BP-43 CI/CD migration to gradle (#2639)

Co-authored-by: Prashant <prashantk@splunk.com>
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+title: "BP-43: Gradle migration"
+issue: https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/issues/2640
+state: "Under Discussion"
+release: "N/A"
+### Motivation
+- Current maven based build system is very slow. It takes about 4m30 to execute
+   mvn clean package -DskipTests while a gradle counterpart 
+  `./gradlew clean jar` completes in 40 seconds on the same hardware. Using the gradle build cache.
+- Incremental build- Gradle provides better incremental build support. Subsequent builds run in very little time.
+- Caching of tests execution - Gradle build cache also keeps track of test successes with respect to the dependencies and can do test retries of just what has failed.
+- Better handling of multi module projects - Bookkeeper is a multi module project where bookkeeper-server module for an example depends on following modules 
+   - bookkeeper-stats
+   - cpu-affinity
+   - bookkeeper-common
+   - bookkeeper-common-allocator
+   - bookkeeper-http:http-server
+   - bookkeeper-proto
+   - circe-checksum
+   - bookkeeper-tools-framework
+  If change is made on any of the above mentioned dependent modules, building module `bookkeeper-server` will pick up those changes. 
+  While in case of maven changed modules had to be built explicitly in order for the changes to be picked up.
+  For instance If a change is made in `bookkeeper-common` with gradle 
+  `./gradlew bookkeeper-server:test` will pick up those changes and run tests based on those changes. 
+  While on the other hands for maven `mvn  install bookkeeper-common` had to run before running mvn build `bookkeeper-server`
+### Public Interfaces
+### Proposed Changes
+- Every module and sub module which are currently being built using maven would be built using gradle.
+- Run all the unit tests, functional tests etc using gradle.
+- Integrating gradle build to CI/CD pipeline 
+- Build ASF release capability using gradle
+- Remove Maven build
+### Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
+Since this is migration to the new build system using gradle, it should be done at phases.
+- Phase 1: After phase one Bookkeeper should be able to build and run unit tests and integration tests using gradle. 
+After the end of  this phase CI/CD pipeline for BookKeeper still remains to be the existing one. 
+A sample PR may look like this.
+  - Timeline: 1.5 Week
+- Phase 2: Spin off new CI job for gradle which would run in parallel with existing maven based one. 
+In this phase any dependency upgrade should be done at both maven as well as gradle based build system.
+   - Timeline: 1 Week
+- Phase 3: Gradle based build should be enhanced to do full CI/CD including release and a minor release should be done completely using gradle based CI/CD pipeline.
+Update release docuementation as how to do release using gradle based pipeline, update information on how to setup major IDE such as IntelliJ. 
+   - Timeline: 1 Week
+- Phase 4: Shut down maven based CI/CD pipeline. Remove all pom.xml files
+   - Timeline: Based on confidence on the new system by the community
+### Test Plan
+Compare test results with maven based build vs gradle based build to verify that gradle based
+build is running exact same set of tests as maven based build.
+### Rejected Alternatives
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/community/bookkeeper_proposals.md b/site/community/bookkeeper_proposals.md
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 [BP-37: Improve configuration management for better documentation](../../bps/BP-37-conf-documentation) | Accepted
 [BP-41: Separate BookieId from Separate BookieId from Bookie Network Address](../../bps/BP-41-bookieid) | Accepted
 [BP-42: New Client API - list ledgers](../../bps/BP-42-new-api-list-ledgers) | Accepted
+[BP-43: Migration to gradle](../../bps/BP-43-gradle-migration) | Draft
 ### Adopted