blob: 32ba2f835c39d6b12c1bd4aa6715257bae3aa553 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.CollectionMerger;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.QuotedStringTokenizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Accepts a shorthand template, and converts it to a map of values,
* e.g. given template "[ ?${type_set} ${sensor.type} ] ${} \"=\" ${value}"
* and input "integer foo=3", this will return
* { sensor: { type: integer, name: foo }, value: 3, type_set: true }.
* Expects space-separated TOKEN where TOKEN is either:
* ${VAR} - to set VAR, which should be of the regex [A-Za-z0-9_-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)*, with dot separation used to set nested maps;
* will match a quoted string if supplied, else up to the next literal if the next token is a literal, else the next work.
* ${VAR...} - as above, but will collect multiple args if needed (if the next token is a literal matched further on, or if at end of word)
* "LITERAL" - to expect a literal expression. this must include the quotation marks and should include spaces if spaces are required.
* [ TOKEN ] - to indicate TOKEN is optional, where TOKEN is one of the above sections. parsing is attempted first with it, then without it.
* [ ?${VAR} TOKEN ] - as `[ TOKEN ]` but VAR is set true or false depending whether this optional section was matched.
* Would be nice to support A | B (exclusive or) for A or B but not both (where A might contain a literal for disambiguation),
* and ( X ) for X required but grouped (for use with | (exclusive or) where one option is required).
* Would also be nice to support any order, which could be ( A & B ) to allow A B or B A.
* But for now we've made do without it, with some compromises:
* * keywords must follow the order indicated
* * exclusive alternatives are disallowed by code subsequently or checked separately (eg Transform)
public class ShorthandProcessor {
private final String template;
boolean finalMatchRaw = false;
boolean failOnMismatch = true;
public ShorthandProcessor(String template) {
this.template = template;
public Maybe<Map<String,Object>> process(String input) {
return new ShorthandProcessorAttempt(this, input).call();
/** whether the last match should preserve quotes and spaces; default false */
public ShorthandProcessor withFinalMatchRaw(boolean finalMatchRaw) {
this.finalMatchRaw = finalMatchRaw;
return this;
/** whether to fail on mismatched quotes in the input, default true */
public ShorthandProcessor withFailOnMismatch(boolean failOnMismatch) {
this.failOnMismatch = failOnMismatch;
return this;
static class ShorthandProcessorAttempt {
private final List<String> templateTokens;
private final String inputOriginal;
private final QuotedStringTokenizer qst;
private final String template;
private final ShorthandProcessor options;
int optionalDepth = 0;
int optionalSkippingInput = 0;
private String inputRemaining;
Map<String, Object> result;
Consumer<String> valueUpdater;
ShorthandProcessorAttempt(ShorthandProcessor proc, String input) {
this.template = proc.template;
this.options = proc;
this.qst = qst(template);
this.templateTokens = qst.remainderAsList();
this.inputOriginal = input;
private QuotedStringTokenizer qst(String x) {
return QuotedStringTokenizer.builder().includeQuotes(true).includeDelimiters(false).expectQuotesDelimited(true).failOnOpenQuote(options.failOnMismatch).build(x);
public synchronized Maybe<Map<String,Object>> call() {
if (result == null) {
result = MutableMap.of();
inputRemaining = inputOriginal;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only allowed to use once");
Maybe<Object> error = doCall();
if (error.isAbsent()) return Maybe.Absent.castAbsent(error);
inputRemaining = Strings.trimStart(inputRemaining);
if (Strings.isNonBlank(inputRemaining)) {
if (valueUpdater!=null) {
QuotedStringTokenizer qstInput = qst(inputRemaining);
} else {
// shouldn't come here
return Maybe.absent("Input has trailing characters after template is matched: '" + inputRemaining + "'");
return Maybe.of(result);
protected Maybe<Object> doCall() {
boolean isEndOfOptional = false;
outer: while (true) {
if (isEndOfOptional) {
if (optionalDepth <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected optional block closure");
if (optionalSkippingInput>0) {
// we were in a block where we skipped something optional because it couldn't be matched; outer parser is now canonical,
// and should stop skipping
return Maybe.of(true);
isEndOfOptional = false;
if (templateTokens.isEmpty()) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(inputRemaining) && valueUpdater==null) {
return Maybe.absent("Input has trailing characters after template is matched: '" + inputRemaining + "'");
if (optionalDepth>0)
return Maybe.absent("Mismatched optional marker in template");
return Maybe.of(true);
String t = templateTokens.remove(0);
if (t.startsWith("[")) {
t = t.substring(1);
if (!t.isEmpty()) {
templateTokens.add(0, t);
String optionalPresentVar = null;
if (!templateTokens.isEmpty() && templateTokens.get(0).startsWith("?")) {
String v = templateTokens.remove(0);
if (v.startsWith("?${") && v.endsWith("}")) {
optionalPresentVar = v.substring(3, v.length() - 1);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("? after [ should indicate optional presence variable using syntax '?${var}', not '"+v+"'");
Maybe<Object> cr;
if (optionalSkippingInput<=0) {
// make a deep copy so that valueUpdater writes get replayed
Map<String, Object> backupResult = (Map) CollectionMerger.builder().deep(true).build().merge(MutableMap.of(), result);
Consumer<String> backupValueUpdater = valueUpdater;
String backupInputRemaining = inputRemaining;
List<String> backupTemplateTokens = MutableList.copyOf(templateTokens);
int oldDepth = optionalDepth;
int oldSkippingDepth = optionalSkippingInput;
cr = doCall();
if (cr.isPresent()) {
// succeeded
if (optionalPresentVar!=null) result.put(optionalPresentVar, true);
} else {
// restore
result = backupResult;
valueUpdater = backupValueUpdater;
if (optionalPresentVar!=null) result.put(optionalPresentVar, false);
inputRemaining = backupInputRemaining;
optionalDepth = oldDepth;
optionalSkippingInput = oldSkippingDepth;
cr = doCall();
if (cr.isPresent()) {
} else {
if (optionalPresentVar!=null) {
result.put(optionalPresentVar, false);
valueUpdater = null;
cr = doCall();
if (cr.isPresent()) {
return cr;
isEndOfOptional = t.endsWith("]");
if (isEndOfOptional) {
t = t.substring(0, t.length() - 1);
if (t.isEmpty()) continue;
// next loop will process the end of the optionality
if (qst.isQuoted(t)) {
if (optionalSkippingInput>0) continue;
String literal = qst.unwrapIfQuoted(t);
do {
// ignore leading spaces (since the quoted string tokenizer will have done that anyway); but their _absence_ can be significant for intra-token searching when matching a var
inputRemaining = Strings.trimStart(inputRemaining);
if (inputRemaining.startsWith(Strings.trimStart(literal))) {
// literal found
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.substring(Strings.trimStart(literal).length());
continue outer;
if (inputRemaining.isEmpty()) return Maybe.absent("Literal '"+literal+"' expected, when end of input reached");
if (valueUpdater!=null) {
QuotedStringTokenizer qstInput = qst(inputRemaining);
if (!qstInput.hasMoreTokens()) return Maybe.absent("Literal '"+literal+"' expected, when end of input tokens reached");
String value = getNextInputTokenUpToPossibleExpectedLiteral(qstInput, literal);
return Maybe.absent("Literal '"+literal+"' expected, when encountered '"+inputRemaining+"'");
} while (true);
if (t.startsWith("${") && t.endsWith("}")) {
if (optionalSkippingInput>0) continue;
t = t.substring(2, t.length()-1);
String value;
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.trim();
QuotedStringTokenizer qstInput = qst(inputRemaining);
if (!qstInput.hasMoreTokens()) return Maybe.absent("End of input when looking for variable "+t);
if (! -> !x.equals("]")).findFirst().isPresent()) {
// last word (whether optional or not) takes everything
value = getRemainderPossiblyRaw(qstInput);
inputRemaining = "";
} else {
value = getNextInputTokenUpToPossibleExpectedLiteral(qstInput, null);
boolean multiMatch = t.endsWith("...");
if (multiMatch) t = Strings.removeFromEnd(t, "...");
String keys[] = t.split("\\.");
final String tt = t;
valueUpdater = v2 -> {
Map target = result;
for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
if (!Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9_-]+").matcher(keys[i]).matches()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid variable '"+tt+"'");
if (i == keys.length - 1) {
target.compute(keys[i], (k, v) -> v == null ? v2 : v + " " + v2);
} else {
// need to make sure we have a map or null
target = (Map) target.compute(keys[i], (k, v) -> {
if (v == null) return MutableMap.of();
if (v instanceof Map) return v;
return Maybe.absent("Cannot process shorthand for " + Arrays.asList(keys) + " because entry '" + k + "' is not a map (" + v + ")");
if (!multiMatch) valueUpdater = null;
// unexpected token
return Maybe.absent("Unexpected token in shorthand pattern '"+template+"' at position "+(template.lastIndexOf(t)+1));
private String getRemainderPossiblyRaw(QuotedStringTokenizer qstInput) {
String value;
value = Strings.join(qstInput.remainderRaw(), "");
if (!options.finalMatchRaw) {
return qstInput.unwrapIfQuoted(value);
return value;
private String getNextInputTokenUpToPossibleExpectedLiteral(QuotedStringTokenizer qstInput, String nextLiteral) {
String value;
String v = qstInput.nextToken();
if (qstInput.isQuoted(v)) {
// input was quoted, eg "\"foo=b\" ..." -- ignore the = in "foo=b"
value = qstInput.unwrapIfQuoted(v);
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.substring(v.length());
} else {
// input not quoted, if next template token is literal, look for it
boolean isLiteralExpected;
if (nextLiteral==null) {
nextLiteral = templateTokens.get(0);
if (qstInput.isQuoted(nextLiteral)) {
nextLiteral = qstInput.unwrapIfQuoted(nextLiteral);
isLiteralExpected = true;
} else {
isLiteralExpected = false;
} else {
isLiteralExpected = true;
if (isLiteralExpected) {
int nli = v.indexOf(nextLiteral);
if (nli>0) {
// literal found in unquoted string, eg "foo=bar" when literal is =
value = v.substring(0, nli);
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.substring(value.length());
} else {
// literal not found
value = v;
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.substring(value.length());
} else {
// next is not a literal, so the whole token is the value
value = v;
inputRemaining = inputRemaining.substring(value.length());
return value;