blob: 5a66648b28947439fe2c765e36f3ee30bf683a77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
/** simplistic parser for workflow expressions and strings, recognizing single and double quotes, backslash escapes, and interpolated strings with ${...} */
public class ExpressionParserImpl extends ExpressionParser {
public interface ParseNodeOrValue {
String getParseNodeMode();
default boolean isParseNodeMode(String pm, String ...pmi) {
if (Objects.equals(getParseNodeMode(), pm)) return true;
for (String pmx: pmi) {
if (Objects.equals(getParseNodeMode(), pmx)) return true;
return false;
default boolean isParseNodeMode(ParseMode pm, ParseMode ...pmi) {
if (Objects.equals(getParseNodeMode(), pm.getModeName())) return true;
for (ParseMode pmx: pmi) {
if (Objects.equals(getParseNodeMode(), pmx.getModeName())) return true;
return false;
default boolean isParseNodeMode(Collection<ParseMode> pm) {
return -> Objects.equals(getParseNodeMode(), pmx.getModeName()));
String getSource();
Object getContents();
public static class ParseValue implements ParseNodeOrValue {
public final static String MODE = "value";
final String value;
public ParseValue(String value) { this.value = value; }
public String getSource() {
return value;
@Override public String getContents() { return value; }
public String toString() {
return "["+value+"]";
public String getParseNodeMode() {
return MODE;
public static class ParseNode implements ParseNodeOrValue {
String source;
ParseMode mode;
public ParseNode(ParseMode mode, String source) {
this.mode = mode;
this.source = source;
public static ParseNode ofValue(ParseMode mode, String source, String value) {
ParseNode pr = new ParseNode(mode, source);
pr.contents = MutableList.of(new ParseValue(value));
return pr;
List<ParseNodeOrValue> contents = null;
public String getSource() {
return source;
@Override public String getParseNodeMode() {
public ParseMode getParseNodeModeClass() {
return mode;
public List<ParseNodeOrValue> getContents() {
return contents;
public Maybe<ParseNodeOrValue> getOnlyContent() {
if (contents==null) return Maybe.absent("no contents set");
if (contents.size()==1) return Maybe.of(contents.iterator().next());
return Maybe.absent(contents.isEmpty() ? "no items" : contents.size()+" items");
public Maybe<ParseNodeOrValue> getFinalContent() {
if (contents==null) return Maybe.absent("no contents set");
if (contents.isEmpty()) return Maybe.absent("contents empty");
return Maybe.of(contents.get(contents.size() - 1));
public Maybe<ParseNodeOrValue> getStartingContent() {
if (contents==null) return Maybe.absent("no contents set");
if (contents.isEmpty()) return Maybe.absent("contents empty");
return Maybe.of(contents.get(0));
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (contents==null) sb.append("?");
if (contents!=null && contents.size()==1 && getOnlyContent().get() instanceof ParseValue) sb.append(contents.iterator().next().toString());
else {
if (contents == null) sb.append(source);
else sb.append( -> c.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining()));
return sb.toString();
public static class InternalParseResult {
public final boolean skip;
public boolean earlyTerminationRequested;
@Nullable /** null means no error and no result */
public final Maybe<ParseNode> resultOrError;
protected InternalParseResult(boolean skip, Maybe<ParseNode> resultOrError) {
this.skip = skip;
this.resultOrError = resultOrError;
public static final InternalParseResult SKIP = new InternalParseResult(true, null);
public static InternalParseResult of(ParseNode parseModeResult) {
return new InternalParseResult(false, Maybe.of(parseModeResult));
public static InternalParseResult ofValue(ParseMode mode, String source, String value) {
return of(ParseNode.ofValue(mode, source, value));
public static InternalParseResult ofError(String message) {
return new InternalParseResult(false, Maybe.absent(message));
public static InternalParseResult ofError(Throwable t) {
return new InternalParseResult(false, Maybe.absent(t));
public abstract static class ParseMode {
final String name;
public ParseMode(String name) { = name;
public String getModeName() {
return name;
public String toString() {
return name;
public abstract InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> allowedTransitions, @Nullable Collection<ParseMode> transitionsAllowedHereOverride);
public static class CommonParseMode extends ParseMode {
public final String enterOnString;
public final String exitOnString;
/** parses anything starting with 'enterOnString'; if exitOnString is not null, it does so until 'exitOnString' is encountered, then reverts to previous mode */
protected CommonParseMode(String name, String enterOnString, @Nullable String exitOnString) {
this.enterOnString = enterOnString;
this.exitOnString = exitOnString;
/** parses anything starting with 'enterOnString', until another mode is entered */
public static CommonParseMode transitionSimple(String name, String enterOnString) {
return new CommonParseMode(name, enterOnString, null);
/** parses anything starting with 'enterOnString', until 'exitOnString' is reached when it reverts to previous mode */
public static CommonParseMode transitionNested(String name, String enterOnString, String exitOnString) {
return new CommonParseMode(name, enterOnString, exitOnString);
public boolean allowedToTakeUnmatchedCharsAsLiteralValue() { return true; /** currently all non-top-level custom parse modes do this; but could be overridden */ }
public boolean allowedToExitBeforeExitStringEncountered() { return false; /** currently all non-top-level custom parse modes do not this; but could be overridden */ }
public InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> allowedTransitions, Collection<ParseMode> transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
if (!input.substring(offset).startsWith(enterOnString)) return InternalParseResult.SKIP;
ParseMode currentLevelMode = this;
ParseNode result = new ParseNode(currentLevelMode, input);
result.contents = MutableList.of();
int i=offset;
if (!input.substring(i).startsWith(enterOnString))
return InternalParseResult.ofError("wrong start sequence for " + currentLevelMode + " at position " + i);
i+= enterOnString.length();
int last = i;
boolean exitStringEncountered = false;
boolean earlyTerminationRequested = false;
if (transitionsAllowedHereOverride==null) transitionsAllowedHereOverride = allowedTransitions.get(currentLevelMode);
if (transitionsAllowedHereOverride==null || transitionsAllowedHereOverride.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Mode '"+currentLevelMode+"' is not configured with any transitions");
input: while (i<input.length()) {
if (exitOnString !=null && input.substring(i).startsWith(exitOnString)) {
if (i>last) result.contents.add(new ParseValue(input.substring(last, i)));
i+= exitOnString.length();
last = i;
exitStringEncountered = true;
Maybe<ParseNode> error = null;
for (ParseMode candidate: transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
InternalParseResult cpr = candidate.parse(input, i, allowedTransitions, null);
if (cpr.skip) continue;
if (cpr.resultOrError.isPresent()) {
if (i>last) result.contents.add(new ParseValue(input.substring(last, i)));
i += cpr.resultOrError.get().source.length();
last = i;
if (cpr.earlyTerminationRequested) {
earlyTerminationRequested = true;
break input;
continue input;
if (error == null) {
error = cpr.resultOrError;
} else {
// multiple possible modes, not used currently;
// only take error from first mode
if (!allowedToTakeUnmatchedCharsAsLiteralValue() && error==null) {
if (allowedToExitBeforeExitStringEncountered()) break;
error = Maybe.absent("Characters starting at " + i + " not permitted for " + currentLevelMode);
if (error!=null) return InternalParseResult.ofError(Maybe.Absent.getException(error));
if (!exitStringEncountered && !allowedToExitBeforeExitStringEncountered()) return InternalParseResult.ofError("Non-terminated ";
if (i>last) result.contents.add(new ParseValue(input.substring(last, i)));
last = i;
result.source = input.substring(offset, last);
InternalParseResult resultIPR = InternalParseResult.of(result);
Maybe<ParseNodeOrValue> lastPMR = result.getFinalContent();
if (earlyTerminationRequested) {
resultIPR.earlyTerminationRequested = true;
return resultIPR;
public static class BackslashParseMode extends ParseMode {
public static final Map<Character,String> COMMON_ESAPES = MutableMap.of(
'n', "\n",
'r', "\r",
't', "\t",
'0', "\0"
// these are supported because by default we support the same character
// '\'', "\'",
// '\"', "\""
public BackslashParseMode() { super(MODE); }
final static String MODE = "backslash_escape";
final static String START = "\\";
public InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> _allowedTransitions, Collection<ParseMode> _transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
if (!input.substring(offset).startsWith(START)) return InternalParseResult.SKIP;
if (input.substring(offset).length()>=2) {
char c = input.charAt(offset+1);
return InternalParseResult.ofValue(this, input.substring(offset, offset+2), Maybe.ofDisallowingNull(COMMON_ESAPES.get(c)).or(() -> ""+c));
} else {
return InternalParseResult.ofError("Backslash escape character not permitted at end of string");
public static class CharactersCollectingParseMode extends ParseMode {
final Predicate<Character> charactersAcceptable;
public CharactersCollectingParseMode(String name, Predicate<Character> charactersAcceptable) {
this.charactersAcceptable = charactersAcceptable;
public CharactersCollectingParseMode(String name, char c) {
this(name, cx -> Objects.equals(cx, c));
public InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> _allowedTransitions, Collection<ParseMode> _transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
int i=offset;
while (i<input.length() && charactersAcceptable.test(input.charAt(i))) {
if (i>offset) {
String v = input.substring(offset, i);
return InternalParseResult.ofValue(this, v, v);
} else {
return InternalParseResult.SKIP;
public static class TopLevelParseMode extends CommonParseMode {
private final boolean allowsValues;
private final List<ParseMode> allowedTransitions = MutableList.of();
public List<String> mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes;
protected TopLevelParseMode(boolean allowsUnquotedLiteralValues) {
super("top-level", "", null);
this.allowsValues = allowsUnquotedLiteralValues;
public boolean allowedToTakeUnmatchedCharsAsLiteralValue() {
return allowsValues;
public boolean allowedToExitBeforeExitStringEncountered() {
return true;
public InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> allowedTransitions, Collection<ParseMode> transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
InternalParseResult result = super.parse(input, offset, allowedTransitions, transitionsAllowedHereOverride);
if (mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes!=null && result.resultOrError.isPresent()) {
String error = result.resultOrError.get().getFinalContent().map(pn ->
? null
: "Expression ends with " + pn.getParseNodeMode() + " but should have ended with required token: " + mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes)
.or("Expression is empty but was expected to end with required token: " + mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes);
if (error!=null) return InternalParseResult.ofError(error);
return result;
private final Multimap<ParseMode,ParseMode> allowedTransitions = Multimaps.newListMultimap(MutableMap.of(), MutableList::of);
private final TopLevelParseMode topLevel;
protected ExpressionParserImpl(TopLevelParseMode topLevel, List<ParseMode> allowedAtTopLevel, Multimap<ParseMode,ParseMode> allowedTransitions) {
this(topLevel, allowedAtTopLevel);
protected ExpressionParserImpl(TopLevelParseMode topLevel, List<ParseMode> allowedAtTopLevel) {
this.topLevel = topLevel;
public ExpressionParserImpl includeAllowedSubmodeTransition(ParseMode parent, ParseMode allowedSubmode, ParseMode ...allowedOtherSubmodes) {
allowedTransitions.put(parent, allowedSubmode);
for (ParseMode m: allowedOtherSubmodes) allowedTransitions.put(parent, m);
return this;
public ExpressionParserImpl includeGroupingBracketsAtUsualPlaces(ParseMode ...optionalExplicitBrackets) {
List<ParseMode> brackets = optionalExplicitBrackets==null ? MutableList.of() :
Arrays.asList(optionalExplicitBrackets).stream().filter(b -> b!=null).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (brackets.isEmpty()) brackets = MutableList.of(SQUARE_BRACKET, CURLY_BRACES, PARENTHESES);
brackets.forEach(b -> includeAllowedTopLevelTransition(b));
allowedTransitions.putAll(INTERPOLATED, brackets);
for (ParseMode b : brackets) {
allowedTransitions.putAll(b, brackets);
includeAllowedSubmodeTransition(b, INTERPOLATED);
includeAllowedSubmodeTransition(b, SINGLE_QUOTE);
includeAllowedSubmodeTransition(b, DOUBLE_QUOTE);
brackets.forEach(bb -> includeAllowedSubmodeTransition(b, bb));
return this;
public ExpressionParserImpl includeAllowedTopLevelTransition(ParseMode allowedAtTopLevel) {
return this;
public ExpressionParserImpl removeAllowedSubmodeTransition(ParseMode parent, ParseMode disallowedSubmode) {
allowedTransitions.remove(parent, disallowedSubmode);
return this;
public ExpressionParserImpl removeAllowedTopLevelTransition(ParseMode disallowedSubmode) {
return this;
public Maybe<ParseNode> parse(String input) {
return topLevel.parse(input, 0, allowedTransitions, topLevel.allowedTransitions).resultOrError;
public Maybe<List<ParseNodeOrValue>> parseEverything(String input) {
return parse(input).mapMaybe(pr -> {
if (!Objects.equals(pr.source, input)) return Maybe.absent("Could not parse everything");
return Maybe.of(pr.contents);
public ExpressionParserImpl stoppingAt(String id, Predicate<String> earlyTermination, boolean requireTopLevelToEndWithThisOrAnotherRequiredMode) {
if (requireTopLevelToEndWithThisOrAnotherRequiredMode) {
if (topLevel.mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes == null) topLevel.mustEndWithOneOfTheseModes = MutableList.of();
return includeAllowedTopLevelTransition(new ParseMode(id) {
public InternalParseResult parse(String input, int offset, Multimap<ParseMode, ParseMode> allowedTransitions, @Nullable Collection<ParseMode> transitionsAllowedHereOverride) {
if (earlyTermination.test(input.substring(offset))) {
InternalParseResult ipr = InternalParseResult.ofValue(this, "", "");
ipr.earlyTerminationRequested = true;
return ipr;
return InternalParseResult.SKIP;