blob: 7cf9f0d4ed416365d0e8978967d4c0e2da8eee3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.JavaGroovyEquivalents.elvis;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.JavaGroovyEquivalents.groovyTruth;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands.sbinPath;
import static org.jclouds.compute.predicates.NodePredicates.withIds;
import static org.jclouds.util.Throwables2.getFirstThrowableOfType;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.LocationSpec;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineLocationCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineManagementMixins;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.NoMachinesAvailableException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.PortRange;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.AccessController;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.Sanitizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.AbstractLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.BasicMachineMetadata;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.LocationConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.LocationConfigUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.LocationConfigUtils.OsCredential;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.PortRanges;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.access.PortForwardManager;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.access.PortForwardManagerLocationResolver;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.access.PortMapping;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.internal.LocationInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.LocalLocationManager;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.persist.PersistenceObjectStore;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.persist.jclouds.JcloudsBlobStoreBasedObjectStore;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.api.JcloudsLocationPublic;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.networking.JcloudsPortForwarderExtension;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.networking.creator.DefaultAzureArmNetworkCreator;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates.PortableTemplateBuilder;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates.customize.TemplateBuilderCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates.customize.TemplateBuilderCustomizers;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates.customize.TemplateOptionCustomizer;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates.customize.TemplateOptionCustomizers;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.ssh.SshMachineLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.location.winrm.WinRmMachineLocation;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.CollectionMerger;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.ResourceUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ResolvingConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh.ShellTool;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh.SshTool;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.winrm.WinRmTool;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.winrm.WinRmToolResponse;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.TaskBuilder;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.TaskInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.ssh.SshTasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.text.TemplateProcessor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.CompoundRuntimeException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.ReferenceWithError;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.UserFacingException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Reflections;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.repeat.Repeater;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.IptablesCommands;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.IptablesCommands.Chain;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.IptablesCommands.Policy;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.KeyValueParser;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.StringPredicates;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Time;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService;
import org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException;
import org.jclouds.compute.config.AdminAccessConfiguration;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ComputeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Hardware;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Image;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata.Status;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadataBuilder;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.OperatingSystem;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.OsFamily;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder;
import org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions;
import org.jclouds.domain.Credentials;
import org.jclouds.domain.LocationScope;
import org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials;
import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement;
import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.StatementList;
import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.functions.InitAdminAccess;
import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.ssh.AuthorizeRSAPublicKeys;
import org.jclouds.softlayer.compute.options.SoftLayerTemplateOptions;
import org.jclouds.util.Predicates2;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* For provisioning and managing VMs in a particular provider/region, using jclouds.
* Configuration flags are defined in {@link JcloudsLocationConfig}.
public class JcloudsLocation extends AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation implements
JcloudsLocationPublic {
// TODO After converting from Groovy to Java, this is now very bad code! It relies entirely on putting
// things into and taking them out of maps; it's not type-safe, and it's thus very error-prone.
// In Groovy, that's considered ok but not in Java.
// TODO test (and fix) ability to set config keys from flags
// TODO we say config is inherited, but it isn't the case for many "deep" / jclouds properties
// e.g. when we pass getRawLocalConfigBag() in and decorate it with additional flags
// (inheritance only works when we call getConfig in this class)
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JcloudsLocation.class);
private static final int NOTES_MAX_LENGTH = 1000;
static final String AWS_VPC_HELP_URL = "";
private final AtomicBoolean listedAvailableTemplatesOnNoSuchTemplate = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final Map<String,Map<String, ? extends Object>> tagMapping = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
@SetFromFlag // so it's persisted
private final Map<MachineLocation,String> vmInstanceIds = Collections.synchronizedMap(Maps.newLinkedHashMap());
static {
public JcloudsLocation() {
/** typically wants at least ACCESS_IDENTITY and ACCESS_CREDENTIAL */
public JcloudsLocation(Map<?,?> conf) {
public JcloudsLocation configure(Map<?,?> properties) {
if (config().getLocalBag().containsKey("providerLocationId")) {
LOG.warn("Using deprecated 'providerLocationId' key in "+this);
if (!config().getLocalBag().containsKey(CLOUD_REGION_ID))
config().putAll(MutableMap.of(CLOUD_REGION_ID.getName(), (String)config().getLocalBag().getStringKey("providerLocationId")));
if (isDisplayNameAutoGenerated() || !groovyTruth(getDisplayName())) {
setDisplayName(elvis(getProvider(), "unknown") +
(groovyTruth(getRegion()) ? ":"+getRegion() : "") +
(groovyTruth(getEndpoint()) ? ":"+getEndpoint() : ""));
if (getConfig(MACHINE_CREATION_SEMAPHORE) == null) {
Integer maxConcurrent = getConfig(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_CREATIONS);
if (maxConcurrent == null || maxConcurrent < 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_CREATIONS.getName() + " must be >= 1, but was "+maxConcurrent);
config().set(MACHINE_CREATION_SEMAPHORE, new Semaphore(maxConcurrent, true));
if (getConfig(MACHINE_DELETION_SEMAPHORE) == null) {
Integer maxConcurrent = getConfig(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_DELETIONS);
if (maxConcurrent == null || maxConcurrent < 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_DELETIONS.getName() + " must be >= 1, but was "+maxConcurrent);
config().set(MACHINE_DELETION_SEMAPHORE, new Semaphore(maxConcurrent, true));
return this;
public void init() {
if ("aws-ec2".equals(getProvider())) {
addExtension(AvailabilityZoneExtension.class, new AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension(getManagementContext(), this));
public void rebind() {
// Fix for
// Historic persisted state will not have done the init checks to ensure these are non-null.
if (getConfig(MACHINE_CREATION_SEMAPHORE) == null) {
Integer maxConcurrent = getConfig(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_CREATIONS);
if (maxConcurrent == null || maxConcurrent < 1) {
LOG.warn(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_CREATIONS.getName()+" must be >= 1, but was "+maxConcurrent+", overwriting with "+Integer.MAX_VALUE);
maxConcurrent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
config().set(MACHINE_CREATION_SEMAPHORE, new Semaphore(maxConcurrent, true));
if (getConfig(MACHINE_DELETION_SEMAPHORE) == null) {
Integer maxConcurrent = getConfig(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_DELETIONS);
if (maxConcurrent == null || maxConcurrent < 1) {
LOG.warn(MAX_CONCURRENT_MACHINE_DELETIONS.getName()+" must be >= 1, but was "+maxConcurrent+", overwriting with "+Integer.MAX_VALUE);
config().set(MACHINE_DELETION_SEMAPHORE, new Semaphore(maxConcurrent, true));
public JcloudsLocation newSubLocation(Map<?,?> newFlags) {
return newSubLocation(getClass(), newFlags);
public JcloudsLocation newSubLocation(Class<? extends AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation> type, Map<?,?> newFlags) {
// TODO should be able to use ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending; would require moving stuff around to api etc
return (JcloudsLocation) getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(LocationSpec.create(type)
.configure(config().getLocalBag().getAllConfig()) // FIXME Should this just be inherited?
.configure(MACHINE_CREATION_SEMAPHORE, getMachineCreationSemaphore())
.configure(MACHINE_DELETION_SEMAPHORE, getMachineDeletionSemaphore())
public String toString() {
String className = getClass().getSimpleName();
String configDescription = config().getLocalBag().getDescription();
String displayName = getDisplayName();
if (configDescription != null && configDescription.startsWith(className))
return configDescription;
if (displayName != null)
return className + "['" + displayName + "']";
return className + "[" +
getIdentity() +
(configDescription == null ? "" : "/" + configDescription) +
"@" + getId() +
public String toVerboseString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues()
.add("id", getId()).add("name", getDisplayName()).add("identity", getIdentity())
.add("description", config().getLocalBag().getDescription()).add("provider", getProvider())
.add("region", getRegion()).add("endpoint", getEndpoint())
public String getProvider() {
return getConfig(CLOUD_PROVIDER);
public String getIdentity() {
return getConfig(ACCESS_IDENTITY);
public String getCredential() {
return getConfig(ACCESS_CREDENTIAL);
/** returns the location ID used by the provider, if set, e.g. us-west-1 */
public String getRegion() {
return getConfig(CLOUD_REGION_ID);
public String getEndpoint() {
return (String) config().getBag().getWithDeprecation(CLOUD_ENDPOINT, JCLOUDS_KEY_ENDPOINT);
public String getUser(ConfigBag config) {
return (String) config.getWithDeprecation(USER, JCLOUDS_KEY_USERNAME);
public boolean isWindows(Template template, ConfigBag config) {
return isWindows(template.getImage(), config);
* Whether VMs provisioned from this image will be Windows. Assume windows if the image
* explicitly says so, or if image does not tell us then fall back to whether the config
* explicitly says windows in {@link JcloudsLocationConfig#OS_FAMILY}.
* Will first look at {@link JcloudsLocationConfig#OS_FAMILY_OVERRIDE}, to check if that
* is set. If so, no further checks are done: the value is compared against {@link OsFamily#WINDOWS}.
* We believe the config (e.g. from because for some clouds there is
* insufficient meta-data so the Image might not tell us. Thus a user can work around it
* by explicitly supplying configuration.
public boolean isWindows(Image image, ConfigBag config) {
OsFamily override = config.get(OS_FAMILY_OVERRIDE);
if (override != null) return override == OsFamily.WINDOWS;
OsFamily confFamily = config.get(OS_FAMILY);
OperatingSystem os = (image != null) ? image.getOperatingSystem() : null;
return (os != null && os.getFamily() != OsFamily.UNRECOGNIZED)
? (OsFamily.WINDOWS == os.getFamily())
: (OsFamily.WINDOWS == confFamily);
* Whether the given VM is Windows.
* @see #isWindows(Image, ConfigBag)
public boolean isWindows(NodeMetadata node, ConfigBag config) {
OsFamily override = config.get(OS_FAMILY_OVERRIDE);
if (override != null) return override == OsFamily.WINDOWS;
OsFamily confFamily = config.get(OS_FAMILY);
OperatingSystem os = (node != null) ? node.getOperatingSystem() : null;
return (os != null && os.getFamily() != OsFamily.UNRECOGNIZED)
? (OsFamily.WINDOWS == os.getFamily())
: (OsFamily.WINDOWS == confFamily);
public boolean isLocationFirewalldEnabled(SshMachineLocation location) {
int result = location.execCommands("checking if firewalld is active",
return result == 0;
protected Semaphore getMachineCreationSemaphore() {
protected Semaphore getMachineDeletionSemaphore() {
protected CloudMachineNamer getCloudMachineNamer(ConfigBag config) {
String namerClass = config.get(LocationConfigKeys.CLOUD_MACHINE_NAMER_CLASS);
if (Strings.isNonBlank(namerClass)) {
Maybe<CloudMachineNamer> cloudNamer = Reflections.invokeConstructorFromArgs(getManagementContext().getCatalogClassLoader(), CloudMachineNamer.class, namerClass);
if (cloudNamer.isPresent()) {
return cloudNamer.get();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create CloudMachineNamer "+namerClass+" for location "+this);
} else {
return new JcloudsMachineNamer();
public Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer> getCustomizers(ConfigBag setup) {
try {
return LocationCustomizerDelegate.getCustomizers(getManagementContext(), setup);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create initialize customizers for location "+this);
public ConnectivityResolver getLocationNetworkInfoCustomizer(ConfigBag setup) {
ConnectivityResolver configured = setup.get(CONNECTIVITY_RESOLVER);
return (configured != null) ? configured : new DefaultConnectivityResolver();
protected Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer> getMachineCustomizers(ConfigBag setup) {
try {
return LocationCustomizerDelegate.getMachineCustomizers(getManagementContext(), setup);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create initialize customizers for location "+this);
public void setDefaultImageId(String val) {
config().set(DEFAULT_IMAGE_ID, val);
// TODO remove tagMapping, or promote it
// (i think i favour removing it, letting the config come in from the entity)
public void setTagMapping(Map<String,Map<String, ? extends Object>> val) {
// TODO Decide on semantics. If I give "TomcatServer" and "Ubuntu", then must I get back an image that matches both?
// Currently, just takes first match that it finds...
public Map<String,Object> getProvisioningFlags(Collection<String> tags) {
Map<String,Object> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
Collection<String> unmatchedTags = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String it : tags) {
if (groovyTruth(tagMapping.get(it)) && !groovyTruth(result)) {
} else {
if (unmatchedTags.size() > 0) {
LOG.debug("Location {}, failed to match provisioning tags {}", this, unmatchedTags);
return result;
public static final Set<ConfigKey<?>> getAllSupportedProperties() {
Set<String> configsOnClass = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(
new Function<HasConfigKey<?>,String>() {
@Override @Nullable
public String apply(@Nullable HasConfigKey<?> input) {
return input.getConfigKey().getName();
Set<ConfigKey<?>> configKeysInList = ImmutableSet.<ConfigKey<?>>builder()
Set<String> configsInList = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(
new Function<ConfigKey<?>,String>() {
@Override @Nullable
public String apply(@Nullable ConfigKey<?> input) {
return input.getName();
SetView<String> extrasInList = Sets.difference(configsInList, configsOnClass);
// notInList is normal
if (!extrasInList.isEmpty())
LOG.warn("JcloudsLocation supported properties differs from config defined on class: " + extrasInList);
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(configKeysInList);
public ComputeService getComputeService() {
return getComputeService(MutableMap.of());
public ComputeService getComputeService(Map<?,?> flags) {
ConfigBag conf = (flags==null || flags.isEmpty())
? config().getBag()
: ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag(), flags);
return getComputeService(conf);
public ComputeService getComputeService(ConfigBag config) {
ComputeServiceRegistry registry = getConfig(COMPUTE_SERVICE_REGISTRY);
return registry.findComputeService(ResolvingConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(getManagementContext(), config), true);
public Map<String, MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata> listMachines() {
Set<? extends ComputeMetadata> nodes =
getRegion()!=null ? getComputeService().listNodesDetailsMatching(JcloudsPredicates.nodeInLocation(getRegion(), true))
: getComputeService().listNodes();
Map<String,MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata>();
for (ComputeMetadata node: nodes)
result.put(node.getId(), getMachineMetadata(node));
return result;
protected MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata getMachineMetadata(ComputeMetadata node) {
if (node==null)
return null;
return new BasicMachineMetadata(node.getId(), node.getName(),
((node instanceof NodeMetadata) ? Iterators.tryFind( ((NodeMetadata)node).getPublicAddresses().iterator(), Predicates.alwaysTrue() ).orNull() : null),
((node instanceof NodeMetadata) ? ((NodeMetadata)node).getStatus()==Status.RUNNING : null),
public MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata getMachineMetadata(MachineLocation l) {
if (l instanceof JcloudsSshMachineLocation) {
return getMachineMetadata(getComputeService().getNodeMetadata(((JcloudsSshMachineLocation) l).getJcloudsId()));
return null;
public void killMachine(String cloudServiceId) {
// FIXME revert to computeService.destroyNode(cloudServiceId); once JCLOUDS-1332 gets fixed
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = getComputeService().destroyNodesMatching(withIds(cloudServiceId));
LOG.debug("Destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed);
public void killMachine(MachineLocation l) {
MachineManagementMixins.MachineMetadata m = getMachineMetadata(l);
if (m==null) throw new NoSuchElementException("Machine "+l+" is not known at "+this);
/** can generate a string describing where something is being created
* (provider, region/location and/or endpoint, callerContext);
* previously set on the config bag, but not any longer (Sept 2016) as config is treated like entities */
protected String getCreationString(ConfigBag config) {
return elvis(config.get(CLOUD_PROVIDER), "unknown")+
(config.containsKey(CLOUD_REGION_ID) ? ":"+config.get(CLOUD_REGION_ID) : "")+
(config.containsKey(CLOUD_ENDPOINT) ? ":"+config.get(CLOUD_ENDPOINT) : "")+
(config.containsKey(CALLER_CONTEXT) ? "@"+config.get(CALLER_CONTEXT) : "");
// ----------------- obtaining a new machine ------------------------
public MachineLocation obtain() throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
return obtain(MutableMap.of());
public MachineLocation obtain(TemplateBuilder tb) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
return obtain(MutableMap.of(), tb);
public MachineLocation obtain(Map<?,?> flags, TemplateBuilder tb) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
return obtain(MutableMap.builder().putAll(flags).put(TEMPLATE_BUILDER, tb).build());
/** core method for obtaining a VM using jclouds;
* Map should contain CLOUD_PROVIDER and CLOUD_ENDPOINT or CLOUD_REGION, depending on the cloud,
* plus any further properties to specify e.g. images, hardware profiles, accessing user
* (for initial login, and a user potentially to create for subsequent ie normal access) */
public MachineLocation obtain(Map<?,?> flags) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
ConfigBag setupRaw = ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag(), flags);
ConfigBag setup = ResolvingConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(getManagementContext(), setupRaw);
Map<String, Object> flagTemplateOptions = ConfigBag.newInstance(flags).get(TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);
Map<String, Object> baseTemplateOptions = config().get(TEMPLATE_OPTIONS);
Map<String, Object> templateOptions = (Map<String, Object>) shallowMerge(Maybe.fromNullable(flagTemplateOptions), Maybe.fromNullable(baseTemplateOptions), TEMPLATE_OPTIONS).orNull();
setup.put(TEMPLATE_OPTIONS, templateOptions);
Integer attempts = setup.get(MACHINE_CREATE_ATTEMPTS);
List<Exception> exceptions = Lists.newArrayList();
if (attempts == null || attempts < 1) attempts = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= attempts; i++) {
try {
return obtainOnce(setup);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.warn("Attempt #{}/{} to obtain machine threw error: {}", new Object[]{i, attempts, e});
String msg = String.format("Failed to get VM after %d attempt%s.", attempts, attempts == 1 ? "" : "s");
Exception cause = (exceptions.size() == 1)
? exceptions.get(0)
: new CompoundRuntimeException(msg + " - "
+ "First cause is "+exceptions.get(0)+" (listed in primary trace); "
+ "plus " + (exceptions.size()-1) + " more (e.g. the last is "+exceptions.get(exceptions.size()-1)+")",
exceptions.get(0), exceptions);
if (exceptions.get(exceptions.size()-1) instanceof NoMachinesAvailableException) {
throw new NoMachinesAvailableException(msg, cause);
} else {
throw Exceptions.propagate(cause);
protected ConnectivityResolverOptions.Builder getConnectivityOptionsBuilder(ConfigBag setup, boolean isWindows) {
boolean waitForSshable = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE));
boolean waitForWinRmable = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.WAIT_FOR_WINRM_AVAILABLE));
boolean waitForConnectable = isWindows ? waitForWinRmable : waitForSshable;
boolean usePortForwarding = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.USE_PORT_FORWARDING);
boolean skipJcloudsSshing = usePortForwarding ||
ConnectivityResolverOptions.Builder builder = ConnectivityResolverOptions.builder()
String pollForFirstReachable = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.POLL_FOR_FIRST_REACHABLE_ADDRESS);
boolean pollEnabled = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(pollForFirstReachable);
if (pollEnabled) {
Predicate<? super HostAndPort> reachableAddressesPredicate = getReachableAddressesPredicate(setup);
Duration pollTimeout = "true".equals(pollForFirstReachable)
: Duration.of(pollForFirstReachable);
builder.pollForReachableAddresses(reachableAddressesPredicate, pollTimeout, true);
return builder;
protected MachineLocation obtainOnce(ConfigBag setup) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
AccessController.Response access = getManagementContext().getAccessController().canProvisionLocation(this);
if (!access.isAllowed()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Access controller forbids provisioning in "+this+": "+access.getMsg());
Predicate<? super HostAndPort> reachablePredicate = getReachableAddressesPredicate(setup);
ConnectivityResolverOptions options = getConnectivityOptionsBuilder(setup, false).build();
// FIXME How do we influence the node.getLoginPort, so it is set correctly for Windows?
// Setup port-forwarding, if required
JcloudsPortForwarderExtension portForwarder = setup.get(PORT_FORWARDER);
if (options.usePortForwarding()) checkNotNull(portForwarder, "portForwarder, when use-port-forwarding enabled");
final ComputeService computeService = getComputeService(setup);
CloudMachineNamer cloudMachineNamer = getCloudMachineNamer(setup);
String groupId = elvis(setup.get(GROUP_ID), cloudMachineNamer.generateNewGroupId(setup));
NodeMetadata node = null;
JcloudsMachineLocation machineLocation = null;
Duration semaphoreTimestamp = null;
Duration templateTimestamp = null;
Duration provisionTimestamp = null;
Duration usableTimestamp = null;
Duration customizedTimestamp = null;
Stopwatch provisioningStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate = LocationCustomizerDelegate.newInstance(getManagementContext(), setup);
try {"Creating VM "+getCreationString(setup)+" in "+this);
Semaphore machineCreationSemaphore = getMachineCreationSemaphore();
boolean acquired = machineCreationSemaphore.tryAcquire(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!acquired) {"Waiting in {} for machine-creation permit ({} other queuing requests already)", new Object[] {this, machineCreationSemaphore.getQueueLength()});
Stopwatch blockStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
machineCreationSemaphore.acquire();"Acquired in {} machine-creation permit, after waiting {}", this, Time.makeTimeStringRounded(blockStopwatch));
} else {
LOG.debug("Acquired in {} machine-creation permit immediately", this);
semaphoreTimestamp = Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch);
LoginCredentials userCredentials = null;
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes;
Template template;
try {
// Create default network for Azure ARM if necessary
if ("azurecompute-arm".equals(this.getProvider())) {
DefaultAzureArmNetworkCreator.createDefaultNetworkAndAddToTemplateOptionsIfRequired(computeService, setup);
// Setup the template
template = buildTemplate(computeService, setup, ImmutableList.of(customizersDelegate));
boolean expectWindows = isWindows(template, setup);
if (!options.skipJcloudsSshing()) {
if (expectWindows) {
// TODO Was this too early to look at template.getImage? e.g. customizeTemplate could subsequently modify it.
LOG.warn("Ignoring invalid configuration for Windows provisioning of "+template.getImage()+": "+USE_JCLOUDS_SSH_INIT.getName()+" should be false");
options = options.toBuilder()
} else if (options.waitForConnectable()) {
userCredentials = initTemplateForCreateUser(template, setup);
templateTimestamp = Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch);
// "Name" metadata seems to set the display name; at least in AWS
// TODO it would be nice if this salt comes from the location's ID (but we don't know that yet as the ssh machine location isn't created yet)
// TODO in softlayer we want to control the suffix of the hostname which is 3 random hex digits
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("Name", cloudMachineNamer.generateNewMachineUniqueNameFromGroupId(setup, groupId));
if (setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.INCLUDE_BROOKLYN_USER_METADATA)) {
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-user", System.getProperty(""));
Object context = setup.get(CALLER_CONTEXT);
if (context instanceof Entity) {
Entity entity = (Entity)context;
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-app-id", entity.getApplicationId());
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-app-name", entity.getApplication().getDisplayName());
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-entity-id", entity.getId());
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-entity-name", entity.getDisplayName());
template.getOptions().getUserMetadata().put("brooklyn-server-creation-date", Time.makeDateSimpleStampString());
customizeTemplate(computeService, template, customizersDelegate);
LOG.debug("jclouds using template {} / options {} to provision machine in {}",
new Object[] {template, template.getOptions(), getCreationString(setup)});
nodes = computeService.createNodesInGroup(groupId, 1, template);
provisionTimestamp = Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch);
} finally {
node = Iterables.getOnlyElement(nodes, null);
LOG.debug("jclouds created {} for {}", node, getCreationString(setup));
if (node == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No nodes returned by jclouds create-nodes in " + getCreationString(setup));
customizersDelegate.customize(this, node, setup);
boolean windows = isWindows(node, setup);
if (windows) {
int newLoginPort = node.getLoginPort() == 22
? (setup.get(WinRmMachineLocation.USE_HTTPS_WINRM) ? 5986 : 5985)
: node.getLoginPort();
String newLoginUser = "root".equals(node.getCredentials().getUser())
? "Administrator"
: node.getCredentials().getUser();
LOG.debug("jclouds created Windows VM {}; transforming connection details: loginPort from {} to {}; loginUser from {} to {}",
new Object[] {node, node.getLoginPort(), newLoginPort, node.getCredentials().getUser(), newLoginUser});
node = NodeMetadataBuilder.fromNodeMetadata(node)
Optional<HostAndPort> portForwardSshOverride;
if (options.usePortForwarding()) {
portForwardSshOverride = Optional.of(portForwarder.openPortForwarding(
} else {
portForwardSshOverride = Optional.absent();
options = options.toBuilder()
ConnectivityResolver networkInfoCustomizer = getLocationNetworkInfoCustomizer(setup);
ManagementAddressResolveResult hostPortCred = networkInfoCustomizer.resolve(this, node, setup, options);
final HostAndPort managementHostAndPort = hostPortCred.hostAndPort();
LoginCredentials creds = hostPortCred.credentials();"Using host-and-port={} and user={} when connecting to {}",
new Object[]{managementHostAndPort, creds.getUser(), node});
if (options.skipJcloudsSshing() && options.waitForConnectable()) {
LoginCredentials createdCredentials = createUser(computeService, node, managementHostAndPort, creds, setup);
if (createdCredentials != null) {
userCredentials = createdCredentials;
if (userCredentials == null) {
userCredentials = creds;
// store the credentials, in case they have changed
putIfPresentButDifferent(setup, JcloudsLocationConfig.PASSWORD, userCredentials.getOptionalPassword().orNull());
putIfPresentButDifferent(setup, JcloudsLocationConfig.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, userCredentials.getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull());
// Wait for the VM to be reachable over SSH
if (options.waitForConnectable() && !options.isWindows()) {
waitForSshable(computeService, node, managementHostAndPort, ImmutableList.of(userCredentials), setup);
} else {
LOG.debug("Skipping ssh check for {} ({}) due to config waitForConnectable={}, windows={}",
new Object[]{node, getCreationString(setup), options.waitForConnectable(), windows});
// Do not store the credentials on the node as this may leak the credentials if they
// are obtained from an external supplier
node = NodeMetadataBuilder.fromNodeMetadata(node).credentials(null).build();
usableTimestamp = Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch);
// Create a JcloudsSshMachineLocation, and register it
if (windows) {
machineLocation = registerWinRmMachineLocation(computeService, node, Optional.fromNullable(template), userCredentials, managementHostAndPort, setup);
} else {
machineLocation = registerJcloudsSshMachineLocation(computeService, node, Optional.fromNullable(template), userCredentials, managementHostAndPort, setup);
PortForwardManager portForwardManager = setup.get(PORT_FORWARDING_MANAGER);
if (portForwardManager == null) {
LOG.debug("No PortForwardManager, using default");
portForwardManager = (PortForwardManager) getManagementContext().getLocationRegistry().getLocationManaged(PortForwardManagerLocationResolver.PFM_GLOBAL_SPEC);
if (options.usePortForwarding() && portForwardSshOverride.isPresent()) {
// Now that we have the sshMachineLocation, we can associate the port-forwarding address with it.
portForwardManager.associate(node.getId(), portForwardSshOverride.get(), machineLocation, node.getLoginPort());
if ("docker".equals(this.getProvider())) {
if (windows) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Docker not supported on Windows");
Map<Integer, Integer> portMappings = JcloudsUtil.dockerPortMappingsFor(this, node.getId());
for(Integer containerPort : portMappings.keySet()) {
Integer hostPort = portMappings.get(containerPort);
String dockerHost = ((JcloudsSshMachineLocation)machineLocation).getSshHostAndPort().getHostText();
portForwardManager.associate(node.getId(), HostAndPort.fromParts(dockerHost, hostPort), machineLocation, containerPort);
List<String> customisationForLogging = new ArrayList<String>();
// Apply same securityGroups rules to iptables, if iptables is running on the node
if (options.waitForConnectable()) {
String setupScript = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL);
List<String> setupScripts = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL_LIST);
Collection<String> allScripts = new MutableList<String>().appendIfNotNull(setupScript).appendAll(setupScripts);
for (String setupScriptItem : allScripts) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(setupScriptItem)) {
customisationForLogging.add("custom setup script " + setupScriptItem);
String setupVarsString = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_VARS);
Map<String, String> substitutions = (setupVarsString != null)
? Splitter.on(",").withKeyValueSeparator(":").split(setupVarsString)
: ImmutableMap.<String, String>of();
String scriptContent = ResourceUtils.create(this).getResourceAsString(setupScriptItem);
String script = TemplateProcessor.processTemplateContents(scriptContent, getManagementContext(), substitutions);
if (windows) {
WinRmToolResponse resp = ((WinRmMachineLocation)machineLocation).executeCommand(ImmutableList.copyOf((script.replace("\r", "").split("\n"))));
if (resp.getStatusCode() != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Command 'Customizing node " + this + "' failed with exit code " + resp.getStatusCode() + " for location " + machineLocation);
} else {
"Customizing node " + this,
Boolean dontRequireTtyForSudo = setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.DONT_REQUIRE_TTY_FOR_SUDO);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(dontRequireTtyForSudo) ||
(dontRequireTtyForSudo == null && setup.get(DONT_CREATE_USER))) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring flag DONT_REQUIRE_TTY_FOR_SUDO on Windows location {}", machineLocation);
} else {
customisationForLogging.add("patch /etc/sudoers to disable requiretty");
queueLocationTask("patch /etc/sudoers to disable requiretty",
SshTasks.dontRequireTtyForSudo((SshMachineLocation)machineLocation, true).newTask().asTask());
if (setup.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.MAP_DEV_RANDOM_TO_DEV_URANDOM)) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring flag MAP_DEV_RANDOM_TO_DEV_URANDOM on Windows location {}", machineLocation);
} else {
customisationForLogging.add("point /dev/random to urandom");
"using urandom instead of random",
BashCommands.sudo("mv /dev/random /dev/random-real"),
BashCommands.sudo("ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random")));
if (setup.get(GENERATE_HOSTNAME)) {
if (windows) {
// TODO: Generate Windows Hostname
LOG.warn("Ignoring flag GENERATE_HOSTNAME on Windows location {}", machineLocation);
} else {
customisationForLogging.add("configure hostname");
// also see TODO in SetHostnameCustomizer - ideally we share code between here and there
"Generate hostname " + node.getName(),
String.format("echo ' %s' | ( %s )", node.getName(), BashCommands.sudo("tee -a /etc/hosts")),
"{ " + BashCommands.sudo("sed -i \"s/HOSTNAME=.*/HOSTNAME=" + node.getName() + "/g\" /etc/sysconfig/network") + " || true ; }",
BashCommands.sudo("hostname " + node.getName()))));
if (setup.get(OPEN_IPTABLES)) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES on Windows location {}", machineLocation);
} else {
LOG.warn("Using DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES (will not be supported in future versions) for {} at {}", machineLocation, this);
Iterable<Integer> inboundPorts = Ints.asList(template.getOptions().getInboundPorts());
if (inboundPorts == null || Iterables.isEmpty(inboundPorts)) {"No ports to open in iptables (no inbound ports) for {} at {}", machineLocation, this);
} else {
customisationForLogging.add("open iptables");
List<String> iptablesRules = Lists.newArrayList();
if (isLocationFirewalldEnabled((SshMachineLocation)machineLocation)) {
for (Integer port : inboundPorts) {
iptablesRules.add(IptablesCommands.addFirewalldRule(Chain.INPUT, Protocol.TCP, port, Policy.ACCEPT));
} else {
iptablesRules = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Integer port : inboundPorts) {
iptablesRules.add(IptablesCommands.insertIptablesRule(Chain.INPUT, Protocol.TCP, port, Policy.ACCEPT));
List<String> batch = Lists.newArrayList();
// Some entities, such as Riak (erlang based) have a huge range of ports, which leads to a script that
// is too large to run (fails with a broken pipe). Batch the rules into batches of 50
for (String rule : iptablesRules) {
if (batch.size() == 50) {
"Inserting iptables rules, 50 command batch",
if (batch.size() > 0) {
"Inserting iptables rules",
"List iptables rules",
if (setup.get(STOP_IPTABLES)) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES on Windows location {}", machineLocation);
} else {
LOG.warn("Using DEPRECATED flag STOP_IPTABLES (will not be supported in future versions) for {} at {}", machineLocation, this);
customisationForLogging.add("stop iptables");
List<String> cmds = ImmutableList.<String>of();
if (isLocationFirewalldEnabled((SshMachineLocation)machineLocation)) {
cmds = ImmutableList.of(IptablesCommands.firewalldServiceStop(), IptablesCommands.firewalldServiceStatus());
} else {
cmds = ImmutableList.of(IptablesCommands.iptablesServiceStop(), IptablesCommands.iptablesServiceStatus());
"Stopping iptables", cmds);
List<String> extraKeyUrlsToAuth = setup.get(EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_URLS_TO_AUTH);
if (extraKeyUrlsToAuth!=null && !extraKeyUrlsToAuth.isEmpty()) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring flag EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_URLS_TO_AUTH on Windows location", machineLocation);
} else {
List<String> extraKeyDataToAuth = MutableList.of();
for (String keyUrl : extraKeyUrlsToAuth) {
"Authorizing ssh keys from URLs",
ImmutableList.of(new AuthorizeRSAPublicKeys(extraKeyDataToAuth).render(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.OsFamily.UNIX)));
String extraKeyDataToAuth = setup.get(EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA_TO_AUTH);
if (extraKeyDataToAuth!=null && !extraKeyDataToAuth.isEmpty()) {
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring flag EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA_TO_AUTH on Windows location", machineLocation);
} else {
"Authorizing ssh keys from data",
ImmutableList.of(new AuthorizeRSAPublicKeys(Collections.singletonList(extraKeyDataToAuth)).render(org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.OsFamily.UNIX)));
} else {
// Otherwise we have deliberately not waited to be ssh'able, so don't try now to
// ssh to exec these commands!
customizersDelegate.customize(this, computeService, machineLocation);
customizedTimestamp = Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch);
String logMessage = "Finished VM "+getCreationString(setup)+" creation:"
+ " "+machineLocation.getUser()+"@"+machineLocation.getAddress()+":"+machineLocation.getPort()
+ (Boolean.TRUE.equals(setup.get(LOG_CREDENTIALS))
? "password=" + userCredentials.getOptionalPassword().or("<absent>")
+ " && key=" + userCredentials.getOptionalPrivateKey().or("<absent>")
: "")
+ " ready after "+Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch).toStringRounded()
+ " ("
+ "semaphore obtained in "+Duration.of(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ template+" template built in "+Duration.of(templateTimestamp).subtract(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ " "+node+" provisioned in "+Duration.of(provisionTimestamp).subtract(templateTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ " "+machineLocation+" connection usable in "+Duration.of(usableTimestamp).subtract(provisionTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ " and os customized in "+Duration.of(customizedTimestamp).subtract(usableTimestamp).toStringRounded()+" - "+Joiner.on(", ").join(customisationForLogging)+")";;
return machineLocation;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof RunNodesException && ((RunNodesException)e).getNodeErrors().size() > 0) {
node = Iterables.get(((RunNodesException)e).getNodeErrors().keySet(), 0);
// sometimes AWS nodes come up busted (eg ssh not allowed); just throw it back (and maybe try for another one)
boolean destroyNode = (node != null) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(setup.get(DESTROY_ON_FAILURE));
if (e.toString().contains("VPCResourceNotSpecified")) {
String message = "Detected that your EC2 account is a legacy 'EC2 Classic' account, "
+ "but the most appropriate hardware instance type requires 'VPC'. "
+ "One quick fix is to use the 'eu-central-1' region. "
+ "Other remedies are described at "
e = new UserFacingException(message, e);
LOG.error("Failed to start VM for "+getCreationString(setup) + (destroyNode ? " (destroying)" : "")
+ (node != null ? "; node "+node : "")
+ " after "+Duration.of(provisioningStopwatch).toStringRounded()
+ (semaphoreTimestamp != null ? " ("
+ "semaphore obtained in "+Duration.of(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ (templateTimestamp != null && semaphoreTimestamp != null ? " template built in "+Duration.of(templateTimestamp).subtract(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";" : "")
+ (provisionTimestamp != null && templateTimestamp != null ? " node provisioned in "+Duration.of(provisionTimestamp).subtract(templateTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";" : "")
+ (usableTimestamp != null && provisioningStopwatch != null ? " connection usable in "+Duration.of(usableTimestamp).subtract(provisionTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";" : "")
+ (customizedTimestamp != null && usableTimestamp != null ? " and OS customized in "+Duration.of(customizedTimestamp).subtract(usableTimestamp).toStringRounded() : "")
+ ")"
: "")
+ ": "+e.getMessage());
try {
customizersDelegate.preReleaseOnObtainError(this, machineLocation, e);
} catch (Exception customizerException) {"Got exception on calling customizer preReleaseOnObtainError, ignoring. Location is {}, machine location is {}, node is {}",
new Object[] {this, machineLocation, node, customizerException});
if (destroyNode) {
Stopwatch destroyingStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
if (machineLocation != null) {
} else {
}"Destroyed " + (machineLocation != null ? "machine " + machineLocation : "node " + node)
+ " in " + Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch).toStringRounded());
try {
customizersDelegate.postReleaseOnObtainError(this, machineLocation, e);
} catch (Exception customizerException) {
LOG.debug("Got exception on calling customizer postReleaseOnObtainError, ignoring. Location is {}, machine Location is {}, node is {}",
new Object[] {this, machineLocation, node, customizerException});
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
private void executeCommandThrowingOnError(SshMachineLocation loc, String name, List<String> commands) {
executeCommandThrowingOnError(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(), loc, name, commands);
private void executeCommandThrowingOnError(Map<String, Object> flags, SshMachineLocation loc, String name, List<String> commands) {
Task<Integer> task = SshTasks.newSshExecTaskFactory(loc, commands)
queueLocationTask("waiting for '" + name + "' on machine " + loc, task);
protected <T> T queueLocationTask(String msg, Task<T> task) {
TaskQueueingResult<T> queueResult = DynamicTasks.queueIfPossible(task);
final String origDetails = Tasks.setBlockingDetails(msg);
try {
return task.getUnchecked();
} else {
// TODO Should we add an `orExecuteInSameThread()` in `TaskQueueingResult`?
try {
return ((TaskInternal<T>)task).getJob().call();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
} finally {
private void executeCommandWarningOnError(SshMachineLocation loc, String name, List<String> commands) {
Task<Integer> task = SshTasks.newSshExecTaskFactory(loc, commands)
int ret = queueLocationTask("waiting for '" + name + "' on machine " + loc, task);
if (ret != 0) {
LOG.warn("Command '{}' failed with exit code {} for location {}", new Object[] {name, ret, this});
// ------------- suspend and resume ------------------------------------
private void putIfPresentButDifferent(ConfigBag setup, ConfigKey<String> key, String expectedValue) {
if (expectedValue==null) return;
String currentValue = setup.get(key);
if (Objects.equal(currentValue, expectedValue)) {
// no need to write -- and good reason not to --
// the currentValue may come from an external supplier,
// so we prefer to keep the secret in that supplier
// either current value is null, or
// current value is different (possibly password coming from a one-time source)
// in either case prefer the expected value
setup.put(key, expectedValue);
* Suspends the given location.
* <p>
* Note that this method does <b>not</b> call the lifecycle methods of any
* {@link #getCustomizers(ConfigBag) customizers} attached to this location.
public void suspendMachine(MachineLocation rawLocation) {
String instanceId = vmInstanceIds.remove(rawLocation);
if (instanceId == null) {"Attempt to suspend unknown machine " + rawLocation + " in " + this);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown machine " + rawLocation);
}"Suspending machine {} in {}, instance id {}", new Object[]{rawLocation, this, instanceId});
Exception toThrow = null;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
toThrow = e;
LOG.error("Problem suspending machine " + rawLocation + " in " + this + ", instance id " + instanceId, e);
if (toThrow != null) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(toThrow);
* Brings an existing machine with the given details under management.
* <p/>
* Note that this method does <b>not</b> call the lifecycle methods of any
* {@link #getCustomizers(ConfigBag) customizers} attached to this location.
* @param flags See {@link #registerMachine(ConfigBag)} for a description of required fields.
* @see #registerMachine(ConfigBag)
public JcloudsMachineLocation resumeMachine(Map<?, ?> flags) {
ConfigBag setup = ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag(), flags);"{} using resuming node matching properties: {}", this, Sanitizer.sanitize(setup));
ComputeService computeService = getComputeService(setup);
NodeMetadata node = findNodeOrThrow(setup);
LOG.debug("{} resuming {}", this, node);
// Load the node a second time once it is resumed to get an object with
// hostname and addresses populated.
node = findNodeOrThrow(setup);
LOG.debug("{} resumed {}", this, node);
JcloudsMachineLocation registered = registerMachineLocation(setup, node);"{} resumed and registered {}", this, registered);
return registered;
// ------------- constructing the template, etc ------------------------
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 use {@link TemplateOptionCustomizer} instead */
public interface CustomizeTemplateOptions extends TemplateOptionCustomizer {
/** properties which cause customization of the TemplateBuilder */
public static final Map<ConfigKey<?>, ? extends TemplateBuilderCustomizer> SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_BUILDER_PROPERTIES = ImmutableMap.<ConfigKey<?>, TemplateBuilderCustomizer>builder()
.put(HARDWARE_ID, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.hardwareId())
.put(IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_REGEX, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.imageDescription())
.put(IMAGE_ID, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.imageId())
.put(IMAGE_NAME_REGEX, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.imageNameRegex())
.put(MIN_CORES, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.minCores())
.put(MIN_DISK, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.minDisk())
.put(MIN_RAM, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.minRam())
.put(OS_64_BIT, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.os64Bit())
.put(OS_FAMILY, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.osFamily())
.put(OS_VERSION_REGEX, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.osVersionRegex())
.put(TEMPLATE_SPEC, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.templateSpec())
/* Both done in the code, but included here so that they are in the map */
.put(DEFAULT_IMAGE_ID, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.noOp())
.put(TEMPLATE_BUILDER, TemplateBuilderCustomizers.noOp())
/** properties which cause customization of the TemplateOptions */
public static final Map<ConfigKey<?>, ? extends TemplateOptionCustomizer>SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS_PROPERTIES = ImmutableMap.<ConfigKey<?>, TemplateOptionCustomizer>builder()
.put(AUTO_ASSIGN_FLOATING_IP, TemplateOptionCustomizers.autoAssignFloatingIp())
.put(AUTO_GENERATE_KEYPAIRS, TemplateOptionCustomizers.autoGenerateKeypairs())
.put(DOMAIN_NAME, TemplateOptionCustomizers.domainName())
.put(EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA_TO_AUTH, TemplateOptionCustomizers.extraPublicKeyDataToAuth())
.put(INBOUND_PORTS, TemplateOptionCustomizers.inboundPorts())
.put(KEY_PAIR, TemplateOptionCustomizers.keyPair())
.put(LOGIN_USER, TemplateOptionCustomizers.loginUser())
.put(LOGIN_USER_PASSWORD, TemplateOptionCustomizers.loginUserPassword())
.put(LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, TemplateOptionCustomizers.loginUserPrivateKeyData())
.put(LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, TemplateOptionCustomizers.loginUserPrivateKeyFile())
.put(NETWORK_NAME, TemplateOptionCustomizers.networkName())
.put(RUN_AS_ROOT, TemplateOptionCustomizers.runAsRoot())
.put(SECURITY_GROUPS, TemplateOptionCustomizers.securityGroups())
.put(STRING_TAGS, TemplateOptionCustomizers.stringTags())
.put(TEMPLATE_OPTIONS, TemplateOptionCustomizers.templateOptions())
.put(USER_METADATA_MAP, TemplateOptionCustomizers.userMetadataMap())
.put(USER_METADATA_STRING, TemplateOptionCustomizers.userMetadataString())
/** hook whereby template customizations can be made for various clouds */
protected void customizeTemplate(ComputeService computeService, Template template, JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate) {
customizersDelegate.customize(this, computeService, template);
customizersDelegate.customize(this, computeService, template.getOptions());
// these things are nice on softlayer
if (template.getOptions() instanceof SoftLayerTemplateOptions) {
SoftLayerTemplateOptions slT = ((SoftLayerTemplateOptions)template.getOptions());
if (Strings.isBlank(slT.getDomainName()) || "".equals(slT.getDomainName())) {
// set a quasi-sensible domain name if none was provided (better than the default,
// NB: things like brooklyn.local are disallowed
// convert user metadata to tags and notes because user metadata is otherwise ignored
Map<String, String> md = slT.getUserMetadata();
if (md!=null && !md.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> tags = MutableSet.copyOf(slT.getTags());
for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry: md.entrySet()) {
if (!md.containsKey("notes")) {
String notes = "User Metadata\n=============\n\n * " + Joiner.on("\n * ").withKeyValueSeparator(": ").join(md);
if (notes.length() > NOTES_MAX_LENGTH) {
String truncatedMsg = "...\n<truncated - notes total length is " + notes.length() + " characters>";
notes = notes.substring(0, NOTES_MAX_LENGTH - truncatedMsg.length()) + truncatedMsg;
md.put("notes", notes);
* If the ImageChooser is a string, then try instantiating a class with that name (in the same
* way as we do for {@link #getCloudMachineNamer(ConfigBag)}, for example). Otherwise, assume
* that convention TypeCoercions will work.
protected Function<Iterable<? extends Image>, Image> getImageChooser(ComputeService computeService, ConfigBag config) {
Function<Iterable<? extends Image>, Image> chooser;
Object rawVal = config.getStringKey(JcloudsLocationConfig.IMAGE_CHOOSER.getName());
if (rawVal instanceof String && Strings.isNonBlank((String)rawVal)) {
// Configured with a string: it could be a class that we need to instantiate
Class<?> clazz;
try {
clazz = new ClassLoaderUtils(this.getClass(), getManagementContext()).loadClass((String)rawVal);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load configured ImageChooser " + rawVal, e);
Maybe<?> instance = Reflections.invokeConstructorFromArgs(clazz);
if (!instance.isPresent()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create ImageChooser "+rawVal+" for location "+this);
} else if (!(instance.get() instanceof Function)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create ImageChooser "+rawVal+" for location "+this+"; expected type Function but got "+instance.get().getClass());
} else {
chooser = (Function<Iterable<? extends Image>, Image>) instance.get();
} else {
chooser = config.get(JcloudsLocationConfig.IMAGE_CHOOSER);
return BrooklynImageChooser.cloneFor(chooser, computeService, config);
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0. Use {@link #buildTemplate(ComputeService, ConfigBag, JcloudsLocationCustomizer)} instead. */
public Template buildTemplate(ComputeService computeService, ConfigBag config, Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer> customizers) {
JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate = LocationCustomizerDelegate.newInstance(customizers);
return buildTemplate(computeService, config, customizersDelegate);
/** returns the jclouds Template which describes the image to be built, for the given config and compute service */
public Template buildTemplate(ComputeService computeService, ConfigBag config, JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate) {
TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = config.get(TEMPLATE_BUILDER);
if (templateBuilder==null) {
templateBuilder = new PortableTemplateBuilder<PortableTemplateBuilder<?>>();
} else {
LOG.debug("jclouds using templateBuilder {} as custom base for provisioning in {} for {}", new Object[] {
templateBuilder, this, getCreationString(config)});
if (templateBuilder instanceof PortableTemplateBuilder<?>) {
if (((PortableTemplateBuilder<?>)templateBuilder).imageChooser()==null) {
Function<Iterable<? extends Image>, Image> chooser = getImageChooser(computeService, config);
} else {
// an image chooser is already set, so do nothing
} else {
// template builder supplied, and we cannot check image chooser status; warn, for now
LOG.warn("Cannot check imageChooser status for {} due to manually supplied black-box TemplateBuilder; "
+ "it is recommended to use a PortableTemplateBuilder if you supply a TemplateBuilder", getCreationString(config));
if (!Strings.isEmpty(config.get(CLOUD_REGION_ID))) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(config.get(HARDWARE_ID))) {
String oldHardwareId = config.get(HARDWARE_ID);
String newHardwareId = transformHardwareId(oldHardwareId, config);
if (!Objects.equal(oldHardwareId, newHardwareId)) {"Transforming hardwareId from " + oldHardwareId + " to " + newHardwareId + ", in " + toString());
config.put(HARDWARE_ID, newHardwareId);
// Apply the template builder and options properties
for (Map.Entry<ConfigKey<?>, ? extends TemplateBuilderCustomizer> entry : SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_BUILDER_PROPERTIES.entrySet()) {
ConfigKey<?> key = entry.getKey();
Object val = config.containsKey(key) ? config.get(key) : key.getDefaultValue();
if (val != null) {
TemplateBuilderCustomizer code = entry.getValue();
code.apply(templateBuilder, config, val);
if (templateBuilder instanceof PortableTemplateBuilder) {
// do the default last, and only if nothing else specified (guaranteed to be a PTB if nothing else specified)
if (groovyTruth(config.get(DEFAULT_IMAGE_ID))) {
if (((PortableTemplateBuilder<?>)templateBuilder).isBlank()) {
customizersDelegate.customize(this, computeService, templateBuilder);
LOG.debug("jclouds using templateBuilder {} for provisioning in {} for {}", new Object[] {
templateBuilder, this, getCreationString(config)});
// Finally try to build the template
Template template = null;
Image image;
try {
template =;
if (template==null) throw new IllegalStateException("No matching template; check image and hardware constraints (e.g. OS, RAM); using "+templateBuilder);
image = template.getImage();
LOG.debug("jclouds found template "+template+" (image "+image+") for provisioning in "+this+" for "+getCreationString(config));
if (image==null) throw new IllegalStateException("No matching image in template at "+toStringNice()+"; check image constraints (OS, providers, ID); using "+templateBuilder);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
LOG.warn("Error resolving template -- not authorized (rethrowing: "+e+"); template is: "+template);
throw new IllegalStateException("Not authorized to access cloud "+toStringNice()+"; "+
"check identity, credentials, and endpoint (identity='"+getIdentity()+"', credential length "+getCredential().length()+")", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
IOException ioe = Exceptions.getFirstThrowableOfType(e, IOException.class);
if (ioe != null) {
LOG.warn("IOException found...", ioe);
throw ioe;
if (listedAvailableTemplatesOnNoSuchTemplate.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// delay subsequent log.warns (put in synch block) so the "Loading..." message is obvious
LOG.warn("Unable to match required VM template constraints "+templateBuilder+" when trying to provision VM in "+this+" (rethrowing): "+e);
} catch (Exception e2) {
LOG.warn("Error loading available images to report (following original error matching template which will be rethrown): "+e2, e2);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to access cloud "+this+" to resolve "+templateBuilder+": "+e, e);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to match required VM template constraints "+templateBuilder+" when trying to provision VM in "+this+"; "
+ "see list of images in log. Root cause: "+e, e);
TemplateOptions options = template.getOptions();
// For windows, we need a startup-script to be executed that will enable winrm access.
// If there is already conflicting userMetadata, then don't replace it (and just warn).
// TODO this injection is hacky and (currently) cloud specific.
boolean windows = isWindows(template, config);
if (windows) {
String initScript = WinRmMachineLocation.getDefaultUserMetadataString(config());
String provider = getProvider();
if ("google-compute-engine".equals(provider)) {
// see
// Set "sysprep-specialize-script-cmd" in metadata.
String startupScriptKey = "sysprep-specialize-script-cmd";
Object metadataMapRaw = config.get(USER_METADATA_MAP);
if (metadataMapRaw instanceof Map) {
Map<?,?> metadataMap = (Map<?, ?>) metadataMapRaw;
if (metadataMap.containsKey(startupScriptKey)) {
LOG.warn("Not adding startup-script for Windows VM on "+provider+", because already has key "+startupScriptKey+" in config "+USER_METADATA_MAP.getName());
} else {
Map<Object, Object> metadataMapReplacement = MutableMap.copyOf(metadataMap);
metadataMapReplacement.put(startupScriptKey, initScript);
config.put(USER_METADATA_MAP, metadataMapReplacement);
LOG.debug("Adding startup-script to enable WinRM for Windows VM on "+provider);
} else if (metadataMapRaw == null) {
Map<String, String> metadataMapReplacement = MutableMap.of(startupScriptKey, initScript);
config.put(USER_METADATA_MAP, metadataMapReplacement);
LOG.debug("Adding startup-script to enable WinRM for Windows VM on "+provider);
} else {
// For AWS and vCloudDirector, we just set user_metadata_string.
// For Azure-classic, there is no capability to execute a startup script.
boolean userMetadataString = config.containsKey(JcloudsLocationConfig.USER_METADATA_STRING);
boolean userMetadataMap = config.containsKey(JcloudsLocationConfig.USER_METADATA_MAP);
if (!(userMetadataString || userMetadataMap)) {
config.put(JcloudsLocationConfig.USER_METADATA_STRING, WinRmMachineLocation.getDefaultUserMetadataString(config()));
LOG.debug("Adding startup-script to enable WinRM for Windows VM on "+provider);
} else {
LOG.warn("Not adding startup-script for Windows VM on "+provider+", because already has config "
+(userMetadataString ? USER_METADATA_STRING.getName() : USER_METADATA_MAP.getName()));
for (Map.Entry<ConfigKey<?>, ? extends TemplateOptionCustomizer> entry : SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS_PROPERTIES.entrySet()) {
ConfigKey<?> key = entry.getKey();
TemplateOptionCustomizer code = entry.getValue();
if (config.containsKey(key) && config.get(key) != null) {
code.apply(options, config, config.get(key));
return template;
* See {@link}.
* In jclouds 1.9.x and 2.0.0, google-compute-engine hardwareId must be in the long form. For
* example {@code}.
* It is much nicer to support the short-form (e.g. {@code n1-standard-1}), and to construct
* the long-form from this.
* The "zone" in the long-form needs to match the region (see {@link #getRegion()}).
* The ideal would be for jclouds to do this. But that isn't available yet - in the mean time,
* we can make life easier for our users with the code below.
* Second best would have been handling this in {@link TemplateBuilderCustomizers#hardwareId()}.
* However, that code doesn't have enough context to know what to do (easily!). It is passed
* {@code apply(TemplateBuilder tb, ConfigBag props, Object v)}, so doesn't even know which
* provider it is being called for (without doing ugly/brittle digging in the {@code props}
* that it is given).
* Therefore we do the transform here.
private String transformHardwareId(String hardwareId, ConfigBag config) {
checkNotNull(hardwareId, "hardwareId");
checkNotNull(config, "config");
String provider = getProvider();
String region = getRegion();
if (Strings.isBlank(region)) region = config.get(CLOUD_REGION_ID);
if (!"google-compute-engine".equals(provider)) {
return hardwareId;
if (hardwareId.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || hardwareId.contains("/")) {
// looks like it's already in long-form: don't transform
return hardwareId;
if (Strings.isNonBlank(region)) {
return String.format("", region, hardwareId);
} else {
LOG.warn("Cannot transform GCE hardwareId (" + hardwareId + ") to long form, because region unknown in " + toString());
return hardwareId;
public String toStringNice() {
String s = config().get(ORIGINAL_SPEC);
if (Strings.isBlank(s)) s = config().get(NAMED_SPEC_NAME);
if (Strings.isBlank(s)) s = config().get(FINAL_SPEC);
if (Strings.isBlank(s)) s = getDisplayName();
String s2 = "";
String provider = getProvider();
if (Strings.isBlank(s) || (Strings.isNonBlank(provider) && !s.toLowerCase().contains(provider.toLowerCase())))
s2 += " "+provider;
String region = getRegion();
if (Strings.isBlank(s) || (Strings.isNonBlank(region) && !s.toLowerCase().contains(region.toLowerCase())))
s2 += " "+region;
String endpoint = getEndpoint();
if (Strings.isBlank(s) || (Strings.isNonBlank(endpoint) && !s.toLowerCase().contains(endpoint.toLowerCase())))
s2 += " "+endpoint;
s2 = s2.trim();
if (Strings.isNonBlank(s)) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(s2)) {
return s+" ("+s2+")";
return s;
if (Strings.isNonBlank(s2)) {
return s2;
// things are bad if we get to this point!
return toString();
protected void logAvailableTemplates(ConfigBag config) {"Loading available images at "+this+" for reference...");
ConfigBag m1 = ConfigBag.newInstanceCopying(config);
if (m1.containsKey(IMAGE_ID)) {
// if caller specified an image ID, remove that, but don't apply default filters
// TODO use key
m1.putStringKey("anyOwner", true);
ComputeService computeServiceLessRestrictive = getComputeService(m1);
Set<? extends Image> imgs = computeServiceLessRestrictive.listImages();""+imgs.size()+" available images at "+this);
for (Image img: imgs) {" Image: "+img);
Set<? extends Hardware> profiles = computeServiceLessRestrictive.listHardwareProfiles();""+profiles.size()+" available profiles at "+this);
for (Hardware profile: profiles) {" Profile: "+profile);
Set<? extends org.jclouds.domain.Location> assignableLocations = computeServiceLessRestrictive.listAssignableLocations();""+assignableLocations.size()+" available locations at "+this);
for (org.jclouds.domain.Location assignableLocation: assignableLocations) {" Location: "+assignableLocation);
* Creates a temporary ssh machine location (i.e. will not be persisted), which uses the given credentials.
* It ignores any credentials (e.g. password, key-phrase, etc) that are supplied in the config.
protected SshMachineLocation createTemporarySshMachineLocation(HostAndPort hostAndPort, LoginCredentials creds, ConfigBag config) {
String initialUser = creds.getUser();
Optional<String> initialPassword = creds.getOptionalPassword();
Optional<String> initialPrivateKey = creds.getOptionalPrivateKey();
Map<String,Object> sshProps = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(config.getAllConfig());
sshProps.put("user", initialUser);
sshProps.put("address", hostAndPort.getHostText());
sshProps.put("port", hostAndPort.getPort());
sshProps.put(AbstractLocation.TEMPORARY_LOCATION.getName(), true);
sshProps.put(LocalLocationManager.CREATE_UNMANAGED.getName(), true);
if (initialPassword.isPresent()) sshProps.put("password", initialPassword.get());
if (initialPrivateKey.isPresent()) sshProps.put("privateKeyData", initialPrivateKey.get());
if (isManaged()) {
return getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(sshProps, SshMachineLocation.class);
} else {
return new SshMachineLocation(sshProps);
* Creates a temporary WinRM machine location (i.e. will not be persisted), which uses the given credentials.
* It ignores any credentials (e.g. password, key-phrase, etc) that are supplied in the config.
protected WinRmMachineLocation createTemporaryWinRmMachineLocation(HostAndPort hostAndPort, LoginCredentials creds, ConfigBag config) {
String initialUser = creds.getUser();
Optional<String> initialPassword = creds.getOptionalPassword();
Optional<String> initialPrivateKey = creds.getOptionalPrivateKey();
Map<String,Object> winrmProps = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(config.getAllConfig());
winrmProps.put("user", initialUser);
winrmProps.put("address", hostAndPort.getHostText());
winrmProps.put("port", hostAndPort.getPort());
winrmProps.put(AbstractLocation.TEMPORARY_LOCATION.getName(), true);
winrmProps.put(LocalLocationManager.CREATE_UNMANAGED.getName(), true);
String winrmClass = config().get(WinRmMachineLocation.WINRM_TOOL_CLASS);
if (Strings.isNonBlank(winrmClass)) {
winrmProps.put(WinRmMachineLocation.WINRM_TOOL_CLASS.getName(), winrmClass);
if (initialPassword.isPresent()) winrmProps.put("password", initialPassword.get());
if (initialPrivateKey.isPresent()) winrmProps.put("privateKeyData", initialPrivateKey.get());
if (isManaged()) {
return getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(winrmProps, WinRmMachineLocation.class);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot create temporary WinRmMachineLocation because " + this + " is not managed");
* Create the user immediately - executing ssh commands as required.
protected LoginCredentials createUser(
ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort,
LoginCredentials initialCredentials, ConfigBag config) {
Image image = (node.getImageId() != null) ? computeService.getImage(node.getImageId()) : null;
CreateUserStatements userCreation = createUserStatements(image, config);
if (!userCreation.statements().isEmpty()) {
// If unsure of OS family, default to unix for rendering statements.
org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.OsFamily scriptOsFamily;
if (isWindows(node, config)) {
scriptOsFamily = org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.OsFamily.WINDOWS;
} else {
scriptOsFamily = org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.OsFamily.UNIX;
boolean windows = isWindows(node, config);
if (windows) {
LOG.warn("Unable to execute statements on WinRM in JcloudsLocation; skipping for "+node+": "+userCreation.statements());
} else {
List<String> commands = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Statement statement : userCreation.statements()) {
InitAdminAccess initAdminAccess = new InitAdminAccess(new AdminAccessConfiguration.Default());
String initialUser = initialCredentials.getUser();
boolean authSudo = initialCredentials.shouldAuthenticateSudo();
Optional<String> password = initialCredentials.getOptionalPassword();
// TODO Retrying lots of times as workaround for vcloud-director. There the guest customizations
// can cause the VM to reboot shortly after it was ssh'able.
Map<String,Object> execProps = MutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put(ShellTool.PROP_RUN_AS_ROOT.getName(), true)
.put(SshTool.PROP_AUTH_SUDO.getName(), authSudo)
.put(SshTool.PROP_ALLOCATE_PTY.getName(), true)
.putIfNotNull(SshTool.PROP_PASSWORD.getName(), authSudo ? password.orNull() : null)
.put(SshTool.PROP_SSH_TRIES.getName(), 50)
.put(SshTool.PROP_SSH_TRIES_TIMEOUT.getName(), 10*60*1000)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("VM {}: executing user creation/setup via {}@{}; commands: {}", new Object[] {
getCreationString(config), initialUser, managementHostAndPort, commands});
SshMachineLocation sshLoc = createTemporarySshMachineLocation(managementHostAndPort, initialCredentials, config);
try {
// BROOKLYN-188: for SUSE, need to specify the path (for groupadd, useradd, etc)
Map<String, ?> env = ImmutableMap.of("PATH", sbinPath());
int exitcode = sshLoc.execScript(execProps, "create-user", commands, env);
if (exitcode != 0) {
LOG.warn("exit code {} when creating user for {}; usage may subsequently fail", exitcode, node);
} finally {
if (getManagementContext().getLocationManager().isManaged(sshLoc)) {
return userCreation.credentials();
* Set up the TemplateOptions to create the user.
protected LoginCredentials initTemplateForCreateUser(Template template, ConfigBag config) {
CreateUserStatements userCreation = createUserStatements(template.getImage(), config);
if (!userCreation.statements().isEmpty()) {
TemplateOptions options = template.getOptions();
options.runScript(new StatementList(userCreation.statements()));
return userCreation.credentials();
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 use {@link CreateUserStatements} instead. */
protected static class UserCreation extends CreateUserStatements {
public final LoginCredentials createdUserCredentials;
public final List<Statement> statements;
public UserCreation(LoginCredentials creds, List<Statement> statements) {
super(creds, statements);
this.createdUserCredentials = super.credentials();
this.statements = super.statements();
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 return type will be changed to {@link CreateUserStatements} in a future release. */
protected UserCreation createUserStatements(@Nullable Image image, ConfigBag config) {
CreateUserStatements userStatements = CreateUserStatements.get(this, image, config);
return new UserCreation(userStatements.credentials(), userStatements.statements());
// ----------------- registering existing machines ------------------------
protected JcloudsMachineLocation registerMachine(NodeMetadata metadata) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
return registerMachine(MutableMap.of(), metadata);
protected JcloudsMachineLocation registerMachine(Map<?, ?> flags, NodeMetadata metadata) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
ConfigBag setup = ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag(), flags);
if (!setup.containsKey("id")) setup.putStringKey("id", metadata.getId());
setHostnameUpdatingCredentials(setup, metadata);
return registerMachine(setup);
* Brings an existing machine with the given details under management.
* <p>
* The args passed in are used to match against an existing machine. The machines are listed
* (see @link #listMachines()}), and each is compared against the given args. There should
* be exactly one matching machine.
* <p>
* Arguments that can be used for matching are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code id}: the cloud provider's VM id, e.g. "eu-west-1/i-5504f21d" (NB this is
* {@see JcloudsMachineLocation#getJcloudsId()} not #getId())
* <li>{@code hostname}: the public hostname or IP of the machine,
* e.g. ""
* </ul>
* Other config options can also be passed in, for subsequent usage of the machine. For example,
* {@code user} will deterine the username subsequently used for ssh or WinRM. See the standard
* config options of {@link JcloudsLocation}, {@link SshMachineLocation} and
* {@link WinRmMachineLocation}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is not exactly one match
public JcloudsMachineLocation registerMachine(ConfigBag flags) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
ConfigBag setup = ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag(), flags.getAllConfig());
NodeMetadata node = findNodeOrThrow(setup);
return registerMachineLocation(setup, node);
protected JcloudsMachineLocation registerMachineLocation(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
ComputeService computeService = getComputeService(setup);
boolean windows = isWindows(node, setup);
// Not publishing networks since they should have previously been published.
ConnectivityResolverOptions options = getConnectivityOptionsBuilder(setup, windows)
HostAndPort managementHostAndPort = getLocationNetworkInfoCustomizer(setup)
.resolve(this, node, setup, options)
if (managementHostAndPort == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not resolve management host and port for " + node + " given options: " + options);
if (windows) {
return registerWinRmMachineLocation(computeService, node, Optional.<Template>absent(), node.getCredentials(), managementHostAndPort, setup);
} else {
try {
return registerJcloudsSshMachineLocation(computeService, node, Optional.<Template>absent(), node.getCredentials(), managementHostAndPort, setup);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
* Finds a node matching the properties given in config or throws an exception.
* @param config
* @return
protected NodeMetadata findNodeOrThrow(ConfigBag config) {
String user = checkNotNull(getUser(config), "user");
String rawId = (String) config.getStringKey("id");
String rawHostname = (String) config.getStringKey("hostname");
Predicate<ComputeMetadata> predicate = getRebindToMachinePredicate(config);
LOG.debug("Finding VM {} ({}@{}), in jclouds location for provider {} matching {}", new Object[]{
rawId != null ? rawId : "<lookup>",
rawHostname != null ? rawHostname : "<unspecified>",
ComputeService computeService = getComputeService(config);
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> candidateNodes = computeService.listNodesDetailsMatching(predicate);
if (candidateNodes.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jclouds node not found for rebind with predicate " + predicate);
} else if (candidateNodes.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jclouds node for rebind matched multiple with " + predicate + ": " + candidateNodes);
NodeMetadata node = Iterables.getOnlyElement(candidateNodes);
OsCredential osCredentials = LocationConfigUtils.getOsCredential(config).checkNoErrors().logAnyWarnings();
String pkd = osCredentials.getPrivateKeyData();
String password = osCredentials.getPassword();
LoginCredentials expectedCredentials = node.getCredentials();
if (Strings.isNonBlank(pkd)) {
expectedCredentials = LoginCredentials.fromCredentials(new Credentials(user, pkd));
} else if (Strings.isNonBlank(password)) {
expectedCredentials = LoginCredentials.fromCredentials(new Credentials(user, password));
} else if (expectedCredentials == null) {
//need some kind of credential object, or will get NPE later
expectedCredentials = LoginCredentials.fromCredentials(new Credentials(user, null));
node = NodeMetadataBuilder.fromNodeMetadata(node).credentials(expectedCredentials).build();
return node;
public JcloudsMachineLocation registerMachine(Map<?,?> flags) throws NoMachinesAvailableException {
return registerMachine(ConfigBag.newInstance(flags));
* @return a predicate that returns true if a {@link ComputeMetadata} instance is suitable for
* rebinding to given the configuration in {@link ConfigBag config}.
protected Predicate<ComputeMetadata> getRebindToMachinePredicate(ConfigBag config) {
return new RebindToMachinePredicate(config);
protected JcloudsSshMachineLocation registerJcloudsSshMachineLocation(
ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, Optional<Template> template,
LoginCredentials credentials, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) throws IOException {
JcloudsSshMachineLocation machine = createJcloudsSshMachineLocation(computeService, node, template, credentials, managementHostAndPort, setup);
registerJcloudsMachineLocation(node.getId(), machine);
return machine;
protected void registerJcloudsMachineLocation(String nodeId, JcloudsMachineLocation machine) {
vmInstanceIds.put(machine, nodeId);
protected JcloudsSshMachineLocation createJcloudsSshMachineLocation(
ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, Optional<Template> template,
LoginCredentials userCredentials, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) throws IOException {
Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer> customizers = getCustomizers(setup);
Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer> machineCustomizers = getMachineCustomizers(setup);
Map<?,?> sshConfig = extractSshConfig(setup, node);
String nodeAvailabilityZone = extractAvailabilityZone(setup, node);
String nodeRegion = extractRegion(setup, node);
if (nodeRegion == null) {
// e.g. rackspace doesn't have "region", so rackspace-uk is best we can say (but zone="LON")
nodeRegion = extractProvider(setup, node);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("creating JcloudsSshMachineLocation representation for {}@{} ({}) for {}/{}",
new Object[]{
String address = managementHostAndPort.getHostText();
int port = managementHostAndPort.hasPort() ? managementHostAndPort.getPort() : node.getLoginPort();
// The display name will be one of the IPs of the VM (preferring public if there are any).
// If the managementHostAndPort matches any of the IP contenders, then prefer that.
// (Don't just use the managementHostAndPort, because that could be using DNAT so could be
// a shared IP address, for example).
String displayName = getPublicHostnameGeneric(node, setup, Optional.of(address));
final Object password = sshConfig.get(SshMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName()) != null
? sshConfig.get(SshMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName())
: userCredentials.getOptionalPassword().orNull();
final Object privateKeyData = sshConfig.get(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA.getName()) != null
? sshConfig.get(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA.getName())
: userCredentials.getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull();
if (isManaged()) {
final LocationSpec<JcloudsSshMachineLocation> spec = LocationSpec.create(JcloudsSshMachineLocation.class)
.configure("displayName", displayName)
.configure("address", address)
.configure(JcloudsSshMachineLocation.SSH_PORT, port)
.configure("user", userCredentials.getUser())
// The use of `getName` is intentional. See 11741d85b9f54 for details.
.configure(SshMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName(), password)
.configure(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA.getName(), privateKeyData)
.configure("jcloudsParent", this)
.configure("node", node)
.configure("template", template.orNull())
.configureIfNotNull(CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID, nodeAvailabilityZone)
.configureIfNotNull(CLOUD_REGION_ID, nodeRegion)
.configure(CALLER_CONTEXT, setup.get(CALLER_CONTEXT))
.configure(SshMachineLocation.DETECT_MACHINE_DETAILS, setup.get(SshMachineLocation.DETECT_MACHINE_DETAILS))
.configureIfNotNull(SshMachineLocation.SCRIPT_DIR, setup.get(SshMachineLocation.SCRIPT_DIR))
.configureIfNotNull(PORT_FORWARDER, setup.get(PORT_FORWARDER))
.configureIfNotNull(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_ADDRESSES, node.getPrivateAddresses())
.configureIfNotNull(JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, customizers.size() > 0 ? customizers : null)
.configureIfNotNull(MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, machineCustomizers.size() > 0 ? machineCustomizers : null);
return getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(spec);
} else {
LOG.warn("Using deprecated JcloudsSshMachineLocation constructor because " + this + " is not managed");
final MutableMap.Builder<Object, Object> builder = MutableMap.builder()
.put("displayName", displayName)
.put("address", address)
.put("port", port)
.put("user", userCredentials.getUser())
// The use of `getName` is intentional. See 11741d85b9f54 for details.
.putIfNotNull(SshMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName(), password)
.putIfNotNull(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_KEY_DATA.getName(), privateKeyData)
.put("callerContext", setup.get(CALLER_CONTEXT))
.putIfNotNull(CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID.getName(), nodeAvailabilityZone)
.putIfNotNull(CLOUD_REGION_ID.getName(), nodeRegion)
.put(SshMachineLocation.PRIVATE_ADDRESSES, node.getPrivateAddresses());
if (customizers.size() > 0) {
builder.put(JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, customizers);
if (machineCustomizers.size() > 0) {
builder.put(MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, machineCustomizers);
final MutableMap<Object, Object> properties =;
return new JcloudsSshMachineLocation(properties, this, node);
protected JcloudsWinRmMachineLocation registerWinRmMachineLocation(
ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, Optional<Template> template,
LoginCredentials credentials, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
JcloudsWinRmMachineLocation machine = createWinRmMachineLocation(computeService, node, template, credentials, managementHostAndPort, setup);
registerJcloudsMachineLocation(node.getId(), machine);
return machine;
protected JcloudsWinRmMachineLocation createWinRmMachineLocation(
ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, Optional<Template> template,
LoginCredentials userCredentials, HostAndPort winrmHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer> customizers = getCustomizers(setup);
Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer> machineCustomizers = getMachineCustomizers(setup);
Map<?,?> winrmConfig = extractWinrmConfig(setup, node);
String nodeAvailabilityZone = extractAvailabilityZone(setup, node);
String nodeRegion = extractRegion(setup, node);
if (nodeRegion == null) {
// e.g. rackspace doesn't have "region", so rackspace-uk is best we can say (but zone="LON")
nodeRegion = extractProvider(setup, node);
String address = winrmHostAndPort.getHostText();
String displayName = getPublicHostnameGeneric(node, setup, Optional.of(address));
final Object password = winrmConfig.get(WinRmMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName()) != null
? winrmConfig.get(WinRmMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName())
: userCredentials.getOptionalPassword().orNull();
if (isManaged()) {
final LocationSpec<JcloudsWinRmMachineLocation> spec = LocationSpec.create(JcloudsWinRmMachineLocation.class)
.configure("jcloudsParent", this)
.configure("displayName", displayName)
.configure("address", address)
.configure(WinRmMachineLocation.WINRM_CONFIG_PORT, winrmHostAndPort.getPort())
.configure(WinRmMachineLocation.USER.getName(), userCredentials.getUser())
.configure(WinRmMachineLocation.PASSWORD.getName(), password)
.configure("node", node)
.configureIfNotNull(CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID, nodeAvailabilityZone)
.configureIfNotNull(CLOUD_REGION_ID, nodeRegion)
.configure(CALLER_CONTEXT, setup.get(CALLER_CONTEXT))
.configure(SshMachineLocation.DETECT_MACHINE_DETAILS, setup.get(SshMachineLocation.DETECT_MACHINE_DETAILS))
.configureIfNotNull(SshMachineLocation.SCRIPT_DIR, setup.get(SshMachineLocation.SCRIPT_DIR))
.configureIfNotNull(PORT_FORWARDER, setup.get(PORT_FORWARDER))
.configureIfNotNull(JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, customizers.size() > 0 ? customizers : null)
.configureIfNotNull(MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS, machineCustomizers.size() > 0 ? machineCustomizers : null);
return getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(spec);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot create WinRmMachineLocation because " + this + " is not managed");
protected Map<String,Object> extractSshConfig(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
ConfigBag nodeConfig = new ConfigBag();
if (node!=null && node.getCredentials() != null) {
nodeConfig.putIfNotNull(PASSWORD, node.getCredentials().getOptionalPassword().orNull());
nodeConfig.putIfNotNull(PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, node.getCredentials().getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull());
return extractSshConfig(setup, nodeConfig).getAllConfig();
protected Map<String,Object> extractWinrmConfig(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
ConfigBag nodeConfig = new ConfigBag();
if (node!=null && node.getCredentials() != null) {
nodeConfig.putIfNotNull(PASSWORD, node.getCredentials().getOptionalPassword().orNull());
nodeConfig.putIfNotNull(PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, node.getCredentials().getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull());
return extractWinrmConfig(setup, nodeConfig).getAllConfig();
protected ConfigBag extractWinrmConfig(ConfigBag setup, ConfigBag alt) {
ConfigBag winrmConfig = new ConfigBag();
for (HasConfigKey<?> key : WinRmMachineLocation.ALL_WINRM_CONFIG_KEYS) {
String keyName = key.getConfigKey().getName();
if (setup.containsKey(keyName)) {
winrmConfig.putStringKey(keyName, setup.getStringKey(keyName));
} else if (alt.containsKey(keyName)) {
winrmConfig.putStringKey(keyName, setup.getStringKey(keyName));
Map<String, Object> winrmToolClassProperties = Maps.filterKeys(setup.getAllConfig(), StringPredicates.startsWith(WinRmMachineLocation.WINRM_TOOL_CLASS_PROPERTIES_PREFIX));
return winrmConfig;
protected String extractAvailabilityZone(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
return extractNodeLocationId(setup, node, LocationScope.ZONE);
protected String extractRegion(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
return extractNodeLocationId(setup, node, LocationScope.REGION);
protected String extractProvider(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node) {
return extractNodeLocationId(setup, node, LocationScope.PROVIDER);
protected String extractNodeLocationId(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node, LocationScope scope) {
org.jclouds.domain.Location nodeLoc = node.getLocation();
if(nodeLoc == null) return null;
do {
if (nodeLoc.getScope() == scope) return nodeLoc.getId();
nodeLoc = nodeLoc.getParent();
} while (nodeLoc != null);
return null;
// -------------- give back the machines------------------
public void release(MachineLocation rawMachine) {
Duration preSemaphoreTimestamp = null;
Duration semaphoreTimestamp = null;
Duration destroyTimestamp = null;
Stopwatch destroyingStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
String instanceId = vmInstanceIds.remove(rawMachine);
if (instanceId == null) {"Attempted release of unknown machine "+rawMachine+" in "+toString());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown machine "+rawMachine);
JcloudsMachineLocation machine = (JcloudsMachineLocation) rawMachine;"Releasing machine {} in {}, instance id {}", new Object[] {machine, this, instanceId});
Exception tothrow = null;
ConfigBag setup = ((LocationInternal)machine).config().getBag();
JcloudsLocationCustomizer customizersDelegate = LocationCustomizerDelegate.newInstance(getManagementContext(), setup);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Problem invoking pre-release for machine "+machine+" in "+this+", instance id "+instanceId+
"; ignoring and continuing, "
+ (tothrow==null ? "will throw subsequently" : "swallowing due to previous error")+": "+e, e);
if (tothrow==null) tothrow = e;
try {
// FIXME: Needs to release port forwarding for WinRmMachineLocations
if (machine instanceof JcloudsMachineLocation) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Problem releasing port-forwarding for machine "+machine+" in "+this+", instance id "+instanceId+
"; ignoring and continuing, "
+ (tothrow==null ? "will throw subsequently" : "swallowing due to previous error")+": "+e, e);
if (tothrow==null) tothrow = e;
try {
preSemaphoreTimestamp = Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch);
Semaphore machineDeletionSemaphore = getMachineDeletionSemaphore();
boolean acquired = machineDeletionSemaphore.tryAcquire(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!acquired) {"Waiting in {} for machine-deletion permit ({} other queuing requests already)", new Object[] {this, machineDeletionSemaphore.getQueueLength()});
Stopwatch blockStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
machineDeletionSemaphore.acquire();"Acquired in {} machine-deletion permit, after waiting {}", this, Time.makeTimeStringRounded(blockStopwatch));
} else {
LOG.debug("Acquired in {} machine-deletion permit immediately", this);
semaphoreTimestamp = Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch);
try {
destroyTimestamp = Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Problem releasing machine "+machine+" in "+this+", instance id "+instanceId+
"; ignoring and continuing, "
+ (tothrow==null ? "will throw subsequently" : "swallowing due to previous error")+": "+e, e);
if (tothrow==null) tothrow = e;
} finally {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Problem invoking post-release for machine "+machine+" in "+this+", instance id "+instanceId+
"; ignoring and continuing, "
+ (tothrow==null ? "will throw subsequently" : "swallowing due to previous error")+": "+e, e);
if (tothrow==null) tothrow = e;
if (tothrow != null) {
LOG.error("Problem releasing machine " + machine + " (propagating) "
+ " after "+Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch).toStringRounded()
+ (semaphoreTimestamp != null ? " ("
+ "semaphore obtained in "+Duration.of(semaphoreTimestamp).subtract(preSemaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ (destroyTimestamp != null ? " node destroyed in "+Duration.of(destroyTimestamp).subtract(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded() : "")
+ ")"
: "")
+ ": "+tothrow.getMessage());
throw Exceptions.propagate(tothrow);
String logMessage = "Released machine " + machine +":"
+ " total time "+Duration.of(destroyingStopwatch).toStringRounded()
+ " ("
+ "semaphore obtained in "+Duration.of(semaphoreTimestamp).subtract(preSemaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+";"
+ " node destroyed in "+Duration.of(destroyTimestamp).subtract(semaphoreTimestamp).toStringRounded()+")";;
protected void releaseSafely(MachineLocation machine) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// rely on exception having been logged by #release(SshMachineLocation), so no-op
protected void releaseNodeSafely(NodeMetadata node) {
String instanceId = node.getId();"Releasing node {} in {}, instance id {}", new Object[] {node, this, instanceId});
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Problem releasing node "+node+" in "+this+", instance id "+instanceId+
"; discarding instance and continuing...", e);
protected void releaseNode(String instanceId) {
ComputeService computeService;
try {
computeService = getComputeService(config().getBag());
// FIXME revert to computeService.destroyNode(instanceId); once JCLOUDS-1332 gets fixed
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = computeService.destroyNodesMatching(withIds(instanceId));
LOG.debug("Destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed);
} finally {
// we don't close the compute service; this means if we provision add'l it is fast;
// however it also means an explicit System.exit may be needed for termination
if (computeService != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error "Problem closing compute-service's context; continuing...", e
protected void releasePortForwarding(final JcloudsMachineLocation machine) {
// TODO Implementation needs revisisted. It relies on deprecated PortForwardManager methods.
boolean usePortForwarding = Boolean.TRUE.equals(machine.getConfig(USE_PORT_FORWARDING));
final JcloudsPortForwarderExtension portForwarder = machine.getConfig(PORT_FORWARDER);
final String nodeId = machine.getJcloudsId();
final Map<String, Runnable> subtasks = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
PortForwardManager portForwardManager = machine.getConfig(PORT_FORWARDING_MANAGER);
if (portForwardManager == null) {
LOG.debug("No PortForwardManager, using default");
portForwardManager = (PortForwardManager) getManagementContext().getLocationRegistry().getLocationManaged(PortForwardManagerLocationResolver.PFM_GLOBAL_SPEC);
if (portForwarder == null) {
LOG.debug("No port-forwarding to close (because portForwarder null) on release of " + machine);
} else {
final Optional<NodeMetadata> node = machine.getOptionalNode();
// Release the port-forwarding for the login-port, which was explicitly created by JcloudsLocation
if (usePortForwarding && node.isPresent()) {
final HostAndPort hostAndPortOverride;
if (machine instanceof SshMachineLocation) {
hostAndPortOverride = ((SshMachineLocation)machine).getSshHostAndPort();
} else if (machine instanceof WinRmMachineLocation) {
String host = ((WinRmMachineLocation)machine).getAddress().getHostAddress();
int port = ((WinRmMachineLocation)machine).getPort();
hostAndPortOverride = HostAndPort.fromParts(host, port);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unexpected machine {} of type {}; expected SSH or WinRM", machine, (machine != null ? machine.getClass() : null));
hostAndPortOverride = null;
if (hostAndPortOverride != null) {
final int loginPort = node.get().getLoginPort();
"Close port-forward "+hostAndPortOverride+"->"+loginPort,
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
LOG.debug("Closing port-forwarding at {} for machine {}: {}->{}", new Object[] {this, machine, hostAndPortOverride, loginPort});
portForwarder.closePortForwarding(node.get(), loginPort, hostAndPortOverride, Protocol.TCP);
// Get all the other port-forwarding mappings for this VM, and release all of those
Set<PortMapping> mappings = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
if (nodeId != null) {
for (final PortMapping mapping : mappings) {
final HostAndPort publicEndpoint = mapping.getPublicEndpoint();
final int targetPort = mapping.getPrivatePort();
final Protocol protocol = Protocol.TCP;
if (publicEndpoint != null && node.isPresent()) {
"Close port-forward "+publicEndpoint+"->"+targetPort,
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
LOG.debug("Closing port-forwarding at {} for machine {}: {}->{}", new Object[] {this, machine, publicEndpoint, targetPort});
portForwarder.closePortForwarding(node.get(), targetPort, publicEndpoint, protocol);
if (subtasks.size() > 0) {
final TaskBuilder<Void> builder = TaskBuilder.<Void>builder()
.displayName("close port-forwarding at "+machine);
for (Map.Entry<String, Runnable> entry : subtasks.entrySet()) {
final Task<Void> task =;
final DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult<Void> queueResult = DynamicTasks.queueIfPossible(task);
final String origDetails = Tasks.setBlockingDetails("waiting for closing port-forwarding of "+machine);
try {
} finally {
} else {
LOG.warn("Releasing port-forwarding of "+machine+" not executing in execution-context "
+ "(e.g. not invoked inside effector); falling back to executing sequentially");
for (Runnable subtask : subtasks.values()) {;
// Forget all port mappings associated with this VM
if (nodeId != null) {
// ------------ support methods --------------------
* Extracts the user that jclouds tells us about (i.e. from the jclouds node).
* <p>
* Modifies <code>setup</code> to set {@link #USER} if it is unset when the method is called or
* if the value in the bag is {@link #ROOT_USERNAME} and the user on the node is contained in
* {@link #ROOT_ALIASES}.
protected LoginCredentials extractVmCredentials(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata node, LoginCredentials nodeCredentials) {
boolean windows = isWindows(node, setup);
String user = getUser(setup);
OsCredential localCredentials = LocationConfigUtils.getOsCredential(setup).checkNoErrors();
LOG.debug("Credentials extracted for {}: {}/{} with {}/{}", new Object[] {
node, user, nodeCredentials.getUser(), localCredentials, nodeCredentials });
if (Strings.isNonBlank(nodeCredentials.getUser())) {
if (Strings.isBlank(user)) {
setup.put(USER, user = nodeCredentials.getUser());
} else if (ROOT_USERNAME.equals(user) && ROOT_ALIASES.contains(nodeCredentials.getUser())) {
// deprecated, we used to default username to 'root'; now we leave null, then use autodetected credentials if no user specified
LOG.warn("overriding username 'root' in favour of '"+nodeCredentials.getUser()+"' at {}; this behaviour may be removed in future", node);
setup.put(USER, user = nodeCredentials.getUser());
String pkd = Strings.maybeNonBlank(localCredentials.getPrivateKeyData())
String pwd = Strings.maybeNonBlank(localCredentials.getPassword())
if (Strings.isBlank(user) || (Strings.isBlank(pkd) && pwd==null)) {
String missing = (user==null ? "user" : "credential");
LOG.warn("Not able to determine "+missing+" for "+this+" at "+node+"; will likely fail subsequently");
return null;
} else {
LoginCredentials.Builder resultBuilder = LoginCredentials.builder().user(user);
if (pwd != null && (Strings.isBlank(pkd) || localCredentials.isUsingPassword() || windows)) {
} else { // pkd guaranteed non-blank due to above
LOG.warn("No node-credentials or admin-access available for node "+node+" in "+this+"; will likely fail subsequently");
return null;
protected String getFirstReachableAddress(NodeMetadata node, ConfigBag setup) {
String pollForFirstReachable = setup.get(POLL_FOR_FIRST_REACHABLE_ADDRESS);
boolean enabled = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(pollForFirstReachable);
String result;
if (enabled) {
Duration timeout = "true".equals(pollForFirstReachable) ? Duration.FIVE_MINUTES : Duration.of(pollForFirstReachable);
Predicate<? super HostAndPort> predicate = getReachableAddressesPredicate(setup);
LOG.debug("{} polling for first reachable address with {}", this, predicate);
// Throws if no suitable address is found.
result = JcloudsUtil.getFirstReachableAddress(node, timeout, predicate);
LOG.debug("Using first-reachable address "+result+" for node "+node+" in "+this);
} else {
result = Iterables.getFirst(Iterables.concat(node.getPublicAddresses(), node.getPrivateAddresses()), null);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No addresses available for node "+node+" in "+this);
LOG.debug("Using first address "+result+" for node "+node+" in "+this);
return result;
private Predicate<? super HostAndPort> getReachableAddressesPredicate(ConfigBag config) {
Predicate<? super HostAndPort> pollForFirstReachableHostAndPortPredicate;
} else {
Class<? extends Predicate<? super HostAndPort>> predicateType =
Map<String, Object> args = MutableMap.of();
try {
return predicateType.getConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(args);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
try {
return pollForFirstReachableHostAndPortPredicate = predicateType.newInstance();
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException newInstanceException) {
throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Failed to instantiate " + predicateType, newInstanceException);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagateAnnotated("Failed to instantiate " + predicateType + " with Map constructor", e);
protected LoginCredentials waitForWinRmAvailable(LoginCredentials credentialsToTry, final HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
String waitForWinrmAvailable = setup.get(WAIT_FOR_WINRM_AVAILABLE);
checkArgument(!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(waitForWinrmAvailable), "waitForWinRmAvailable called despite waitForWinRmAvailable=%s", waitForWinrmAvailable);
Duration timeout = null;
try {
timeout = Duration.parse(waitForWinrmAvailable);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO will this just be a NumberFormatException? If so, catch that specificially
// normal if 'true'; just fall back to default
if (timeout == null) {
timeout = Duration.parse(WAIT_FOR_WINRM_AVAILABLE.getDefaultValue());
String user = credentialsToTry.getUser();
String connectionDetails = user + "@" + managementHostAndPort;
final AtomicReference<LoginCredentials> credsSuccessful = new AtomicReference<LoginCredentials>();
// Don't use config that relates to the final user credentials (those have nothing to do
// with the initial credentials of the VM returned by the cloud provider).
// The createTemporaryWinRmMachineLocation deals with removing that.
ConfigBag winrmProps = ConfigBag.newInstanceCopying(setup);
final Pair<WinRmMachineLocation, LoginCredentials> machinesToTry = Pair.of(
createTemporaryWinRmMachineLocation(managementHostAndPort, credentialsToTry, winrmProps), credentialsToTry);
try {
Callable<Boolean> checker = new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() {
final WinRmMachineLocation machine = machinesToTry.getLeft();
WinRmToolResponse response = machine.executeCommand(
ImmutableMap.of(WinRmTool.PROP_EXEC_TRIES.getName(), 1),
ImmutableList.of("echo testing"));
boolean success = (response.getStatusCode() == 0);
if (success) {
String verifyWindowsUp = setup.get(WinRmMachineLocation.WAIT_WINDOWS_TO_START);
if (Strings.isBlank(verifyWindowsUp) || verifyWindowsUp.equals("false")) {
return true;
Predicate<WinRmMachineLocation> machineReachable = new Predicate<WinRmMachineLocation>() {
public boolean apply(@Nullable WinRmMachineLocation machine) {
try {
WinRmToolResponse response = machine.executeCommand("echo testing");
int statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
return statusCode == 0;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (getFirstThrowableOfType(e, IOException.class) != null || getFirstThrowableOfType(e, WebServiceException.class) != null) {
LOG.debug("WinRM Connectivity lost", e);
return false;
} else {
throw e;
Duration verifyWindowsUpTime = Duration.of(verifyWindowsUp);
boolean restartHappened = Predicates2.retry(Predicates.not(machineReachable),
if (restartHappened) {"Connectivity to the machine was lost. Probably Windows have restarted {} as part of the provisioning process.\nRetrying to connect...", machine);
return Predicates2.retry(machineReachable,
Duration.of(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).toMilliseconds(),
Duration.of(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).toMilliseconds(),
} else {
return true;
return false;
waitForReachable(checker, connectionDetails, ImmutableList.of(credentialsToTry), setup, timeout);
} finally {
if (getManagementContext().getLocationManager().isManaged(machinesToTry.getLeft())) {
// get benign but unpleasant warnings if we unmanage something already unmanaged
return credsSuccessful.get();
protected LoginCredentials waitForSshableGuessCredentials(final ComputeService computeService, final NodeMetadata node, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
// See
// Handle where jclouds gives us the wrong login user (!) and both a password + ssh key.
// Try all the permutations to find the one that works.
Iterable<LoginCredentials> credentialsToTry = generateCredentials(node.getCredentials(), setup.get(LOGIN_USER));
return waitForSshable(computeService, node, managementHostAndPort, credentialsToTry, setup);
/** @deprecated Since 0.11.0. Use {@link #waitForSshableGuessCredentials} instead. */
protected LoginCredentials waitForSshable(ComputeService computeService, NodeMetadata node, HostAndPort managementHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
return waitForSshableGuessCredentials(computeService, node, managementHostAndPort, setup);
/** @return An Iterable of credentials based on nodeCreds containing different parameters. */
Iterable<LoginCredentials> generateCredentials(LoginCredentials nodeCreds, @Nullable String loginUserOverride) {
String nodeUser = nodeCreds.getUser();
Set<String> users = MutableSet.of();
if (Strings.isNonBlank(nodeUser)) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(loginUserOverride)) {
List<LoginCredentials> credentialsToTry = new ArrayList<>();
for (String user : users) {
if (nodeCreds.getOptionalPassword().isPresent() && nodeCreds.getOptionalPrivateKey().isPresent()) {
} else {
return credentialsToTry;
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 use {@link #waitForSshable(HostAndPort, Iterable, ConfigBag)} instead */
protected LoginCredentials waitForSshable(
final ComputeService computeService, final NodeMetadata node, HostAndPort hostAndPort,
Iterable<LoginCredentials> credentialsToTry, ConfigBag setup) {
return waitForSshable(hostAndPort, credentialsToTry, setup);
protected LoginCredentials waitForSshable(
HostAndPort hostAndPort, Iterable<LoginCredentials> credentialsToTry, ConfigBag setup) {
String waitForSshable = setup.get(WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE);
checkArgument(!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(waitForSshable), "waitForSshable called despite waitForSshable=%s for %s", waitForSshable, hostAndPort);
checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(credentialsToTry), "waitForSshable called without credentials for %s", hostAndPort);
Duration timeout = null;
try {
timeout = Duration.parse(waitForSshable);
} catch (Exception e) {
// normal if 'true'; just fall back to default
if (timeout == null) {
timeout = Duration.parse(WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE.getDefaultValue());
Set<String> users = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
for (LoginCredentials creds : credentialsToTry) {
String user = (users.size() == 1) ? Iterables.getOnlyElement(users) : "{" + Joiner.on(",").join(users) + "}";
String connectionDetails = user + "@" + hostAndPort;
final AtomicReference<LoginCredentials> credsSuccessful = new AtomicReference<LoginCredentials>();
// Don't use config that relates to the final user credentials (those have nothing to do
// with the initial credentials of the VM returned by the cloud provider).
ConfigBag sshProps = ConfigBag.newInstanceCopying(setup);
final Map<SshMachineLocation, LoginCredentials> machinesToTry = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (LoginCredentials creds : credentialsToTry) {
machinesToTry.put(createTemporarySshMachineLocation(hostAndPort, creds, sshProps), creds);
final Duration repeaterTimeout = timeout;
try {
Callable<Boolean> checker = new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() {
for (Map.Entry<SshMachineLocation, LoginCredentials> entry : machinesToTry.entrySet()) {
SshMachineLocation machine = entry.getKey();
Duration statusTimeout = Duration.THIRTY_SECONDS.isShorterThan(repeaterTimeout)
: repeaterTimeout;
int exitstatus = machine.execScript(
SshTool.PROP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT.getName(), statusTimeout.toMilliseconds(),
SshTool.PROP_SESSION_TIMEOUT.getName(), statusTimeout.toMilliseconds(),
SshTool.PROP_SSH_TRIES_TIMEOUT.getName(), statusTimeout.toMilliseconds(),
SshTool.PROP_SSH_TRIES.getName(), 1),
boolean success = (exitstatus == 0);
if (success) {
return true;
return false;
waitForReachable(checker, connectionDetails, credentialsToTry, setup, timeout);
} finally {
for (SshMachineLocation machine : machinesToTry.keySet()) {
if (getManagementContext().getLocationManager().isManaged(machine)) {
// get benign but unpleasant warnings if we unmanage something already unmanaged
return credsSuccessful.get();
static int getLoginPortOrDefault(NodeMetadata node, int defaultPort) {
int loginPort = node.getLoginPort();
if (loginPort > 0) {
return loginPort;
return defaultPort;
protected void waitForReachable(Callable<Boolean> checker, String hostAndPort, Iterable<LoginCredentials> credentialsToLog, ConfigBag setup, Duration timeout) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
List<String> credsToString = Lists.newArrayList();
for (LoginCredentials creds : credentialsToLog) {
String user = creds.getUser();
String password;
String key;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(setup.get(LOG_CREDENTIALS))) {
password = creds.getOptionalPassword().or("<absent>");
key = creds.getOptionalPrivateKey().or("<absent>");
} else {
password = creds.getOptionalPassword().isPresent() ? "******" : "<absent>";
key = creds.getOptionalPrivateKey().isPresent() ? "******" : "<absent>";
credsToString.add("user="+user+", password="+password+", key="+key);
LOG.debug("VM {}: reported online, now waiting {} for it to be contactable on {}; trying {} credential{}: {}",
new Object[] {
getCreationString(setup), timeout,
(credsToString.size() == 1) ? credsToString.get(0) : "(multiple!):" + Joiner.on("\n\t").join(credsToString)
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
ReferenceWithError<Boolean> reachable = new Repeater("reachable repeater ")
.backoff(Duration.ONE_SECOND, 2, Duration.TEN_SECONDS) // exponential backoff, to 10 seconds
if (!reachable.getWithoutError()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Connection failed for "
+hostAndPort+" ("+getCreationString(setup)+") after waiting "
+Time.makeTimeStringRounded(timeout), reachable.getError());
LOG.debug("VM {}: connection succeeded after {} on {}",new Object[] {
getCreationString(setup), Time.makeTimeStringRounded(stopwatch),
// -------------------- hostnames ------------------------
// hostnames are complicated, but irregardless, this code could be cleaned up!
protected void setHostnameUpdatingCredentials(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata metadata) {
List<String> usersTried = new ArrayList<String>();
String originalUser = getUser(setup);
if (groovyTruth(originalUser)) {
if (setHostname(setup, metadata, false)) return;
LoginCredentials credentials = metadata.getCredentials();
if (credentials!=null) {
if (Strings.isNonBlank(credentials.getUser())) setup.put(USER, credentials.getUser());
if (Strings.isNonBlank(credentials.getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull())) setup.put(PRIVATE_KEY_DATA, credentials.getOptionalPrivateKey().orNull());
if (setHostname(setup, metadata, false)) {
if (originalUser!=null && !originalUser.equals(getUser(setup))) {
LOG.warn("Switching to cloud-specified user at "+metadata+" as "+getUser(setup)+" (failed to connect using: "+usersTried+")");
for (String u: COMMON_USER_NAMES_TO_TRY) {
setup.put(USER, u);
if (setHostname(setup, metadata, false)) {
LOG.warn("Auto-detected user at "+metadata+" as "+getUser(setup)+" (failed to connect using: "+usersTried+")");
// just repeat, so we throw exception
LOG.warn("Failed to log in to "+metadata+", tried as users "+usersTried+" (throwing original exception)");
setup.put(USER, originalUser);
setHostname(setup, metadata, true);
protected boolean setHostname(ConfigBag setup, NodeMetadata metadata, boolean rethrow) {
try {
setup.put(SshTool.PROP_HOST, getPublicHostname(metadata, Optional.<HostAndPort>absent(), setup));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (rethrow) {
LOG.warn("couldn't connect to "+metadata+" when trying to discover hostname (rethrowing): "+e);
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
return false;
protected String getPublicHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
return getPublicHostname(node, sshHostAndPort, node.getCredentials(), setup);
* Attempts to obtain the hostname or IP of the node, as advertised by the cloud provider.
* Prefers public, reachable IPs.
* For some clouds (e.g. aws-ec2), it will attempt to find the public hostname.
protected String getPublicHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, LoginCredentials userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
return getPublicHostname(node, sshHostAndPort, Suppliers.ofInstance(userCredentials), setup);
protected String getPublicHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, Supplier<? extends LoginCredentials> userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
String provider = (setup != null) ? setup.get(CLOUD_PROVIDER) : null;
Boolean lookupAwsHostname = (setup != null) ? setup.get(LOOKUP_AWS_HOSTNAME) : null;
if (provider == null) provider= getProvider();
if ("aws-ec2".equals(provider) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(lookupAwsHostname)) {
Maybe<String> result = getHostnameAws(node, sshHostAndPort, userCredentials, setup);
if (result.isPresent()) return result.get();
Optional<String> preferredAddress = sshHostAndPort.isPresent() ? Optional.of(sshHostAndPort.get().getHostText()) : Optional.<String>absent();
return getPublicHostnameGeneric(node, setup, preferredAddress);
* Attempts to obtain the private hostname or IP of the node, as advertised by the cloud provider.
* For some clouds (e.g. aws-ec2), it will attempt to find the fully qualified hostname (as that works in public+private).
protected String getPrivateHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, ConfigBag setup) {
return getPrivateHostname(node, sshHostAndPort, node.getCredentials(), setup);
protected String getPrivateHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, LoginCredentials userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
return getPrivateHostname(node, sshHostAndPort, Suppliers.ofInstance(userCredentials), setup);
protected String getPrivateHostname(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, Supplier<? extends LoginCredentials> userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
Boolean useMachinePublicAddressAsPrivateAddress = (setup != null) ? setup.get(USE_MACHINE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_AS_PRIVATE_ADDRESS) : false;
if(useMachinePublicAddressAsPrivateAddress) {
LOG.debug("Overriding private hostname as public hostname because config "+ USE_MACHINE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_AS_PRIVATE_ADDRESS.getName()+" is set to true");
return getPublicHostname(node, sshHostAndPort, userCredentials, setup);
String provider = (setup != null) ? setup.get(CLOUD_PROVIDER) : null;
Boolean lookupAwsHostname = (setup != null) ? setup.get(LOOKUP_AWS_HOSTNAME) : null;
if (provider == null) provider = getProvider();
// TODO Discouraged to do cloud-specific things; think of this code for aws as an
// exceptional situation rather than a pattern to follow. We need a better way to
// do cloud-specific things.
if ("aws-ec2".equals(provider) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(lookupAwsHostname)) {
Maybe<String> result = getHostnameAws(node, sshHostAndPort, userCredentials, setup);
if (result.isPresent()) return result.get();
Optional<String> preferredAddress = sshHostAndPort.isPresent() ? Optional.of(sshHostAndPort.get().getHostText()) : Optional.<String>absent();
return getPrivateHostnameGeneric(node, setup, preferredAddress);
private String getPublicHostnameGeneric(NodeMetadata node, @Nullable ConfigBag setup) {
return getPublicHostnameGeneric(node, setup, Optional.<String>absent());
* The preferredAddress is returned if it is one of the best choices (e.g. if publicAddresses
* contains it, or if publicAddresses.isEmpty but the privateAddresses contains it).
* Otherwise, returns the first publicAddress (if any), or failing that the first privateAddress.
private String getPublicHostnameGeneric(NodeMetadata node, @Nullable ConfigBag setup, Optional<String> preferredAddress) {
// JcloudsUtil.getFirstReachableAddress() (probably) already succeeded so at least one of the provided
// public and private IPs is reachable. Prefer the public IP. Don't use hostname as a fallback
// from the public address - if public address is missing why would hostname resolve to a
// public IP? It is sometimes wrong/abbreviated, resolving to the wrong IP, also e.g. on
// rackspace, the hostname lacks the domain.
// TODO If POLL_FOR_FIRST_REACHABLE_ADDRESS=false, then won't have checked if any node is reachable.
// TODO Some of the private addresses might not be reachable, should check connectivity before
// making a choice.
// TODO Choose an IP once and stick to it - multiple places call JcloudsUtil.getFirstReachableAddress(),
// could even get different IP on each call.
if (groovyTruth(node.getPublicAddresses())) {
if (preferredAddress.isPresent() && node.getPublicAddresses().contains(preferredAddress.get())) {
return preferredAddress.get();
return node.getPublicAddresses().iterator().next();
} else if (groovyTruth(node.getPrivateAddresses())) {
if (preferredAddress.isPresent() && node.getPrivateAddresses().contains(preferredAddress.get())) {
return preferredAddress.get();
return node.getPrivateAddresses().iterator().next();
} else {
return null;
* The preferredAddress is returned if it is one of the best choices (e.g. if non-local privateAddresses
* contains it, or if privateAddresses.isEmpty but the publicAddresses contains it).
* Otherwise, returns the first publicAddress (if any), or failing that the first privateAddress.
private String getPrivateHostnameGeneric(NodeMetadata node, @Nullable ConfigBag setup, Optional<String> preferredAddress) {
//prefer the private address to the hostname because hostname is sometimes wrong/abbreviated
//(see that javadoc; also e.g. on rackspace/cloudstack, the hostname is not registered with any DNS).
//Don't return local-only address (e.g. never
Iterable<String> privateAddresses = Iterables.filter(node.getPrivateAddresses(), new Predicate<String>() {
@Override public boolean apply(String input) {
return input != null && !Networking.isLocalOnly(input);
if (!Iterables.isEmpty(privateAddresses)) {
if (preferredAddress.isPresent() && Iterables.contains(privateAddresses, preferredAddress.get())) {
return preferredAddress.get();
return Iterables.get(privateAddresses, 0);
if (groovyTruth(node.getPublicAddresses())) {
if (preferredAddress.isPresent() && node.getPublicAddresses().contains(preferredAddress.get())) {
return preferredAddress.get();
return node.getPublicAddresses().iterator().next();
} else if (groovyTruth(node.getHostname())) {
return node.getHostname();
} else {
return null;
Maybe<String> getHostnameAws(NodeMetadata node, Optional<HostAndPort> sshHostAndPort, Supplier<? extends LoginCredentials> userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
HostAndPort inferredHostAndPort = null;
boolean waitForSshable = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(setup.get(WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE));
if (!waitForSshable) {
return Maybe.absent();
if (!sshHostAndPort.isPresent()) {
try {
String vmIp = getFirstReachableAddress(node, setup);
int port = node.getLoginPort();
inferredHostAndPort = HostAndPort.fromParts(vmIp, port);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error reaching aws-ec2 instance "+node.getId()+"@"+node.getLocation()+" on port "+node.getLoginPort()+"; falling back to jclouds metadata for address", e);
if (sshHostAndPort.isPresent() || inferredHostAndPort != null) {
if (isWindows(node, setup)) {
LOG.warn("Cannot query aws-ec2 Windows instance "+node.getId()+"@"+node.getLocation()+" over ssh for its hostname; falling back to jclouds metadata for address");
} else {
HostAndPort hostAndPortToUse = sshHostAndPort.isPresent() ? sshHostAndPort.get() : inferredHostAndPort;
try {
return Maybe.of(getHostnameAws(hostAndPortToUse, userCredentials.get(), setup));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error querying aws-ec2 instance "+node.getId()+"@"+node.getLocation()+" over ssh for its hostname; falling back to jclouds metadata for address", e);
return Maybe.absent();
String getHostnameAws(HostAndPort hostAndPort, LoginCredentials userCredentials, ConfigBag setup) {
// TODO messy way to get an SSH session
SshMachineLocation sshLocByIp = createTemporarySshMachineLocation(hostAndPort, userCredentials, setup);
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream errStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int exitcode = sshLocByIp.execCommands(
MutableMap.of("out", outStream, "err", errStream),
"get public AWS hostname",
"echo `curl --silent --retry 20`; exit"));
String outString = new String(outStream.toByteArray());
String[] outLines = outString.split("\n");
for (String line : outLines) {
if (line.startsWith("ec2-")) return line.trim();
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not obtain aws-ec2 hostname for vm "+hostAndPort+"; exitcode="+exitcode+"; stdout="+outString+"; stderr="+new String(errStream.toByteArray()));
} finally {
if (getManagementContext().getLocationManager().isManaged(sshLocByIp)) {
public PersistenceObjectStore newPersistenceObjectStore(String container) {
return new JcloudsBlobStoreBasedObjectStore(this, container);
// ------------ static converters (could go to a new file) ------------------
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
public static File asFile(Object o) {
if (o instanceof File) return (File)o;
if (o == null) return null;
return new File(o.toString());
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
public static String fileAsString(Object o) {
if (o instanceof String) return (String)o;
if (o instanceof File) return ((File)o).getAbsolutePath();
if (o==null) return null;
return o.toString();
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
protected static double toDouble(Object v) {
if (v instanceof Number) {
return ((Number)v).doubleValue();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type for double: "+v+" of type "+v.getClass());
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
protected static String[] toStringArray(Object v) {
return Strings.toStringList(v).toArray(new String[0]);
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 use {@link Strings#toStringList(Object)} instead */
protected static List<String> toListOfStrings(Object v) {
return Strings.toStringList(v);
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
protected static byte[] toByteArray(Object v) {
if (v instanceof byte[]) {
return (byte[]) v;
} else if (v instanceof CharSequence) {
return v.toString().getBytes();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type for byte[]: "+v+" of type "+v.getClass());
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
static int[] toIntPortArray(Object v) {
PortRange portRange = PortRanges.fromIterable(Collections.singletonList(v));
return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(Iterables.toArray(portRange, Integer.class));
/** @deprecated since 0.11.0 without replacement */
// Handles GString
protected static Map<String,String> toMapStringString(Object v) {
if (v instanceof Map<?,?>) {
Map<String,String> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<?,?> entry : ((Map<?,?>)v).entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
String value = entry.getValue().toString();
result.put(key, value);
return result;
} else if (v instanceof CharSequence) {
return KeyValueParser.parseMap(v.toString());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type for Map<String,String>: " + v +
(v != null ? " of type "+v.getClass() : ""));
// TODO Very similar to EntityConfigMap.deepMerge
private <T> Maybe<?> shallowMerge(Maybe<? extends T> val1, Maybe<? extends T> val2, ConfigKey<?> keyForLogging) {
if (val2.isAbsent() || val2.isNull()) {
return val1;
} else if (val1.isAbsent()) {
return val2;
} else if (val1.isNull()) {
return val1; // an explicit null means an override; don't merge
} else if (val1.get() instanceof Map && val2.get() instanceof Map) {
return Maybe.of(CollectionMerger.builder().deep(false).build().merge((Map<?,?>)val1.get(), (Map<?,?>)val2.get()));
} else {
// cannot merge; just return val1
LOG.debug("Cannot merge values for "+keyForLogging.getName()+", because values are not maps: "+val1.get().getClass()+", and "+val2.get().getClass());
return val1;