blob: ace1409018ee6af17d288a43b325a25b0a1271b1 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.bookkeeper.client;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.Exception;
* Class the enumerates all the possible error conditions
public abstract class BKException extends Exception {
private int code;
BKException(int code) {
this.code = code;
* Create an exception from an error code
* @param code return error code
* @return correponding exception
public static BKException create(int code) {
switch (code) {
case Code.ReadException:
return new BKReadException();
case Code.QuorumException:
return new BKQuorumException();
case Code.NoBookieAvailableException:
return new BKBookieException();
case Code.DigestNotInitializedException:
return new BKDigestNotInitializedException();
case Code.DigestMatchException:
return new BKDigestMatchException();
case Code.NotEnoughBookiesException:
return new BKNotEnoughBookiesException();
case Code.NoSuchLedgerExistsException:
return new BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException();
case Code.BookieHandleNotAvailableException:
return new BKBookieHandleNotAvailableException();
case Code.ZKException:
return new ZKException();
case Code.MetaStoreException:
return new MetaStoreException();
case Code.LedgerRecoveryException:
return new BKLedgerRecoveryException();
case Code.LedgerClosedException:
return new BKLedgerClosedException();
case Code.WriteException:
return new BKWriteException();
case Code.NoSuchEntryException:
return new BKNoSuchEntryException();
case Code.IncorrectParameterException:
return new BKIncorrectParameterException();
case Code.InterruptedException:
return new BKInterruptedException();
case Code.ProtocolVersionException:
return new BKProtocolVersionException();
case Code.MetadataVersionException:
return new BKMetadataVersionException();
case Code.LedgerFencedException:
return new BKLedgerFencedException();
case Code.UnauthorizedAccessException:
return new BKUnauthorizedAccessException();
case Code.UnclosedFragmentException:
return new BKUnclosedFragmentException();
case Code.WriteOnReadOnlyBookieException:
return new BKWriteOnReadOnlyBookieException();
case Code.ReplicationException:
return new BKReplicationException();
case Code.IllegalOpException:
return new BKIllegalOpException();
return new BKUnexpectedConditionException();
* List of return codes
public interface Code {
int OK = 0;
int ReadException = -1;
int QuorumException = -2;
int NoBookieAvailableException = -3;
int DigestNotInitializedException = -4;
int DigestMatchException = -5;
int NotEnoughBookiesException = -6;
int NoSuchLedgerExistsException = -7;
int BookieHandleNotAvailableException = -8;
int ZKException = -9;
int LedgerRecoveryException = -10;
int LedgerClosedException = -11;
int WriteException = -12;
int NoSuchEntryException = -13;
int IncorrectParameterException = -14;
int InterruptedException = -15;
int ProtocolVersionException = -16;
int MetadataVersionException = -17;
int MetaStoreException = -18;
int IllegalOpException = -100;
int LedgerFencedException = -101;
int UnauthorizedAccessException = -102;
int UnclosedFragmentException = -103;
int WriteOnReadOnlyBookieException = -104;
// generic exception code used to propagate in replication pipeline
int ReplicationException = -200;
// For all unexpected error conditions
int UnexpectedConditionException = -999;
public void setCode(int code) {
this.code = code;
public int getCode() {
return this.code;
public static String getMessage(int code) {
switch (code) {
case Code.OK:
return "No problem";
case Code.ReadException:
return "Error while reading ledger";
case Code.QuorumException:
return "Invalid quorum size on ensemble size";
case Code.NoBookieAvailableException:
return "Invalid quorum size on ensemble size";
case Code.DigestNotInitializedException:
return "Digest engine not initialized";
case Code.DigestMatchException:
return "Entry digest does not match";
case Code.NotEnoughBookiesException:
return "Not enough non-faulty bookies available";
case Code.NoSuchLedgerExistsException:
return "No such ledger exists";
case Code.BookieHandleNotAvailableException:
return "Bookie handle is not available";
case Code.ZKException:
return "Error while using ZooKeeper";
case Code.MetaStoreException:
return "Error while using MetaStore";
case Code.LedgerRecoveryException:
return "Error while recovering ledger";
case Code.LedgerClosedException:
return "Attempt to write to a closed ledger";
case Code.WriteException:
return "Write failed on bookie";
case Code.NoSuchEntryException:
return "No such entry";
case Code.IncorrectParameterException:
return "Incorrect parameter input";
case Code.InterruptedException:
return "Interrupted while waiting for permit";
case Code.ProtocolVersionException:
return "Bookie protocol version on server is incompatible with client";
case Code.MetadataVersionException:
return "Bad ledger metadata version";
case Code.LedgerFencedException:
return "Ledger has been fenced off. Some other client must have opened it to read";
case Code.UnauthorizedAccessException:
return "Attempted to access ledger using the wrong password";
case Code.UnclosedFragmentException:
return "Attempting to use an unclosed fragment; This is not safe";
case Code.WriteOnReadOnlyBookieException:
return "Attempting to write on ReadOnly bookie";
case Code.ReplicationException:
return "Errors in replication pipeline";
case Code.IllegalOpException:
return "Invalid operation";
return "Unexpected condition";
public static class BKReadException extends BKException {
public BKReadException() {
public static class BKNoSuchEntryException extends BKException {
public BKNoSuchEntryException() {
public static class BKQuorumException extends BKException {
public BKQuorumException() {
public static class BKBookieException extends BKException {
public BKBookieException() {
public static class BKDigestNotInitializedException extends BKException {
public BKDigestNotInitializedException() {
public static class BKDigestMatchException extends BKException {
public BKDigestMatchException() {
public static class BKIllegalOpException extends BKException {
public BKIllegalOpException() {
public static class BKUnexpectedConditionException extends BKException {
public BKUnexpectedConditionException() {
public static class BKNotEnoughBookiesException extends BKException {
public BKNotEnoughBookiesException() {
public static class BKWriteException extends BKException {
public BKWriteException() {
public static class BKProtocolVersionException extends BKException {
public BKProtocolVersionException() {
public static class BKMetadataVersionException extends BKException {
public BKMetadataVersionException() {
public static class BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException extends BKException {
public BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException() {
public static class BKBookieHandleNotAvailableException extends BKException {
public BKBookieHandleNotAvailableException() {
public static class ZKException extends BKException {
public ZKException() {
public static class MetaStoreException extends BKException {
public MetaStoreException() {
public static class BKLedgerRecoveryException extends BKException {
public BKLedgerRecoveryException() {
public static class BKLedgerClosedException extends BKException {
public BKLedgerClosedException() {
public static class BKIncorrectParameterException extends BKException {
public BKIncorrectParameterException() {
public static class BKInterruptedException extends BKException {
public BKInterruptedException() {
public static class BKLedgerFencedException extends BKException {
public BKLedgerFencedException() {
public static class BKUnauthorizedAccessException extends BKException {
public BKUnauthorizedAccessException() {
public static class BKUnclosedFragmentException extends BKException {
public BKUnclosedFragmentException() {
public static class BKWriteOnReadOnlyBookieException extends BKException {
public BKWriteOnReadOnlyBookieException() {
public static class BKReplicationException extends BKException {
public BKReplicationException() {