blob: bb52a32ade1a37e3564f1379074a88cfe36d8c77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.test.BrooklynMgmtUnitTestSupport;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.steps.variables.TransformVariableWorkflowStep;
import org.apache.brooklyn.test.Asserts;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class ShorthandProcessorTest extends BrooklynMgmtUnitTestSupport {
void assertShorthandOfGives(String template, String input, Map<String,Object> expected) {
Asserts.assertEquals(new ShorthandProcessor(template).process(input).get(), expected);
void assertShorthandOfGivesError(String template, String input, Map<String,Object> expected) {
Asserts.assertEquals(new ShorthandProcessor(template).withFailOnMismatch(false).process(input).get(), expected);
Asserts.assertFails(() -> new ShorthandProcessor(template).withFailOnMismatch(true).process(input).get());
void assertShorthandFinalMatchRawOfGives(String template, String input, Map<String,Object> expected) {
Asserts.assertEquals(new ShorthandProcessor(template).withFinalMatchRaw(true).process(input).get(), expected);
void assertShorthandFailsWith(String template, String input, Consumer<Exception> check) {
try {
new ShorthandProcessor(template).process(input).get();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testShorthandQuoted() {
assertShorthandOfGives("${x}", "hello world", MutableMap.of("x", "hello world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "a is b c", MutableMap.of("x", "a", "y", "b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "a is b \"c\"", MutableMap.of("x", "a", "y", "b \"c\""));
// don't allow intermediate multi-token matching; we could add but not needed yet
// assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "a b is b c", MutableMap.of("x", "a b", "y", "b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "this is b c", MutableMap.of("x", "this", "y", "b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \"is\" ${y}", "this is b c", MutableMap.of("x", "th", "y", "is b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \"is\" ${y}", "\"this\" is b c", MutableMap.of("x", "this", "y", "b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "\"this is b\" is c", MutableMap.of("x", "this is b", "y", "c"));
// quotes with spaces before/after removed
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "\"this is b\" is c is \"is quoted\"", MutableMap.of("x", "this is b", "y", "c is \"is quoted\""));
// if you want quotes, you have to wrap them in quotes
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "\"this is b\" is \"\\\"c is is quoted\\\"\"", MutableMap.of("x", "this is b", "y", "\"c is is quoted\""));
// and only quotes at word end are considered, per below
assertShorthandOfGivesError("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "\"this is b\" is \"\\\"c is \"is quoted\"\\\"\"", MutableMap.of("x", "this is b", "y", "\"c is \"is quoted\"\""));
assertShorthandOfGivesError("${x} \" is \" ${y}", "\"this is b\" is \"\\\"c is \"is quoted\"\\\"\" too", MutableMap.of("x", "this is b", "y", "\"\\\"c is \"is quoted\"\\\"\" too"));
// preserve spaces in a word
assertShorthandOfGives("${x}", "\" sp a ces \"", MutableMap.of("x", " sp a ces "));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x}", "\" sp a ces \" and then some", MutableMap.of("x", "\" sp a ces \" and then some"));
// if you want quotes, you have to wrap them in quotes
assertShorthandOfGives("${x}", "\"\\\"c is is quoted\\\"\"", MutableMap.of("x", "\"c is is quoted\""));
// or use final match quoted
assertShorthandFinalMatchRawOfGives("${x}", "\"\\\"c is is quoted\\\"\"", MutableMap.of("x", "\"\\\"c is is quoted\\\"\""));
// a close quote must come at a word end to be considered
// so this gives an error
assertShorthandFailsWith("${x}", "\"c is \"is", e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContainsIgnoreCase(e, "mismatched", "quot"));
// and this is treated as one quoted string
assertShorthandOfGivesError("${x}", "\"\\\"c is \"is quoted\"\\\"\"", MutableMap.of("x", "\"c is \"is quoted\"\""));
public void testShorthandWithOptionalPart() {
assertShorthandOfGives("[?${hello} \"hello\" ] ${x}", "hello world", MutableMap.of("hello", true, "x", "world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[ \"hello\" ] ${x}", "hello world", MutableMap.of("x", "world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[\"hello\"] ${x}", "hello world", MutableMap.of("x", "world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[\"hello\"] ${x}", "hi world", MutableMap.of("x", "hi world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[?${hello} \"hello\" ] ${x}", "hello world", MutableMap.of("hello", true, "x", "world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[?${hello} \"hello\" ] ${x}", "hi world", MutableMap.of("hello", false, "x", "hi world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key}", "x", MutableMap.of("key", "x"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key} \"=\" ${value}", "x = 1", MutableMap.of("key", "x", "value", "1"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key} \"=\" ${value}", "x=1", MutableMap.of("key", "x", "value", "1"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key} \"=\" ${value}", "integer x=1", MutableMap.of("type", "integer", "key", "x", "value", "1"));
// this matches -- more than one whitespace is not important
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key} \" =\" ${value}", "x =1", MutableMap.of("key", "x", "value", "1"));
// but this does not match
assertShorthandFailsWith("[${type}] ${key} \" =\" ${value}", "x=1", e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContainsIgnoreCase(e, " =", "end of input"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} [ ${y} ]", "hi world", MutableMap.of("x", "hi", "y", "world"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${x} [ ${y} ]", "hi world 1 and 2", MutableMap.of("x", "hi", "y", "world 1 and 2"));
public void testMultiWordShorthand() {
assertShorthandOfGives("${x...} \" is \" ${y}", "a b is c", MutableMap.of("x", "a b", "y", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key...} \"=\" ${value}", "integer a b x=1", MutableMap.of("type", "integer", "key", "a b x", "value", "1"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key...} [\"=\" ${value}]", "integer a b x=1", MutableMap.of("type", "integer", "key", "a b x", "value", "1"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[${type}] ${key...} [\"=\" ${value}]", "integer a b x", MutableMap.of("type", "integer", "key", "a b x"));
assertShorthandFailsWith("[${type}] ${key} [\"=\" ${value}]", "integer a b x",
e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContainsIgnoreCase(e, "input", "trailing characters", "b x"));
assertShorthandFailsWith("[${type}] ${key%...} [\"=\" ${value}]", "integer a b x",
e -> Asserts.expectedFailureContainsIgnoreCase(e, "invalid", "key%"));
optional expressions are greedy -- ie if it can bind an optional expression it will do so
but the ... multi-word match is *not* greedy -- if it can defer extra words until later it will do so
for example given
template [ ${word1...} ] [ ${word2...} ]
to match against a b c
there are 4 valid matches for word1 : unset or a or a b or a b c (with the complement being in word2).
the logic will take the one which matches the optional word1 but as minimally as possible, is word1 is a and word2 is b c
(but if our template were [ ${word1...} ] [ " and " ${word2...} ] then a b c would all have to go into word1 because it cannot match the " and " for word2)
assertShorthandOfGives("[ ${word1...} ] [ ${word2...} ]", "a b c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2" , "b c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2} ] \" and \" ${word3}", "a b and c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2", "b", "word3", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2} ] \" and \" ${word3}", "a and c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word3", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2} ] \" and \" ${word3}", "a and b and c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word3", "b and c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2...} ] \" and \" ${word3}", "a and b and c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2" , "and b", "word3", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2...} ] [ \" and \" ${word3} ]", "a and b and c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2" , "and b", "word3", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2...} ] [ \" and \" ${word3} ]", "a and b not c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2" , "and b not c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("${word1} [ ${word2...} ] [ \" and \" ${word3} ]", "a not b not c", MutableMap.of("word1", "a", "word2" , "not b not c"));
public void testShorthandWithNestedOptional() {
assertShorthandOfGives("[ [ ${a} ] ${b} [ \"=\" ${c...} ] ]", "b = c", MutableMap.of("b", "b", "c", "c"));
assertShorthandOfGives("[ [ ${a} ] ${b} [ \"=\" ${c...} ] ]", "a b = c", MutableMap.of("a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c"));