanOrEqualTo;
public @JsonProperty("greater-than-or-equal-to") Object greaterThanOrEqualTo;
public @JsonProperty("java-instance-of") DslPredicate javaInstanceOf;
public @JsonProperty("error-cause") DslPredicate errorCause;
public @JsonProperty("error-field") String errorField;
public static class CheckCounts {
int checksDefined = 0;
int checksApplicable = 0;
int checksPassed = 0;
public <T> void checkTest(T testFieldValue, java.util.function.Predicate<T> predicateForTest) {
if (testFieldValue!=null) {
if (predicateForTest.test(testFieldValue)) checksPassed++;
public <T> void check(T testFieldValue, Maybe<Object> value, java.util.function.BiPredicate<T,Object> check) {
if (value.isPresent()) {
checkTest(testFieldValue, t -> check.test(t, value.get()));
} else {
if (testFieldValue!=null) {
@Deprecated /** @deprecated since 1.1 when introduced; pass boolean */
public boolean allPassed() {
return checksPassed == checksDefined;
public boolean allPassed(boolean requireAtLeastOne) {
if (checksDefined ==0 && requireAtLeastOne) return false;
return checksPassed == checksDefined;
public void add(CheckCounts other) {
checksPassed += other.checksPassed;
checksDefined += other.checksDefined;
public Object implicitEqualsUnwrapped() { return unwrapped(implicitEquals); }
public boolean apply(T input) {
Maybe<Object> result = resolveTargetAgainstInput(input);
if (result.isPresent() && result.get() instanceof RetargettedPredicateEvaluation) {
return ((RetargettedPredicateEvaluation)result.get()).apply(input);
return applyToResolved(result);
protected void collectApplicableSpecialFieldTargetResolvers(Map<String,Function<Object,Maybe<Object>>> resolvers) {
if (key!=null) resolvers.put("key", (value) -> {
if (value instanceof Map) {
if (((Map) value).containsKey(key)) {
return Maybe.ofAllowingNull( ((Map) value).get(key) );
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Cannot find indicated key '"+key+"' in map");
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Cannot evaluate key on non-map target "+classOf(value));
if (index != null) resolvers.put("index", (value) -> {
Integer i = index;
Object v0 = value;
if (value instanceof Map) value = ((Map)value).entrySet();
if (value instanceof Iterable) {
int size = Iterables.size((Iterable) value);
if (i<0) {
i = size + i;
if (i<0 || i>=size) return Maybe.absent("No element at index "+i+" ("+classOf(v0)+" size "+size+")");
return Maybe.of(Iterables.get((Iterable)value, i));
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Cannot evaluate index on non-list target "+classOf(v0));
if (filter != null) resolvers.put("filter", (value) -> {
if (value instanceof Map) value = ((Map)value).entrySet();
if (value instanceof Iterable) {
return Maybe.of(Iterables.filter((Iterable) value, filter));
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Cannot evaluate filter on non-list target "+classOf(value));
if (jsonpath!=null) resolvers.put("jsonpath", (value) -> {
Entity entity = BrooklynTaskTags.getContextEntity(Tasks.current());
String json;
try {
json = BeanWithTypeUtils.newMapper(entity!=null ? ((EntityInternal)entity).getManagementContext() : null, false, null, false).writeValueAsString(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Unable to consider jsonpath for non-serializable '"+value+"' due to: "+e, e);
return Maybe.absent("Cannot serialize object as JSON: "+e);
String jsonpathTidied = jsonpath;
if (jsonpathTidied!=null && !jsonpathTidied.startsWith("$")) {
if (jsonpathTidied.startsWith("@") || jsonpathTidied.startsWith(".") || jsonpathTidied.startsWith("[")) {
jsonpathTidied = '$' + jsonpathTidied;
} else {
jsonpathTidied = "$." + jsonpathTidied;
Object result;
try {
result =, jsonpathTidied);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Unable to evaluate jsonpath '"+jsonpathTidied+"' for '"+value+"' due to: "+e, e);
return Maybe.absent("No jsonpath matches");
// above will throw if jsonpath doesn't match anything
// this will return single object possibly null, or a list possibly empty
return Maybe.ofAllowingNull(result);
if (errorField!=null) resolvers.put("error-field", (value) -> {
if (!(value instanceof Throwable)) return Maybe.absent("Unable to apply error-field to non-throwable "+value);
Throwable t = (Throwable)value;
Maybe<Method> m = Reflections.getMethodFromArgs(value, "get" + Strings.toInitialCapOnly(errorField), MutableList.of());
if (m.isPresent()) return -> {
try {
return mm.invoke(t);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
Maybe<Object> v = Reflections.getFieldValueMaybe(value, errorField);
if (v.isPresent()) return v;
return Maybe.absent("No such field or getter for '"+errorField+"'");
if (errorCause!=null) resolvers.put("error-cause", (value) -> {
if (!(value instanceof Throwable)) return Maybe.absent("Unable to apply error-field to non-throwable "+value);
return Maybe.cast(findErrorCause(errorCause, value));
private String classOf(Object x) {
if (x==null) return "null";
return x.getClass().getName();
/** returns the resolved, possibly redirected target for this test wrapped in a maybe, or absent if there is no valid value/target.
* may also return {@link RetargettedPredicateEvaluation} predicate if a different predicate should be run on the same input */
protected Maybe<Object> resolveTargetAgainstInput(Object input) {
Map<String,Function<Object,Maybe<Object>>> specialResolvers = MutableMap.of();
if (!specialResolvers.isEmpty()) {
if (specialResolvers.size()>1) throw new IllegalStateException("Predicate has multiple incompatible target specifiers: "+specialResolvers.keySet());
return specialResolvers.values().iterator().next().apply(input);
} else {
return Maybe.ofAllowingNull(input);
public boolean applyToResolved(Maybe<Object> result) {
CheckCounts counts = new CheckCounts();
applyToResolved(result, counts);
if (counts.checksDefined==0) {
handleNoChecks(result, counts);
return counts.allPassed(true);
protected void handleNoChecks(Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts checker) {
if (errorCause!=null) {
// if no test specified, but test or config is, then treat as implicit presence check
checkWhen(WhenPresencePredicate.PRESENT_NON_NULL, result, checker);
// check again in case this, or a subclass, ran some checks
if (checker.checksDefined==0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Predicate does not define any checks; if always true or always false is desired, use 'when'");
public void applyToResolved(Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts checker) {
if (assertCondition!=null) failOnAssertCondition(result, checker);
checker.check(implicitEquals, result, (implicitTestSpec, value) -> {
// if a condition somehow gets put into the implicit equals, e.g. via an expression returning an expression, then recognize it as a condition
Object test = unwrapped(implicitTestSpec);
if (test instanceof DslPredicate) {
return nestedPredicateCheck((DslPredicate) test, result);
if ((!(test instanceof BrooklynObject) && value instanceof BrooklynObject) ||
(!(test instanceof Iterable) && value instanceof Iterable)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Implicit value used for equality check comparing "+test+" with "+value+", which is probably not what was meant. Use explicit 'equals: ...' syntax for this case.");
return DslPredicates.coercedEqual(implicitTestSpec, value);
checker.check(equals, result, DslPredicates::coercedEqual);
checker.check(regex, result, (test, value) -> asStringTestOrFalse(value, v -> Pattern.compile(unwrapped(test), Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(v).matches()));
checker.check(glob, result, (test, value) -> asStringTestOrFalse(value, v -> WildcardGlobs.isGlobMatched(unwrapped(test), v)));
checker.check(inRange, result, (test,value) ->
// current Range only supports Integer, but this code will support any
asStringTestOrFalse(value, v ->""+test.min(), v)<=0 &&""+test.max(), v)>=0));
checker.check(lessThan, result, (test,value) -> coercedCompare(value, test, x -> x<0));
checker.check(lessThanOrEqualTo, result, (test,value) -> coercedCompare(value, test, x -> x<=0));
checker.check(greaterThan, result, (test,value) -> coercedCompare(value, test, x -> x>0));
checker.check(greaterThanOrEqualTo, result, (test,value) -> coercedCompare(value, test, x -> x>=0));
checkWhen(when, result, checker);
checker.check(hasElement, result, (test,value) -> {
if (value instanceof Map) value = ((Map)value).entrySet();
if (value instanceof Iterable) {
for (Object v : ((Iterable) value)) {
if (test.apply((T) v)) return true;
return false;
checker.check(size, result, (test,value) -> {
Integer computedSize = null;
if (value instanceof CharSequence) computedSize = ((CharSequence)value).length();
else if (value instanceof Map) computedSize = ((Map)value).size();
else if (value instanceof Iterable) computedSize = Iterables.size((Iterable)value);
else return nestedPredicateCheck(test, Maybe.absent("size not applicable"));
return nestedPredicateCheck(test, Maybe.of(computedSize));
checker.checkTest(not, test -> !nestedPredicateCheck(unwrapped(test), result));
checker.checkTest(check, test -> nestedPredicateCheck(unwrapped(test), result));
checker.checkTest(any, test -> -> nestedPredicateCheck(unwrapped(p), result)));
checker.checkTest(all, test -> -> nestedPredicateCheck(unwrapped(p), result)));
checker.check(javaInstanceOf, result, this::checkJavaInstanceOf);
protected void failOnAssertCondition(Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts callerChecker) {
boolean assertionPassed;
if (assertCondition instanceof DslPredicateBase) {
Object implicitWhen = ((DslPredicateBase) assertCondition).implicitEqualsUnwrapped();
if (implicitWhen!=null) {
// can assume no other checks, if one is implicit
CheckCounts checker = new CheckCounts();
WhenPresencePredicate whenT = TypeCoercions.coerce(implicitWhen, WhenPresencePredicate.class);
checkWhen(whenT, result, checker);
assertionPassed = checker.allPassed(true);
} else {
if (result.isAbsent()) {
assertionPassed = false;
} else {
assertionPassed = ((DslPredicateBase) assertCondition).apply(result.get());
if (!assertionPassed) {
// switch the result so error message is better
result = ((DslPredicateBase) assertCondition).resolveTargetAgainstInput(result.get());
} else {
assertionPassed = result.isPresent() && assertCondition.apply(result.get());
if (!assertionPassed) {
String msg = "Assertion in DSL predicate failed";
if (result.isAbsent()) {
String msg2 = "value cannot be resolved";
RuntimeException e = Maybe.Absent.getException(result);
if (e==null) {
throw new PredicateAssertionFailedException(msg + ": " + msg2 + " (no further details)");
} else {
throw new PredicateAssertionFailedException(msg + ": " + msg2 + ": " + Exceptions.collapseText(e), e);
} else {
throw new PredicateAssertionFailedException(msg+": value '"+result.get()+"'");
protected void checkWhen(WhenPresencePredicate when, Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts checker) {
checker.checkTest(when, test -> {
switch (test) {
case PRESENT: return result.isPresent();
case PRESENT_NON_NULL: return result.isPresentAndNonNull();
case ABSENT: return result.isAbsent();
case ABSENT_OR_NULL: return result.isAbsentOrNull();
case ALWAYS: return true;
case NEVER: return false;
case FALSY: return result.isAbsent() || !JavaGroovyEquivalents.groovyTruth(result.get());
case TRUTHY: return result.isPresentAndNonNull() && JavaGroovyEquivalents.groovyTruth(result.get());
default: return false;
protected boolean checkJavaInstanceOf(DslPredicate javaInstanceOf, Object value) {
if (value==null) return false;
// first check if implicitly equal to a registered type
if (javaInstanceOf instanceof DslPredicateBase) {
Object implicitRegisteredType = ((DslPredicateBase) javaInstanceOf).implicitEqualsUnwrapped();
if (implicitRegisteredType instanceof String) {
Entity ent = null;
if (value instanceof Entity) ent = (Entity)value;
if (ent==null) ent = BrooklynTaskTags.getContextEntity(Tasks.current());
if (ent!=null) {
Maybe<TypeToken<?>> tm = new BrooklynTypeNameResolution.BrooklynTypeNameResolver("predicate", CatalogUtils.getClassLoadingContext(ent), true, true).findTypeToken((String) implicitRegisteredType);
if (tm.isPresent()) {
return tm.get().getRawType().isInstance(value);
// now go through type of result and all superclasses
Set<Class<?>> visited = MutableSet.of();
Set<Class<?>> toVisit = MutableSet.of(value.getClass());
while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
MutableList<Class<?>> visitingNow = MutableList.copyOf(toVisit);
for (Class<?> v: visitingNow) {
if (v==null || !visited.add(v)) continue;
if (nestedPredicateCheck(javaInstanceOf, Maybe.of(v))) return true;
return false;
protected Maybe<Throwable> findErrorCause(DslPredicate errorCause, Object value) {
if (value==null || !(value instanceof Throwable)) return Maybe.absent("Cannot look for causes of non-throwable "+value);
// now go through type of result and all superclasses
Set<Throwable> visited = MutableSet.of();
Set<Throwable> toVisit = MutableSet.of((Throwable)value);
while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
MutableList<Throwable> visitingNow = MutableList.copyOf(toVisit);
for (Throwable v: visitingNow) {
if (v==null || !visited.add(v)) continue;
if (nestedPredicateCheck(errorCause, Maybe.of(v))) return Maybe.of(v);
return Maybe.absent("Nothing in causal chain matches test");
protected boolean nestedPredicateCheck(DslPredicate p, Maybe<Object> result) {
return result.isPresent()
? p.apply(result.get())
: p instanceof DslPredicateBase
// in case it does a when: absent check
? ((DslPredicateBase)p).applyToResolved(result)
: false;
public interface DslPredicate<T4> extends SerializablePredicate<T4> {
public interface DslEntityPredicate extends DslPredicate<Entity> {
default boolean applyInEntityScope (Entity entity){
return ((EntityInternal) entity).getExecutionContext().get(Tasks.create("Evaluating predicate " + this, () -> this.apply(entity)));
private static final ThreadLocal<Map<Object,Object>> PREDICATE_EVALUATION_CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static Object getFromPredicateEvaluationContext(Object key) {
Map<Object, Object> map = PREDICATE_EVALUATION_CONTEXT.get();
if (map==null) return null;
return map.get(key);
public static <T> boolean evaluateDslPredicateWithContext(DslPredicate<T> predicate, T target, Map<Object,Object> context) {
if (PREDICATE_EVALUATION_CONTEXT.get()!=null) throw new IllegalStateException("Nested predicate evaluation with context not supported");
try {
return predicate.apply(target);
} finally {
public static <T> boolean evaluateDslPredicateWithBrooklynObjectContext(DslPredicate<T> predicate, T target, BrooklynObject bo) {
return evaluateDslPredicateWithContext(predicate, target, MutableMap.of(
Configurable.class, bo,
BrooklynObject.class, bo,
Entity.class, EntityAdjuncts.getEntity(bo, true).orNull()));
/** default implementation */
public static class DslPredicateDefault<T2> extends DslPredicateBase<T2> implements DslPredicate<T2>, Cloneable {
public DslPredicateDefault() {}
// allow a string or int or other common types to be an implicit equality target
public DslPredicateDefault(String implicitEquals) { this.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(implicitEquals); }
public DslPredicateDefault(Integer implicitEquals) { this.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(implicitEquals); }
public DslPredicateDefault(Double implicitEquals) { this.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(implicitEquals); }
public DslPredicateDefault(Long implicitEquals) { this.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(implicitEquals); }
public DslPredicateDefault(Number implicitEquals) { this.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(implicitEquals); } // note: Number is not matched by jackson bean constructor
// not used by code, but allows clients to store other information
public Object metadata;
public Object target;
public String config;
public String sensor;
public DslPredicate tag;
protected DslPredicateDefault<T2> clone() {
try {
return (DslPredicateDefault<T2>) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
protected <T> T getTypeFromValueOrContext(Class<?> type, Object value) {
if (type==null || value==null) return (T) value;
if (Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
// if Entity wanted, try to extract from adjunct
if (value instanceof BrooklynObject) value = EntityAdjuncts.getEntity((BrooklynObject) value, true).orNull();
if (type.isInstance(value)) return (T) value;
Object v2 = getFromPredicateEvaluationContext(Entity.class);
if (type.isInstance(v2)) return (T) v2;
if (v2!=null) throw new IllegalStateException("DSL predicate context for "+type+" is incompatible "+v2+" ("+v2.getClass()+")");
return null;
protected void collectApplicableSpecialFieldTargetResolvers(Map<String,Function<Object, Maybe<Object>>> resolvers) {
if (config!=null) resolvers.put("config", (value) -> {
Configurable cv;
if (value instanceof Configurable) {
cv = (Configurable) value;
} else {
cv = (Configurable) getFromPredicateEvaluationContext(Configurable.class);
if (cv!=null) {
if (cv.config().findKeysDeclared(k -> config.equals(k.getName())).isEmpty()) {
return Maybe.absent("No config '" + config + "' on " + cv);
} else {
ValueResolver<Object> resolver = Tasks.resolving((DeferredSupplier) () -> cv.config().get(ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Object.class, config)))
Entity entity = getTypeFromValueOrContext(Entity.class, value);
if (entity != null) resolver.context(entity);
Maybe<Object> result = resolver.getMaybe();
if (result.isAbsent()) {
if (entity == null && BrooklynTaskTags.getContextEntity(Tasks.current()) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to resolve config '" + config + "' on " + value + ", likely because outside of an entity task unless entity target or context explicitly supplied");
return result;
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Config not supported on " + value + " and no applicable DslPredicate context (testing config '" + config + "')");
if (sensor!=null) resolvers.put("sensor", (value) -> {
Entity entity = getTypeFromValueOrContext(Entity.class, value);
if (entity!=null) {
if (!entity.sensors().getAll().keySet().stream().anyMatch(s -> sensor.equals(s.getName()))) {
return Maybe.absent("No sensor '"+sensor+"' on "+entity);
} else {
ValueResolver<Object> resolver = Tasks.resolving((DeferredSupplier) () -> entity.sensors().get(Sensors.newSensor(Object.class, sensor)))
return resolver.getMaybe();
} else {
return Maybe.absent("Sensors not supported on " + value + " and no applicable DslPredicate context (testing sensor '" + sensor + "')");
protected Maybe<Object> resolveTargetAgainstInput(Object input) {
Object target =;
Maybe<Object> result;
if (target instanceof String) {
result = Maybe.of( resolveTargetStringAgainstInput((String) target, input).get() );
if (result.isPresent() && result.get() instanceof RetargettedPredicateEvaluation) {
// do retargetting before doing further resolution (of other keys, e.g. config)
return result;
} else {
if (target == null) {
target = input;
ValueResolver<Object> resolver = Tasks.resolving(target).as(Object.class).allowDeepResolution(true).immediately(true);
Entity entity = getTypeFromValueOrContext(Entity.class, input);
if (entity!=null) resolver = resolver.context(entity);
try {
result = resolver.getMaybe();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (Exceptions.getCausalChain(t).stream().anyMatch(ti -> ti instanceof ResolutionFailureTreatedAsAbsent)) {
result = Maybe.absent(t);
} else {
throw Exceptions.propagate(t);
result = result.isPresent() ? super.resolveTargetAgainstInput(result.get()) : result;
return result;
protected Maybe<Object> resolveTargetStringAgainstInput(String target, Object input) {
Maybe<Object> candidate;
candidate = resolvePluralNormallyOrSingularAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(target, input,
"locations", Entity.class, x -> Maybe.of(Locations.getLocationsCheckingAncestors(null, (Entity) x)),
"location", x -> x instanceof Location);
if (candidate!=null) return candidate;
candidate = resolvePluralNormallyOrSingularAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(target, input,
"tags", BrooklynObject.class, x -> Maybe.of( ((BrooklynObject)x).tags().getTags() ),
"tag", x -> false);
if (candidate!=null) return candidate;
candidate = resolvePluralNormallyOrSingularAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(target, input,
"children", Entity.class, x -> Maybe.of(((Entity) x).getChildren()),
"child", x -> false);
if (candidate!=null) return candidate;
return Maybe.absent("Unsupported target '"+target+"' on input "+input);
protected <T> Maybe<Object> resolveAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(String target, Object inputValue, Predicate<Object> checkPredicateRetargettingNotNeeded, Class<T> suitableTargetType, Function<Object,Maybe<Object>> retargetValue) {
if (inputValue == null || checkPredicateRetargettingNotNeeded.test(inputValue)) {
// already processsed
return Maybe.of(inputValue);
if (hasElement!=null) {
// caller is already asking for a member of this list, don't rewrite
return retargetValue.apply(inputValue);
T retargettableTarget = getTypeFromValueOrContext(suitableTargetType, inputValue);
if (retargettableTarget==null) {
return Maybe.absent("Target " + target + " not applicable to " + inputValue);
// keyword 'location' means to re-run checking any element
RetargettedPredicateEvaluation retargetPredicate = new RetargettedPredicateEvaluation(); = target;
retargetPredicate.hasElement = this.clone();
((DslPredicateDefault)retargetPredicate.hasElement).target = null;
return Maybe.of(retargetPredicate);
protected <T> Maybe<Object> resolvePluralNormallyOrSingularAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(String target, Object inputValue, String plural, Class<T> suitableTargetType, Function<Object,Maybe<Object>> retargetValue,
String singular, Predicate<Object> checkSingularTargetPredicateRetargettingNotNeeded) {
if (plural.equals(target)) {
T retargettableTarget = getTypeFromValueOrContext(suitableTargetType, inputValue);
if (retargettableTarget==null) {
return Maybe.absent("Target " + target + " not applicable to " + inputValue);
return retargetValue.apply(retargettableTarget);
if (singular.equals(target)) {
return resolveAsHasElementRetargettedPredicate(target, inputValue, checkSingularTargetPredicateRetargettingNotNeeded, suitableTargetType, retargetValue);
// checks didn't apply
return null;
public void applyToResolved(Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts checker) {
super.applyToResolved(result, checker);
checker.check(tag, result, this::checkTag);
protected void handleNoChecks(Maybe<Object> result, CheckCounts checker) {
if (target!=null || config!=null || sensor!=null) {
// if no test specified, but test or config is, then treat as implicit presence check
checkWhen(WhenPresencePredicate.PRESENT_NON_NULL, result, checker);
super.handleNoChecks(result, checker);
public boolean checkTag(DslPredicate tagCheck, Object value) {
if (value instanceof BrooklynObject) return ((BrooklynObject) value).tags().getTags().stream().anyMatch(tag);
return false;
public static class DslEntityPredicateDefault extends DslPredicateDefault<Entity> implements DslEntityPredicate {
public DslEntityPredicateDefault() { super(); }
public DslEntityPredicateDefault(String implicitEquals) { super(implicitEquals); }
public static class DslPredicateJsonDeserializer extends JsonSymbolDependentDeserializer {
public static final Set<Class> DSL_REGISTERED_CLASSES = ImmutableSet.<Class>of(
DslPredicate.class, DslEntityPredicate.class);
public static final Set<Class> DSL_RESTRICTED_CLASSES = ImmutableSet.<Class>of(
public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException {
return super.createContextual(ctxt, property);
protected boolean isTypeReplaceableByDefault() {
if (type!=null && DSL_RESTRICTED_CLASSES.contains(type.getRawClass())) {
// don't allow setting our default type if one of these restricted classes is supplied;
// if we have a map, then we'll still always come to our deserializeObject, with the requested type;
// but if we have a string or other simple token, will never come to our deserializeObject,
// instead it goes to deserializeToken (in superclass) which uses bean deserializer ie constructor,
// which will only work if we replace the type with our getDefaultType(), and we only want string
// implicitEquals to work if a DslPredicate was specified, not for any predicate (as those might be
// for constraints, like "nonNull")
return false;
return super.isTypeReplaceableByDefault();
public JavaType getDefaultType() {
return ctxt.constructType(DslPredicateDefault.class);
protected Object deserializeObject(JsonParser p0) throws IOException {
MutableList<Throwable> errors = MutableList.of();
TokenBuffer pb = BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils.createBufferForParserCurrentObject(p0, ctxt);
try {
Object raw = null;
JsonDeserializer<?> deser;
if (DSL_REGISTERED_CLASSES.contains(type.getRawClass())) {
// just load a map/string, then handle it
deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(ctxt.constructType(Object.class));
raw = deser.deserialize(pb.asParserOnFirstToken(), ctxt);
} else {
// if type is more specific, don't use above routine
// in fact, just fall through to trying super
// deser = CommonTypesSerialization.createBeanDeserializer(ctxt, type);
// raw = deser.deserialize(p, ctxt);
if (raw instanceof Map) {
if (((Map<?, ?>) raw).containsKey("type")) {
// fall through to trying super
raw = null;
} else {
// read as predicate instead
deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(ctxt.constructType(DslEntityPredicateDefault.class));
raw = deser.deserialize(pb.asParserOnFirstToken(), ctxt);
if (type.getRawClass().isInstance(raw)) {
return raw;
if (raw instanceof Predicate || raw instanceof java.util.function.Predicate) {
return TypeCoercions.coerce(raw, type.getRawClass());
if (raw!=null) errors.add(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse '"+raw+"' as a "+type));
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
// try super
return super.deserializeObject(BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils.createParserFromTokenBufferAndParser(pb, p0));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate("Unable to read "+DslPredicate.class, errors);
public static class DslPredicateAdapter implements DslPredicate {
java.util.function.Predicate predicate;
public DslPredicateAdapter(java.util.function.Predicate predicate) {
this.predicate = predicate;
public boolean apply(@Nullable Object t) { return predicate.test(t); }
public static DslPredicate of(Predicate<?> p) {
if (p instanceof DslPredicate) return (DslPredicate) p;
return new DslPredicateAdapter(p);
public static class DslEntityPredicateAdapter implements DslEntityPredicate {
java.util.function.Predicate predicate;
public DslEntityPredicateAdapter(java.util.function.Predicate predicate) {
this.predicate = predicate;
public boolean apply(@Nullable Entity t) { return predicate.test(t); }
public static DslEntityPredicate of(Predicate<? super Entity> p) {
if (p instanceof DslEntityPredicate) return (DslEntityPredicate) p;
return new DslEntityPredicateAdapter(p);
public static DslPredicate alwaysFalse() {
DslEntityPredicateDefault result = new DslEntityPredicateDefault();
result.when = WhenPresencePredicate.NEVER;
return result;
public static DslPredicate alwaysTrue() {
DslEntityPredicateDefault result = new DslEntityPredicateDefault();
result.when = WhenPresencePredicate.ALWAYS;
return result;
public static DslPredicate equalTo(Object x) {
DslEntityPredicateDefault result = new DslEntityPredicateDefault();
result.equals = WrappedValue.of(x);
return result;
public static DslPredicate implicitlyEqualTo(Object x) {
DslEntityPredicateDefault result = new DslEntityPredicateDefault();
result.implicitEquals = WrappedValue.of(x);
return result;
public static DslPredicate instanceOf(Object x) {
DslEntityPredicateDefault result = new DslEntityPredicateDefault();
result.javaInstanceOf = x instanceof DslPredicate ? ((DslPredicate) x) : implicitlyEqualTo(x);
return result;
static class RetargettedPredicateEvaluation<T> extends DslPredicateDefault<T> {
public static class PredicateAssertionFailedException extends UserFacingException {
public PredicateAssertionFailedException(String msg) { super(msg); }
public PredicateAssertionFailedException(String msg, Throwable cause) { super(msg, cause); }