blob: f7610e56a3516b850cc528e892de2694a49eb8b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.internal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.TaskFactory;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.BrooklynObject;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigInheritance;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigInheritances;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigInheritances.BasicConfigValueAtContainer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigMap.ConfigMapWithInheritance;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigValueAtContainer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.BasicConfigInheritance;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys.InheritanceContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.Sanitizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.StructuredConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.BrooklynObjectInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ConfigKeySelfExtracting;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DeferredSupplier;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.ReferenceWithError;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe.MaybeSupplier;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public abstract class AbstractConfigMapImpl<TContainer extends BrooklynObject> implements ConfigMapWithInheritance<TContainer> {
* Changed Sept 2016 so that keys can determine inheritance strategy at every level in the hierarchy,
* and signifcantly refactored to share code among subclasses, adding Location as a subclass.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractConfigMapImpl.class);
protected final TContainer bo;
* Map of configuration information that is defined at start-up time for the entity. These
* configuration parameters are shared and made accessible to the "children" of this
* entity.
* All iterator accesses (eg copying) should be synchronized. See {@link #putAllOwnConfigIntoSafely(Map)}.
protected final Map<ConfigKey<?>,Object> ownConfig;
protected AbstractConfigMapImpl(TContainer bo) {
// Not using ConcurrentMap, because want to (continue to) allow null values.
// Could use ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals (with the associated performance hit on entrySet() etc).
this(bo, Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<ConfigKey<?>, Object>()));
protected AbstractConfigMapImpl(TContainer bo, Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> storage) { = bo;
this.ownConfig = storage;
public TContainer getContainer() {
return bo;
public abstract <T> void assertValid(ConfigKey<T> key, T val);
protected final BrooklynObjectInternal getBrooklynObject() {
return (BrooklynObjectInternal)bo;
public <T> T getConfig(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return getConfigImpl(key, false).getWithoutError().get();
public <T> T getConfig(HasConfigKey<T> key) {
return getConfig(key.getConfigKey());
public Maybe<Object> getConfigLocalRaw(ConfigKey<?> key) {
return getConfigRaw(key, false);
protected abstract ExecutionContext getExecutionContext(BrooklynObject bo);
protected abstract void postLocalEvaluate(ConfigKey<?> key, BrooklynObject bo, Maybe<?> rawValue, Maybe<?> resolvedValue);
public Map<ConfigKey<?>,Object> getAllConfigLocalRaw() {
Map<ConfigKey<?>,Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<ConfigKey<?>,Object>();
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
protected Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> putAllOwnConfigIntoSafely(Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> result) {
synchronized (ownConfig) {
return result;
protected ConfigBag putAllOwnConfigIntoSafely(ConfigBag bag) {
synchronized (ownConfig) {
return bag.putAll(ownConfig);
/** As {@link #getAllConfigLocalRaw()} } but in a {@link ConfigBag} for convenience */
public ConfigBag getLocalConfigBag() {
return putAllOwnConfigIntoSafely(ConfigBag.newInstance()).seal();
/** used in putAll, does coercion but bypasses validation; also used in AbstractEntity#setConfigEvenIfOwned */
public Object setConfig(final ConfigKey<?> key, Object v) {
return setConfigCoercingAndValidating(key, v, false).getLeft();
public <T> Pair<Object,Object> setConfigCoercingAndValidating(final ConfigKey<T> key, Object v, boolean validate) {
// Use our own key for writing, (e.g. in-case it should (or should not) be a structured key like MapConfigKey).
// This is same logic as for getConfig, except we only have to look at our own container.
ConfigKey<T> ownKey = getKeyAtContainer(getContainer(), key);
if (ownKey==null) ownKey = key;
Object val = coerceConfigValAndValidate(ownKey, v, validate);
Object oldVal;
if (ownKey instanceof StructuredConfigKey) {
oldVal = ((StructuredConfigKey)ownKey).applyValueToMap(val, ownConfig);
} else {
oldVal = ownConfig.put(ownKey, val);
return ImmutablePair.of(oldVal, val);
protected abstract void postSetConfig();
public void setLocalConfig(Map<ConfigKey<?>, ?> vals) {
synchronized (ownConfig) {
public void setRaw(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean preferContainerKey, Object value) {
synchronized (ownConfig) {
ConfigKey<?> ownKey = preferContainerKey ? getKeyAtContainer(getContainer(), key) : null;
if (ownKey==null) ownKey = key;
ownConfig.put(key, value);
public void putAll(Map<?,?> vals) {
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : vals.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey()==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot put null key into "+this);
else if (entry.getKey() instanceof String)
setConfig(ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Object.class, (String)entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
else if (entry.getKey() instanceof ConfigKey)
setConfig((ConfigKey<Object>)entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
else if (entry.getKey() instanceof HasConfigKey)
setConfig( ((HasConfigKey<Object>)entry.getKey()).getConfigKey(), entry.getValue() );
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot put key "+entry.getKey()+" (unknown type "+entry.getKey().getClass()+") into "+this);
public void removeKey(String key) {
ownConfig.remove(ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Object.class, key));
public void removeKey(ConfigKey<?> key) {
protected final TContainer getParent() {
return getParentOfContainer(getContainer());
protected final BrooklynObjectInternal getParentInternal() {
return (BrooklynObjectInternal) getParent();
public Maybe<Object> getConfigRaw(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean includeInherited) {
// NB: does not respect inheritance modes; see methods in ConfigMap.ConfigInheritance
if (ownConfig.containsKey(key)) {
return Maybe.of(ownConfig.get(key));
for (String deprecatedName : key.getDeprecatedNames()) {
// Unfortunately `config.putAll(map.of(string, val))` (for dynamic config keys,
// i.e. where the key is not pre-defined on the entity). Unfortunately that
// means subsequent lookup must synthesise keys for each deprecated name.
ConfigKey<?> deprecatedKey = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyRenamed(deprecatedName, key);
if (ownConfig.containsKey(deprecatedKey)) {
LOG.warn("Retrieving value with deprecated config key name '"+deprecatedName+"' for key "+key);
return Maybe.of(ownConfig.get(deprecatedKey));
if (key instanceof AbstractStructuredConfigKey) {
// for structured keys, compute the raw value
Object result = ((AbstractStructuredConfigKey) key).rawValue(ownConfig);
if (result instanceof Iterable) {
if (!((Iterable)result).iterator().hasNext()) return Maybe.absent("No value for structured collection key "+key);
} else if (result instanceof Map) {
if (((Map)result).isEmpty()) return Maybe.absent("No value for structured map key "+key);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unsupported structured config key "+key+"; may return default empty value if unset");
return Maybe.ofDisallowingNull(result);
if (!includeInherited || getParent()==null) return Maybe.absent();
return getParentInternal().config().getInternalConfigMap().getConfigRaw(key, includeInherited);
protected final Object coerceConfigVal(ConfigKey<?> key, Object v) {
return coerceConfigValAndValidate(key, v, false);
/** see also {@link #resolveCoerceAndValidate(BrooklynObject, String, Object, TypeToken, ConfigKey, ConfigKey)} */
protected <T> Object coerceConfigValAndValidate(ConfigKey<T> key, Object v, boolean validate) {
Object result = coerceConfigValPreValidate(key, v);
// previously validation was only done in a few paths, and before coercion, and cast exceptions were ignored.
// now (2021) validation is done after coercion, on more paths but not all; but not for futures etc.
// now we are also validating on retrieval, for all types.
if (validate) {
assertValid(key, (T)result);
return result;
protected <T> Object coerceConfigValPreValidate(ConfigKey<T> key, Object v) {
if ((v instanceof Future) || (v instanceof DeferredSupplier) || (v instanceof TaskFactory)) {
// no coercion for these (coerce on exit)
return v;
} else if (key instanceof StructuredConfigKey) {
// no coercion for these structures (they decide what to do)
return v;
} else if ((v instanceof Map || v instanceof Iterable) && isStructurallyCompatible(key, v)) {
// don't do coercion on put for these, if the key type is compatible,
// because that will force resolution deeply
return v;
} else {
T result;
try {
// try to coerce on input, to detect errors sooner
result = (T) TypeCoercions.coerce(v, key.getTypeToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Cannot coerce or set "+v+" to "+key, e);
// in early days (<2017?) we would warn on setting, only throw on retrieval;
// but now throw on setting if it is coercible
return result;
private <T> boolean isStructurallyCompatible(ConfigKey<T> key, Object v) {
if (key.getType().isInstance(v)) return true;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(key.getType())) {
if (v instanceof Iterable) {
return true;
return false;
public int size() {
return ownConfig.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return ownConfig.isEmpty();
protected ConfigInheritance getDefaultRuntimeInheritance() {
return BasicConfigInheritance.OVERWRITE;
public <T> ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,T>> getConfigAndContainer(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return getConfigImpl(key, false);
protected abstract TContainer getParentOfContainer(TContainer container);
@Nullable protected final <T> ConfigKey<T> getKeyAtContainer(TContainer container, ConfigKey<T> queryKey) {
if (container==null) return null;
ConfigKey<T> candidate = (ConfigKey<T>) getKeyAtContainerImpl(container, queryKey);
return candidate;
@Nullable protected abstract <T> ConfigKey<?> getKeyAtContainerImpl(@Nonnull TContainer container, ConfigKey<T> queryKey);
protected abstract Collection<ConfigKey<?>> getKeysAtContainer(@Nonnull TContainer container);
protected Maybe<Object> getRawValueAtContainer(TContainer container, ConfigKey<? extends Object> configKey) {
return ((BrooklynObjectInternal)container).config().getInternalConfigMap().getConfigLocalRaw(configKey);
/** finds the value at the given container/key, taking in to account any resolution expected by the key (eg for map keys).
* the input is the value in the {@link #ownConfig} map taken from {@link #getRawValueAtContainer(BrooklynObject, ConfigKey)},
* but the key may have other plans.
* current impl just uses the key to extract again which is a little bit wasteful but simpler.
* <p>
* this does not do any resolution with respect to ancestors. */
protected Maybe<Object> resolveRawValueFromContainer(TContainer container, ConfigKey<?> key, Maybe<Object> value) {
Maybe<Object> result = resolveRawValueFromContainerIgnoringDeprecatedNames(container, key, value);
if (result.isPresent()) return result;
// See AbstractconfigMapImpl.getConfigRaw(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean includeInherited) for how/why it
// handles deprecated names
for (String deprecatedName : key.getDeprecatedNames()) {
ConfigKey<?> deprecatedKey = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyRenamed(deprecatedName, key);
result = resolveRawValueFromContainerIgnoringDeprecatedNames(container, deprecatedKey, value);
if (result.isPresent()) {
LOG.warn("Retrieving value with deprecated config key name '"+deprecatedName+"' for key "+key);
return result;
return result;
private Maybe<Object> resolveRawValueFromContainerIgnoringDeprecatedNames(TContainer container, ConfigKey<?> key, Maybe<Object> value) {
Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> oc = ((AbstractConfigMapImpl<?>) ((BrooklynObjectInternal)container).config().getInternalConfigMap()).ownConfig;
if (key instanceof ConfigKeySelfExtracting) {
if (((ConfigKeySelfExtracting<?>)key).isSet(oc)) {
Map<ConfigKey<?>, ?> ownCopy;
synchronized (oc) {
// wasteful to make a copy to look up; maybe try once opportunistically?
ownCopy = MutableMap.copyOf(oc);
// would be cleaner here to have an extractValueMaybe but semantics can get confusing whether absent
// means no value can be extracted (getRaw semantics) and immediate mode is on but blocking is needed (ImmediateSupplier semantics);
// simpler not to support maybe, in which case here null means the former, and the latter throws something (which the caller catches)
Maybe<Object> result = Maybe.of((Object) ((ConfigKeySelfExtracting<?>) key).extractValue(ownCopy, getExecutionContext(container)) );
postLocalEvaluate(key, bo, value, result);
return result;
} else {
return Maybe.absent();
} else {
// all our keys are self-extracting
LOG.warn("Unexpected key type "+key+" ("+key.getClass()+") in "+bo+"; ignoring value");
return Maybe.absent();
/** see also {@link #coerceConfigVal(ConfigKey, Object)} */
protected <T> T resolveCoerceAndValidate(TContainer container, String name, Object value, TypeToken<T> type, ConfigKey<?> key1, ConfigKey<?> key2) {
if (type==null || value==null) return (T) value;
ExecutionContext exec = getExecutionContext(container);
try {
T result = Tasks.resolveDeepValueCoerced(value, type, exec, "config "+name); // entity should be in context, and entity toString might be disallowed (during initial validation)
assertValid((ConfigKey) key1, value);
if (key2!=null && !Objects.equals(key1, key2)) assertValid((ConfigKey) key2, value);
// best effort to preserve/enforce immutability for defaults
if (result instanceof Map) return (T) Collections.unmodifiableMap((Map<?,?>)result);
if (result instanceof List) return (T) Collections.unmodifiableList((List<?>)result);
if (result instanceof Set) return (T) Collections.unmodifiableSet((Set<?>)result);
if (result instanceof Collection) return (T) Collections.unmodifiableCollection((Collection<?>)result);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Error coercing " + container + "->" + name, e);
protected <T> ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,T>> getConfigImpl(final ConfigKey<T> queryKey, final boolean raw) {
if (queryKey==null) {
return ReferenceWithError.newInstanceThrowingError(new BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,T>(getContainer(), null, null, false,
new NullPointerException("Query key cannot be null"));
// In case this entity class has overridden the given key (e.g. to set default), then retrieve this entity's key
Function<TContainer, ConfigKey<T>> keyFn = new Function<TContainer, ConfigKey<T>>() {
@Override public ConfigKey<T> apply(TContainer input) {
// should return null if the key is not known, to indicate selected inheritance rules from base key should take effect
return getKeyAtContainer(input, queryKey);
ConfigKey<T> ownKey1 = keyFn.apply(getContainer());
if (ownKey1==null) ownKey1 = queryKey;
final ConfigKey<T> ownKey = ownKey1;
// NB: can't use ""+getContainerImpl() as this can loop in the case of locations looking up ports
final TypeToken<T> type = (TypeToken<T>) moreSpecificOrWarningPreferringFirst(ownKey, queryKey, ""+getContainer().getId()+"["+getContainer().getDisplayName()+"]");
// takes type of own key (or query key if own key not available)
// takes default of own key if available and has default, else of query key
Function<Maybe<Object>, Maybe<T>> coerceFn = new Function<Maybe<Object>, Maybe<T>>() {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Maybe<T> apply(Maybe<Object> input) {
if (raw || input==null || input.isAbsent()) return (Maybe<T>)input;
// use lambda to defer execution if default value not needed.
// this coercion should never be persisted so this is safe.
return new MaybeSupplier<T>(() -> (resolveCoerceAndValidate(getContainer(), ownKey.getName(), input.get(), type, ownKey, queryKey)));
// prefer default and type of ownKey
Maybe<T> defaultValue = raw ? Maybe.<T>absent() :
ownKey.hasDefaultValue() ? coerceFn.apply(Maybe.of((Object)ownKey.getDefaultValue())) :
queryKey.hasDefaultValue() ? coerceFn.apply(Maybe.of((Object)queryKey.getDefaultValue())) :
if (ownKey instanceof ConfigKeySelfExtracting) {
Function<TContainer, Maybe<Object>> lookupFn = new Function<TContainer, Maybe<Object>>() {
@Override public Maybe<Object> apply(TContainer input) {
// lookup against ownKey as it may do extra resolution (eg grab *.* subkeys if a map)
Maybe<Object> result = getRawValueAtContainer(input, ownKey);
if (!raw) result = resolveRawValueFromContainer(input, ownKey, result);
return result;
Function<TContainer, TContainer> parentFn = new Function<TContainer, TContainer>() {
@Override public TContainer apply(TContainer input) {
return getParentOfContainer(input);
AncestorContainerAndKeyValueIterator<TContainer, T> ckvi = new AncestorContainerAndKeyValueIterator<TContainer,T>(
getContainer(), keyFn, lookupFn, coerceFn, parentFn);
return ConfigInheritances.resolveInheriting(
getContainer(), ownKey, coerceFn.apply(lookupFn.apply(getContainer())), defaultValue,
ckvi, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT, getDefaultRuntimeInheritance());
} else {
String message = "Config key "+ownKey+" of "+getBrooklynObject()+" is not a ConfigKeySelfExtracting; cannot retrieve value; returning default";
return ReferenceWithError.newInstanceThrowingError(new BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,T>(getContainer(), ownKey, null, false,
new IllegalStateException(message));
private static TypeToken<?> moreSpecificOrWarningPreferringFirst(ConfigKey<?> ownKey, ConfigKey<?> queryKey, String context) {
if (ownKey==null && queryKey==null) return null;
if (queryKey==null) return ownKey.getTypeToken();
if (ownKey==null) return queryKey.getTypeToken();
TypeToken<?> ownType = ownKey.getTypeToken();
TypeToken<?> queryType = queryKey.getTypeToken();
if (queryType.isSupertypeOf(ownType)) {
// own type is same or more specific, normal path
return ownType;
if (ownType.isSupertypeOf(queryType)) {
// query type is more specific than type defined; unusual but workable
LOG.debug("Query for "+queryKey+" wants more specific type than key "+ownKey+" declared on "+context+" (unusual but clear what to do)");
// previously (to 2017-11) we used the less specific type, only issue noticed was if an anonymous key is persisted
// ie so a non-declared key before rebind becomes a declared key afterwards. we're going to fix that also.
return queryType;
// types are incompatible - continue previous behaviour of preferring own key, but warn
LOG.warn("Query for "+queryKey+" on "+context+" matched incompatible declared type in key "+ownKey+"; using the declared type");
return ownType;
public List<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>> getConfigAllInheritedRaw(ConfigKey<?> queryKey) {
List<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>> result = MutableList.of();
TContainer c = getContainer();
int count=0;
final InheritanceContext context = InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT;
ConfigInheritance currentInheritance = ConfigInheritances.findInheritance(queryKey, context, getDefaultRuntimeInheritance());
BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, Object> last = null;
while (c!=null) {
Maybe<Object> v = getRawValueAtContainer(c, queryKey);
BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, Object> next = new BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, Object>(c, getKeyAtContainer(c, queryKey), v);
if (last!=null && !currentInheritance.considerParent(last, next, context)) break;
ConfigInheritance currentInheritanceExplicit = ConfigInheritances.findInheritance(next.getKey(), InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT, null);
if (currentInheritanceExplicit!=null) {
if (count>0 && !currentInheritanceExplicit.isReinheritable(next, context)) break;
currentInheritance = currentInheritanceExplicit;
if (next.isValueExplicitlySet()) result.add(0, next);
last = next;
c = getParentOfContainer(c);
return result;
public Set<ConfigKey<?>> findKeysDeclared(Predicate<? super ConfigKey<?>> filter) {
return findKeys(filter, KeyFindingMode.DECLARED_OR_PRESENT);
public Set<ConfigKey<?>> findKeysPresent(Predicate<? super ConfigKey<?>> filter) {
return findKeys(filter, KeyFindingMode.PRESENT_AND_RESOLVED);
protected Set<ConfigKey<?>> findKeys(Predicate<? super ConfigKey<?>> filter, KeyFindingMode mode) {
MutableSet<ConfigKey<?>> result = MutableSet.of();
// always put present ones first, in the order they were specified
for (ConfigKey<?> k: Iterables.filter(ownConfig.keySet(), filter)) {
if (result.contains(k)) continue;
if (mode!=KeyFindingMode.PRESENT_NOT_RESOLVED) {
ConfigKey<?> k2 = getKeyAtContainer(getContainer(), k);
if (k2!=null) k = k2;
// then add any additional ones declared on the type
if (mode==KeyFindingMode.DECLARED_OR_PRESENT) {
result.addAll( Iterables.filter(getKeysAtContainer(getContainer()), filter) );
// due to set semantics local should be added first, it prevents equal items from parent from being added on top
if (getParent()!=null) {
// now take from runtime parents, but filtered
Set<ConfigKey<?>> inherited;
switch (mode) {
case DECLARED_OR_PRESENT: inherited = getParentInternal().config().getInternalConfigMap().findKeysDeclared(filter); break;
case PRESENT_AND_RESOLVED: inherited = getParentInternal().config().getInternalConfigMap().findKeysPresent(filter); break;
case PRESENT_NOT_RESOLVED: inherited = ((AbstractConfigMapImpl) getParentInternal().config().getInternalConfigMap()).findKeys(filter, KeyFindingMode.PRESENT_NOT_RESOLVED); break;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported key finding mode: "+mode);
// TODO due to recursive nature we call this N times for the Nth level ancestor
result.addAll( filterOutRuntimeNotReinherited(inherited) );
return result;
private static Set<ConfigKey<?>> filterOutRuntimeNotReinherited(Set<ConfigKey<?>> inherited) {
Set<ConfigKey<?>> result = MutableSet.of();
for (ConfigKey<?> k: inherited) {
if (ConfigInheritances.isKeyReinheritable(k, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT)) {
return result;
public ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>> getConfigInheritedRaw(ConfigKey<?> key) {
return (ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>) (ReferenceWithError<?>) getConfigImpl(key, true);
public Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> getAllConfigInheritedRawValuesIgnoringErrors() {
Map<ConfigKey<?>, ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>>> input = getAllConfigInheritedRawWithErrors();
Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> result = MutableMap.of();
for (Map.Entry<ConfigKey<?>, ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>>> pair: input.entrySet()) {
result.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue().getWithoutError().get());
return result;
public Map<ConfigKey<?>, ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>>> getAllConfigInheritedRawWithErrors() {
return getSelectedConfigInheritedRaw(null, false);
public Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>> getAllReinheritableConfigRaw() {
return getSelectedConfigInheritedRaw(null, true);
protected Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>> getSelectedConfigInheritedRaw(Map<ConfigKey<?>,ConfigKey<?>> knownKeysAtDescendants,
/* if true, only returns keys which are intended for inheritance by our descendants */ boolean onlyReinheritable) {
Map<ConfigKey<?>, ConfigKey<?>> knownKeysOnType = MutableMap.of();
for (ConfigKey<?> k: getKeysAtContainer(getContainer())) knownKeysOnType.put(k, k);
Map<ConfigKey<?>, ConfigKey<?>> knownKeysIncludingDescendants = MutableMap.copyOf(knownKeysAtDescendants);
Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>> parents = MutableMap.of();
if (getParent()!=null) {
Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>> po = (Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>>) (Map<?,?>)
((AbstractConfigMapImpl<?>)getParentInternal().config().getInternalConfigMap()).getSelectedConfigInheritedRaw(knownKeysIncludingDescendants, true);
Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> local = getAllConfigLocalRaw();
Map<ConfigKey<?>,ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,?>>> result = MutableMap.of();
for (ConfigKey<?> kSet: MutableSet.copyOf(local.keySet()).putAll(parents.keySet())) {
Maybe<Object> localValue = local.containsKey(kSet) ? Maybe.ofAllowingNull(local.get(kSet)) : Maybe.absent();
ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>> vpr = parents.remove(kSet);
ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, Object> vp = vpr==null ? null : (ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,Object>) vpr.getWithoutError();
@Nullable ConfigKey<?> kOnType = knownKeysOnType.get(kSet);
@Nullable ConfigKey<?> kTypeOrDescendant = knownKeysIncludingDescendants.get(kSet);
assert kOnType==null || kOnType==kTypeOrDescendant;
// if no key on type, we must use any descendant declared key here
// so that the correct descendant conflict resolution strategy is applied
ConfigInheritance inhHereOrDesc = ConfigInheritances.findInheritance(kTypeOrDescendant, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT, null);
if (inhHereOrDesc==null) {
inhHereOrDesc = kSet.getInheritanceByContext(InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT);
if (inhHereOrDesc != null) {
kOnType = kTypeOrDescendant = kSet; // prefer kset if it has inheritance set (locally by value but not on type, e.g. because key was removed from type while still present)
} else {
inhHereOrDesc = getDefaultRuntimeInheritance();
// however for the purpose of qualifying we must not give any key except what is exactly declared here,
// else reinheritance will be incorrectly deduced
ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,Object> vl = new BasicConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer,Object>(getContainer(), kOnType, localValue);
ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, Object>> vlr = null;
if (inhHereOrDesc.considerParent(vl, vp, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT)) {
vlr = inhHereOrDesc.resolveWithParent(vl, vp, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT);
} else {
// no need to consider parent, just take vl
if (!vl.isValueExplicitlySet()) {
// inherited parent value NEVER_INHERIT ie overwritten by default value or null here
vlr = ReferenceWithError.newInstanceWithoutError(vl);
if (onlyReinheritable) {
ConfigInheritance inhHere = ConfigInheritances.findInheritance(kOnType, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT, getDefaultRuntimeInheritance());
if (
//2023-02 previously required the local value to be absent but that now seems wrong
//localValue.isAbsent() &&
!inhHere.isReinheritable(vl, InheritanceContext.RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT)) {
// skip this one
ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>> vlro = (ReferenceWithError<ConfigValueAtContainer<TContainer, ?>>) (ReferenceWithError<?>) vlr;
result.put(kSet, vlro);
assert parents.isEmpty();
return result;
public String toString() {
Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> sanitizeConfig;
synchronized (ownConfig) {
sanitizeConfig = Sanitizer.sanitize(ownConfig);
return super.toString()+"[local="+sanitizeConfig+"]";