blob: 4252ddec6ebed70d6e91567fdd2523dbb64fd4ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.kv;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.coder.Coder;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.concurrent.FutureUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.statestore.kv.Command;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.StateStoreSpec;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.exceptions.InvalidStateStoreException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.kv.KVAsyncStore;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.journal.AbstractStateStoreWithJournal;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.journal.CommandProcessor;
import org.apache.distributedlog.api.namespace.Namespace;
* A async kv store implementation.
public class RocksdbKVAsyncStore<K, V>
extends AbstractStateStoreWithJournal<RocksdbKVStore<byte[], byte[]>>
implements KVAsyncStore<K, V> {
private static final byte[] CATCHUP_MARKER = new byte[0];
private Coder<K> keyCoder;
private Coder<V> valCoder;
public RocksdbKVAsyncStore(Supplier<RocksdbKVStore<byte[], byte[]>> localStateStoreSupplier,
Supplier<Namespace> namespaceSupplier) {
super(localStateStoreSupplier, namespaceSupplier);
public CompletableFuture<Void> init(StateStoreSpec spec) {
this.keyCoder = (Coder<K>) spec.getKeyCoder();
this.valCoder = (Coder<V>) spec.getValCoder();
return super.init(spec);
public CompletableFuture<V> get(K key) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!isInitialized) {
return uninitializedException();
return executeReadIO(() -> {
byte[] keyBytes = keyCoder.encode(key);
byte[] valBytes = localStore.get(keyBytes);
if (null == valBytes) {
return null;
} else {
return KVUtils.deserialize(valCoder, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(valBytes));
public CompletableFuture<Void> put(K key, V value) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!isInitialized) {
return uninitializedException();
byte[] keyBytes = keyCoder.encode(key);
byte[] valBytes = valCoder.encode(value);
Command command = Command.newBuilder()
.setPutReq(KVUtils.newPutRequest(keyBytes, valBytes))
return writeCommandReturnTxId(command).thenApplyAsync((revision) -> {
ByteBuf serializedBuf = KVUtils.serialize(valBytes, revision);
try {
byte[] serializedBytes = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(serializedBuf);
localStore.put(keyBytes, serializedBytes, revision);
} finally {
return null;
}, writeIOScheduler);
public CompletableFuture<V> putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
byte[] keyBytes = keyCoder.encode(key);
byte[] valBytes = valCoder.encode(value);
Command command = Command.newBuilder()
.setPutIfAbsentReq(KVUtils.newPutIfAbsentRequest(keyBytes, valBytes))
return writeCommandReturnTxId(command).thenApplyAsync((revision) -> {
ByteBuf serializedBuf = KVUtils.serialize(valBytes, revision);
try {
byte[] serializedBytes = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(serializedBuf);
byte[] prevValue = localStore.putIfAbsent(keyBytes, serializedBytes, revision);
if (null == prevValue) {
return null;
} else {
return KVUtils.deserialize(valCoder, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(prevValue));
} finally {
}, writeIOScheduler);
public CompletableFuture<V> delete(K key) {
byte[] keyBytes = keyCoder.encode(key);
Command command = Command.newBuilder()
return writeCommandReturnTxId(command).thenApplyAsync((revision) -> {
byte[] prevValue = localStore.delete(keyBytes, revision);
if (null == prevValue) {
return null;
} else {
return KVUtils.deserialize(valCoder, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(prevValue));
}, writeIOScheduler);
private <AnyT> CompletableFuture<AnyT> uninitializedException() {
return FutureUtils.exception(
new InvalidStateStoreException("State store " + name() + " is not initialized yet."));
// Journaled State Store interfaces
protected ByteBuf newCatchupMarker() {
return Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(CATCHUP_MARKER);
protected CommandProcessor<RocksdbKVStore<byte[], byte[]>> newCommandProcessor() {
return KVCommandProcessor.of();
private CompletableFuture<Long> writeCommandReturnTxId(Command command) {
try {
ByteBuf cmdBuf = KVUtils.newCommandBuf(command);
return writeCommandBufReturnTxId(cmdBuf);
} catch (IOException e) {
return FutureUtils.exception(e);