blob: e56d38e00a432274ce149abeb56ad8b9499d2c92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.steps;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Group;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.classloading.BrooklynClassLoadingContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.BrooklynObject;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.BeanWithTypeUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.jackson.JsonPassThroughDeserializer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.typereg.RegisteredTypes;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.*;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.utils.WorkflowConcurrencyParser;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.utils.WorkflowRetentionParser;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class CustomWorkflowStep extends WorkflowStepDefinition implements WorkflowStepDefinition.WorkflowStepDefinitionWithSpecialDeserialization, WorkflowStepDefinition.WorkflowStepDefinitionWithSubWorkflow {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomWorkflowStep.class);
// Name of the scratch variable used to store the target of a nested workflow when being run as a subworkflow over a target collection
public static final String SHORTHAND_TYPE_NAME_DEFAULT = "workflow";
public static final String TARGET_VAR_NAME_DEFAULT = "target";
// Name of the scratch variable used to store the index of a nested workflow when being run as a subworkflow over a target collection
public static final String TARGET_INDEX_VAR_NAME_DEFAULT = "target_index";
private static final String WORKFLOW_SETTING_SHORTHAND = "[ \"replayable\" ${replayable...} ] [ \"retention\" ${retention...} ] ";
public CustomWorkflowStep() {}
public CustomWorkflowStep(String name, List<Object> steps) { = name;
this.steps = steps;
public CustomWorkflowStep(CustomWorkflowStep base) {
this.retention = base.retention; =;
this.target_var_name = base.target_var_name;
this.target_index_var_name = base.target_index_var_name;
this.lock = base.lock;
this.concurrency = base.concurrency;
this.parameters = base.parameters;
this.steps = base.steps;
this.workflowOutput = base.workflowOutput;
this.reducing = base.reducing; =; =;
this.metadata = base.metadata;
this.userSuppliedShorthand = base.userSuppliedShorthand;
this.shorthandTypeName = base.shorthandTypeName;
this.input = base.input; =;
this.condition = base.condition;
this.output = base.output;
this.replayable = base.replayable;
this.idempotent = base.idempotent;
this.timeout = base.timeout;
this.onError = base.onError;
/** special creator for when a list is supplied as the workflow; treat those as steps, without requiring a superfluous `steps` entry in a map.
* this is useful especially for config key / parameters of type `workflow` ({@link CustomWorkflowStep)}. */
public CustomWorkflowStep(List<Object> steps) {
this.steps = steps;
String shorthand;
public void populateFromShorthand(String value) {
if (shorthand==null) {
if (SHORTHAND_TYPE_NAME_DEFAULT.equals(shorthandTypeName)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Shorthand not supported for " + getNameOrDefault());
if (input==null) input = MutableMap.of();
populateFromShorthandTemplate(shorthand, value);
replayable = (String) input.remove("replayable");
retention = (String) input.remove("retention");
/** disabled or count, hashes, etc; see {@link WorkflowRetentionParser} or documentation for full info */
protected String retention;
/** What to run this set of steps against, either an entity to run in that context, 'children' or 'members' to run over those, a range eg 1..10, or a list (often in a variable) to run over elements of the list */
protected Object target;
protected Object target_var_name;
protected Object target_index_var_name;
// see WorkflowCommonConfig.LOCK
protected Object lock;
// usually a string; see utils/WorkflowConcurrency
protected Object concurrency;
protected Map<String,Object> parameters;
// should be treated as raw json
@JsonDeserialize(contentUsing = JsonPassThroughDeserializer.class)
protected List<Object> steps;
// output transform to be applied to the result of each sub-workflow (if there are multiple ones, and/or if it is saved as a type)
// inferred from `output` where a workflow is saved as a new registered type, and can be extended (once) by setting `output` on the referring workflow
protected Object workflowOutput;
protected Map<String,Object> reducing;
public void validateStep(@Nullable ManagementContext mgmt, @Nullable WorkflowExecutionContext workflow) {
super.validateStep(mgmt, workflow);
if (steps instanceof List) {
if (((List)steps).isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workflow `steps` must be supplied for a custom or nested workflow");
WorkflowStepResolution.resolveSteps(mgmt, (List<Object>) steps, null);
} else if (steps!=null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workflow `steps` must be a list");
else if (target!=null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workflow cannot take a `target` without `steps`");
protected boolean isOutputHandledByTask() { return true; }
// error handler applies to each run
public List<Object> getOnError() {
return null;
public Object getConditionRaw() {
if (target!=null) {
// condition applies to each run
return null;
return super.getConditionRaw();
protected Pair<WorkflowReplayUtils.ReplayableAtStepOption, Boolean> validateReplayableAndIdempotent() {
return WorkflowReplayUtils.validateReplayableAndIdempotentAtStep(replayable, idempotent, true);
@Override @JsonIgnore
public SubWorkflowsForReplay getSubWorkflowsForReplay(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, boolean forced, boolean peekingOnly, boolean allowInternallyEvenIfDisabled) {
return WorkflowReplayUtils.getSubWorkflowsForReplay(context, forced, peekingOnly, allowInternallyEvenIfDisabled, sw -> sw.isResumableOnlyAtParent = true);
public Object doTaskBodyWithSubWorkflowsForReplay(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, @Nonnull List<WorkflowExecutionContext> subworkflows, ReplayContinuationInstructions instructions) {
boolean wasList = Boolean.TRUE.equals(getStepState(context).wasList);
return runSubworkflowsWithConcurrency(context, subworkflows, getStepState(context).reducing, wasList, true, instructions);
static class StepState {
Boolean wasList;
Map reducing;
void setStepState(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, StepState state, boolean persist) {
context.setStepState(state, persist);
@Override protected StepState getStepState(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context) {
StepState result = (StepState) super.getStepState(context);
if (result==null) {
result = new StepState();
setStepState(context, result, false);
return result;
protected Object doTaskBody(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context) {
// 'replayable from here' configured elsewhere
// 'retention <value>'
if (retention!=null) {
context.getWorkflowExectionContext().updateRetentionFrom(WorkflowRetentionParser.parse(retention, context.getWorkflowExectionContext()).init(context.getWorkflowExectionContext()));
if (steps==null) {
return context.getPreviousStepOutput();
Object targetR = context.resolve(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_INPUT, target, Object.class);
if (targetR instanceof String) {
targetR = getTargetFromString(context, (String) targetR);
List<WorkflowExecutionContext> nestedWorkflowContext = MutableList.of();
boolean wasList = targetR instanceof Iterable;
targetR = checkTarget(targetR);
Map reducingV = context.resolve(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_INPUT, reducing, Map.class);
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
((Iterable<?>) targetR).forEach(t -> {
WorkflowExecutionContext nw = newWorkflow(context, t, wasList ? index.getAndIncrement() : null);
// workflow expressions are accessible in the condition, and the condition was resolveWrapped so will be looked up in the context of the invocation;
// thus ${target} can be used anywhere in it and should work
Maybe<Task<Object>> mt = nw.getTaskCheckingConditionWithTarget(t);
String targetS = wasList || t !=null ? " for target '"+t+"'" : "";
if (mt.isAbsent()) {
LOG.debug("Step " + context.getWorkflowStepReference() + " skipping nested workflow " + nw.getWorkflowId() + targetS + "; condition not met");
} else {
LOG.debug("Step " + context.getWorkflowStepReference() + " launching nested workflow " + nw.getWorkflowId() + targetS + " in task " + nw.getTaskId());
StepState state = getStepState(context);
state.wasList = wasList;
state.reducing = reducingV;
setStepState(context, state, false); // persist in next line
WorkflowReplayUtils.setNewSubWorkflows(context,, Tasks.current().getId());
// persist children now in case they aren't run right away, so that they are known in case of replay, we can incrementally resume (but after parent list)
nestedWorkflowContext.forEach(n -> n.persist());
return runSubworkflowsWithConcurrency(context, nestedWorkflowContext, reducingV, wasList, false, null);
protected Iterable checkTarget(Object targetR) {
if (targetR instanceof Iterable) return (Iterable)targetR;
if (targetR == null) { /* fine if no target supplied */ }
else if (targetR instanceof Entity) { /* entity is also supported */ }
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target of workflow must be an entity, a list, or an expression that resolves to a list");
return MutableList.of(targetR);
private Object runSubworkflowsWithConcurrency(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, List<WorkflowExecutionContext> nestedWorkflowContexts, Map reducingV, boolean wasList, boolean isReplaying, ReplayContinuationInstructions instructionsIfReplaying) {
LOG.debug("Running sub-workflows "+nestedWorkflowContexts);
if (nestedWorkflowContexts.isEmpty()) return reducingV!=null ? reducingV : MutableList.of();
long ci = 1;
Object c = concurrency;
if (c != null && wasList) {
if (reducingV!=null) {
// if reducing, force concurrency 1, and also disallow dynamic concurrency (to prevent things that work in tests with dynamic value resolving to 1 but fail in real life when not 1)
Maybe<Integer> cm = TypeCoercions.tryCoerce(c, Integer.class);
if (cm.isAbsent() || cm.get()!=1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concurrency cannot be used unless static value 1 when reducing");
ci = 1;
} else {
c = context.resolve(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_RUNNING, c, Object.class);
if (c instanceof Number) {
// okay
} else if (c instanceof String) {
c = WorkflowConcurrencyParser.parse((String) c).apply((double) nestedWorkflowContexts.size());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported concurrency object: '" + c + "'");
ci = (long) Math.floor(0.000001 + ((Number) c).doubleValue());
if (ci <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid concurrency value: " + ci + " (concurrency " + c + ", target size " + nestedWorkflowContexts.size() + ")");
AtomicInteger availableThreads = ci == 1 ? null : new AtomicInteger((int) ci);
List<Task<?>> submitted = MutableList.of();
List<Pair<WorkflowExecutionContext,Task<?>>> delayedBecauseReducing = MutableList.of();
WorkflowExecutionContext lastWorkflowRunBeforeReplay = null;
List<Throwable> errors = MutableList.of();
for (int i = 0; i < nestedWorkflowContexts.size(); i++) {
if (availableThreads != null) while (availableThreads.get() <= 0) {
try {
Tasks.withBlockingDetails("Waiting before running remaining " + (nestedWorkflowContexts.size() - i) + " instances because " + ci + " are currently running",
() -> {
synchronized (availableThreads) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
Task<Object> task;
if (!isReplaying) {
task = nestedWorkflowContexts.get(i).getTask(false).get();
} else {
try {
Pair<Boolean, Object> check = WorkflowReplayUtils.checkReplayResumingInSubWorkflowAlsoReturningTaskOrResult("nested workflow " + (i + 1), context, nestedWorkflowContexts.get(i), instructionsIfReplaying,
(w, e) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException("Sub workflow " + w + " is not replayable", e);
}, false);
if (check.getLeft()) {
task = (Task<Object>) check.getRight();
} else {
// completed, skip run; workflow output will be set and used by caller (so can ignore check.getRight() here)
task = null;
// unless we are reducing, in which case we need to track which one ran last
lastWorkflowRunBeforeReplay = nestedWorkflowContexts.get(i);
} catch (Exception e) {
task = null;
if (task != null) {
if (Entities.isUnmanagingOrNoLongerManaged(context.getEntity())) {
// on shutdown don't keep running tasks
} else {
if (reducingV!=null) {
delayedBecauseReducing.add(Pair.of(nestedWorkflowContexts.get(i), task));
} else {
if (availableThreads != null) {
((EntityInternal) context.getEntity()).getExecutionContext().submit(MutableMap.of("newTaskEndCallback", (Runnable) () -> {
synchronized (availableThreads) {
if (reducingV==null) {
assert delayedBecauseReducing.isEmpty();
submitted.forEach(t -> {
try {
if (!t.isSubmitted() && !errors.isEmpty()) {
// if concurrent, all tasks will be submitted, and we should wait;
// if not, then there might be queued tasks not yet submitted; if there are errors, they will never be submitted
} catch (Throwable tt) {
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
throw Exceptions.propagate("Error"+(errors.size()>1 ? "s" : "")+" running sub-workflow"+(nestedWorkflowContexts.size()>1 ? "s" : "")+" in "+context.getWorkflowStepReference(), errors);
} else {
// if reducing we need to wrap each execution to get/set last values
assert submitted.isEmpty();
if (lastWorkflowRunBeforeReplay!=null) {
// if interrupted we need to explicitly take from the last step
reducingV = updateReducingWorkflowVarsFromLastStep(lastWorkflowRunBeforeReplay, reducingV);
for (Pair<WorkflowExecutionContext, Task<?>> p : delayedBecauseReducing) {
WorkflowExecutionContext wc = p.getLeft();
if (wc.getCurrentStepIndex()==null || wc.getCurrentStepIndex()==WorkflowExecutionContext.STEP_INDEX_FOR_START) {
// initialize to last if it hasn't started
reducingV = updateReducingWorkflowVarsFromLastStep(wc, reducingV);
Object returnValue;
if (reducingV==null) {
List result = MutableList.of();
nestedWorkflowContexts.forEach(nw -> result.add(nw.getOutput()));
if (!wasList && result.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Result mismatch, non-list target " + target + " yielded output " + result);
returnValue = !wasList ? Iterables.getOnlyElement(result) : result;
} else {
returnValue = reducingV;
return returnValue;
private static MutableMap<String, Object> updateReducingWorkflowVarsFromLastStep(WorkflowExecutionContext lastStep, Map<String, Object> prevWorkflowVars) {
Map<String, Object> lastStepReducingWorkflowVars = lastStep.getWorkflowScratchVariables();
Object lastStepOutput = lastStep.getOutput();
MutableMap<String, Object> result = MutableMap.copyOf(prevWorkflowVars);
prevWorkflowVars.keySet().forEach(k -> {
result.put(k, lastStepReducingWorkflowVars.get(k));
if (lastStepOutput instanceof Map && ((Map) lastStepOutput).containsKey(k)) {
result.put(k, ((Map) lastStepOutput).get(k));
return result;
protected Object getTargetFromString(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, String target) {
if ("children".equals(target)) return context.getEntity().getChildren();
if ("members".equals(target)) {
if (!(context.getEntity() instanceof Group))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify target 'members' when not on a group");
return ((Group) context.getEntity()).getMembers();
if (target.matches("-?[0-9]+\\.\\.-?[0-9]+")) {
String[] numbers = target.split("\\.\\.");
if (numbers.length==2) {
int min = Integer.parseInt(numbers[0]);
int max = Integer.parseInt(numbers[1]);
if (min>max) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid target range "+min+".."+max);
List<Integer> result = MutableList.of();
while (min<=max) result.add(min++);
return result;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid target '"+target+"'; if a string, it must match a known keyword ('children' or 'members') or pattern (a range, '1..10')");
public String getNameOrDefault() {
return getNameOrDefault(() -> Strings.isNonBlank(shorthandTypeName) ? shorthandTypeName : "custom step");
public String getNameOrDefault(Supplier<String> defaultSupplier) {
return Strings.isNonBlank(getName()) ? getName() : defaultSupplier==null ? null : defaultSupplier.get();
public WorkflowStepDefinition applySpecialDefinition(ManagementContext mgmt, Object definition, String typeBestGuess, WorkflowStepDefinitionWithSpecialDeserialization firstParse) {
// if we've resolved a custom workflow step, we need to make sure that the map supplied here
// - doesn't set parameters
// - doesn't set steps unless it is a simple `workflow` step (not a custom step)
// - (also caller must not override shorthand definition, but that is explicitly removed by WorkflowStepResolution)
// - has its output treated specially (workflow from output vs output when using this)
BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader = RegisteredTypes.getCurrentClassLoadingContextOrManagement(mgmt);
if (typeBestGuess==null || !(definition instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be able to create a custom workflow definition from anything other than a map with a type");
CustomWorkflowStep result = (CustomWorkflowStep) firstParse;
Map m = (Map)definition;
for (String forbiddenKey: new String[] { "parameters" }) {
if (m.containsKey(forbiddenKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not permitted to override '" + forbiddenKey + "' when using a workflow step");
if (!isPermittedToSetSteps(typeBestGuess)) {
// custom workflow step
for (String forbiddenKey : new String[]{"steps"}) {
if (m.containsKey(forbiddenKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not permitted to override '" + forbiddenKey + "' when using a custom workflow step");
if (m.containsKey("output")) {
// need to restore the workflow output from the base definition
try {
CustomWorkflowStep base = BeanWithTypeUtils.convert(mgmt, MutableMap.of("type", typeBestGuess), TypeToken.of(CustomWorkflowStep.class), true, loader, false);
result.workflowOutput = base.output;
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} else {
// if not specified in the definition, the output should be the workflow output
result.workflowOutput = result.output;
result.output = null;
return result;
protected boolean isPermittedToSetSteps(String typeBestGuess) {
return typeBestGuess==null || SHORTHAND_TYPE_NAME_DEFAULT.equals(typeBestGuess) || CustomWorkflowStep.class.getName().equals(typeBestGuess);
protected WorkflowExecutionContext newWorkflow(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, Object target, Integer targetIndexOrNull) {
if (steps==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot make new workflow with no steps");
String indexName = targetIndexOrNull==null ? "" : " "+(targetIndexOrNull+1);
String name = getNameOrDefault(null);
name = (name == null ? "Sub-workflow" + indexName : "Sub-workflow"+indexName+" for " + name);
String targetString = target==null ? null : target.toString();
if (targetString!=null && targetString.length()<60 && !Strings.isMultiLine(targetString)) name += " ("+targetString+")";
WorkflowExecutionContext nestedWorkflowContext = WorkflowExecutionContext.newInstanceUnpersistedWithParent(
target instanceof BrooklynObject ? (BrooklynObject) target : context.getEntity(), context.getWorkflowExectionContext(),
getConfigForSubWorkflow(false), null,
ConfigBag.newInstance(getInput()), null);
String tivn = context.resolve(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_INPUT, target_index_var_name, String.class);
if (targetIndexOrNull!=null) nestedWorkflowContext.updateWorkflowScratchVariable(tivn == null ? TARGET_INDEX_VAR_NAME_DEFAULT : tivn, targetIndexOrNull);
initializeSubWorkflowForTarget(context, target, nestedWorkflowContext);
return nestedWorkflowContext;
protected void initializeSubWorkflowForTarget(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext context, Object target, WorkflowExecutionContext nestedWorkflowContext) {
String tvn = context.resolve(WorkflowExpressionResolution.WorkflowExpressionStage.STEP_INPUT, target_var_name, String.class);
nestedWorkflowContext.updateWorkflowScratchVariable(tvn==null ? TARGET_VAR_NAME_DEFAULT : tvn, target);
/** Returns a top-level workflow running the workflow defined here */
public WorkflowExecutionContext newWorkflowExecution(Entity entity, String name, ConfigBag extraConfig) {
return newWorkflowExecution(entity, name, extraConfig, null);
public WorkflowExecutionContext newWorkflowExecution(Entity entity, String name, ConfigBag extraConfig, Map extraTaskFlags) {
if (steps==null) {
if (target!=null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Steps are required for a workflow with a target");
else steps = MutableList.of();
if (target==null) {
// copy everything as we are going to run it "flat"
return WorkflowExecutionContext.newInstancePersisted(entity, WorkflowExecutionContext.WorkflowContextType.NESTED_WORKFLOW, name,
ConfigBag.newInstance(getInput()).putAll(extraConfig), extraTaskFlags);
} else {
// if target specified, just reference the steps, the task below will trigger the block above, passing config through
return WorkflowExecutionContext.newInstancePersisted(entity, WorkflowExecutionContext.WorkflowContextType.NESTED_WORKFLOW, name,
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.PARAMETER_DEFS, parameters)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.STEPS, MutableList.of(this)),
ConfigBag.newInstance(getInput()).putAll(extraConfig), extraTaskFlags);
private ConfigBag getConfigForSubWorkflow(boolean isFlattened) {
if (isFlattened && (output!=null && workflowOutput!=null)) {
if (!Objects.equals(output, workflowOutput)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Setting both 'output' and 'workflowOutput' is not supported for custom steps without target");
ConfigBag result = ConfigBag.newInstance()
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.PARAMETER_DEFS, parameters)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.STEPS, steps)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.INPUT, isFlattened ? input : null) // input is resolved in outer workflow so it can reference outer workflow vars
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.OUTPUT, isFlattened && workflowOutput==null ? output : workflowOutput)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.RETENTION, retention)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.REPLAYABLE, replayable)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.IDEMPOTENT, idempotent)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.ON_ERROR, onError)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.TIMEOUT, timeout)
.configure(WorkflowCommonConfig.LOCK, lock)
.configure((ConfigKey) WorkflowCommonConfig.CONDITION, target != null ? condition : null /* condition applies at subworkflow if target given */);
MutableMap.copyOf(result.getAllConfigRaw()).forEach( (k,v) -> { if (v==null) result.remove(k); });
return result;
public List<Object> peekSteps() {
return steps;
@Override protected Boolean isDefaultIdempotent() { return null; }