blob: 70e9c238b1ecb1b03172adca1f12f095b1baefee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.Session;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Convenience to assist working with multiple sessions, ensuring requests in different bundles can
* get a consistent shared view of data.
* <p>
* Any processing that wants to {@link #getAttribute(String)}, {@link #setAttribute(String, Object)} or {@link #removeAttribute(String)}
* in a way that all Brooklyn bundles will see (e.g. authentication, etc) should use the methods in this class,
* as opposed to calling {@link HttpServletRequest#getSession()} then {@link HttpSession#getAttribute(String)}.
* <p>
* This class will follow heuristics to find a preferred shared session. The heuristics are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>We look at the {@link Server} for a {@link #KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE}, and
* if it has a session with {@link #KEY_IS_PREFERRED}, we use it
* <li>We look in all session handlers for a session marked as {@link #KEY_IS_PREFERRED}
* <li>If there is a {@link #KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE} at the server,
* we create a session there (if needed, and if we can, ie we have the request)
* and mark it (or one already existing there) as {@link #KEY_IS_PREFERRED}
* <li>If there is no {@link #KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE} at the server,
* we go through all bundles looking for the CXF one and we store that against the {@link Server}
* (this should only happen once, will log warnings if not found)
* <li>Finally we mark the originating session as the {@link #KEY_IS_PREFERRED} so that it
* is used in preference to others, including ones at the {@link #KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE},
* if we were invoked in a way where we couldn't find such a handler (ie no such bundle) and we couldn't create one there
* </ul>
* This class may have the occasional quirk if run in parallel but we can live with that,
* and the danger I think is confined to inconsistent sessions.
* It logs in that case and other fringe cases.
* <p>
* In future we may wish to make this more configurable, so bundles can specify a priority
* or a configuration property could specify the preferred bundles and/or context paths.
* But for now hard-coding CXF is fine.
* <p>
* Obviously code that bypasses this and uses the {@link HttpServletRequest#getSession()}
* will only read/write things in their session, and it won't be visible to requests from other bundles.
* <p>
* Previously we tried sharing sessions across bundles; you'll see in git history the code for that;
* however it was messy, and ended up being dodgy when we invalidate, and likely very dodgy if the
* system auto-invalidates (e.g. time- or memory-based expiry), as code there is quite fragile assuming
* sessions are one-to-one tied to their handlers.
public class MultiSessionAttributeAdapter {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultiSessionAttributeAdapter.class);
private static final String KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE = "org.apache.brooklyn.server.PreferredSessionHandlerInstance";
private static final String KEY_IS_PREFERRED = "org.apache.brooklyn.server.IsPreferred";
private static final int MAX_INACTIVE_INTERVAL = 3601;
private static final Object PREFERRED_SYMBOLIC_NAME =
//// our bundle here doesn't have a session handler; sessions to the REST API get the handler from CXF
private final HttpSession preferredSession;
private final HttpSession localSession;
private boolean silentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues = false;
private boolean setLocalValuesAlso = false;
private boolean setAllKnownSessions = false;
private static final Factory FACTORY = new Factory();
protected MultiSessionAttributeAdapter(HttpSession preferredSession, HttpSession localSession) {
this.preferredSession = preferredSession;
this.localSession = localSession;
public static MultiSessionAttributeAdapter of(HttpServletRequest r) {
return of(r, true);
/** May return null iff create is false */
public static MultiSessionAttributeAdapter of(HttpServletRequest r, boolean create) {
HttpSession session = r.getSession(create);
if (session==null) return null;
return new MultiSessionAttributeAdapter(FACTORY.findPreferredSession(r), session);
/** Where the request isn't available, and the preferred session is expected to exist.
* Note we cannot create a new session at the preferred handler without a request. */
public static MultiSessionAttributeAdapter of(HttpSession session) {
return new MultiSessionAttributeAdapter(FACTORY.findPreferredSession(session, null), session);
protected static class Factory {
private HttpSession findPreferredSession(HttpServletRequest r) {
if (r.getSession(false)==null) {
log.warn("Creating session", new Exception("source of created session"));
return findPreferredSession(r.getSession(), r);
private HttpSession findPreferredSession(HttpSession localSession, HttpServletRequest optionalRequest) {
if (localSession instanceof Session) {
SessionHandler preferredHandler = getPreferredJettyHandler((Session)localSession, true, true);
HttpSession preferredSession = preferredHandler==null ? null : preferredHandler.getHttpSession(localSession.getId());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Preferred session for "+info(optionalRequest, localSession)+": "+
(preferredSession!=null ? info(preferredSession) : "none, willl make new session in "+info(preferredHandler)));
if (preferredSession!=null) {
return preferredSession;
if (preferredHandler!=null) {
if (optionalRequest!=null) {
HttpSession result = preferredHandler.newHttpSession(optionalRequest);
// bigger than HouseKeeper.sessionScavengeInterval: 3600
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Creating new session "+info(result)+" to be preferred for " + info(optionalRequest, localSession));
return result;
// the server has a preferred handler, but no session yet; fall back to marking on the session
log.warn("No request so cannot create preferred session at preferred handler "+info(preferredHandler)+" for "+info(optionalRequest, localSession)+"; will exceptionally mark the calling session as the preferred one");
markSessionAsPreferred(localSession, " (request came in for "+info(optionalRequest, localSession)+")");
return localSession;
} else {
// shouldn't come here; at minimum it should have returned the local session's handler
log.warn("Unexpected failure to find a handler for "+info(optionalRequest, localSession));
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported session impl in "+info(optionalRequest, localSession));
return localSession;
private SessionHandler getPreferredJettyHandler(Session localSession, boolean allowHandlerThatDoesntHaveSession, boolean markAndReturnThisIfNoneFound) {
SessionHandler localHandler = ((Session)localSession).getSessionHandler();
Server server = localHandler.getServer();
// NB: this can also be useful: ((DefaultSessionIdManager)localHandler.getSessionIdManager())
if (server!=null) {
Session sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler = null;
// does the server have a globally preferred handler
SessionHandler preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler = getServerGlobalPreferredHandler(server);
if (preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler!=null) {
sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler = preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler.getSession(localSession.getId());
if (sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler!=null && Boolean.TRUE.equals( sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler.getAttribute(KEY_IS_PREFERRED)) ) {
return preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler;
Handler[] handlers = server.getChildHandlersByClass(SessionHandler.class);
// if there is a session marked, use it, unless the server has a preferred session handler and it has an equivalent session
// this way if a session is marked (from use in a context where we don't have a web request) it will be used
SessionHandler preferredHandlerForMarkedSession = findPeerSessionMarkedPreferred(localSession.getId(), handlers);
if (preferredHandlerForMarkedSession!=null) return preferredHandlerForMarkedSession;
// nothing marked as preferred; if server global handler has a session, mark it as preferred
// this way it will get found quickly on subsequent requests
if (sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler!=null) {
sessionAtServerGlobalPreferredHandler.setAttribute(KEY_IS_PREFERRED, true);
return preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler;
if (allowHandlerThatDoesntHaveSession && preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler!=null) {
return preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler;
if (preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler==null) {
preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler = findPreferredBundleHandler(localSession, server, handlers);
if (preferredServerGlobalSessionHandler!=null) {
// recurse
return getPreferredJettyHandler(localSession, allowHandlerThatDoesntHaveSession, markAndReturnThisIfNoneFound);
if (markAndReturnThisIfNoneFound) {
// nothing detected as preferred ... let's mark this session as the preferred one
markSessionAsPreferred(localSession, " (this is the handler that the request came in on)");
return localHandler;
} else {
log.warn("Could not find server for "+info(localSession));
return null;
protected void markSessionAsPreferred(HttpSession localSession, String msg) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Recording on "+info(localSession)+" that it is the preferred session"+msg);
localSession.setAttribute(KEY_IS_PREFERRED, true);
protected SessionHandler findPreferredBundleHandler(Session localSession, Server server, Handler[] handlers) {
if (PREFERRED_SYMBOLIC_NAME==null) return null;
SessionHandler preferredHandler = null;
if (handlers != null) {
for (Handler handler: handlers) {
SessionHandler sh = (SessionHandler) handler;
ContextHandler.Context ctx = getContext(sh);
if (ctx!=null) {
BundleContext bundle = (BundleContext) ctx.getAttribute("osgi-bundlecontext");
if (bundle!=null) {
if (PREFERRED_SYMBOLIC_NAME.equals(bundle.getBundle().getSymbolicName())) {
if (preferredHandler==null) {
preferredHandler = sh;
log.trace("Recording "+info(sh)+" as server-wide preferred session handler");
} else {
log.warn("Multiple preferred session handlers detected; keeping "+info(preferredHandler)+", ignoring "+info(sh));
if (preferredHandler==null) {
log.warn("Did not find handler in bundle "+PREFERRED_SYMBOLIC_NAME+"; not using server-wide handler; check whether bundle is installed!");
return preferredHandler;
protected SessionHandler findPeerSessionMarkedPreferred(String localSessionId, Handler[] handlers) {
SessionHandler preferredHandler = null;
// are any sessions themselves marked as primary
if (handlers != null) {
for (Handler h: handlers) {
SessionHandler sh = (SessionHandler)h;
Session sessionHere = sh.getSession(localSessionId);
if (sessionHere!=null) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(sessionHere.getAttribute(KEY_IS_PREFERRED))) {
if (preferredHandler!=null) {
// could occasionally happen on race, but should be extremely unlikely
log.warn("Multiple sessions marked as preferred for "+localSessionId+"; using "+info(preferredHandler)+" not "+info(sh));
sessionHere.setAttribute(KEY_IS_PREFERRED, null);
} else {
preferredHandler = sh;
return preferredHandler;
protected SessionHandler getServerGlobalPreferredHandler(Server server) {
SessionHandler preferredHandler = (SessionHandler) server.getAttribute(KEY_PREFERRED_SESSION_HANDLER_INSTANCE);
if (preferredHandler!=null) {
if (preferredHandler.isRunning()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Found "+info(preferredHandler)+" as server-wide preferred handler");
return preferredHandler;
log.warn("Preferred session handler "+info(preferredHandler)+" detected on server is not running; resetting");
return null;
private static String getContextPath(Handler h) {
if (h instanceof SessionHandler) {
ContextHandler.Context ctx = getContext((SessionHandler)h);
if (ctx!=null) {
return ctx.getContextPath();
return null;
private static String getBundle(Handler h) {
if (h instanceof SessionHandler) {
ContextHandler.Context ctx = getContext((SessionHandler)h);
if (ctx!=null) {
BundleContext bundle = (BundleContext) ctx.getAttribute("osgi-bundlecontext");
if (bundle!=null) return bundle.getBundle().getSymbolicName();
return null;
private static String getContextPath(HttpSession h) {
if (h instanceof Session) {
return getContextPath( ((Session)h).getSessionHandler() );
return null;
private static String getBundle(HttpSession h) {
if (h instanceof Session) {
ContextHandler.Context ctx = getContext(((Session)h).getSessionHandler());
if (ctx!=null) {
BundleContext bundle = (BundleContext) ctx.getAttribute("osgi-bundlecontext");
if (bundle!=null) return bundle.getBundle().getSymbolicName();
return null;
protected static ContextHandler.Context getContext(SessionHandler sh) {
try {
Field f = SessionHandler.class.getDeclaredField("_context");
return (ContextHandler.Context) f.get(sh);
} catch (Exception e) {
// else ignore, security doesn't allow finding context
return null;
private static String info(HttpServletRequest req, HttpSession sess) {
if (req!=null) return info(req);
return info(sess);
public static String info(HttpServletRequest r) {
if (r==null) return "null";
return ""+r+"["+r.getRequestURI()+"@"+info(r.getSession(false))+"]";
public static String info(SessionHandler h) {
if (h==null) return "null";
return ""+h+"["+(Strings.isBlank(getContextPath(h)) ? getBundle(h) : getContextPath(h))+"]";
public static String info(HttpSession s) {
if (s==null) return "null";
String hh = getContextPath(s);
if (Strings.isBlank(hh)) hh = getBundle(s);
if (Strings.isBlank(hh)) {
hh = s instanceof Session ? info( ((Session)s).getSessionHandler() ) : "<non-jetty>";
return ""+s+"["+s.getId()+" @ "+hh+"]";
public MultiSessionAttributeAdapter configureWhetherToSilentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues(boolean silentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues) {
this.silentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues = silentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues;
return this;
public MultiSessionAttributeAdapter configureWhetherToSetLocalValuesAlso(boolean setLocalValuesAlso) {
this.setLocalValuesAlso = setLocalValuesAlso;
return this;
public MultiSessionAttributeAdapter configureWhetherToSetInAll(boolean setAllKnownSessions) {
this.setAllKnownSessions = setAllKnownSessions;
return this;
public Object getAttribute(String name) {
Object v = preferredSession.getAttribute(name);
if (v==null) {
v = localSession.getAttribute(name);
if (v!=null && !silentlyAcceptLocalOnlyValues) {
log.warn(this+" found value for '"+name+"' in local session but not in preferred session; ensure value is written using this class if it is going to be read with this class");
preferredSession.setAttribute(name, v);
return v;
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) {
if (setAllKnownSessions) {
Handler[] hh = getSessionHandlers();
if (hh!=null) {
for (Handler h: hh) {
Session ss = ((SessionHandler)h).getSession(localSession.getId());
if (ss!=null) {
ss.setAttribute(name, value);
} else {
if (!setLocalValuesAlso) {
// can't do all, but at least to local
preferredSession.setAttribute(name, value);
if (setLocalValuesAlso) {
localSession.setAttribute(name, value);
public void removeAttribute(String name) {
if (setAllKnownSessions) {
Handler[] hh = getSessionHandlers();
if (hh!=null) {
for (Handler h: hh) {
Session ss = ((SessionHandler)h).getSession(localSession.getId());
if (ss!=null) {
} else {
if (!setLocalValuesAlso) {
// can't do all, but at least to local
if (setLocalValuesAlso) {
protected Handler[] getSessionHandlers() {
Server srv = getServer();
Handler[] handlers = null;
if (srv!=null) {
handlers = srv.getChildHandlersByClass(SessionHandler.class);
return handlers;
protected Server getServer() {
Server server = null;
if (localSession instanceof Session) {
server = ((Session)localSession).getSessionHandler().getServer();
if (server!=null) return server;
if (preferredSession instanceof Session) {
server = ((Session)preferredSession).getSessionHandler().getServer();
if (server!=null) return server;
return null;
public HttpSession getPreferredSession() {
return preferredSession;
public HttpSession getOriginalSession() {
return localSession;
public String getId() {
return getPreferredSession().getId();
public MultiSessionAttributeAdapter resetExpiration() {
// force all sessions with this ID to be marked used so they are not expired
// (if _any_ session with this ID is expired, then they all are, even if another
// with the same ID is in use or has a later expiry)
Handler[] hh = getSessionHandlers();
if (hh!=null) {
for (Handler h: hh) {
Session ss = ((SessionHandler)h).getSession(getId());
if (ss!=null) {
return this;