Closes #95

Instructions on setup.script
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ b/guide/ops/locations/
index 5082776..9aee611 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -174,9 +174,36 @@
 - Use `dontCreateUser` to have Brooklyn run as the initial `loginUser` (usually `root`),
   without creating any other user.
-- A post-provisioning `setup.script` can be specified (as a URL) to run an additional script,
-  before making the `Location` available to entities,
-  optionally also using `setup.script.vars` (set as `key1:value1,key2:value2`)
+- A post-provisioning `setup.script` can be specified to run an additional script, before making the `Location` 
+  available to entities. This may take the form of a URL of a script or a [data URI](
+  Note that if using a data URI it is usually a good idea to [base64]( this string to escape problem characters
+  in more complex scripts. The base64 encoded script should then be prefixed with `data:text/plain;base64,` to denote this. 
+  For example if you wanted to disable a yum repository called `reponame` prior to using the machine, you could use the following command:
+  `sudo yum-config-manager --disable reponame`
+  Base64 encoding can be done with a with a tool such as [this]( or a linux command such as:
+  `echo "sudo yum-config-manager --disable reponame" | base64`
+  With the base64 prefix this would then look like this:
+  `setup.script: data:text/plain;base64,c3VkbyB5dW0tY29uZmlnLW1hbmFnZXIgLS1kaXNhYmxlIHJlcG9uYW1l`
+  The `setup.script` can also take [FreeMarker]( variables in a `setup.script.vars`
+  property. Variables are set in the format `key1:value1,key2:value2` and used in the form `${key1}`. So for the above example:
+  `setup.script.vars: repository:reponame`
+  then
+  `setup.script: data:sudo yum-config-manager --disable ${repository}`
+  or encoded in base64:
+  `setup.script: data:text/plain;base64,c3VkbyB5dW0tY29uZmlnLW1hbmFnZXIgLS1kaXNhYmxlICR7cmVwb3NpdG9yeX0=`
+  This enables the name of the repository to be passed in to the script.
 - Use `openIptables: true` to automatically configure `iptables`, to open the TCP ports required by
   the software process. One can alternatively use `stopIptables: true` to entirely stop the