blob: 76ef7bd265406778902c459e46cfcc42ed414ade [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.conf;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.util.BookKeeperConstants.FEATURE_DISABLE_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookKeeper.DigestType;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.EnsemblePlacementPolicy;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.BookKeeperBuilder;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.Auditor;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
* Configuration settings for client side.
public class ClientConfiguration extends AbstractConfiguration<ClientConfiguration> {
// Throttle value
protected static final String THROTTLE = "throttle";
// Digest Type
protected static final String DIGEST_TYPE = "digestType";
protected static final String ENABLE_DIGEST_TYPE_AUTODETECTION = "enableDigestTypeAutodetection";
// Passwd
protected static final String PASSWD = "passwd";
// Client TLS (@deprecated since 4.7.0)
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "clientKeyStoreType";
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_KEYSTORE}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_KEYSTORE = "clientKeyStore";
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH = "clientKeyStorePasswordPath";
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE = "clientTrustStoreType";
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_TRUSTSTORE}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE = "clientTrustStore";
* @deprecated Use {@link #TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH}
protected static final String CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH = "clientTrustStorePasswordPath";
// NIO Parameters
protected static final String CLIENT_TCP_NODELAY = "clientTcpNoDelay";
protected static final String CLIENT_SOCK_KEEPALIVE = "clientSockKeepalive";
protected static final String CLIENT_SENDBUFFER_SIZE = "clientSendBufferSize";
protected static final String CLIENT_RECEIVEBUFFER_SIZE = "clientReceiveBufferSize";
protected static final String CLIENT_WRITEBUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK = "clientWriteBufferLowWaterMark";
protected static final String CLIENT_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK = "clientWriteBufferHighWaterMark";
protected static final String CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = "clientConnectTimeoutMillis";
protected static final String NUM_CHANNELS_PER_BOOKIE = "numChannelsPerBookie";
protected static final String USE_V2_WIRE_PROTOCOL = "useV2WireProtocol";
protected static final String NETTY_USE_POOLED_BUFFERS = "nettyUsePooledBuffers";
// Read Parameters
protected static final String READ_TIMEOUT = "readTimeout";
protected static final String SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT = "speculativeReadTimeout";
protected static final String FIRST_SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT = "firstSpeculativeReadTimeout";
protected static final String MAX_SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT = "maxSpeculativeReadTimeout";
protected static final String FIRST_SPECULATIVE_READ_LAC_TIMEOUT = "firstSpeculativeReadLACTimeout";
protected static final String MAX_SPECULATIVE_READ_LAC_TIMEOUT = "maxSpeculativeReadLACTimeout";
protected static final String ENABLE_PARALLEL_RECOVERY_READ = "enableParallelRecoveryRead";
protected static final String RECOVERY_READ_BATCH_SIZE = "recoveryReadBatchSize";
protected static final String REORDER_READ_SEQUENCE_ENABLED = "reorderReadSequenceEnabled";
protected static final String STICKY_READS_ENABLED = "stickyReadSEnabled";
// Add Parameters
protected static final String DELAY_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE = "delayEnsembleChange";
protected static final String MAX_ALLOWED_ENSEMBLE_CHANGES = "maxNumEnsembleChanges";
// Timeout Setting
protected static final String ADD_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC = "addEntryTimeoutSec";
protected static final String ADD_ENTRY_QUORUM_TIMEOUT_SEC = "addEntryQuorumTimeoutSec";
protected static final String READ_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC = "readEntryTimeoutSec";
protected static final String TIMEOUT_MONITOR_INTERVAL_SEC = "timeoutMonitorIntervalSec";
protected static final String TIMEOUT_TASK_INTERVAL_MILLIS = "timeoutTaskIntervalMillis";
protected static final String EXPLICIT_LAC_INTERVAL = "explicitLacInterval";
protected static final String PCBC_TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS = "pcbcTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs";
protected static final String PCBC_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS = "pcbcTimeoutTimerNumTicks";
protected static final String TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS = "timeoutTimerTickDurationMs";
protected static final String TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS = "timeoutTimerNumTicks";
// backpressure configuration
protected static final String WAIT_TIMEOUT_ON_BACKPRESSURE = "waitTimeoutOnBackpressureMs";
// Bookie health check settings
protected static final String BOOKIE_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLED = "bookieHealthCheckEnabled";
protected static final String BOOKIE_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS = "bookieHealthCheckIntervalSeconds";
protected static final String BOOKIE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_PER_INTERVAL = "bookieErrorThresholdPerInterval";
protected static final String BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_TIME_SECONDS = "bookieQuarantineTimeSeconds";
protected static final String BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_RATIO = "bookieQuarantineRatio";
// Bookie info poll interval
protected static final String DISK_WEIGHT_BASED_PLACEMENT_ENABLED = "diskWeightBasedPlacementEnabled";
protected static final String GET_BOOKIE_INFO_INTERVAL_SECONDS = "getBookieInfoIntervalSeconds";
protected static final String GET_BOOKIE_INFO_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS = "getBookieInfoRetryIntervalSeconds";
protected static final String GET_BOOKIE_INFO_TIMEOUT_SECS = "getBookieInfoTimeoutSecs";
protected static final String START_TLS_TIMEOUT_SECS = "startTLSTimeoutSecs";
protected static final String TLS_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION_ENABLED = "tlsHostnameVerificationEnabled";
// Number of Threads
protected static final String NUM_WORKER_THREADS = "numWorkerThreads";
protected static final String NUM_IO_THREADS = "numIOThreads";
// Ensemble Placement Policy
public static final String ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_POLICY = "ensemblePlacementPolicy";
protected static final String NETWORK_TOPOLOGY_STABILIZE_PERIOD_SECONDS = "networkTopologyStabilizePeriodSeconds";
protected static final String READ_REORDER_THRESHOLD_PENDING_REQUESTS = "readReorderThresholdPendingRequests";
// Stats
protected static final String ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS = "enableTaskExecutionStats";
protected static final String TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS = "taskExecutionWarnTimeMicros";
// Failure History Settings
protected static final String ENABLE_BOOKIE_FAILURE_TRACKING = "enableBookieFailureTracking";
protected static final String BOOKIE_FAILURE_HISTORY_EXPIRATION_MS = "bookieFailureHistoryExpirationMSec";
// Discovery
protected static final String FOLLOW_BOOKIE_ADDRESS_TRACKING = "enableBookieAddressTracking";
// Names of dynamic features
protected static final String DISABLE_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE_FEATURE_NAME = "disableEnsembleChangeFeatureName";
// Role of the client
protected static final String CLIENT_ROLE = "clientRole";
* This client will act as a standard client.
public static final String CLIENT_ROLE_STANDARD = "standard";
* This client will act as a system client, like the {@link Auditor}.
public static final String CLIENT_ROLE_SYSTEM = "system";
// Client auth provider factory class name. It must be configured on Bookies to for the Auditor
protected static final String CLIENT_AUTH_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS = "clientAuthProviderFactoryClass";
// Registration Client
protected static final String REGISTRATION_CLIENT_CLASS = "registrationClientClass";
// Logs
* Construct a default client-side configuration.
public ClientConfiguration() {
* Construct a client-side configuration using a base configuration.
* @param conf
* Base configuration
public ClientConfiguration(AbstractConfiguration conf) {
* Get throttle value.
* @return throttle value
* @see #setThrottleValue
public int getThrottleValue() {
return this.getInt(THROTTLE, 5000);
* Set throttle value.
* <p>Since BookKeeper process requests in asynchronous way, it will holds
* those pending request in queue. You may easily run it out of memory
* if producing too many requests than the capability of bookie servers can handle.
* To prevent that from happening, you can set a throttle value here.
* <p>Setting the throttle value to 0, will disable any throttling.
* @param throttle
* Throttle Value
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setThrottleValue(int throttle) {
this.setProperty(THROTTLE, Integer.toString(throttle));
return this;
* Get autodetection of digest type.
* <p>Ignores provided digestType, if enabled and uses one from ledger metadata instead.
* Incompatible with ledger created by bookie versions &lt; 4.2
* <p>It is turned on by default since 4.7.
* @return flag to enable/disable autodetection of digest type.
public boolean getEnableDigestTypeAutodetection() {
* Enable autodetection of digest type.
* Ignores provided digestType, if enabled and uses one from ledger metadata instead.
* Incompatible with ledger created by bookie versions &lt; 4.2
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnableDigestTypeAutodetection(boolean enable) {
return this;
* Get digest type used in bookkeeper admin.
* @return digest type
* @see #setBookieRecoveryDigestType
public DigestType getBookieRecoveryDigestType() {
return DigestType.valueOf(this.getString(DIGEST_TYPE, DigestType.CRC32.toString()));
* Set digest type used in bookkeeper admin.
* <p>Digest Type and Passwd used to open ledgers for admin tool
* For now, assume that all ledgers were created with the same DigestType
* and password. In the future, this admin tool will need to know for each
* ledger, what was the DigestType and password used to create it before it
* can open it. These values will come from System properties, though fixed
* defaults are defined here.
* @param digestType
* Digest Type
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieRecoveryDigestType(DigestType digestType) {
this.setProperty(DIGEST_TYPE, digestType.toString());
return this;
* Get passwd used in bookkeeper admin.
* @return password
* @see #setBookieRecoveryPasswd
public byte[] getBookieRecoveryPasswd() {
return this.getString(PASSWD, "").getBytes(UTF_8);
* Set passwd used in bookkeeper admin.
* <p>Digest Type and Passwd used to open ledgers for admin tool
* For now, assume that all ledgers were created with the same DigestType
* and password. In the future, this admin tool will need to know for each
* ledger, what was the DigestType and password used to create it before it
* can open it. These values will come from System properties, though fixed
* defaults are defined here.
* @param passwd
* Password
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieRecoveryPasswd(byte[] passwd) {
setProperty(PASSWD, new String(passwd, UTF_8));
return this;
* Is tcp connection no delay.
* @return tcp socket nodelay setting
* @see #setClientTcpNoDelay
public boolean getClientTcpNoDelay() {
return getBoolean(CLIENT_TCP_NODELAY, true);
* Set socket nodelay setting.
* <p>This settings is used to enabled/disabled Nagle's algorithm, which is a means of
* improving the efficiency of TCP/IP networks by reducing the number of packets
* that need to be sent over the network. If you are sending many small messages,
* such that more than one can fit in a single IP packet, setting client.tcpnodelay
* to false to enable Nagle algorithm can provide better performance.
* <br>
* Default value is true.
* @param noDelay
* NoDelay setting
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setClientTcpNoDelay(boolean noDelay) {
setProperty(CLIENT_TCP_NODELAY, Boolean.toString(noDelay));
return this;
* get socket keepalive.
* @return socket keepalive setting
public boolean getClientSockKeepalive() {
return getBoolean(CLIENT_SOCK_KEEPALIVE, true);
* Set socket keepalive setting.
* <p>This setting is used to send keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets.
* @param keepalive
* KeepAlive setting
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setClientSockKeepalive(boolean keepalive) {
setProperty(CLIENT_SOCK_KEEPALIVE, Boolean.toString(keepalive));
return this;
* Get client netty channel send buffer size.
* @return client netty channel send buffer size
public int getClientSendBufferSize() {
return getInt(CLIENT_SENDBUFFER_SIZE, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
* Set client netty channel send buffer size.
* @param bufferSize
* client netty channel send buffer size.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientSendBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
setProperty(CLIENT_SENDBUFFER_SIZE, bufferSize);
return this;
* Get client netty channel receive buffer size.
* @return client netty channel receive buffer size.
public int getClientReceiveBufferSize() {
return getInt(CLIENT_RECEIVEBUFFER_SIZE, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
* Set client netty channel receive buffer size.
* @param bufferSize
* netty channel receive buffer size.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientReceiveBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
setProperty(CLIENT_RECEIVEBUFFER_SIZE, bufferSize);
return this;
* Get client netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @return netty channel write buffer low water mark.
public int getClientWriteBufferLowWaterMark() {
return getInt(CLIENT_WRITEBUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK, 384 * 1024);
* Set client netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @param waterMark
* netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int waterMark) {
return this;
* Get client netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @return netty channel write buffer high water mark.
public int getClientWriteBufferHighWaterMark() {
return getInt(CLIENT_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK, 512 * 1024);
* Set client netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @param waterMark
* netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int waterMark) {
return this;
* Get the tick duration in milliseconds that used for timeout timer.
* @return tick duration in milliseconds
public long getTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs() {
* Set the tick duration in milliseconds that used for timeout timer.
* @param tickDuration
* tick duration in milliseconds.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs(long tickDuration) {
setProperty(TIMEOUT_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MS, tickDuration);
return this;
* Get number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
* @return number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
public int getTimeoutTimerNumTicks() {
return getInt(TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, 1024);
* Set number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
* @param numTicks
* number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setTimeoutTimerNumTicks(int numTicks) {
setProperty(TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, numTicks);
return this;
* Get client netty connect timeout in millis.
* @return client netty connect timeout in millis.
public int getClientConnectTimeoutMillis() {
// 10 seconds as netty default value.
* Set client netty connect timeout in millis.
* @param connectTimeoutMillis
* client netty connect timeout in millis.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis) {
setProperty(CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, connectTimeoutMillis);
return this;
* Get num channels per bookie.
* @return num channels per bookie.
public int getNumChannelsPerBookie() {
return getInt(NUM_CHANNELS_PER_BOOKIE, 1);
* Set num channels per bookie.
* @param numChannelsPerBookie
* num channels per bookie.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setNumChannelsPerBookie(int numChannelsPerBookie) {
setProperty(NUM_CHANNELS_PER_BOOKIE, numChannelsPerBookie);
return this;
* Use older Bookkeeper wire protocol (no protobuf).
* @return whether or not to use older Bookkeeper wire protocol (no protobuf)
public boolean getUseV2WireProtocol() {
return getBoolean(USE_V2_WIRE_PROTOCOL, false);
* Set whether or not to use older Bookkeeper wire protocol (no protobuf).
* @param useV2WireProtocol
* whether or not to use older Bookkeeper wire protocol (no protobuf)
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setUseV2WireProtocol(boolean useV2WireProtocol) {
setProperty(USE_V2_WIRE_PROTOCOL, useV2WireProtocol);
return this;
* Get the socket read timeout. This is the number of
* seconds we wait without hearing a response from a bookie
* before we consider it failed.
* <p>The default is 5 seconds.
* @return the current read timeout in seconds
* @deprecated use {@link #getReadEntryTimeout()} or {@link #getAddEntryTimeout()} instead
public int getReadTimeout() {
return getInt(READ_TIMEOUT, 5);
* Set the socket read timeout.
* @see #getReadTimeout()
* @param timeout The new read timeout in seconds
* @return client configuration
* @deprecated use {@link #setReadEntryTimeout(int)} or {@link #setAddEntryTimeout(int)} instead
public ClientConfiguration setReadTimeout(int timeout) {
setProperty(READ_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(timeout));
return this;
* Get the timeout for add request. This is the number of seconds we wait without hearing
* a response for add request from a bookie before we consider it failed.
* <p>The default value is 5 second for backwards compatibility.
* @return add entry timeout.
public int getAddEntryTimeout() {
return getInt(ADD_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, getReadTimeout());
* Set timeout for add entry request.
* @see #getAddEntryTimeout()
* @param timeout
* The new add entry timeout in seconds.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setAddEntryTimeout(int timeout) {
setProperty(ADD_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, timeout);
return this;
* Get the timeout for top-level add request. That is, the amount of time we should spend
* waiting for ack quorum.
* @return add entry ack quorum timeout.
public int getAddEntryQuorumTimeout() {
* Set timeout for top-level add entry request.
* @see #getAddEntryQuorumTimeout()
* @param timeout
* The new add entry ack quorum timeout in seconds.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setAddEntryQuorumTimeout(int timeout) {
setProperty(ADD_ENTRY_QUORUM_TIMEOUT_SEC, timeout);
return this;
* Get the timeout for read entry. This is the number of seconds we wait without hearing
* a response for read entry request from a bookie before we consider it failed. By default,
* we use socket timeout specified at {@link #getReadTimeout()}.
* @return read entry timeout.
public int getReadEntryTimeout() {
return getInt(READ_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, getReadTimeout());
* Set the timeout for read entry request.
* @see #getReadEntryTimeout()
* @param timeout
* The new read entry timeout in seconds.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setReadEntryTimeout(int timeout) {
setProperty(READ_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, timeout);
return this;
* Get the interval between successive executions of the operation timeout monitor. This value is in seconds.
* @see #setTimeoutMonitorIntervalSec(long)
* @return the interval at which request timeouts will be checked
public long getTimeoutMonitorIntervalSec() {
int minTimeout = Math.min(Math.min(getAddEntryQuorumTimeout(),
getAddEntryTimeout()), getReadEntryTimeout());
return getLong(TIMEOUT_MONITOR_INTERVAL_SEC, Math.max(minTimeout / 2, 1));
* Set the interval between successive executions of the operation timeout monitor. The value in seconds.
* Every X seconds, all outstanding add and read operations are checked to see if they have been running
* for longer than their configured timeout. Any that have been will be errored out.
* <p>This timeout should be set to a value which is a fraction of the values of
* {@link #getAddEntryQuorumTimeout}, {@link #getAddEntryTimeout} and {@link #getReadEntryTimeout},
* so that these timeouts run in a timely fashion.
* @param timeoutInterval The timeout monitor interval, in seconds
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setTimeoutMonitorIntervalSec(long timeoutInterval) {
setProperty(TIMEOUT_MONITOR_INTERVAL_SEC, Long.toString(timeoutInterval));
return this;
* Get the interval between successive executions of the PerChannelBookieClient's TimeoutTask. This value is in
* milliseconds. Every X milliseconds, the timeout task will be executed and it will error out entries that have
* timed out.
* <p>We do it more aggressive to not accumulate pending requests due to slow responses.
* @return the interval at which request timeouts will be checked
public long getTimeoutTaskIntervalMillis() {
TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(Math.min(getAddEntryTimeout(), getReadEntryTimeout())) / 2);
public ClientConfiguration setTimeoutTaskIntervalMillis(long timeoutMillis) {
setProperty(TIMEOUT_TASK_INTERVAL_MILLIS, Long.toString(timeoutMillis));
return this;
* Get the configured interval between explicit LACs to bookies.
* Generally LACs are piggy-backed on writes, and user can configure
* the interval between these protocol messages. A value of '0' disables
* sending any explicit LACs.
* @return interval between explicit LACs
public int getExplictLacInterval() {
return getInt(EXPLICIT_LAC_INTERVAL, 0);
* Set the interval to check the need for sending an explicit LAC.
* @param interval
* Number of milli seconds between checking the need for sending an explict LAC.
* @return Client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setExplictLacInterval(int interval) {
setProperty(EXPLICIT_LAC_INTERVAL, interval);
return this;
* Get the tick duration in milliseconds that used for the
* HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout
* requests.
* @return tick duration in milliseconds
public long getPCBCTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs() {
* Set the tick duration in milliseconds that used for
* HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout
* requests. Be aware of HashedWheelTimer if you
* are going to modify this setting.
* @see #getPCBCTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs()
* @param tickDuration
* tick duration in milliseconds.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setPCBCTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs(long tickDuration) {
return this;
* Get number of ticks that used for
* HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout
* requests.
* @return number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
public int getPCBCTimeoutTimerNumTicks() {
return getInt(PCBC_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, 1024);
* Set number of ticks that used for
* HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout request.
* Be aware of HashedWheelTimer if you are going to modify
* this setting.
* @see #getPCBCTimeoutTimerNumTicks()
* @param numTicks
* number of ticks that used for timeout timer.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setPCBCTimeoutTimerNumTicks(int numTicks) {
setProperty(PCBC_TIMEOUT_TIMER_NUM_TICKS, numTicks);
return this;
* Timeout controlling wait on request send in case of unresponsive bookie(s)
* (i.e. bookie in long GC etc.)
* @return timeout value
* negative value disables the feature
* 0 to allow request to fail immediately
* Default is -1 (disabled)
public long getWaitTimeoutOnBackpressureMillis() {
* Timeout controlling wait on request send in case of unresponsive bookie(s)
* (i.e. bookie in long GC etc.)
* @param value
* negative value disables the feature
* 0 to allow request to fail immediately
* Default is -1 (disabled)
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setWaitTimeoutOnBackpressureMillis(long value) {
return this;
* Get the number of worker threads. This is the number of
* worker threads used by bookkeeper client to submit operations.
* @return the number of worker threads
public int getNumWorkerThreads() {
return getInt(NUM_WORKER_THREADS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
* Set the number of worker threads.
* <p>
* NOTE: setting the number of worker threads after BookKeeper object is constructed
* will not take any effect on the number of threads in the pool.
* </p>
* @see #getNumWorkerThreads()
* @param numThreads number of worker threads used for bookkeeper
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setNumWorkerThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_WORKER_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the number of IO threads. This is the number of
* threads used by Netty to handle TCP connections.
* @return the number of IO threads
public int getNumIOThreads() {
return getInt(NUM_IO_THREADS, 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
* Set the number of IO threads.
* <p>
* This is the number of threads used by Netty to handle TCP connections.
* </p>
* <p>
* NOTE: setting the number of IO threads after BookKeeper object is constructed
* will not take any effect on the number of threads in the pool.
* </p>
* @see #getNumIOThreads()
* @param numThreads number of IO threads used for bookkeeper
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setNumIOThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_IO_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the period of time after which a speculative entry read should be triggered.
* A speculative entry read is sent to the next replica bookie before
* an error or response has been received for the previous entry read request.
* <p>A speculative entry read is only sent if we have not heard from the current
* replica bookie during the entire read operation which may comprise of many entries.
* <p>Speculative reads allow the client to avoid having to wait for the connect timeout
* in the case that a bookie has failed. It induces higher load on the network and on
* bookies. This should be taken into account before changing this configuration value.
* @see org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle#asyncReadEntries
* @return the speculative read timeout in milliseconds. Default 2000.
public int getSpeculativeReadTimeout() {
return getInt(SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT, 2000);
* Set the speculative read timeout. A lower timeout will reduce read latency in the
* case of a failed bookie, while increasing the load on bookies and the network.
* <p>The default is 2000 milliseconds. A value of 0 will disable speculative reads
* completely.
* @see #getSpeculativeReadTimeout()
* @param timeout the timeout value, in milliseconds
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setSpeculativeReadTimeout(int timeout) {
setProperty(SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT, timeout);
return this;
* Get the first speculative read timeout.
* @return first speculative read timeout.
public int getFirstSpeculativeReadTimeout() {
return getInt(FIRST_SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT, getSpeculativeReadTimeout());
* Set the first speculative read timeout.
* @param timeout
* first speculative read timeout.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setFirstSpeculativeReadTimeout(int timeout) {
return this;
* Multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read requests.
* @return speculative read timeout backoff multiplier.
public float getSpeculativeReadTimeoutBackoffMultiplier() {
* Set the multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read requests.
* @param speculativeReadTimeoutBackoffMultiplier
* multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read requests.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setSpeculativeReadTimeoutBackoffMultiplier(
float speculativeReadTimeoutBackoffMultiplier) {
setProperty(SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER, speculativeReadTimeoutBackoffMultiplier);
return this;
* Multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read LAC requests.
* @return speculative read LAC timeout backoff multiplier.
public float getSpeculativeReadLACTimeoutBackoffMultiplier() {
* Set the multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read LAC requests.
* @param speculativeReadLACTimeoutBackoffMultiplier
* multipler to use when determining time between successive speculative read LAC requests.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setSpeculativeReadLACTimeoutBackoffMultiplier(
float speculativeReadLACTimeoutBackoffMultiplier) {
setProperty(SPECULATIVE_READ_LAC_TIMEOUT_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER, speculativeReadLACTimeoutBackoffMultiplier);
return this;
* Get the max speculative read timeout.
* @return max speculative read timeout.
public int getMaxSpeculativeReadTimeout() {
return getInt(MAX_SPECULATIVE_READ_TIMEOUT, getSpeculativeReadTimeout());
* Set the max speculative read timeout.
* @param timeout
* max speculative read timeout.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setMaxSpeculativeReadTimeout(int timeout) {
return this;
* Get the period of time after which the first speculative read last add confirmed and entry
* should be triggered.
* A speculative entry request is sent to the next replica bookie before
* an error or response has been received for the previous entry read request.
* <p>A speculative entry read is only sent if we have not heard from the current
* replica bookie during the entire read operation which may comprise of many entries.
* <p>Speculative requests allow the client to avoid having to wait for the connect timeout
* in the case that a bookie has failed. It induces higher load on the network and on
* bookies. This should be taken into account before changing this configuration value.
* @return the speculative request timeout in milliseconds. Default 1500.
public int getFirstSpeculativeReadLACTimeout() {
* Get the maximum interval between successive speculative read last add confirmed and entry
* requests.
* @return the max speculative request timeout in milliseconds. Default 5000.
public int getMaxSpeculativeReadLACTimeout() {
* Set the period of time after which the first speculative read last add confirmed and entry
* should be triggered.
* A lower timeout will reduce read latency in the case of a failed bookie,
* while increasing the load on bookies and the network.
* <p>The default is 1500 milliseconds. A value of 0 will disable speculative reads
* completely.
* @see #getSpeculativeReadTimeout()
* @param timeout the timeout value, in milliseconds
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setFirstSpeculativeReadLACTimeout(int timeout) {
return this;
* Set the maximum interval between successive speculative read last add confirmed and entry
* requests.
* @param timeout the timeout value, in milliseconds
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setMaxSpeculativeReadLACTimeout(int timeout) {
return this;
* Whether to enable parallel reading in recovery read.
* @return true if enable parallel reading in recovery read. otherwise, return false.
public boolean getEnableParallelRecoveryRead() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_PARALLEL_RECOVERY_READ, false);
* Enable/Disable parallel reading in recovery read.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable parallel reading in recovery read.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnableParallelRecoveryRead(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get Recovery Read Batch Size.
* @return recovery read batch size.
public int getRecoveryReadBatchSize() {
* Set Recovery Read Batch Size.
* @param batchSize
* recovery read batch size.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setRecoveryReadBatchSize(int batchSize) {
setProperty(RECOVERY_READ_BATCH_SIZE, batchSize);
return this;
* If reorder read sequence enabled or not.
* @return true if reorder read sequence is enabled, otherwise false.
public boolean isReorderReadSequenceEnabled() {
return getBoolean(REORDER_READ_SEQUENCE_ENABLED, false);
* Enable/disable reordering read sequence on reading entries.
* <p>If this flag is enabled, the client will use
* {@link EnsemblePlacementPolicy#reorderReadSequence(java.util.ArrayList,
* org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookiesHealthInfo, org.apache.bookkeeper.client.DistributionSchedule.WriteSet)}
* to figure out a better read sequence to attempt reads from replicas and use
* {@link EnsemblePlacementPolicy#reorderReadLACSequence(java.util.ArrayList,
* org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookiesHealthInfo, org.apache.bookkeeper.client.DistributionSchedule.WriteSet)}
* to figure out a better read sequence to attempt long poll reads from replicas.
* <p>The order of read sequence is determined by the placement policy implementations.
* @param enabled the flag to enable/disable reorder read sequence.
* @return client configuration instance.
public ClientConfiguration setReorderReadSequenceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* If read operation should be sticky to a single bookie or not.
* @return true if reorder read sequence is enabled, otherwise false.
public boolean isStickyReadsEnabled() {
return getBoolean(STICKY_READS_ENABLED, false);
* Enable/disable having read operations for a ledger to be sticky to
* a single bookie.
* <p>If this flag is enabled, the client will use one single bookie (by
* preference) to read all entries for a ledger.
* <p>Having all the read to one bookie will increase the chances that
* a read request will be fullfilled by Bookie read cache (or OS file
* system cache) when doing sequential reads.
* @param enabled the flag to enable/disable sticky reads.
* @return client configuration instance.
public ClientConfiguration setStickyReadsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(STICKY_READS_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Get Ensemble Placement Policy Class.
* @return ensemble placement policy class.
public Class<? extends EnsemblePlacementPolicy> getEnsemblePlacementPolicy()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_POLICY,
* Set Ensemble Placement Policy Class.
* @param policyClass
* Ensemble Placement Policy Class.
public ClientConfiguration setEnsemblePlacementPolicy(Class<? extends EnsemblePlacementPolicy> policyClass) {
setProperty(ENSEMBLE_PLACEMENT_POLICY, policyClass.getName());
return this;
* Get the threshold for the number of pending requests beyond which to reorder
* reads. If &lt;= zero, this feature is turned off.
* @return the threshold for the number of pending requests beyond which to
* reorder reads.
public int getReorderThresholdPendingRequests() {
* Set the threshold for the number of pending requests beyond which to reorder
* reads. If zero, this feature is turned off.
* @param threshold
* The threshold for the number of pending requests beyond which to
* reorder reads.
public ClientConfiguration setReorderThresholdPendingRequests(int threshold) {
return this;
* Get the network topology stabilize period in seconds. if it is zero, this feature is turned off.
* @return network topology stabilize period in seconds.
public int getNetworkTopologyStabilizePeriodSeconds() {
* Set the network topology stabilize period in seconds.
* @see #getNetworkTopologyStabilizePeriodSeconds()
* @param seconds stabilize period in seconds
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setNetworkTopologyStabilizePeriodSeconds(int seconds) {
return this;
* Whether to order slow bookies in placement policy.
* @return flag of whether to order slow bookies in placement policy or not.
public boolean getEnsemblePlacementPolicySlowBookies() {
* Enable/Disable ordering slow bookies in placement policy.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable ordering slow bookies in placement policy.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnsemblePlacementPolicySlowBookies(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Whether to enable recording task execution stats.
* @return flag to enable/disable recording task execution stats.
public boolean getEnableTaskExecutionStats() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, false);
* Enable/Disable recording task execution stats.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable recording task execution stats.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnableTaskExecutionStats(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, enabled);
return this;
* Get task execution duration which triggers a warning.
* @return time in microseconds which triggers a warning.
public long getTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros() {
return getLong(TASK_EXECUTION_WARN_TIME_MICROS, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMicros(1));
* Set task execution duration which triggers a warning.
* @param warnTime
* time in microseconds which triggers a warning.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros(long warnTime) {
return this;
* Check if bookie health check is enabled.
* @return
public boolean isBookieHealthCheckEnabled() {
return getBoolean(BOOKIE_HEALTH_CHECK_ENABLED, false);
* Enables the bookie health check.
* <p>
* If the number of read/write errors for a bookie exceeds {@link #getBookieErrorThresholdPerInterval()} per
* interval, that bookie is quarantined for {@link #getBookieQuarantineTimeSeconds()} seconds. During this
* quarantined period, the client will try not to use this bookie when creating new ensembles.
* </p>
* <p>By default, the bookie health check is <b>disabled</b>.
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration enableBookieHealthCheck() {
return this;
* Get the bookie health check interval in seconds.
* @return
public int getBookieHealthCheckIntervalSeconds() {
* Set the bookie health check interval. Default is 60 seconds.
* <p>
* Note: Please {@link #enableBookieHealthCheck()} to use this configuration.
* </p>
* @param interval
* @param unit
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieHealthCheckInterval(int interval, TimeUnit unit) {
setProperty(BOOKIE_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS, unit.toSeconds(interval));
return this;
* Get the error threshold for a bookie to be quarantined.
* @return
public long getBookieErrorThresholdPerInterval() {
* Set the error threshold per interval ({@link #getBookieHealthCheckIntervalSeconds()}) for a bookie before it is
* quarantined. Default is 100 errors per minute.
* <p>
* Note: Please {@link #enableBookieHealthCheck()} to use this configuration.
* </p>
* @param thresholdPerInterval
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieErrorThresholdPerInterval(long thresholdPerInterval) {
setProperty(BOOKIE_ERROR_THRESHOLD_PER_INTERVAL, thresholdPerInterval);
return this;
* Get the time for which a bookie will be quarantined.
* @return
public int getBookieQuarantineTimeSeconds() {
* Set the time for which a bookie will be quarantined. Default is 30 minutes.
* <p>
* Note: Please {@link #enableBookieHealthCheck()} to use this configuration.
* </p>
* @param quarantineTime
* @param unit
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieQuarantineTime(int quarantineTime, TimeUnit unit) {
setProperty(BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_TIME_SECONDS, unit.toSeconds(quarantineTime));
return this;
* Get the bookie quarantine ratio.
* @return
public double getBookieQuarantineRatio() {
return getDouble(BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_RATIO, 1.0);
* set the bookie quarantine ratio. default is 1.0.
* @param ratio
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieQuarantineRatio(double ratio) {
setProperty(BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_RATIO, ratio);
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ClientConfiguration setNettyMaxFrameSizeBytes(int maxSize) {
return this;
* Get the time interval between successive calls for bookie get info. Default is 24 hours.
* @return
public int getGetBookieInfoIntervalSeconds() {
return getInt(GET_BOOKIE_INFO_INTERVAL_SECONDS, 24 * 60 * 60);
* Get the time interval between retries on unsuccessful bookie info request. Default is
* 60s.
* @return
public int getGetBookieInfoRetryIntervalSeconds() {
* Return whether disk weight based placement policy is enabled.
* @return
public boolean getDiskWeightBasedPlacementEnabled() {
* Returns the max multiple to use for nodes with very high weight.
* @return max multiple
public int getBookieMaxWeightMultipleForWeightBasedPlacement() {
* Return the timeout value for getBookieInfo request.
* @return
public int getBookieInfoTimeout() {
return getInteger(GET_BOOKIE_INFO_TIMEOUT_SECS, 5);
* Return the timeout value for startTLS request.
* @return
public int getStartTLSTimeout() {
return getInteger(START_TLS_TIMEOUT_SECS, 10);
* Set whether or not disk weight based placement is enabled.
* @param isEnabled - boolean indicating enabled or not
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setDiskWeightBasedPlacementEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
return this;
* Set the time interval between successive polls for bookie get info.
* @param pollInterval
* @param unit
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setGetBookieInfoIntervalSeconds(int pollInterval, TimeUnit unit) {
setProperty(GET_BOOKIE_INFO_INTERVAL_SECONDS, unit.toSeconds(pollInterval));
return this;
* Set the time interval between retries on unsuccessful GetInfo requests.
* @param interval
* @param unit
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setGetBookieInfoRetryIntervalSeconds(int interval, TimeUnit unit) {
setProperty(GET_BOOKIE_INFO_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS, unit.toSeconds(interval));
return this;
* Set the max multiple to use for nodes with very high weight.
* @param multiple
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setBookieMaxWeightMultipleForWeightBasedPlacement(int multiple) {
return this;
* Set the timeout value in secs for the GET_BOOKIE_INFO request.
* @param timeoutSecs
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setGetBookieInfoTimeout(int timeoutSecs) {
setProperty(GET_BOOKIE_INFO_TIMEOUT_SECS, timeoutSecs);
return this;
* Set the timeout value in secs for the START_TLS request.
* @param timeoutSecs
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setStartTLSTimeout(int timeoutSecs) {
setProperty(START_TLS_TIMEOUT_SECS, timeoutSecs);
return this;
* Whether hostname verification enabled?
* @return true if hostname verification enabled, otherwise false.
public boolean getHostnameVerificationEnabled() {
* Enable/Disable hostname verification for tls connection.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable tls hostname verification.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setHostnameVerificationEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Set the client role.
* @param role defines how the client will act
* @return client configuration
public ClientConfiguration setClientRole(String role) {
if (role == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
switch (role) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid role " + role);
setProperty(CLIENT_ROLE, role);
return this;
* Get the role of the client.
* @return the type of client
public String getClientRole() {
* Get the keystore type for client. Default is JKS.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStoreType() {
* Set the keystore type for client.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSKeyStoreType(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE, arg);
return this;
* Get the keystore path for the client.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStore() {
return getString(CLIENT_TLS_KEYSTORE, getString(TLS_KEYSTORE, null));
* Set the keystore path for the client.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSKeyStore(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_KEYSTORE, arg);
return this;
* Get the path to file containing keystore password, if the client keystore is password protected. Default is null.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStorePasswordPath() {
* Set the path to file containing keystore password, if the client keystore is password protected.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSKeyStorePasswordPath(String arg) {
return this;
* Get the truststore type for client. Default is JKS.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStoreType() {
* Set the truststore type for client.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSTrustStoreType(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE, arg);
return this;
* Get the truststore path for the client.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStore() {
return getString(CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE, getString(TLS_TRUSTSTORE, null));
* Set the truststore path for the client.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSTrustStore(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_TRUSTSTORE, arg);
return this;
* Get the path to file containing truststore password, if the client truststore is password protected. Default is
* null.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStorePasswordPath() {
* Set the path to file containing truststore password, if the client truststore is password protected.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSTrustStorePasswordPath(String arg) {
return this;
* Get the path to file containing TLS Certificate.
* @return
public String getTLSCertificatePath() {
return getString(TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH, null);
* Set the path to file containing TLS Certificate.
* @return
public ClientConfiguration setTLSCertificatePath(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH, arg);
return this;
* Whether to delay ensemble change or not?
* @return true if to delay ensemble change, otherwise false.
public boolean getDelayEnsembleChange() {
return getBoolean(DELAY_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE, false);
* Enable/Disable delaying ensemble change.
* <p>
* If set to true, ensemble change only happens when it can't meet
* ack quorum requirement. If set to false, ensemble change happens
* immediately when it received a failed write.
* </p>
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable delaying ensemble change.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setDelayEnsembleChange(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(DELAY_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE, enabled);
return this;
* Whether to enable bookie address changes tracking.
* @return flag to enable/disable bookie address changes tracking
public boolean getEnableBookieAddressTracking() {
return getBoolean(FOLLOW_BOOKIE_ADDRESS_TRACKING, true);
* Enable/Disable bookie address changes tracking.
* @param value
* flag to enable/disable bookie address changes tracking
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnableBookieAddressTracking(boolean value) {
return this;
* Whether to enable bookie failure tracking.
* @return flag to enable/disable bookie failure tracking
public boolean getEnableBookieFailureTracking() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_BOOKIE_FAILURE_TRACKING, true);
* Enable/Disable bookie failure tracking.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable bookie failure tracking
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setEnableBookieFailureTracking(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get the bookie failure tracking expiration timeout.
* @return bookie failure tracking expiration timeout.
public int getBookieFailureHistoryExpirationMSec() {
* Set the bookie failure tracking expiration timeout.
* @param expirationMSec
* bookie failure tracking expiration timeout.
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setBookieFailureHistoryExpirationMSec(int expirationMSec) {
return this;
* Get the name of the dynamic feature that disables ensemble change.
* @return name of the dynamic feature that disables ensemble change
public String getDisableEnsembleChangeFeatureName() {
* Set the name of the dynamic feature that disables ensemble change.
* @param disableEnsembleChangeFeatureName
* name of the dynamic feature that disables ensemble change
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setDisableEnsembleChangeFeatureName(String disableEnsembleChangeFeatureName) {
setProperty(DISABLE_ENSEMBLE_CHANGE_FEATURE_NAME, disableEnsembleChangeFeatureName);
return this;
* Get the max allowed ensemble change number.
* @return value of MaxAllowedEnsembleChanges, default MAX_VALUE, indicating feature is disable.
public int getMaxAllowedEnsembleChanges() {
* Set the max allowed ensemble change number.
* @param num
* value of MaxAllowedEnsembleChanges
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setMaxAllowedEnsembleChanges(int num) {
return this;
* Option to use Netty Pooled ByteBufs.
* @deprecated see {@link BookKeeperBuilder#allocator(io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator)}
* @return the value of the option
public boolean isNettyUsePooledBuffers() {
return getBoolean(NETTY_USE_POOLED_BUFFERS, true);
* Enable/Disable the usage of Pooled Netty buffers. While using v2 wire protocol the application will be
* responsible for releasing ByteBufs returned by BookKeeper.
* @param enabled
* if enabled BookKeeper will use default Pooled Netty Buffer allocator
* @deprecated see {@link BookKeeperBuilder#allocator(io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator)}
* @see #setUseV2WireProtocol(boolean)
* @see ByteBuf#release()
* @see LedgerHandle#readEntries(long, long)
public ClientConfiguration setNettyUsePooledBuffers(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(NETTY_USE_POOLED_BUFFERS, enabled);
return this;
* Set registration manager class.
* @param regClientClass
* ClientClass
* @deprecated since 4.7.0
public ClientConfiguration setRegistrationClientClass(
Class<? extends RegistrationClient> regClientClass) {
setProperty(REGISTRATION_CLIENT_CLASS, regClientClass);
return this;
* Get Registration Client Class.
* @return registration manager class.
* @deprecated since 4.7.0
public Class<? extends RegistrationClient> getRegistrationClientClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, REGISTRATION_CLIENT_CLASS,
ZKRegistrationClient.class, RegistrationClient.class,
* Enable the client to use system time as the ledger creation time.
* <p>If this is enabled, the client will write a ctime field into the ledger metadata.
* Otherwise, nothing will be written. The creation time of this ledger will be the ctime
* of the metadata record in metadata store.
* @param enabled flag to enable/disable client using system time as the ledger creation time.
public ClientConfiguration setStoreSystemtimeAsLedgerCreationTime(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Return the flag that indicates whether client is using system time as the ledger creation time when
* creating ledgers.
* @return the flag that indicates whether client is using system time as the ledger creation time when
* creating ledgers.
public boolean getStoreSystemtimeAsLedgerCreationTime() {
* Set the log frequency when a bookie is unavailable, in order to limit log filesize.
* @param throttleValue
* @param unit
* @return client configuration.
public ClientConfiguration setClientConnectBookieUnavailableLogThrottling(
int throttleValue, TimeUnit unit) {
setProperty(CLIENT_CONNECT_BOOKIE_UNAVAILABLE_LOG_THROTTLING, unit.toMillis(throttleValue));
return this;
* Get the log frequency when a bookie is unavailable, in milliseconds.
* @return log frequency when a bookie is unavailable, in milliseconds.
public long getClientConnectBookieUnavailableLogThrottlingMs() {
protected ClientConfiguration getThis() {
return this;