blob: 950713a6d14219eb5319530859b8d38f41f8310a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt;
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.Effector;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ExecutionManager;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.entitlement.EntitlementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.EntityAdjunct;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.Sanitizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.AbstractManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.AbstractEntityAdjunct;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.BasicExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.TaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.MemoryUsageTracker;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
/** Provides utilities for making Tasks easier to work with in Brooklyn.
* Main thing at present is to supply (and find) wrapped entities for tasks to understand the
* relationship of the entity to the task.
* <p>
* Eventually it may be better to replace these 'tags' on Tasks with strongly typed context objects.
* (Tags there are used mainly for determining who called it (caller), what they called it on (target entity),
* and what type of task it is (effector, schedule/sensor, etc).)
public class BrooklynTaskTags extends TaskTags {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrooklynTaskTags.class);
/** Tag for tasks which are running on behalf of the management server, rather than any entity */
public static final String BROOKLYN_SERVER_TASK_TAG = "BROOKLYN-SERVER";
/** Tag for a task which should be treated as a top-level task, for the purpose of listing */
public static final Object TOP_LEVEL_TASK = "TOP-LEVEL";
/** Tag for a task which represents entity initialization */
/** Tag for a task which represents entity destruction */
public static final Object ENTITY_DESTRUCTION = "DESTRUCTION";
/** Tag for a task which represents an effector */
public static final String EFFECTOR_TAG = "EFFECTOR";
/** Tag for a task which represents a sensor being published */
public static final String SENSOR_TAG = "SENSOR";
/** Tag for a task which represents a workflow or workflow step; look for a WorkflowTaskTag object to disambiguate */
public static final String WORKFLOW_TAG = "WORKFLOW";
/** Tag for a task which *is* interesting, in contrast to {@link #TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG} */
public static final String NON_TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG = "NON-TRANSIENT";
/** indicates a task is transient, roughly that is to say it is uninteresting --
* specifically this means it can be GC'd as soon as it is completed,
* and that it need not appear in some task lists;
* often used for framework lifecycle events and sensor polling */
public static final String TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG = "TRANSIENT";
/** marks that a task is meant to return immediately, without blocking (or if absolutely necessary blocking for a short while) */
public static final String IMMEDIATE_TASK_TAG = "IMMEDIATE";
public static final String ERROR_HANDLED_BY_TASK_TAG = "ERROR_HANDLED_BY";
// ------------- entity tags -------------------------
public abstract static class WrappedItem<T> {
/** @deprecated since 1.0.0 going private; use {@link #getWrappingType()} */
public final String wrappingType;
protected WrappedItem(String wrappingType) {
this.wrappingType = wrappingType;
public abstract T unwrap();
public String getWrappingType() {
return wrappingType;
public String toString() {
return "Wrapped["+getWrappingType()+":"+unwrap()+"]";
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(unwrap(), getWrappingType());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this==obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof WrappedItem)) return false;
Objects.equal(unwrap(), ((WrappedItem<?>)obj).unwrap()) &&
Objects.equal(getWrappingType(), ((WrappedItem<?>)obj).getWrappingType());
public static class WrappedEntity extends WrappedItem<Entity> {
/** @deprecated since 1.0.0 going private; use {@link #unwrap()} */
public final Entity entity;
protected WrappedEntity(String wrappingType, Entity entity) {
this.entity = Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity);
public Entity unwrap() {
return entity;
public static class WrappedObject<T> extends WrappedItem<T> {
private final T object;
protected WrappedObject(String wrappingType, T object) {
this.object = Preconditions.checkNotNull(object);
public T unwrap() {
return object;
public static final String CONTEXT_ENTITY = "contextEntity";
public static final String CALLER_ENTITY = "callerEntity";
public static final String TARGET_ENTITY = "targetEntity";
public static final String CONTEXT_ADJUNCT = "contextAdjunct";
* Marks a task as running in the context of the entity. This means
* resolving any relative/context sensitive values against that entity.
* Using the entity in APIs where it is implicit - a prominent example
* being {@link DynamicTasks}.
* The result from the call should be used only when reading tags (for example
* to compare whether the tag already exists). The only place where the value is
* added to the entity tags is {@link AbstractManagementContext#getExecutionContext(Entity)}.
public static WrappedEntity tagForContextEntity(Entity entity) {
return new WrappedEntity(CONTEXT_ENTITY, entity);
public static WrappedEntity tagForCallerEntity(Entity entity) {
return new WrappedEntity(CALLER_ENTITY, entity);
public static WrappedEntity tagForTargetEntity(Entity entity) {
return new WrappedEntity(TARGET_ENTITY, entity);
* As {@link #tagForContextEntity(Entity)} but wrapping an adjunct.
* Tasks with this tag will also have a {@link #tagForContextEntity(Entity)}.
public static WrappedObject<EntityAdjunct> tagForContextAdjunct(EntityAdjunct adjunct) {
return new WrappedObject<>(CONTEXT_ADJUNCT, adjunct);
public static WrappedEntity getWrappedEntityTagOfType(Task<?> t, String wrappingType) {
if (t==null) return null;
return getWrappedEntityTagOfType( getTagsFast(t), wrappingType);
public static WrappedEntity getWrappedEntityTagOfType(Collection<?> tags, String wrappingType) {
if (tags==null) return null;
for (Object x: tags)
if ((x instanceof WrappedEntity) && ((WrappedEntity)x).wrappingType.equals(wrappingType))
return (WrappedEntity)x;
return null;
public static <T> WrappedObject<T> getWrappedObjectTagOfType(Collection<?> tags, String wrappingType, Class<T> type) {
if (tags==null) return null;
for (Object x: tags)
if ((x instanceof WrappedObject) && ((WrappedObject<?>)x).wrappingType.equals(wrappingType) && type.isInstance( ((WrappedObject<?>)x).object ))
return (WrappedObject<T>)x;
return null;
public static <T> T getUnwrappedObjectTagOfType(Collection<?> tags, String wrappingType, Class<T> type) {
WrappedObject<T> result = getWrappedObjectTagOfType(tags, wrappingType, type);
return result!=null ? result.unwrap() : null;
public static Entity getWrappedEntityOfType(Task<?> t, String wrappingType) {
WrappedEntity wrapper = getWrappedEntityTagOfType(t, wrappingType);
return (wrapper == null) ? null : wrapper.entity;
public static Entity getWrappedEntityOfType(Collection<?> tags, String wrappingType) {
WrappedEntity wrapper = getWrappedEntityTagOfType(tags, wrappingType);
return (wrapper == null) ? null : wrapper.entity;
public static Entity getContextEntity(Task<?> task) {
return getWrappedEntityOfType(task, CONTEXT_ENTITY);
public static EntityAdjunct getContextEntityAdjunct(Task<?> task, boolean recursively) {
WrappedObject<EntityAdjunct> result = getWrappedObjectTagOfType(getTagsFast(task), CONTEXT_ADJUNCT, EntityAdjunct.class);
if (result==null) {
if (recursively && task!=null) {
return getContextEntityAdjunct(task.getSubmittedByTask(), recursively);
return null;
return result.object;
public static Object getTargetOrContextEntityTag(Task<?> task) {
if (task == null) return null;
Object result = getWrappedEntityTagOfType(task, CONTEXT_ENTITY);
if (result!=null) return result;
result = getWrappedEntityTagOfType(task, TARGET_ENTITY);
if (result!=null) return result;
result = Tasks.tag(task, Entity.class, false);
if (result!=null) return result;
return null;
public static Entity getTargetOrContextEntity(Task<?> t) {
if (t==null) return null;
Entity result = getWrappedEntityOfType(t, CONTEXT_ENTITY);
if (result!=null) return result;
result = getWrappedEntityOfType(t, TARGET_ENTITY);
if (result!=null) {
log.warn("Context entity found by looking at target entity tag, not context entity");
return result;
result = Tasks.tag(t, Entity.class, false);
if (result!=null) {
log.warn("Context entity found by looking at 'Entity' tag, not wrapped entity");
return result;
public static Set<Task<?>> getTasksInEntityContext(ExecutionManager em, Entity e) {
return em.getTasksWithTag(tagForContextEntity(e));
public static Set<Task<?>> getTasksInAdjunctContext(ExecutionManager em, EntityAdjunct a) {
return em.getTasksWithTag(tagForContextAdjunct(a));
public static ManagementContext getManagementContext(Task<?> task) {
if (task==null) return null;
for (Object tag : getTagsFast(task))
if ((tag instanceof ManagementContext))
return (ManagementContext) tag;
return getManagementContext(task.getSubmittedByTask());
// ------------- stream tags -------------------------
public static class WrappedStream {
public final String streamType;
public final Supplier<String> streamContents;
public final Supplier<Integer> streamSize;
protected WrappedStream(String streamType, Supplier<String> streamContents, Supplier<Integer> streamSize) {
this.streamType = streamType;
this.streamContents = streamContents;
this.streamSize = streamSize != null ? streamSize : Suppliers.<Integer>ofInstance(streamContents.get().length());
protected WrappedStream(String streamType, ByteArrayOutputStream stream) {
this.streamType = streamType;
this.streamContents = Strings.toStringSupplier(stream);
this.streamSize = Streams.sizeSupplier(stream);
// fix for (which also applies to codehaus jackson)
public Integer getStreamSize() {
return streamSize.get();
// there is a stream call on Activity REST api which accesses streamContent.get() directly;
// so when serializing the tag, abbreviate things
public String getStreamContentsAbbreviated() {
// TODO would be nice to just get the first 80 chars but that's a refactoring
// which might affect persistence. if stream is very large (100MB+) then we sometimes
// get OOME without it, so let's abbreviate
if (streamSize.get()>8192) {
return "<contents-too-large>";
return Strings.maxlenWithEllipsis(streamContents.get(), 80);
public String toString() {
return "Stream["+streamType+"/"+Strings.makeSizeString(streamSize.get())+"]";
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(streamContents, streamType);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof WrappedStream)) return false;
Objects.equal(streamContents, ((WrappedStream)obj).streamContents) &&
Objects.equal(streamType, ((WrappedStream)obj).streamType);
public static final String STREAM_STDIN = "stdin";
public static final String STREAM_STDOUT = "stdout";
public static final String STREAM_STDERR = "stderr";
/** not a stream, but inserted with the same mechanism */
public static final String STREAM_ENV = "env";
private static final Maybe<ByteArrayOutputStream> STREAM_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MAYBE = Maybe.of(Streams.byteArrayOfString("<contents-garbage-collected>"));
/** creates a tag suitable for marking a stream available on a task */
public static WrappedStream tagForStream(String streamType, ByteArrayOutputStream stream) {
return new WrappedStream(streamType, stream);
/** creates a tag suitable for marking a stream available on a task, but which might be GC'd */
// TODO only make it soft if/when stream exceeds a given size eg 1kb ?
public static WrappedStream tagForStreamSoft(String streamType, ByteArrayOutputStream stream) {
MemoryUsageTracker.SOFT_REFERENCES.track(stream, stream.size());
Maybe<ByteArrayOutputStream> softStream = Maybe.softThen(stream, STREAM_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MAYBE);
return new WrappedStream(streamType,
Suppliers.compose(Functions.toStringFunction(), softStream),
Suppliers.compose(Streams.sizeFunction(), softStream));
/** creates a tag suitable for marking a stream available on a task */
public static WrappedStream tagForStream(String streamType, Supplier<String> contents, Supplier<Integer> size) {
return new WrappedStream(streamType, contents, size);
* Creates a tag suitable for attaching a snapshot of an environment var map as a "stream" on a task; mainly for use
* with STREAM_ENV. Sensitive data like passwords is always masked, see {@link Sanitizer#IS_SECRET_PREDICATE}.
* @param streamEnv Never used
* @param env The {@link Map} with environment variables
* @return The {@link WrappedStream}
* */
public static WrappedStream tagForEnvStream(String streamEnv, Map<?, ?> env) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Sanitizer.sanitizeMapToString(env, sb);
// TODO also make soft - this is often larger than the streams themselves
return BrooklynTaskTags.tagForStream(BrooklynTaskTags.STREAM_ENV, Streams.byteArrayOfString(sb.toString()));
/** returns the set of tags indicating the streams available on a task */
public static Set<WrappedStream> streams(Task<?> task) {
Set<WrappedStream> result = new LinkedHashSet<BrooklynTaskTags.WrappedStream>();
for (Object tag: getTagsFast(task)) {
if (tag instanceof WrappedStream) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(result);
/** returns the tag for the indicated stream, or null */
public static WrappedStream stream(Task<?> task, String streamType) {
if (task==null) return null;
for (Object tag: getTagsFast(task))
if ((tag instanceof WrappedStream) && ((WrappedStream)tag).streamType.equals(streamType))
return (WrappedStream)tag;
return null;
// ------ misc
public static <TR,T extends Task<TR>> T setInessential(T task) { return addTagDynamically(task, INESSENTIAL_TASK); }
public static <TR,T extends Task<TR>> T setTransient(T task) { return addTagDynamically(task, TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG); }
public static boolean isTransient(Task<?> task) {
if (hasTag(task, TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG)) return true;
if (hasTag(task, NON_TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG)) return false;
if (task.getSubmittedByTask()!=null) return isTransient(task.getSubmittedByTask());
return false;
public static boolean isSubTask(Task<?> task) { return hasTag(task, SUB_TASK_TAG); }
public static boolean isEffectorTask(Task<?> task) { return hasTag(task, EFFECTOR_TAG); }
// ------ effector tags
public static class EffectorCallTag {
protected final String entityId;
protected final String effectorName;
protected Map<String,Object> effectorParams;
protected transient ConfigBag parameters;
protected EffectorCallTag(String entityId, String effectorName, ConfigBag parameters) {
this.entityId = checkNotNull(entityId, "entityId");
this.effectorName = checkNotNull(effectorName, "effectorName");
public String toString() {
return EFFECTOR_TAG+"@"+entityId+":"+effectorName;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(entityId, effectorName);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof EffectorCallTag)) return false;
EffectorCallTag other = (EffectorCallTag) obj;
Objects.equal(entityId, other.entityId) &&
Objects.equal(effectorName, other.effectorName) &&
Objects.equal(effectorParams, other.effectorParams);
public String getEntityId() {
return entityId;
public String getEffectorName() {
return effectorName;
/** contains parameters including typed keys, for use during invocation; not serialized (via REST API) */
public ConfigBag getParameters() {
return parameters;
public void setParameters(ConfigBag parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
effectorParams = MutableMap.copyOf(parameters.getAllConfig());
/** contains parameters as a map, for use during invocation; serialized (in REST API) */
public Map<String, Object> getEffectorParams() {
return effectorParams;
public static EffectorCallTag tagForEffectorCall(Entity entity, String effectorName, ConfigBag parameters) {
return new EffectorCallTag(entity.getId(), effectorName, parameters);
public static class WorkflowTaskTag {
protected String applicationId;
protected String entityId;
protected String workflowId;
protected Integer stepIndex;
// TODO handle these in the UI:
protected String supersededByTaskId;
protected String errorHandlerForTask;
protected Integer errorHandlerIndex; //same as below if set; we don't need it
protected Integer subStepIndex;
public String getApplicationId() {
return applicationId;
public String getEntityId() {
return entityId;
public String getWorkflowId() {
return workflowId;
/** null if it is the task for the overall workflow or sub-workflow*/
public Integer getStepIndex() {
return stepIndex;
/** if not null, this sub-workflow has been superseded, ie replayed in a different workflow;
* where possible, this refers to the sub-workflow that replaces it; in other cases it refers to the parent task who replaces it */
public String getSupersededByTaskId() {
return supersededByTaskId;
public void setSupersededByTaskId(String supersededByTaskId) {
this.supersededByTaskId = supersededByTaskId;
public Integer getErrorHandlerIndex() {
return errorHandlerIndex;
public String toString() {
return "WorkflowTaskTag{" +
"applicationId='" + applicationId + '\'' +
", entityId='" + entityId + '\'' +
", workflowId='" + workflowId + '\'' +
", stepIndex=" + stepIndex +
", supersededByTaskId='" + supersededByTaskId + '\'' +
", errorHandlerForTask='" + errorHandlerForTask + '\'' +
", errorHandlerIndex=" + errorHandlerIndex +
public static WorkflowTaskTag tagForWorkflow(WorkflowExecutionContext workflow) {
WorkflowTaskTag t = new WorkflowTaskTag();
t.applicationId = workflow.getEntity().getApplicationId();
t.entityId = workflow.getEntity().getId();
t.workflowId = workflow.getWorkflowId();
return t;
public static WorkflowTaskTag tagForWorkflow(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext workflowStep) {
WorkflowTaskTag t = tagForWorkflow(workflowStep.getWorkflowExectionContext());
t.stepIndex = workflowStep.getStepIndex();
return t;
public static WorkflowTaskTag tagForWorkflowSubStep(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext parentStep, int subStepIndex) {
WorkflowTaskTag t = tagForWorkflow(parentStep.getWorkflowExectionContext());
t.stepIndex = parentStep.getStepIndex();
t.subStepIndex = subStepIndex;
return t;
public static WorkflowTaskTag tagForWorkflowStepErrorHandler(WorkflowStepInstanceExecutionContext workflowStep, Integer errorHandlerIndex, String errorHandlerForTask) {
WorkflowTaskTag t = tagForWorkflow(workflowStep.getWorkflowExectionContext());
t.stepIndex = workflowStep!=null ? workflowStep.getStepIndex() : null;
t.subStepIndex = errorHandlerIndex;
t.errorHandlerIndex = errorHandlerIndex;
t.errorHandlerForTask = errorHandlerForTask;
if (Strings.isBlank(t.errorHandlerForTask)) t.errorHandlerForTask = "task-unavailable"; // ensure not null
return t;
public static WorkflowTaskTag tagForWorkflowStepErrorHandler(WorkflowExecutionContext context) {
WorkflowTaskTag t = tagForWorkflow(context);
t.errorHandlerForTask = context.getTaskId();
if (Strings.isBlank(t.errorHandlerForTask)) t.errorHandlerForTask = "task-unavailable"; // ensure not null
return t;
public static Map<String,String> tagForErrorHandledBy(Task<?> handler) {
return ImmutableMap.of(ERROR_HANDLED_BY_TASK_TAG, handler.getId());
* checks if the given task is part of the given effector call on the given entity;
* @param task the task to check (false if null)
* @param entity the entity where this effector task should be running, or any entity if null
* @param effector the effector (matching name) where this task should be running, or any effector if null
* @param allowNestedEffectorCalls whether to match ancestor effector calls, e.g. if eff1 calls eff2,
* and we are checking eff2, whether to match eff1
* @return whether the given task is part of the given effector
public static boolean isInEffectorTask(Task<?> task, @Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable Effector<?> effector, boolean allowNestedEffectorCalls) {
Task<?> t = task;
while (t!=null) {
Set<Object> tags = t.getTags();
if (tags.contains(EFFECTOR_TAG)) {
for (Object tag: tags) {
if (tag instanceof EffectorCallTag) {
EffectorCallTag et = (EffectorCallTag)tag;
if (entity!=null && !et.getEntityId().equals(entity.getId()))
if (effector!=null && !et.getEffectorName().equals(effector.getName()))
return true;
if (!allowNestedEffectorCalls) return false;
t = t.getSubmittedByTask();
return false;
* finds the task up the {@code child} hierarchy handling the {@code effector} call,
* returns null if one doesn't exist.
public static Task<?> getClosestEffectorTask(Task<?> child, Effector<?> effector) {
Task<?> t = child;
while (t != null) {
Set<Object> tags = t.getTags();
if (tags.contains(EFFECTOR_TAG)) {
for (Object tag: tags) {
if (tag instanceof EffectorCallTag) {
EffectorCallTag et = (EffectorCallTag) tag;
if (effector != null && !et.getEffectorName().equals(effector.getName()))
return t;
t = t.getSubmittedByTask();
return null;
/** finds the first {@link EffectorCallTag} tag on this tag, or optionally on submitters, or null */
public static EffectorCallTag getEffectorCallTag(Task<?> task, boolean recurse) {
Task<?> t = task;
while (t!=null) {
for (Object tag: getTagsFast(task)) {
if (tag instanceof EffectorCallTag)
return (EffectorCallTag)tag;
if (!recurse)
return null;
t = t.getSubmittedByTask();
return null;
public static WorkflowTaskTag getWorkflowTaskTag(Task<?> task, boolean recurse) {
Task<?> t = task;
while (t!=null) {
for (Object tag: getTagsFast(task)) {
if (tag instanceof WorkflowTaskTag)
return (WorkflowTaskTag)tag;
if (!recurse)
return null;
t = t.getSubmittedByTask();
return null;
/** finds the first {@link EffectorCallTag} tag on this tag or a submitter, and returns the effector name */
public static String getEffectorName(Task<?> task) {
EffectorCallTag result = getEffectorCallTag(task, true);
return (result == null) ? null : result.getEffectorName();
public static ConfigBag getEffectorParameters(Task<?> task) {
EffectorCallTag result = getEffectorCallTag(task, true);
return (result == null) ? null : result.getParameters();
public static ConfigBag getCurrentEffectorParameters() {
return getEffectorParameters(Tasks.current());
public static void setEffectorParameters(Task<?> task, ConfigBag parameters) {
EffectorCallTag result = getEffectorCallTag(task, true);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No EffectorCallTag found, is the task an effector? Task: " + task);
// ---------------- entitlement tags ----------------
public static class EntitlementTag {
private EntitlementContext entitlementContext;
public static EntitlementContext getEntitlement(Task<?> task) {
if (task==null) return null;
return getEntitlement(getTagsFast(task));
public static EntitlementContext getEntitlement(Collection<?> tags) {
if (tags==null) return null;
for (Object tag: tags) {
if (tag instanceof EntitlementTag) {
return ((EntitlementTag)tag).entitlementContext;
return null;
public static EntitlementContext getEntitlement(EntitlementTag tag) {
if (tag==null) return null;
return tag.entitlementContext;
public static EntitlementTag tagForEntitlement(EntitlementContext context) {
EntitlementTag tag = new EntitlementTag();
tag.entitlementContext = context;
return tag;
public static ExecutionContext getExecutionContext(Collection<?> tags) {
EntityAdjunct ea = getUnwrappedObjectTagOfType(tags, CONTEXT_ADJUNCT, EntityAdjunct.class);
if (ea instanceof AbstractEntityAdjunct) {
return ((AbstractEntityAdjunct)ea).getExecutionContext();
Entity e = getWrappedEntityOfType(tags, CONTEXT_ENTITY);
if (e==null) e= getWrappedEntityOfType(tags, TARGET_ENTITY);
if (e instanceof EntityInternal) {
return ((EntityInternal)e).getExecutionContext();
return null;
public static ExecutionContext getExecutionContext(Task<?> t) {
return getExecutionContext(getTagsFast(t));
* This should always be identical to {@link BasicExecutionContext#getCurrentExecutionContext()} as
* there are two ways to derive the {@link ExecutionContext}: one is the {@link ThreadLocal} accessed from the above method
* and set by {@link BasicExecutionContext} submissions; the other is by looking at {@link #getTargetOrContextEntity(Task)}
* and {@link #CONTEXT_ADJUNCT} tags on the current task. As {@link BasicExecutionContext} also sets those tags,
* the only time the two will be different is if {@link ExecutionManager#submit(org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.TaskAdaptable)}
* is used supplying one or more of these context tags, in which case only this method will determine the execution context.
public static ExecutionContext getCurrentExecutionContext() {
Task<?> t = Tasks.current();
ExecutionContext result = t!=null ? getExecutionContext(t) : null;
if (result==null) result = BasicExecutionContext.getCurrentExecutionContext();
return result;