blob: b0757bacc82a6677be5b2c74159ea95ca20a9617 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ExecutionManager;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.HasTaskChildren;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.TaskAdaptable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.entitlement.EntitlementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags.WrappedEntity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags.WrappedItem;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.entitlement.Entitlements;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.BasicExecutionManager.BrooklynTaskLoggingMdc;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.ImmediateSupplier.ImmediateUnsupportedException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Threads;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.CountdownTimer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A means of executing tasks against an ExecutionManager with a given bucket/set of tags pre-defined
* (so that it can look like an {@link Executor} and also supply {@link ExecutorService#submit(Callable)}
public class BasicExecutionContext extends AbstractExecutionContext {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicExecutionContext.class);
static final ThreadLocal<BasicExecutionContext> perThreadExecutionContext = new ThreadLocal<BasicExecutionContext>();
/** @deprecated since 1.1 use BasicExecutionManager.LOGGING_MDC_KEY_ENTITY_IDS */
public static final String ENTITY_IDS = BasicExecutionManager.LOGGING_MDC_KEY_ENTITY_IDS;
/** @deprecated since 1.1 use BasicExecutionManager.LOGGING_MDC_KEY_TASK_ID */
public static final String TASK_ID = BasicExecutionManager.LOGGING_MDC_KEY_TASK_ID;
public static BasicExecutionContext getCurrentExecutionContext() { return perThreadExecutionContext.get(); }
final ExecutionManager executionManager;
final Set<Object> tags = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
public BasicExecutionContext(ExecutionManager executionManager) {
this(executionManager, null);
* As {@link #BasicExecutionContext(ExecutionManager, Iterable)} but taking a flags map.
* Supported flags are {@code tag} and {@code tags}
* @see ExecutionManager#submit(Map, TaskAdaptable)
* @deprecated since 1.0.0 use {@link #BasicExecutionContext(ExecutionManager, Iterable)}
public BasicExecutionContext(Map<?, ?> flags, ExecutionManager executionManager) {
this(executionManager, MutableSet.of().put(flags.remove("tag")).putAll((Iterable<?>)flags.remove("tag")));
if (!flags.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Unexpected flags passed to execution context ("+tags+"): "+flags,
new Throwable("Trace for unexpected flags passed to execution context"));
* Creates an execution context which wraps {@link ExecutionManager}
* adding the given tags to all tasks submitted through this context.
public BasicExecutionContext(ExecutionManager executionManager, Iterable<?> tagsForThisContext) {
this.executionManager = executionManager;
if (tagsForThisContext!=null) Iterables.addAll(tags, tagsForThisContext);
// brooklyn-specific check, just for sanity
// the context tag should always be a non-proxy entity, because that is what is passed to effector tasks
// which may require access to internal methods
// (could remove this check if generalizing; it has been here for a long time and the problem seems gone)
for (Object tag: tags) {
if (tag instanceof BrooklynTaskTags.WrappedItem) {
if (Proxy.isProxyClass(((WrappedItem<?>)tag).unwrap().getClass())) {
log.warn(""+this+" has entity proxy in "+tag);
public ExecutionManager getExecutionManager() {
return executionManager;
/** returns tasks started by this context (or tasks which have all the tags on this object) */
public Set<Task<?>> getTasks() { return executionManager.getTasksWithAllTags(tags); }
public <T> T get(TaskAdaptable<T> task) {
final TaskInternal<T> t = (TaskInternal<T>) task.asTask();
if (t.isQueuedOrSubmitted()) {
return t.getUnchecked();
ContextSwitchingInfo<T> switchContextWrapper = getContextSwitchingTask(t, Collections.emptyList(), false);
if (switchContextWrapper!=null) {
return switchContextWrapper.context.get(switchContextWrapper.wrapperTask);
try {
return runInSameThread(t, new Callable<Maybe<T>>() {
public Maybe<T> call() throws Exception {
return Maybe.of(t.getJob().call());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
// could perhaps use Guava's SettableFuture -- though would have to take care re
// supporting set(Maybe<T>)
private static class SimpleFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
boolean cancelled = false;
boolean done = false;
Maybe<T> result;
public synchronized Maybe<T> set(Maybe<T> result) {
this.result = result;
done = true;
return result;
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
cancelled = true;
return true;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public boolean isDone() {
return done || cancelled;
public T get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
if (!isDone()) {
synchronized (this) {
while (!isDone()) {
if (isCancelled() && !done) {
throw new CancellationException();
return result.get();
public synchronized T get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
if (isDone()) return get();
CountdownTimer time = CountdownTimer.newInstanceStarted( Duration.of(timeout, unit) );
while (!time.isExpired()) {
if (isDone()) return get();
throw new TimeoutException();
/** Internal utility method to avoid replication between
* implementations in {@link #get(TaskAdaptable)} and {@link #getImmediately(Object)}.
* The two submit different jobs but after doing a lot of the same setup and catch/finally.
* Logic re return type is a little fiddly given the differences but should be clearer
* seeing how the two work (as opposed to this method being designed as something
* more generally useful). */
private <T> Maybe<T> runInSameThread(final Task<T> task, Callable<Maybe<T>> job) {
Set<Object> mutableTags = ((TaskInternal<T>) task).getMutableTags();
Task currentTask = Tasks.current();
if (currentTask !=null && BrooklynTaskTags.isTransient(currentTask)
&& !mutableTags.contains(BrooklynTaskTags.NON_TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG) && !mutableTags.contains(BrooklynTaskTags.TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG)) {
// tag as transient if submitter is transient, unless explicitly tagged as non-transient
Task<?> previousTask = BasicExecutionManager.getPerThreadCurrentTask().get();
BasicExecutionContext oldExecutionContext = getCurrentExecutionContext();
((BasicExecutionManager)executionManager).beforeSubmitInSameThreadTask(null, task);
SimpleFuture<T> future = new SimpleFuture<>();
Throwable error = null;
if (currentTask instanceof BasicTask) ((BasicTask) currentTask).setBlockingTask(task);
try (BrooklynTaskLoggingMdc mdc = BrooklynTaskLoggingMdc.create(task).start()) {
((BasicExecutionManager)executionManager).afterSubmitRecordFuture(task, future);
((BasicExecutionManager)executionManager).beforeStartInSameThreadTask(null, task);
return future.set(;
} catch (Exception e) {
error = e;
// error above will be rethrown by `afterEnd`
return null; // not actually returned
} finally {
if (currentTask instanceof BasicTask) ((BasicTask) currentTask).resetBlockingTask();
try {
((BasicExecutionManager)executionManager).afterEndInSameThreadTask(null, task, error);
} finally {
public <T> Maybe<T> getImmediately(Task<T> callableOrSupplier) {
return getImmediately((Object) callableOrSupplier);
/** performs execution without spawning a new task thread, though it does temporarily set a fake task for the purpose of getting context;
* currently supports {@link Supplier}, {@link Callable}, {@link Runnable}, or {@link Task} instances;
* with tasks if it is submitted or in progress,
* it fails if not completed; with unsubmitted, unqueued tasks, it gets the {@link Callable} job and
* uses that; with such a job, or any other callable/supplier/runnable, it runs that
* in an {@link InterruptingImmediateSupplier}, with as much metadata as possible (eg task name if
* given a task) set <i>temporarily</i> in the current thread context */
public <T> Maybe<T> getImmediately(Object callableOrSupplier) {
BasicTask<T> fakeTaskForContext;
if (callableOrSupplier instanceof BasicTask) {
fakeTaskForContext = (BasicTask<T>)callableOrSupplier;
if (fakeTaskForContext.isQueuedOrSubmitted()) {
if (fakeTaskForContext.isDone()) {
return Maybe.of(fakeTaskForContext.getUnchecked());
} else {
throw new ImmediateUnsupportedException("Task is in progress and incomplete: "+fakeTaskForContext);
callableOrSupplier = fakeTaskForContext.getJob();
} else if (callableOrSupplier instanceof TaskAdaptable) {
Task<T> task = ((TaskAdaptable<T>)callableOrSupplier).asTask();
if (task == callableOrSupplier) {
// Our TaskAdaptable was a task, but not a BasicTask.
// Avoid infinite recursion (don't just call ourselves again!).
if (task.isDone()) {
return Maybe.of(task.getUnchecked());
} else if (task.isSubmitted() || task.isBegun()) {
throw new ImmediateUnsupportedException("Task is in progress and incomplete: "+task);
} else {
throw new ImmediateUnsupportedException("Task not a 'BasicTask', so cannot extract job to get immediately: "+task);
} else {
// recurse - try again with the task we've just generated
return getImmediately(task);
} else {
fakeTaskForContext = new BasicTask<T>(MutableMap.of("displayName", "Immediate evaluation"));
final ImmediateSupplier<T> job = callableOrSupplier instanceof ImmediateSupplier ? (ImmediateSupplier<T>) callableOrSupplier
: InterruptingImmediateSupplier.<T>of(callableOrSupplier);
ContextSwitchingInfo<T> switchContextWrapper = getContextSwitchingTask(fakeTaskForContext, Collections.emptyList(), true);
if (switchContextWrapper!=null) {
return switchContextWrapper.context.getImmediately(switchContextWrapper.wrapperTask);
try {
return runInSameThread(fakeTaskForContext, new Callable<Maybe<T>>() {
public Maybe<T> call() throws Exception {
try {
return Threads.runTemporarilyUninterrupted(job::getImmediately);
} finally {
// we've acknowledged that getImmediate may wreck (cancel) the task,
// their first priority is to prevent them from leaking;
// however previously we did the cancel before running,
// doing it after means more tasks successfully execute
// (the interrupt is sufficient to prevent them blocking);
// see test EffectorSayHiTest.testInvocationGetImmediately
} });
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected <T> Task<T> submitInternal(Map<?,?> propertiesQ, final Object task) {
if (task instanceof TaskAdaptable<?> && !(task instanceof Task<?>))
return submitInternal(propertiesQ, ((TaskAdaptable<?>)task).asTask());
Map properties = MutableMap.copyOf(propertiesQ);
Collection<Object> taskTags;
if (properties.get("tags")==null) {
taskTags = new ArrayList();
} else {
taskTags = new ArrayList((Collection)properties.get("tags"));
properties.put("tags", taskTags);
if (task instanceof Task<?>) taskTags.addAll( ((Task<?>)task).getTags() );
ContextSwitchingInfo<T> switchContextWrapper = getContextSwitchingTask(task, taskTags, false);
if (switchContextWrapper!=null) {
return switchContextWrapper.context.submit(switchContextWrapper.wrapperTask);
EntitlementContext entitlementContext = BrooklynTaskTags.getEntitlement(taskTags);
if (entitlementContext==null) {
entitlementContext = Entitlements.getEntitlementContext();
if (entitlementContext!=null) {
if (Tasks.current()!=null && BrooklynTaskTags.isTransient(Tasks.current())
&& !taskTags.contains(BrooklynTaskTags.NON_TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG) && !taskTags.contains(BrooklynTaskTags.TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG)) {
// tag as transient if submitter is transient, unless explicitly tagged as non-transient
if (task instanceof ScheduledTask) {
// not run for scheduler
((ScheduledTask)task).executionContext = this;
} else {
final Object startCallback = properties.get("newTaskStartCallback");
properties.put("newTaskStartCallback", new Function<Task<?>, Void>() {
public Void apply(Task<?> it) {
if (startCallback != null) BasicExecutionManager.invokeCallback(startCallback, it);
return null;
final Object endCallback = properties.get("newTaskEndCallback");
properties.put("newTaskEndCallback", new Function<Task<?>, Void>() {
public Void apply(Task<?> it) {
try {
if (endCallback != null) BasicExecutionManager.invokeCallback(endCallback, it);
} finally {
return null;
return submitViaExecutionManagerOrHold(task, properties);
boolean paused = false;
List<Pair<Task,Map>> tasksQueuedWhilePaused = MutableList.of();
public void pause() {
this.paused = true;
public void unpause() {
synchronized (tasksQueuedWhilePaused) {
tasksQueuedWhilePaused.forEach(pair -> submitWithoutCheckingPaused(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight()));
this.paused = false;
private <T> Task submitViaExecutionManagerOrHold(Object task, Map properties) {
Task taskT = null;
if (task instanceof Task) taskT = (Task) task;
else if (task instanceof TaskAdaptable) taskT = ((TaskAdaptable) task).asTask();
else if (task instanceof Callable) taskT = new BasicTask(properties, (Callable)task);
else if (task instanceof Runnable) taskT = new BasicTask(properties, (Runnable)task);
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled task type: task="+ task +"; type="+(task !=null ? task.getClass() : "null"));
if (paused) {
synchronized (tasksQueuedWhilePaused) {
if (paused) {
tasksQueuedWhilePaused.add(Pair.of(taskT, properties));
return taskT;
return submitWithoutCheckingPaused(taskT, properties);
private <T> Task submitWithoutCheckingPaused(Task task, Map properties) {
return executionManager.submit(properties, task);
private String idStack(Entity target) {
Deque<String> ids = new ArrayDeque<>();
Entity e = target;
while (e.getParent() != null) {
e = e.getParent();
return ids.toString().replace(" ", "");
private static class ContextSwitchingInfo<T> {
final ExecutionContext context;
final Task<T> wrapperTask;
ContextSwitchingInfo(ExecutionContext context, Task<T> wrapperTask) {
this.context = context;
this.wrapperTask = wrapperTask;
protected <T> ContextSwitchingInfo<T> getContextSwitchingTask(final Object task, Collection<Object> taskTags, boolean immediate) {
checkUserSuppliedContext(task, taskTags);
Entity target = BrooklynTaskTags.getWrappedEntityOfType(taskTags, BrooklynTaskTags.TARGET_ENTITY);
if (target==null || tags.contains(BrooklynTaskTags.tagForContextEntity(target))) {
return null;
// task is switching execution context boundaries
// some of this is brooklyn-specific logic, should be moved to a BrooklynExecContext subclass;
// the issue is that we want to ensure that cross-entity calls switch execution contexts;
// previously it was all very messy how that was handled (and it didn't really handle it in many cases)
* longer notes:
* you fall in to this block if the caller requests a target entity different to the current context
* (e.g. where entity X is invoking an effector on Y, it will start in X's context,
* but the effector should run in Y's context).
* we need to make sure there is a reference from this execution context to the submitted task,
* IE the submitted task is a child of something in this execution context.
* this ensures it shows up via the REST API and in the UI; without it we lose the reference to the child when browsing in the context of the parent.
* if it is queued or it is already recorded as a child we can simply submit in target context;
* but if not we need to wrap it in a task running in this context with the submitted task as a child to have that reference.
final ExecutionContext tc = ((EntityInternal)target).getExecutionContext();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Switching task context on execution of "+task+": from "+this+" to "+target+" (in "+Tasks.current()+")");
final Task<T> t;
if (task instanceof Task<?>) {
t = (Task<T>)task;
if (Tasks.isQueuedOrSubmitted(t) ||
((Tasks.current() instanceof HasTaskChildren) && Iterables.contains( ((HasTaskChildren)Tasks.current()).getChildren(), t ))) {
// we are already tracked by parent, just submit it
return new ContextSwitchingInfo<>(tc, t);
} else {
// for callables and runnables there is definitely no record
if (task instanceof Callable) {
t = Tasks.<T>builder().dynamic(false).body((Callable<T>)task).build();
} else if (task instanceof Runnable) {
t = Tasks.<T>builder().dynamic(false).body((Runnable)task).build();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled task type: "+task+"; type="+(task!=null ? task.getClass() : "null"));
// // 2017-09 changed, doesn't have to be a dynamic task; can be a simple sequential task wrapping the child
// new ContextSwitchingInfo<>(tc, Tasks.<T>builder().displayName("Cross-context execution: "+t.getDescription()).dynamic(false).parallel(false).body(new Callable<T>() {
// @Override
// public T call() throws Exception {
// if (immediate) return tc.<T>getImmediately(t).get();
// return tc.get(t);
// }
// }).build());
// 2023-03 we can just do this, we don't need the extra wrapper
// (in fact the extra wrapper now makes the UI harder to use as the child task eg tagged EFFECTOR is no longer top-level or cross-context,
// and this cross-context task is not tagged in a useful way) - if this doesn't work then probably the wrapper (above) should copy the interesting tags
new ContextSwitchingInfo<>(tc, t);
private void registerPerThreadExecutionContext() { perThreadExecutionContext.set(this); }
/** For use if external code wants to subsequently use an {@link ExecutionContext} but cannot submit via one.
* Caller should store the result and reset it back afterwards, in case a task may be running
* in the same thread as a synchronous submitter. */
// only LocalSubscriptionManager needs to do that; and it could be refactored to take the execution context rather than tags.
public static BasicExecutionContext setPerThreadExecutionContext(BasicExecutionContext ec) {
BasicExecutionContext old = perThreadExecutionContext.get();
return old;
private void clearPerThreadExecutionContext() { perThreadExecutionContext.remove(); }
private void checkUserSuppliedContext(Object task, Collection<Object> taskTags) {
Entity taskContext = BrooklynTaskTags.getWrappedEntityOfType(taskTags, BrooklynTaskTags.CONTEXT_ENTITY);
Entity defaultContext = BrooklynTaskTags.getWrappedEntityOfType(tags, BrooklynTaskTags.CONTEXT_ENTITY);
if (taskContext != null) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
String msg = "Deprecated since 0.10.0. Task " + task + " is submitted for execution but has context " +
"entity (" + taskContext + ") tag set by the caller. ";
if (taskContext != defaultContext) {
msg += "The context entity of the execution context (" + this + ") the task is submitted on is " +
defaultContext + " which is different. This will cause any of them to be used at random at " +
"runtime. ";
if (task instanceof BasicTask) {
msg += "Fixing the context entity to the latter. ";
msg += "Setting the context entity by the caller is not allowed. See the documentation on " +
"BrooklynTaskTags.tagForContextEntity(Entity) method for more details. Future Apache Brooklyn " +
"releases will throw an exception instead of logging a warning.";
* @deprecated since 0.10.0
// Should we rate limit?
WrappedEntity contextTag = BrooklynTaskTags.tagForContextEntity(taskContext);
while(taskTags.remove(contextTag)) {};
if (task instanceof BasicTask) {
Set<?> mutableTags = BasicTask.class.cast(task).getMutableTags();
public boolean isShutdown() {
return getExecutionManager().isShutdown();
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+"("+tags+")";