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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.client;
import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookieInfoReader.BookieInfo;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.DistributionSchedule.WriteSet;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.LedgerMetadata;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.annotation.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.annotation.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.feature.FeatureProvider;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger;
* {@link EnsemblePlacementPolicy} encapsulates the algorithm that bookkeeper client uses to select a number of bookies
* from the cluster as an ensemble for storing entries.
* <p>The algorithm is typically implemented based on the data input as well as the network topology properties.
* <h2>How does it work?</h2>
* <p>This interface basically covers three parts:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Initialization and uninitialization</li>
* <li>How to choose bookies to place data</li>
* <li>How to choose bookies to do speculative reads</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Initialization and uninitialization</h3>
* <p>The ensemble placement policy is constructed by jvm reflection during constructing bookkeeper client.
* After the {@code EnsemblePlacementPolicy} is constructed, bookkeeper client will call
* {@link #initialize(ClientConfiguration, Optional, HashedWheelTimer, FeatureProvider, StatsLogger)} to initialize
* the placement policy.
* <p>The {@link #initialize(ClientConfiguration, Optional, HashedWheelTimer, FeatureProvider, StatsLogger)}
* method takes a few resources from bookkeeper for instantiating itself. These resources include:
* <ul>
* <li>`ClientConfiguration` : The client configuration that used for constructing the bookkeeper client.
* The implementation of the placement policy could obtain its settings from this
* configuration.
* <li>`DNSToSwitchMapping`: The DNS resolver for the ensemble policy to build the network topology of the bookies
* cluster. It is optional.
* <li>`HashedWheelTimer`: A hashed wheel timer that could be used for timing related work.
* For example, a stabilize network topology could use it to delay network topology changes to
* reduce impacts of flapping bookie registrations due to zk session expires.
* <li>`FeatureProvider`: A {@link FeatureProvider} that the policy could use for enabling or disabling its offered
* features. For example, a {@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} could offer features
* to disable placing data to a specific region at runtime.
* <li>`StatsLogger`: A {@link StatsLogger} for exposing stats.
* </ul>
* <p>The ensemble placement policy is a single instance per bookkeeper client. The instance will
* be {@link #uninitalize()} when closing the bookkeeper client. The implementation of a placement policy should be
* responsible for releasing all the resources that allocated during
* {@link #initialize(ClientConfiguration, Optional, HashedWheelTimer, FeatureProvider, StatsLogger)}.
* <h3>How to choose bookies to place data</h3>
* <p>The bookkeeper client discovers list of bookies from zookeeper via {@code BookieWatcher} - whenever there are
* bookie changes, the ensemble placement policy will be notified with new list of bookies via
* {@link #onClusterChanged(Set, Set)}. The implementation of the ensemble placement policy will react on those
* changes to build new network topology. Subsequent operations like {@link #newEnsemble(int, int, int, Map, Set)} or
* {@link #replaceBookie(int, int, int, java.util.Map, java.util.Set,
*, java.util.Set)}
* hence can operate on the new
* network topology.
* <p>Both {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} and {@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} are
* {@link TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}s. They build a {@link} on
* bookie changes, use it for ensemble placement and ensure {@code rack/region} coverage for write quorums.
* <h4>Network Topology</h4>
* <p>The network topology is presenting a cluster of bookies in a tree hierarchical structure. For example,
* a bookie cluster may be consists of many data centers (aka regions) filled with racks of machines.
* In this tree structure, leaves represent bookies and inner nodes represent switches/routes that manage
* traffic in/out of regions or racks.
* <p>For example, there are 3 bookies in region `A`. They are `bk1`, `bk2` and `bk3`. And their network locations are
* {@code /region-a/rack-1/bk1}, {@code /region-a/rack-1/bk2} and {@code /region-a/rack-2/bk3}. So the network topology
* will look like below:
* <pre>
* root
* |
* region-a
* / \
* rack-1 rack-2
* / \ \
* bk1 bk2 bk3
* </pre>
* <p>Another example, there are 4 bookies spanning in two regions `A` and `B`. They are `bk1`, `bk2`, `bk3` and `bk4`.
* And their network locations are {@code /region-a/rack-1/bk1}, {@code /region-a/rack-1/bk2},
* {@code /region-b/rack-2/bk3} and {@code /region-b/rack-2/bk4}. The network topology will look like below:
* <pre>
* root
* / \
* region-a region-b
* | |
* rack-1 rack-2
* / \ / \
* bk1 bk2 bk3 bk4
* </pre>
* <p>The network location of each bookie is resolved by a {@link DNSToSwitchMapping}. The {@link DNSToSwitchMapping}
* resolves a list of DNS-names or IP-addresses into a list of network locations. The network location that is returned
* must be a network path of the form `/region/rack`, where `/` is the root, and `region` is the region id representing
* the data center where `rack` is located. The network topology of the bookie cluster would determine the number of
* <h4>RackAware and RegionAware</h4>
* <p>{@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} basically just chooses bookies from different racks in the built
* network topology. It guarantees that a write quorum will cover at least two racks. It expects the network locations
* resolved by {@link DNSToSwitchMapping} have at least 2 levels. For example, network location paths like
* {@code /dc1/rack0} and {@code /dc1/row1/rack0} are okay, but {@code /rack0} is not acceptable.
* <p>{@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} is a hierarchical placement policy, which it chooses
* equal-sized bookies from regions, and within each region it uses {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} to choose
* bookies from racks. For example, if there is 3 regions - {@code region-a}, {@code region-b} and {@code region-c},
* an application want to allocate a {@code 15-bookies} ensemble. First, it would figure out there are 3 regions and
* it should allocate 5 bookies from each region. Second, for each region, it would use
* {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} to choose <i>5</i> bookies.
* <p>Since {@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} is based on {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}, it expects
* the network locations resolved by {@link DNSToSwitchMapping} have at least <b>3</b> levels.
* <h3>How to choose bookies to do speculative reads?</h3>
* <p>{@link #reorderReadSequence(List, BookiesHealthInfo, WriteSet)} and
* {@link #reorderReadLACSequence(List, BookiesHealthInfo, WriteSet)} are
* two methods exposed by the placement policy, to help client determine a better read sequence according to the
* network topology and the bookie failure history.
* <p>For example, in {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}, the reads will be attempted in following sequence:
* <ul>
* <li>bookies are writable and didn't experience failures before
* <li>bookies are writable and experienced failures before
* <li>bookies are readonly
* <li>bookies already disappeared from network topology
* </ul>
* <p>In {@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}, the reads will be tried in similar following sequence
* as `RackAware` placement policy. There is a slight different on trying writable bookies: after trying every 2
* bookies from local region, it would try a bookie from remote region. Hence it would achieve low latency even
* there is network issues within local region.
* <h2>How to configure the placement policy?</h2>
* <p>Currently there are 3 implementations available by default. They are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DefaultEnsemblePlacementPolicy}</li>
* <li>{@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}</li>
* <li>{@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>You can configure the ensemble policy by specifying the placement policy class in
* {@link ClientConfiguration#setEnsemblePlacementPolicy(Class)}.
* <p>{@link DefaultEnsemblePlacementPolicy} randomly pickups bookies from the cluster, while both
* {@link RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} and {@link RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy} choose bookies based on
* network locations. So you might also consider configuring a proper {@link DNSToSwitchMapping} in
* {@link BookKeeper.Builder} to resolve the correct network locations for your cluster.
* @see TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
* @see DefaultEnsemblePlacementPolicy
* @see RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
* @see RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
public interface EnsemblePlacementPolicy {
* Initialize the policy.
* @param conf client configuration
* @param optionalDnsResolver dns resolver
* @param hashedWheelTimer timer
* @param featureProvider feature provider
* @param statsLogger stats logger
* @since 4.5
EnsemblePlacementPolicy initialize(ClientConfiguration conf,
Optional<DNSToSwitchMapping> optionalDnsResolver,
HashedWheelTimer hashedWheelTimer,
FeatureProvider featureProvider,
StatsLogger statsLogger);
* Uninitialize the policy.
void uninitalize();
* A consistent view of the cluster (what bookies are available as writable, what bookies are available as
* readonly) is updated when any changes happen in the cluster.
* <p>The implementation should take actions when the cluster view is changed. So subsequent
* {@link #newEnsemble(int, int, int, Map, Set)} and
* {@link #replaceBookie(int, int, int, java.util.Map, java.util.Set,
*, java.util.Set) }
* can choose proper bookies.
* @param writableBookies
* All the bookies in the cluster available for write/read.
* @param readOnlyBookies
* All the bookies in the cluster available for readonly.
* @return the dead bookies during this cluster change.
Set<BookieSocketAddress> onClusterChanged(Set<BookieSocketAddress> writableBookies,
Set<BookieSocketAddress> readOnlyBookies);
* Choose <i>numBookies</i> bookies for ensemble. If the count is more than the number of available
* nodes, {@link BKNotEnoughBookiesException} is thrown.
* <p>The implementation should respect to the replace settings. The size of the returned bookie list
* should be equal to the provide {@code ensembleSize}.
* <p>{@code customMetadata} is the same user defined data that user provides
* when {@link BookKeeper#createLedger(int, int, int, BookKeeper.DigestType, byte[], Map)}.
* <p>If 'enforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum' config is enabled then the bookies belonging to default
* faultzone (rack) will be excluded while selecting bookies.
* @param ensembleSize
* Ensemble Size
* @param writeQuorumSize
* Write Quorum Size
* @param ackQuorumSize
* the value of ackQuorumSize (added since 4.5)
* @param customMetadata the value of customMetadata. it is the same user defined metadata that user
* provides in {@link BookKeeper#createLedger(int, int, int, BookKeeper.DigestType, byte[])}
* @param excludeBookies Bookies that should not be considered as targets.
* @throws BKNotEnoughBookiesException if not enough bookies available.
* @return a placement result containing list of bookie addresses for the ensemble.
PlacementResult<List<BookieSocketAddress>> newEnsemble(int ensembleSize,
int writeQuorumSize,
int ackQuorumSize,
Map<String, byte[]> customMetadata,
Set<BookieSocketAddress> excludeBookies)
throws BKNotEnoughBookiesException;
* Choose a new bookie to replace <i>bookieToReplace</i>. If no bookie available in the cluster,
* {@link BKNotEnoughBookiesException} is thrown.
* <p>If 'enforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum' config is enabled then the bookies belonging to default
* faultzone (rack) will be excluded while selecting bookies.
* @param ensembleSize
* the value of ensembleSize
* @param writeQuorumSize
* the value of writeQuorumSize
* @param ackQuorumSize the value of ackQuorumSize (added since 4.5)
* @param customMetadata the value of customMetadata. it is the same user defined metadata that user
* provides in {@link BookKeeper#createLedger(int, int, int, BookKeeper.DigestType, byte[])}
* @param currentEnsemble the value of currentEnsemble
* @param bookieToReplace bookie to replace
* @param excludeBookies bookies that should not be considered as candidate.
* @throws BKNotEnoughBookiesException
* @return a placement result containing the new bookie address.
PlacementResult<BookieSocketAddress> replaceBookie(int ensembleSize,
int writeQuorumSize,
int ackQuorumSize,
Map<String, byte[]> customMetadata,
List<BookieSocketAddress> currentEnsemble,
BookieSocketAddress bookieToReplace,
Set<BookieSocketAddress> excludeBookies)
throws BKNotEnoughBookiesException;
* Register a bookie as slow so that it is tried after available and read-only bookies.
* @param bookieSocketAddress
* Address of bookie host
* @param entryId
* Entry ID that caused a speculative timeout on the bookie.
void registerSlowBookie(BookieSocketAddress bookieSocketAddress, long entryId);
* Reorder the read sequence of a given write quorum <i>writeSet</i>.
* @param ensemble
* Ensemble to read entries.
* @param bookiesHealthInfo
* Health info for bookies
* @param writeSet
* Write quorum to read entries. This will be modified, rather than
* allocating a new WriteSet.
* @return The read sequence. This will be the same object as the passed in
* writeSet.
* @since 4.5
DistributionSchedule.WriteSet reorderReadSequence(
List<BookieSocketAddress> ensemble,
BookiesHealthInfo bookiesHealthInfo,
DistributionSchedule.WriteSet writeSet);
* Reorder the read last add confirmed sequence of a given write quorum <i>writeSet</i>.
* @param ensemble
* Ensemble to read entries.
* @param bookiesHealthInfo
* Health info for bookies
* @param writeSet
* Write quorum to read entries. This will be modified, rather than
* allocating a new WriteSet.
* @return The read sequence. This will be the same object as the passed in
* writeSet.
* @since 4.5
DistributionSchedule.WriteSet reorderReadLACSequence(
List<BookieSocketAddress> ensemble,
BookiesHealthInfo bookiesHealthInfo,
DistributionSchedule.WriteSet writeSet);
* Send the bookie info details.
* @param bookieInfoMap
* A map that has the bookie to BookieInfo
* @since 4.5
default void updateBookieInfo(Map<BookieSocketAddress, BookieInfo> bookieInfoMap) {
* Select one bookie to the "sticky" bookie where all reads for a particular
* ledger will be directed to.
* <p>The default implementation will pick a bookie randomly from the ensemble.
* Other placement policies will be able to do better decisions based on
* additional informations (eg: rack or region awareness).
* @param metadata
* the {@link LedgerMetadata} object
* @param currentStickyBookieIndex
* if we are changing the sticky bookie after a read failure, the
* current sticky bookie is passed in so that we will avoid
* choosing it again
* @return the index, within the ensemble of the bookie chosen as the sticky
* bookie
* @since 4.9
default int getStickyReadBookieIndex(LedgerMetadata metadata, Optional<Integer> currentStickyBookieIndex) {
if (!currentStickyBookieIndex.isPresent()) {
// Pick one bookie randomly from the current ensemble as the initial
// "sticky bookie"
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() % metadata.getEnsembleSize();
} else {
// When choosing a new sticky bookie index (eg: after the current
// one has read failures), by default we pick the next one in the
// ensemble, to avoid picking up the same one again.
return (currentStickyBookieIndex.get() + 1) % metadata.getEnsembleSize();
* returns true if the Ensemble is strictly adhering to placement policy,
* like in the case of RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy, bookies in the
* writeset are from 'minNumRacksPerWriteQuorum' number of racks. And in the
* case of RegionawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy, check for
* minimumRegionsForDurability, reppRegionsToWrite, rack distribution within
* a region and other parameters of RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.
* @param ensembleList
* list of BookieSocketAddress of bookies in the ensemble
* @param writeQuorumSize
* writeQuorumSize of the ensemble
* @param ackQuorumSize
* ackQuorumSize of the ensemble
* @return
default boolean isEnsembleAdheringToPlacementPolicy(List<BookieSocketAddress> ensembleList, int writeQuorumSize,
int ackQuorumSize) {
return false;
* Result of a placement calculation against a placement policy.
final class PlacementResult<T> {
private final T result;
private final boolean adhering;
public static <T> PlacementResult<T> of(T result, boolean adhering) {
return new PlacementResult<>(result, adhering);
private PlacementResult(T result, boolean adhering) {
this.result = result;
this.adhering = adhering;
public T getResult() {
return result;
public boolean isStrictlyAdheringToPolicy() {
return adhering;