blob: dd1603880bc21868b14b0556ebc52e3f23629678 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow;
import freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BeanWithTypeUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg.RegisteredTypes;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.Jsonya;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.ThreadLocalStack;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.predicates.ResolutionFailureTreatedAsAbsent;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DeferredSupplier;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.text.TemplateProcessor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Boxing;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Time;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class WorkflowExpressionResolution {
public static ConfigKey<BiFunction<String,WorkflowExpressionResolution,Object>> WORKFLOW_CUSTOM_INTERPOLATION_FUNCTION = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(new TypeToken<BiFunction<String,WorkflowExpressionResolution,Object>>() {}, "workflow.custom_interpolation_function");
public enum WorkflowExpressionStage implements Comparable<WorkflowExpressionStage> {
public boolean after(WorkflowExpressionStage other) {
return compareTo(other) > 0;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkflowExpressionResolution.class);
private final WorkflowExecutionContext context;
private final boolean allowWaiting;
private final WorkflowExpressionStage stage;
private final TemplateProcessor.InterpolationErrorMode errorMode;
private final WrappingMode wrappingMode;
public static class WrappingMode {
public final boolean wrapResolvedStrings;
public final boolean deferThrowingError;
public final boolean deferAndRetryErroneousExpressions;
public final boolean deferBrooklynDsl;
public final boolean deferInterpolation;
protected WrappingMode(boolean wrapResolvedStrings, boolean deferThrowingError, boolean deferAndRetryErroneousExpressions, boolean deferBrooklynDsl, boolean deferInterpolation) {
this.wrapResolvedStrings = wrapResolvedStrings;
this.deferThrowingError = deferThrowingError;
this.deferAndRetryErroneousExpressions = deferAndRetryErroneousExpressions;
this.deferBrooklynDsl = deferBrooklynDsl;
this.deferInterpolation = deferInterpolation;
/** do not re-evaluate anything, but if there is an error don't throw it until accessed; useful for conditions that should be evaluated immediately */
public final static WrappingMode WRAPPED_RESULT_DEFER_THROWING_ERROR_BUT_NO_RETRY = new WrappingMode(true, true, false, false, false);
/** no wrapping; everything evaluated immediately, errors thrown immediately */
public final static WrappingMode NONE = new WrappingMode(false, false, false, false, false);
/** this was the old default when wrapping was requested, but was an odd one - wraps error throwing and DSL resolution but not interpolation */
@Deprecated @Beta // might re-introduce but for now needs to cache workflow context so discouraged
final static WrappingMode OLD_DEFAULT_DEFER_THROWING_ERROR_AND_DSL = new WrappingMode(true, true, false, true, false);
/** allow subsequent re-evaluation for things that are not recognized, but evaluate everything else now; cf InterpolationErrorMode.IGNORE */
@Deprecated @Beta // might re-introduce but for now needs to cache workflow context so discouraged
public final static WrappingMode DEFER_RETRY_ON_ERROR_ONLY = new WrappingMode(false, false, true, false, false);
/** defer the evaluation of all vars (but evaluate now so if string is static it can be returned as a static) */
@Deprecated @Beta // might re-introduce but for now needs to cache workflow context so discouraged
public final static WrappingMode ALL_NON_STATIC = new WrappingMode(true /* no effect here */, true /* no effect here */, true, true, true);
public WrappingMode wrappingModeWhenResolving() {
// this works for our current use cases, which is conditions; other uses might want it not to throw something deferred however
public WorkflowExpressionResolution(WorkflowExecutionContext context, WorkflowExpressionStage stage, boolean allowWaiting, WrappingMode wrapExpressionValues) {
this(context, stage, allowWaiting, wrapExpressionValues, TemplateProcessor.InterpolationErrorMode.FAIL);
public WorkflowExpressionResolution(WorkflowExecutionContext context, WorkflowExpressionStage stage, boolean allowWaiting, WrappingMode wrapExpressionValues, TemplateProcessor.InterpolationErrorMode errorMode) {
this.context = context;
this.stage = stage;
this.allowWaiting = allowWaiting;
this.wrappingMode = wrapExpressionValues == null ? WrappingMode.NONE : wrapExpressionValues;
this.errorMode = errorMode;
TemplateModel ifNoMatches() {
// fail here - any other behaviour is hard with freemarker (exceptions intercepted etc).
// error handling is done by 'process' method below, and by ?? notation handling in let,
// or if needed freemarker attempts/escapes to recover could be used (not currently used much)
return null;
public class WorkflowFreemarkerModel implements TemplateHashModel, TemplateProcessor.UnwrappableTemplateModel {
public Maybe<Object> unwrap() {
return Maybe.of(context);
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
List<Throwable> errors = MutableList.of();
if ("workflow".equals(key)) {
return new WorkflowExplicitModel();
if ("entity".equals(key)) {
Entity entity = context.getEntity();
if (entity!=null) {
return TemplateProcessor.EntityAndMapTemplateModel.forEntity(entity, null);
if ("output".equals(key)) {
if (context.getOutput()!=null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getOutput());
if (context.currentStepInstance!=null && context.currentStepInstance.getOutput() !=null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.currentStepInstance.getOutput());
Object previousStepOutput = context.getPreviousStepOutput();
if (previousStepOutput!=null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(previousStepOutput);
return ifNoMatches();
Object candidate = null;
if (stage.after(WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_PRE_INPUT)) {
//somevar -> workflow.current_step.output.somevar
WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext currentStep = context.currentStepInstance;
if (currentStep != null && stage.after(WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_OUTPUT)) {
if (currentStep.getOutput() instanceof Map) {
candidate = ((Map) currentStep.getOutput()).get(key);
if (candidate != null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(candidate);
//somevar -> workflow.current_step.input.somevar
try {
if (currentStep!=null) {
candidate = currentStep.getInput(key, Object.class);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (stage==WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_INPUT && WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry.isStackForSettingVariable(RESOLVE_STACK.getAll(true), key) && Exceptions.getFirstThrowableOfType(t, WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference.class)!=null) {
// input evaluation can look at local input, and will gracefully handle some recursive references.
// this is needed so we can handle things like env:=${env} in input, and also {message:="Hi ${name}", name:="Bob"}.
// but there are
// if we have a chain input1:=input2, and input input2:=input1 with both defined on step and on workflow
// (a) eval of either will give recursive reference error and allow retry immediately;
// then it's a bit weird, inconsistent, step input1 will resolve to local input2 which resolves as global input1;
// but step input2 will resolve to local input1 which this time will resolve as global input2.
// and whichever is invoked first will cause both to be stored as resolved, so if input2 resolved first then
// step input1 subsequently returns global input2.
// (b) recursive reference error only recoverable at the outermost stage,
// so step input1 = global input2, step input2 = global input1,
// prevents inconsistency but blocks useful things, eg log ${message} wrapped with message:="Hi ${name}",
// then invoked with name: "person who says ${message}" to refer to a previous step's message,
// or even name:="Mr ${name}" to refer to an outer variable.
// in this case if name is resolved first then message resolves as Hi Mr X, but if message resolved first
// it only recovers when resolving message which would become "Hi X", and if message:="${greeting} ${name}"
// then it fails to find a local ${greeting}. (with strategy (a) these both do what is expected.)
// (to handle this we include stage in the stack, needed in both cases above)
// ideally we would know which vars are from a wrapper, but that info is lost when we build up the step
// (c) we could just fail fast, disallow the nice things we wanted, require explicit
// (d) we could fail in edge cases, so the obvious cases above work as expected, but anything more sophisticated, eg A calling B calling A, will fail
// settled on (d) effectively; we allow local references, and fail on recursive references, with exceptions.
// the main exception, handled here, is if we are setting an input
candidate = null;
} else {
throw Exceptions.propagate(t);
if (candidate != null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(candidate);
if (stage.after(WorkflowExpressionStage.WORKFLOW_INPUT)) {
Object prevStepOutput = context.getPreviousStepOutput();
if (prevStepOutput instanceof Map) {
candidate = ((Map) prevStepOutput).get(key);
if (candidate != null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(candidate);
if (stage.after(WorkflowExpressionStage.WORKFLOW_INPUT)) {
candidate = context.getWorkflowScratchVariables().get(key);
if (candidate != null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(candidate);
if (context.input.containsKey(key)) {
candidate = context.getInput(key);
// the subtlety around step input above doesn't apply here as workflow inputs are not resolved with freemarker
if (candidate != null) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(candidate);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) Exceptions.propagate("Errors resolving "+key, errors);
return ifNoMatches();
public boolean isEmpty() throws TemplateModelException {
return false;
class WorkflowExplicitModel implements TemplateHashModel, TemplateProcessor.UnwrappableTemplateModel {
public Maybe<Object> unwrap() {
return Maybe.of(context);
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
//id (a token representing an item uniquely within its root instance)
if ("name".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getName());
if ("id".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getWorkflowId());
if ("task_id".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getTaskId());
// TODO variable reference for link
//link (a link in the UI to this instance of workflow or step)
//error (if there is an error in scope)
WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext currentStepInstance = context.currentStepInstance;
WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext errorHandlerContext = context.errorHandlerContext;
if ("error".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(errorHandlerContext!=null ? errorHandlerContext.getError() : null);
if ("input".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.input);
if ("output".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getOutput());
//current_step.yyy and previous_step.yyy (where yyy is any of the above)
// ? - where yyy is any of the above and xxx any step id
if ("error_handler".equals(key)) return new WorkflowStepModel(errorHandlerContext);
if ("current_step".equals(key)) return new WorkflowStepModel(currentStepInstance);
if ("previous_step".equals(key)) return newWorkflowStepModelForStepIndex(context.previousStepIndex);
if ("step".equals(key)) return new WorkflowStepModel();
if ("util".equals(key)) return new WorkflowUtilModel();
if ("var".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(context.getWorkflowScratchVariables());
return ifNoMatches();
public boolean isEmpty() throws TemplateModelException {
return false;
TemplateModel newWorkflowStepModelForStepIndex(Integer step) {
WorkflowExecutionContext.OldStepRecord stepI = context.oldStepInfo.get(step);
if (stepI==null || stepI.context==null) return ifNoMatches();
return new WorkflowStepModel(stepI.context);
TemplateModel newWorkflowStepModelForStepId(String id) {
for (WorkflowExecutionContext.OldStepRecord s: context.oldStepInfo.values()) {
if (s.context!=null && id.equals(s.context.stepDefinitionDeclaredId)) return new WorkflowStepModel(s.context);
return ifNoMatches();
class WorkflowStepModel implements TemplateHashModel {
private WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext step;
WorkflowStepModel() {}
WorkflowStepModel(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext step) {
this.step = step;
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
if (step==null) {
return newWorkflowStepModelForStepId(key);
//id (a token representing an item uniquely within its root instance)
if ("name".equals(key)) {
return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel( != null ? : step.getWorkflowStepReference());
if ("task_id".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(step.taskId);
if ("step_id".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(step.stepDefinitionDeclaredId);
if ("step_index".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(step.stepIndex);
// TODO link and error, as above
//link (a link in the UI to this instance of workflow or step)
//error (if there is an error in scope)
if ("input".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(step.input);
if ("output".equals(key)) {
Pair<Object, Set<Integer>> outputOfStep = context.getStepOutputAndBacktrackedSteps(step.stepIndex);
Object output = (outputOfStep != null && outputOfStep.getLeft() != null) ? outputOfStep.getLeft() : MutableMap.of();
return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(output);
return ifNoMatches();
public boolean isEmpty() throws TemplateModelException {
return false;
class WorkflowUtilModel implements TemplateHashModel {
WorkflowUtilModel() {}
public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException {
//id (a token representing an item uniquely within its root instance)
if ("now".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(System.currentTimeMillis());
if ("now_utc".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(System.currentTimeMillis());
if ("now_instant".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(;
if ("now_iso".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(Time.makeIso8601DateStringZ(;
if ("now_stamp".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(Time.makeDateStampString());
if ("now_nice".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(Time.makeDateString(;
if ("random".equals(key)) return TemplateProcessor.wrapAsTemplateModel(Math.random());
return ifNoMatches();
public boolean isEmpty() throws TemplateModelException {
return false;
AllowBrooklynDslMode defaultAllowBrooklynDsl = AllowBrooklynDslMode.ALL;
public void setDefaultAllowBrooklynDsl(AllowBrooklynDslMode defaultAllowBrooklynDsl) {
this.defaultAllowBrooklynDsl = defaultAllowBrooklynDsl;
public AllowBrooklynDslMode getDefaultAllowBrooklynDsl() {
return defaultAllowBrooklynDsl;
public <T> T resolveWithTemplates(Object expression, TypeToken<T> type) {
expression = processTemplateExpression(expression, getDefaultAllowBrooklynDsl());
return resolveCoercingOnly(expression, type);
/** does not use templates */
public <T> T resolveCoercingOnly(Object expression, TypeToken<T> type) {
if (expression==null) return null;
boolean triedCoercion = false;
List<Exception> exceptions = MutableList.of();
if (expression instanceof String) {
try {
// prefer simple coercion if it's a string coming in
return TypeCoercions.coerce(expression, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
triedCoercion = true;
if (Jsonya.isJsonPrimitiveDeep(expression) && !(expression instanceof Set)) {
try {
// next try yaml coercion for anything complex, as values are normally set from yaml and will be raw at this stage (but not if they are from a DSL)
return BeanWithTypeUtils.convert(context.getManagementContext(), expression, type, true,
RegisteredTypes.getClassLoadingContext(context.getEntity()), true /* needed for wrapped resolved holders */);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!triedCoercion) {
try {
// fallback to simple coercion
return TypeCoercions.coerce(expression, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
triedCoercion = true;
throw Exceptions.propagate(exceptions.iterator().next());
static class WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry {
WorkflowExecutionContext context;
WorkflowExpressionStage stage;
Object object;
String settingVariable;
public static WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry of(WorkflowExecutionContext context, WorkflowExpressionStage stage, Object expression) {
WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry result = new WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry();
result.context = context;
result.stage = stage;
result.object = expression;
return result;
public static WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry setting(WorkflowExecutionContext context, WorkflowExpressionStage stage, String settingVariable) {
WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry result = new WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry();
result.context = context;
result.stage = stage;
result.settingVariable = settingVariable;
return result;
public static boolean isStackForSettingVariable(Collection<WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry> stack, String key) {
if (stack==null) return true;
MutableList<WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry> s2 = MutableList.copyOf(stack);
Optional<WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry> s = -> si.settingVariable != null).findFirst();
if (!s.isPresent()) return false;
return s.get().settingVariable.equals(key);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry that = (WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry) o;
if (context != null && that.context != null ? !Objects.equals(context.getWorkflowId(), that.context.getWorkflowId()) : !Objects.equals(context, that.context)) return false;
if (stage != that.stage) return false;
if (object != null ? !object.equals(that.object) : that.object != null) return false;
if (settingVariable != null ? !settingVariable.equals(that.settingVariable) : that.settingVariable != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = context != null && context.getWorkflowId()!=null ? context.getWorkflowId().hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (stage != null ? stage.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (object != null ? object.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (settingVariable != null ? settingVariable.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
/** method which can be used to indicate that a reference to the variable, if it is recursive, is recoverable, because we are in the process of setting that variable.
* see discussion on usages of WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry.isStackForSettingVariable */
public static <T> T allowingRecursionWhenSetting(WorkflowExecutionContext context, WorkflowExpressionStage stage, String variable, Supplier<T> callable) {
WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry entry = null;
try {
entry = WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry.setting(context, stage, variable);
if (!RESOLVE_STACK.push(entry)) {
entry = null;
throw new WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference("Recursive reference setting "+variable+": "+RESOLVE_STACK.getAll(false).stream().map(p -> p.object!=null ? p.object.toString() : p.settingVariable).collect(Collectors.joining("->")));
return callable.get();
} finally {
if (entry!=null) {
static ThreadLocalStack<WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry> RESOLVE_STACK = new ThreadLocalStack<>(false);
WorkflowExpressionStage previousStage() {
return RESOLVE_STACK.peekPenultimate().map(s -> s.stage).orNull();
public static class WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference extends IllegalArgumentException {
public WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference(String msg) {
public static class AllowBrooklynDslMode {
public static AllowBrooklynDslMode ALL = new AllowBrooklynDslMode(true, null);
static { = Maybe.of(ALL); }
public static AllowBrooklynDslMode NONE = new AllowBrooklynDslMode(false, null);
static { = Maybe.of(NONE); }
public static AllowBrooklynDslMode CHILDREN_BUT_NOT_HERE = new AllowBrooklynDslMode(false, Maybe.of(ALL));
//public static AllowBrooklynDslMode HERE_BUT_NOT_CHILDREN = new AllowBrooklynDslMode(true, Maybe.of(NONE));
private Supplier<AllowBrooklynDslMode> next;
private boolean allowedHere;
public AllowBrooklynDslMode(boolean allowedHere, Supplier<AllowBrooklynDslMode> next) {
this.allowedHere = allowedHere; = next;
public boolean isAllowedHere() { return allowedHere; }
public AllowBrooklynDslMode next() { return next.get(); }
public Object processTemplateExpression(Object expression, AllowBrooklynDslMode allowBrooklynDsl) {
WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry entry = null;
try {
entry = WorkflowVariableResolutionStackEntry.of(context, stage, expression);
if (!RESOLVE_STACK.push(entry)) {
entry = null;
throw new WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference("Recursive reference: " + RESOLVE_STACK.getAll(false).stream().map(p -> "" + p.object).collect(Collectors.joining("->")));
if (RESOLVE_STACK.size() > 100) {
throw new WorkflowVariableRecursiveReference("Reference exceeded max depth 100: " + RESOLVE_STACK.getAll(false).stream().map(p -> "" + p.object).collect(Collectors.joining("->")));
if (expression instanceof String) return processTemplateExpressionString((String) expression, allowBrooklynDsl);
if (expression instanceof Map) return processTemplateExpressionMap((Map) expression, allowBrooklynDsl);
if (expression instanceof Collection)
return processTemplateExpressionCollection((Collection) expression, allowBrooklynDsl);
if (expression == null || Boxing.isPrimitiveOrBoxedObject(expression)) return expression;
// otherwise resolve DSL
return allowBrooklynDsl.isAllowedHere() ? resolveDsl(expression) : expression;
} finally {
if (entry != null) RESOLVE_STACK.pop(entry);
private Object resolveDsl(Object expression) {
boolean DEFINITELY_DSL = false;
if (expression instanceof String || expression instanceof Map || expression instanceof Collection) {
if (expression instanceof String) {
if (!((String)expression).startsWith("$brooklyn:")) {
// not DSL
return expression;
} else {
if (BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils.JsonDeserializerForCommonBrooklynThings.BROOKLYN_PARSE_DSL_FUNCTION==null) {
log.warn("BROOKLYN_PARSE_DSL_FUNCTION not set when processing DSL expression "+expression+"; will not be resolved");
} else {
expression = BrooklynJacksonSerializationUtils.JsonDeserializerForCommonBrooklynThings.BROOKLYN_PARSE_DSL_FUNCTION.apply(context.getManagementContext(), expression);
return processDslComponents(expression);
private Object processDslComponents(Object expression) {
return Tasks.resolving(expression).as(Object.class).deep().context(context.getEntity()).get();
public WorkflowFreemarkerModel newWorkflowFreemarkerModel() {
return new WorkflowFreemarkerModel();
public WorkflowExecutionContext getWorkflowExecutionContext() {
return context;
public TemplateProcessor.InterpolationErrorMode getErrorMode() {
return errorMode;
public Object processTemplateExpressionString(String expression, AllowBrooklynDslMode allowBrooklynDsl) {
if (expression==null) return null;
if (expression.startsWith("$brooklyn:") && allowBrooklynDsl.isAllowedHere()) {
if (wrappingMode.deferBrooklynDsl) {
return WrappedUnresolvedExpression.ofExpression(expression, this, allowBrooklynDsl);
Object expressionTemplateResolved = processTemplateExpressionString(expression, AllowBrooklynDslMode.NONE);
// resolve interpolation before brooklyn DSL, so brooklyn DSL can be passed interpolated vars like workflow scratch;
// this means $brooklyn bits that return interpolated strings do not have their interpolation evaluated, which is probably sensible;
// and $brooklyn cannot be used inside an interpolated string, which is okay.
Object expressionTemplateAndDslResolved = resolveDsl(expressionTemplateResolved);
return expressionTemplateAndDslResolved;
Object result;
boolean ourWait = interruptSetIfNeededToPreventWaiting();
try {
BiFunction<String, WorkflowExpressionResolution, Object> fn = context.getManagementContext().getScratchpad().get(WORKFLOW_CUSTOM_INTERPOLATION_FUNCTION);
if (fn!=null) result = fn.apply(expression, this);
else result = TemplateProcessor.processTemplateContentsForWorkflow("workflow", expression,
newWorkflowFreemarkerModel(), true, false, errorMode);
} catch (Exception e) {
Exception e2 = e;
if (wrappingMode.deferAndRetryErroneousExpressions) {
return WrappedUnresolvedExpression.ofExpression(expression, this, allowBrooklynDsl);
if (!allowWaiting && Exceptions.isCausedByInterruptInAnyThread(e)) {
e2 = new IllegalArgumentException("Expression value '"+expression+"' unavailable and not permitted to wait: "+ Exceptions.collapseText(e), e);
if (wrappingMode.deferThrowingError) {
// in wrapped value mode, errors don't throw until accessed, and when used in conditions they can be tested as absent
return WrappedResolvedExpression.ofError(expression, new ResolutionFailureTreatedAsAbsent.ResolutionFailureTreatedAsAbsentDefaultException(e2));
} else {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e2);
} finally {
if (ourWait) interruptClear();
if (!expression.equals(result)) {
// not a static string
if (wrappingMode.deferInterpolation) {
return WrappedUnresolvedExpression.ofExpression(expression, this, allowBrooklynDsl);
if (wrappingMode.deferBrooklynDsl) {
return new WrappedResolvedExpression<Object>(expression, result);
// we try, but don't guarantee, that DSL expressions aren't re-resolved, ie $brooklyn:literal("$brooklyn:literal(\"x\")") won't return x;
// this block will return a supplier
result = processDslComponents(result);
if (wrappingMode.wrapResolvedStrings) {
return new WrappedResolvedExpression<Object>(expression, result);
return result;
private static ThreadLocal<Boolean> interruptSetIfNeededToPreventWaiting = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static boolean isInterruptSetToPreventWaiting() {
Entity entity = BrooklynTaskTags.getContextEntity(Tasks.current());
if (entity!=null && Entities.isUnmanagingOrNoLongerManaged(entity)) return false;
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(interruptSetIfNeededToPreventWaiting.get());
private boolean interruptSetIfNeededToPreventWaiting() {
if (!allowWaiting && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() && !isInterruptSetToPreventWaiting()) {
return true;
return false;
private void interruptClear() {
// clear interrupt status
public Object processTemplateExpressionMap(Map<?,?> object, AllowBrooklynDslMode allowBrooklynDsl) {
if (allowBrooklynDsl.isAllowedHere() && object.size()==1) {
Object key = object.keySet().iterator().next();
if (key instanceof String && ((String)key).startsWith("$brooklyn:")) {
Object expressionTemplateValueResolved = processTemplateExpression(object.values().iterator().next(),;
Object expressionTemplateAndDslResolved = resolveDsl(MutableMap.of(key, expressionTemplateValueResolved));
return expressionTemplateAndDslResolved;
Map<Object,Object> result = MutableMap.of();
object.forEach((k,v) -> result.put(processTemplateExpression(k,, processTemplateExpression(v,;
return result;
protected Collection<?> processTemplateExpressionCollection(Collection<?> object, AllowBrooklynDslMode allowBrooklynDsl) {
return -> processTemplateExpression(x,;
public static class WrappedResolvedExpression<T> implements DeferredSupplier<T> {
String expression;
T value;
Throwable error;
public WrappedResolvedExpression() {}
public WrappedResolvedExpression(String expression, T value) {
this.expression = expression;
this.value = value;
public static WrappedResolvedExpression ofError(String expression, Throwable error) {
WrappedResolvedExpression result = new WrappedResolvedExpression(expression, null);
result.error = error;
return result;
public T get() {
if (error!=null) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(error);
return value;
public String getExpression() {
return expression;
public Throwable getError() {
return error;
public static class WrappedUnresolvedExpression implements DeferredSupplier<Object> {
@Deprecated @Beta // might re-introduce but for now needs to cache workflow context -- via resolver -- so discouraged
public static WrappedUnresolvedExpression ofExpression(String expression, WorkflowExpressionResolution resolver, AllowBrooklynDslMode dslMode) {
return new WrappedUnresolvedExpression(expression, resolver, dslMode);
protected WrappedUnresolvedExpression(String expression, WorkflowExpressionResolution resolver, AllowBrooklynDslMode dslMode) {
this.expression = expression;
this.resolver = resolver;
this.dslMode = dslMode;
String expression;
WorkflowExpressionResolution resolver;
AllowBrooklynDslMode dslMode;
public Object get() {
WorkflowExpressionResolution resolverNow = new WorkflowExpressionResolution(resolver.context, resolver.stage, resolver.allowWaiting,
resolver.wrappingMode.wrappingModeWhenResolving(), resolver.errorMode);
return resolverNow.processTemplateExpression(expression, dslMode);