blob: 318bce005360eaf1637ab674eae55aa8962e2c73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.StringConfigMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.internal.BrooklynProperties;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.ManagementContextInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DelegatingSecurityProvider implements SecurityProvider {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DelegatingSecurityProvider.class);
protected final ManagementContext mgmt;
public DelegatingSecurityProvider(ManagementContext mgmt) {
this.mgmt = mgmt;
private SecurityProvider delegate;
public synchronized SecurityProvider getDelegate() {
if (delegate == null) {
delegate = loadDelegate();
return delegate;
private synchronized SecurityProvider loadDelegate() {
StringConfigMap brooklynProperties = mgmt.getConfig();
SecurityProvider presetDelegate = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_INSTANCE);
if (presetDelegate!=null) {
log.trace("Brooklyn security: using pre-set security provider {}", presetDelegate);
return presetDelegate;
String className = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_CLASSNAME);
if (delegate != null && BrooklynWebConfig.hasNoSecurityOptions(mgmt.getConfig())) {
log.debug("Brooklyn security: {} refusing to change from {}: No security provider set in reloaded properties.",
this, delegate);
return delegate;
try {
String bundle = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_BUNDLE);
// use synch block to prevent multiple instances and messages from loading
synchronized (DelegatingSecurityProvider.class) {
// try again with preset delegate
presetDelegate = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_INSTANCE);
if (presetDelegate!=null) {
log.trace("Brooklyn security: using pre-set security provider, found late - {}", presetDelegate);
return presetDelegate;
if (bundle != null) {
String bundleVersion = brooklynProperties.getConfig(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_BUNDLE_VERSION);"Brooklyn security: using security provider " + className + " from " + bundle + ":" + bundleVersion);
BundleContext bundleContext = ((ManagementContextInternal) mgmt).getOsgiManager().get().getFramework().getBundleContext();
delegate = loadProviderFromBundle(mgmt, bundleContext, bundle, bundleVersion, className);
} else {"Brooklyn security: using security provider " + className);
ClassLoaderUtils clu = new ClassLoaderUtils(this, mgmt);
Class<? extends SecurityProvider> clazz = (Class<? extends SecurityProvider>) clu.loadClass(className);
delegate = createSecurityProviderInstance(mgmt, clazz);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Brooklyn security: unable to instantiate security provider " + className + "; all logins are being disallowed", e);
delegate = new BlackholeSecurityProvider();
return delegate;
private void saveDelegate() {
// Deprecated in 0.11.0. Add to release notes and remove in next release.
((BrooklynProperties)mgmt.getConfig()).put(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_INSTANCE, delegate);
mgmt.getScratchpad().put(BrooklynWebConfig.SECURITY_PROVIDER_INSTANCE, delegate);
public static SecurityProvider loadProviderFromBundle(
ManagementContext mgmt, BundleContext bundleContext,
String symbolicName, String version, String className) {
try {
Collection<Bundle> bundles = getMatchingBundles(bundleContext, symbolicName, version);
if (bundles.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No bundle " + symbolicName + ":" + version + " found");
} else if (bundles.size() > 1) {
log.warn("Brooklyn security: found multiple bundles matching symbolicName " + symbolicName + " and version " + version +
" while trying to load security provider " + className + ". Will use first one that loads the class successfully.");
SecurityProvider p = tryLoadClass(mgmt, className, bundles);
if (p == null) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to load class " + className + " from bundle " + symbolicName + ":" + version);
return p;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not load or create security provider " + className + " for bundle " + symbolicName + ":" + version, e);
private static SecurityProvider tryLoadClass(ManagementContext mgmt, String className, Collection<Bundle> bundles)
throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
for (Bundle b : bundles) {
try {
Class<? extends SecurityProvider> securityProviderType = (Class<? extends SecurityProvider>) b.loadClass(className);
return DelegatingSecurityProvider.createSecurityProviderInstance(mgmt, securityProviderType);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
private static Collection<Bundle> getMatchingBundles(BundleContext bundleContext, final String symbolicName, final String version) {
Collection<Bundle> bundles = new ArrayList<>();
for (Bundle b : bundleContext.getBundles()) {
if (b.getSymbolicName().equals(symbolicName) &&
(version == null || b.getVersion().toString().equals(version))) {
return bundles;
public static SecurityProvider createSecurityProviderInstance(ManagementContext mgmt,
Class<? extends SecurityProvider> clazz) throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
Constructor<? extends SecurityProvider> constructor = null;
Object delegateO;
try {
constructor = clazz.getConstructor(ManagementContext.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore
if (constructor!=null) {
delegateO = constructor.newInstance(mgmt);
} else {
try {
constructor = clazz.getConstructor();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore
if (constructor!=null) {
delegateO = constructor.newInstance();
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodException("Security provider "+clazz+" does not have required no-arg or 1-arg (mgmt) constructor");
if (!(delegateO instanceof SecurityProvider)) {
// if classloaders get mangled it will be a different CL's SecurityProvider
throw new ClassCastException("Delegate is either not a security provider or has an incompatible classloader: "+delegateO);
return (SecurityProvider) delegateO;
public boolean isAuthenticated(HttpSession session) {
return getDelegate().isAuthenticated(session);
public boolean authenticate(HttpServletRequest request, Supplier<HttpSession> sessionSupplierOnSuccess, String user, String pass) throws SecurityProviderDeniedAuthentication {
boolean authenticated = getDelegate().authenticate(request, sessionSupplierOnSuccess, user, pass);
if (log.isTraceEnabled() && authenticated) {
log.trace("User {} authenticated with provider {}", user, getDelegate());
} else if (!authenticated && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Failed authentication for user {} with provider {}", user, getDelegate());
return authenticated;
public boolean logout(HttpSession session) {
return getDelegate().logout(session);
public boolean requiresUserPass() {
return getDelegate().requiresUserPass();
public String toString() {
return super.toString()+"["+getDelegate()+"]";