blob: fce5306c5bfc567a58c1da766b852548ea838e50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.Effector;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.ParameterType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.TaskAdaptable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.classloading.BrooklynClassLoadingContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.EffectorTasks.EffectorMarkingTaskFactory;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.EffectorTasks.EffectorTaskFactory;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.Entities;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.WorkflowEffector;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Effectors {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Effectors.class);
public static class EffectorBuilder<T> {
private Class<T> returnType;
private String effectorName;
private String description;
private Map<String,ParameterType<?>> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String,ParameterType<?>>();
private EffectorTaskFactory<T> impl;
private EffectorBuilder(Class<T> returnType, String effectorName) {
this.returnType = returnType;
this.effectorName = effectorName;
protected EffectorBuilder(EffectorBuilder<T> other) {
this.returnType = other.returnType;
this.effectorName = other.effectorName;
this.description = other.description;
this.parameters = other.parameters;
this.impl = other.impl;
public EffectorBuilder<T> name(String name) {
this.effectorName = name;
return this;
public EffectorBuilder<T> description(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
public EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(Class<?> paramType, String paramName) {
return parameter(paramType, paramName, null, null);
public EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(Class<?> paramType, String paramName, String paramDescription) {
return parameter(paramType, paramName, paramDescription, null);
public <V> EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(Class<V> paramType, String paramName, String paramDescription, V defaultValue) {
return parameter(new BasicParameterType<V>(paramName, paramType, paramDescription, defaultValue));
public EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(TypeToken<?> paramType, String paramName) {
return parameter(paramType, paramName, null, null);
public EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(TypeToken<?> paramType, String paramName, String paramDescription) {
return parameter(paramType, paramName, paramDescription, null);
public <V> EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(TypeToken<V> paramType, String paramName, String paramDescription, V defaultValue) {
return parameter(new BasicParameterType<V>(paramName, paramType, paramDescription, defaultValue));
public <V> EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(ConfigKey<V> key) {
return parameter(asParameterType(key));
public EffectorBuilder<T> parameter(ParameterType<?> p) {
// allow redeclaring, e.g. for the case where we are overriding an existing effector
parameters.put(p.getName(), p);
return this;
public EffectorBuilder<T> impl(EffectorBodyTaskFactory<T> taskFactory) {
this.impl = taskFactory;
return this;
public EffectorBuilder<T> impl(EffectorTaskFactory<T> taskFactory) {
this.impl = new EffectorMarkingTaskFactory<T>(taskFactory);
return this;
public EffectorBuilder<T> impl(EffectorBody<T> effectorBody) {
return impl(new EffectorBodyTaskFactory<T>(effectorBody));
/** returns the effector, with an implementation (required); @see {@link #buildAbstract()} */
public Effector<T> build() {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(impl, "Cannot create effector %s with no impl (did you forget impl? or did you mean to buildAbstract?)", effectorName);
return new EffectorAndBody<T>(effectorName, returnType, ImmutableList.copyOf(parameters.values()), description, impl);
/** returns an abstract effector, where the body will be defined later/elsewhere
* (impl must not be set) */
public Effector<T> buildAbstract() {
Preconditions.checkArgument(impl==null, "Cannot create abstract effector {} as an impl is defined", effectorName);
return new EffectorBase<T>(effectorName, returnType, ImmutableList.copyOf(parameters.values()), description);
/** creates a new effector builder with the given name and return type */
public static <T> EffectorBuilder<T> effector(Class<T> returnType, String effectorName) {
return new EffectorBuilder<T>(returnType, effectorName);
/** creates a new effector builder to _override_ the given effector */
public static <T> EffectorBuilder<T> effector(Effector<T> base) {
EffectorBuilder<T> builder = new EffectorBuilder<T>(base.getReturnType(), base.getName());
for (ParameterType<?> p: base.getParameters())
if (base instanceof EffectorWithBody)
builder.impl(((EffectorWithBody<T>) base).getBody());
return builder;
/** as {@link #invocation(Entity, Effector, Map)} but convenience for passing a {@link ConfigBag} */
public static <T> TaskAdaptable<T> invocation(Entity entity, Effector<T> eff, ConfigBag parameters) {
return invocation(entity, eff, parameters==null ? ImmutableMap.of() : parameters.getAllConfig());
/** returns an unsubmitted task which invokes the given effector; use {@link Entities#invokeEffector(Entity, Entity, Effector, Map)} for a submitted variant */
public static <T> TaskAdaptable<T> invocation(Entity entity, Effector<T> eff, @Nullable Map<?,?> parameters) {
return invocationPossiblySubWorkflow(entity, eff, parameters, null, null);
public static <T> TaskAdaptable<T> invocationPossiblySubWorkflow(Entity entity, Effector<T> eff, @Nullable Map<?,?> parameters, WorkflowExecutionContext parent, Consumer<BrooklynTaskTags.WorkflowTaskTag> parentWorkflowInitializer) {
Effector<T> eff2 = (Effector<T>) ((EntityInternal)entity).getEffector(eff.getName());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
Object eff1Body = (eff instanceof EffectorWithBody<?> ? ((EffectorWithBody<?>) eff).getBody() : "bodyless");
String message = String.format("Invoking %s/%s on entity %s", eff, eff1Body, entity);
if (eff != eff2) {
Object eff2Body = (eff2 instanceof EffectorWithBody<?> ? ((EffectorWithBody<?>) eff2).getBody() : "bodyless");
message += String.format(" (actually %s/%s)", eff2, eff2Body);
if (eff2 != null) {
if (eff2 != eff) {
if (eff2 instanceof EffectorWithBody) {
log.debug("Replacing invocation of {} on {} with {} which is the impl defined at that entity", new Object[] { eff, entity, eff2 });
return ((EffectorWithBody<T>)eff2).getBody().newTask(entity, eff2, getConfigBagWithParametersCoerced(eff2, parameters, false));
} else {
log.warn("Effector {} defined on {} has no body; invoking caller-supplied {} instead", new Object[] { eff2, entity, eff });
} else {
log.debug("Effector {} does not exist on {}; attempting to invoke anyway", new Object[] { eff, entity });
if (eff instanceof EffectorWithBody) {
if (eff instanceof WorkflowEffector.WorkflowEffectorAndBody) {
return (TaskAdaptable<T>) ((WorkflowEffector.WorkflowEffectorAndBody) eff).getBody().newSubWorkflowTask(entity, eff, getConfigBagWithParametersCoerced(eff, parameters, false), parent, parentWorkflowInitializer);
} else {
return ((EffectorWithBody<T>) eff).getBody().newTask(entity, eff, getConfigBagWithParametersCoerced(eff, parameters, false));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation registered for effector "+eff+" on "+entity);
public static ConfigBag getConfigBagWithParametersCoerced(Effector<?> eff, @Nullable Map<?,?> map, boolean requireParameter) {
ConfigBag bag = ConfigBag.newInstance();
if (map!=null) {
map.forEach( (ko,v) -> {
String k;
if (ko instanceof String) k = (String) ko;
else if (ko instanceof ConfigKey) k = ((ConfigKey)ko).getName();
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter '"+ko+"' for effector "+eff.getName()+"; should be a string or config key");
Optional<ParameterType<?>> p = eff.getParameters().stream().filter(pi -> k.equals(pi.getName())).findFirst();
if (!p.isPresent()) {
if (!requireParameter) {
// many invocations pass ad hoc parameters
bag.putStringKey(k, v);
} else {
// might be nice to stop doing that, but even some workflow eg update children on_update takes parameters it doesn't declare
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such parameter '" + k + "' for effector " + eff.getName());
} else {
Object v2 = TypeCoercions.tryCoerce(v, p.get().getParameterType()).orThrow("Invalid parameter value for '" + k + "' for effector " + eff.getName() + "; cannot convert to " + p.get().getParameterType());
bag.putStringKey(k, v2);
return bag;
public static <V> ParameterType<V> asParameterType(ConfigKey<V> key) {
return key.hasDefaultValue()
? new BasicParameterType<V>(key.getName(), key.getTypeToken(), key.getDescription(), key.getDefaultValue())
: new BasicParameterType<V>(key.getName(), key.getTypeToken(), key.getDescription());
public static <V> ConfigKey<V> asConfigKey(ParameterType<V> paramType) {
return ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(paramType.getParameterType(), paramType.getName(), paramType.getDescription(), paramType.getDefaultValue());
/** convenience for {@link #invocationParallel(Effector, Map, Iterable)} */
public static TaskAdaptable<List<?>> invocation(Effector<?> eff, Map<?,?> params, Iterable<? extends Entity> entities) {
return invocationParallel(eff, params, entities);
/** returns an unsubmitted task which will invoke the given effector on the given entities in parallel;
* return type is Task<List<T>> (but haven't put in the blood sweat toil and tears to make the generics work) */
public static TaskAdaptable<List<?>> invocationParallel(Effector<?> eff, Map<?,?> params, Iterable<? extends Entity> entities) {
List<TaskAdaptable<?>> tasks = new ArrayList<TaskAdaptable<?>>();
for (Entity e: entities) tasks.add(invocation(e, eff, params));
return Tasks.parallel(
"invoking " + eff + " on " + tasks.size() + " node" + (Strings.s(tasks.size())),
tasks.toArray(new TaskAdaptable[tasks.size()]));
/** as {@link #invocationParallel(Effector, Map, Iterable)} but executing sequentially */
public static TaskAdaptable<List<?>> invocationSequential(Effector<?> eff, Map<?,?> params, Iterable<? extends Entity> entities) {
List<TaskAdaptable<?>> tasks = new ArrayList<TaskAdaptable<?>>();
for (Entity e: entities) tasks.add(invocation(e, eff, params));
return Tasks.sequential(
"invoking " + eff + " on " + tasks.size() + " node" + (Strings.s(tasks.size())),
tasks.toArray(new TaskAdaptable[tasks.size()]));
/** returns an unsubmitted task which will invoke the given effector on the given entities
* (this form of method is a convenience for {@link #invocation(Effector, Map, Iterable)}) */
public static TaskAdaptable<List<?>> invocation(Effector<?> eff, Map<?, ?> params, Entity ...entities) {
return invocation(eff, params, Arrays.asList(entities));
public static boolean sameSignature(Effector<?> e1, Effector<?> e2) {
return Objects.equal(e1.getName(), e2.getName()) &&
Objects.equal(e1.getParameters(), e2.getParameters()) &&
Objects.equal(e1.getReturnType(), e2.getReturnType());
// TODO sameSignatureAndBody
public static boolean sameInstance(Effector<?> e1, Effector<?> e2) {
return e1 == e2;
public static Collection<ParameterType<?>> parseParameters(Map<String,Object> paramDefs) {
return parseParameters(paramDefs, null);
public static Collection<ParameterType<?>> parseParameters(Map<String,Object> paramDefs, BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader) {
Set<ParameterType<?>> result = MutableSet.of();
if (paramDefs==null) return result;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> paramDef: paramDefs.entrySet()){
if (paramDef!=null) {
String paramName = paramDef.getKey();
Object value = paramDef.getValue();
if (value==null) value = Collections.emptyMap();
if (!(value instanceof Map)) {
if (value instanceof CharSequence && Strings.isBlank((CharSequence) value))
value = Collections.emptyMap();
if (!(value instanceof Map))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument of type "+value.getClass()+" value '"+value+"' supplied as parameter definition "
+ "'"+paramName);
result.add(Effectors.asParameterType(ConfigKeys.DynamicKeys.newNamedInstance(paramName, (Map<?, ?>) value, loader)));
return result;