blob: d3ce780578cde75a364b87a56d1178b2f5e8322e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.conf;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration.CLIENT_AUTH_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.allocator.LeakDetectionPolicy;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.allocator.OutOfMemoryPolicy;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.allocator.PoolingPolicy;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.JsonUtil;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.JsonUtil.ParseJsonException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.feature.Feature;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.AbstractZkLedgerManagerFactory;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.HierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.LedgerManagerFactory;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.LongHierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.EntryFormatter;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.LedgerIdFormatter;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.StringEntryFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.SystemConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Abstract configuration.
public abstract class AbstractConfiguration<T extends AbstractConfiguration>
extends CompositeConfiguration {
public static final String READ_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY = "org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.readsystemproperties";
* Enable the use of System Properties, which was the default behaviour till 4.4.0.
private static final boolean READ_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES = Boolean.getBoolean(READ_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY);
protected static final ClassLoader DEFAULT_LOADER;
static {
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (null == loader) {
loader = AbstractConfiguration.class.getClassLoader();
// Zookeeper Parameters
protected static final String ZK_TIMEOUT = "zkTimeout";
protected static final String ZK_SERVERS = "zkServers";
// Ledger Manager
protected static final String LEDGER_MANAGER_TYPE = "ledgerManagerType";
protected static final String LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS = "ledgerManagerFactoryClass";
protected static final String ALLOW_SHADED_LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS = "allowShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClass";
protected static final String SHADED_LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS_PREFIX = "shadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassPrefix";
protected static final String METADATA_SERVICE_URI = "metadataServiceUri";
protected static final String ZK_LEDGERS_ROOT_PATH = "zkLedgersRootPath";
protected static final String ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT = "zkRequestRateLimit";
protected static final String AVAILABLE_NODE = "available";
protected static final String REREPLICATION_ENTRY_BATCH_SIZE = "rereplicationEntryBatchSize";
protected static final String STORE_SYSTEMTIME_AS_LEDGER_CREATION_TIME = "storeSystemTimeAsLedgerCreationTime";
protected static final String ENABLE_BUSY_WAIT = "enableBusyWait";
// Metastore settings, only being used when LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS is MSLedgerManagerFactory
protected static final String METASTORE_IMPL_CLASS = "metastoreImplClass";
protected static final String METASTORE_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_SCAN = "metastoreMaxEntriesPerScan";
// Common TLS configuration
// TLS Provider (JDK or OpenSSL)
protected static final String TLS_PROVIDER = "tlsProvider";
// TLS provider factory class name
protected static final String TLS_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS = "tlsProviderFactoryClass";
protected static final String LEDGERID_FORMATTER_CLASS = "ledgerIdFormatterClass";
protected static final String ENTRY_FORMATTER_CLASS = "entryFormatterClass";
// Enable authentication of the other connection end point (mutual authentication)
protected static final String TLS_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION = "tlsClientAuthentication";
// Preserve MDC or not for tasks in executor
protected static final String PRESERVE_MDC_FOR_TASK_EXECUTION = "preserveMdcForTaskExecution";
// Default formatter classes
protected static final Class<? extends EntryFormatter> DEFAULT_ENTRY_FORMATTER = StringEntryFormatter.class;
protected static final Class<? extends LedgerIdFormatter> DEFAULT_LEDGERID_FORMATTER =
protected static final String TLS_CERT_FILES_REFRESH_DURATION_SECONDS = "tlsCertFilesRefreshDurationSeconds";
* This list will be passed to {@link SSLEngine#setEnabledCipherSuites(java.lang.String[]) }.
* Please refer to official JDK JavaDocs
protected static final String TLS_ENABLED_CIPHER_SUITES = "tlsEnabledCipherSuites";
* This list will be passed to {@link SSLEngine#setEnabledProtocols(java.lang.String[]) }.
* Please refer to official JDK JavaDocs
protected static final String TLS_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS = "tlsEnabledProtocols";
* TLS KeyStore, TrustStore, Password files and Certificate Paths.
protected static final String TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "tlsKeyStoreType";
protected static final String TLS_KEYSTORE = "tlsKeyStore";
protected static final String TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH = "tlsKeyStorePasswordPath";
protected static final String TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE = "tlsTrustStoreType";
protected static final String TLS_TRUSTSTORE = "tlsTrustStore";
protected static final String TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH = "tlsTrustStorePasswordPath";
protected static final String TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH = "tlsCertificatePath";
//Netty configuration
protected static final String NETTY_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = "nettyMaxFrameSizeBytes";
protected static final int DEFAULT_NETTY_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB
// Zookeeper ACL settings
protected static final String ZK_ENABLE_SECURITY = "zkEnableSecurity";
// Kluge for compatibility testing. Never set this outside tests.
public static final String LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_DISABLE_CLASS_CHECK = "ledgerManagerFactoryDisableClassCheck";
// Validate bookie process user
public static final String PERMITTED_STARTUP_USERS = "permittedStartupUsers";
// minimum number of racks per write quorum
public static final String MIN_NUM_RACKS_PER_WRITE_QUORUM = "minNumRacksPerWriteQuorum";
// enforce minimum number of racks per write quorum
public static final String ENFORCE_MIN_NUM_RACKS_PER_WRITE_QUORUM = "enforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum";
// enforce minimum number of fault domains for write
public static final String ENFORCE_MIN_NUM_FAULT_DOMAINS_FOR_WRITE = "enforceMinNumFaultDomainsForWrite";
// ignore usage of local node in the internal logic of placement policy
public static final String IGNORE_LOCAL_NODE_IN_PLACEMENT_POLICY = "ignoreLocalNodeInPlacementPolicy";
// minimum number of zones per write quorum in ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy
public static final String MIN_NUM_ZONES_PER_WRITE_QUORUM = "minNumZonesPerWriteQuorum";
// desired number of zones per write quorum in ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy
public static final String DESIRED_NUM_ZONES_PER_WRITE_QUORUM = "desiredNumZonesPerWriteQuorum";
// in ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy if strict placement is enabled then
// minZones/desiredZones in writeQuorum would be maintained otherwise it
// will pick nodes randomly.
public static final String ENFORCE_STRICT_ZONEAWARE_PLACEMENT = "enforceStrictZoneawarePlacement";
// Allocator configuration
protected static final String ALLOCATOR_POOLING_POLICY = "allocatorPoolingPolicy";
protected static final String ALLOCATOR_POOLING_CONCURRENCY = "allocatorPoolingConcurrency";
protected static final String ALLOCATOR_OOM_POLICY = "allocatorOutOfMemoryPolicy";
protected static final String ALLOCATOR_LEAK_DETECTION_POLICY = "allocatorLeakDetectionPolicy";
// option to limit stats logging
public static final String LIMIT_STATS_LOGGING = "limitStatsLogging";
protected AbstractConfiguration() {
// add configuration for system properties
addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration());
* Limit who can start the application to prevent future permission errors.
public void setPermittedStartupUsers(String s) {
* Get array of users specified in this property.
public String[] getPermittedStartupUsers() {
return getStringArray(PERMITTED_STARTUP_USERS);
* You can load configurations in precedence order. The first one takes
* precedence over any loaded later.
* @param confURL
* Configuration URL
public void loadConf(URL confURL) throws ConfigurationException {
PropertiesConfiguration loadedConf = new PropertiesConfiguration(confURL);
for (Iterator<String> iter = loadedConf.getKeys(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String key =;
setProperty(key, loadedConf.getProperty(key));
* You can load configuration from other configuration.
* @param baseConf
* Other Configuration
public void loadConf(CompositeConfiguration baseConf) {
for (Iterator<String> iter = baseConf.getKeys(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String key =;
setProperty(key, baseConf.getProperty(key));
* Get metadata service uri.
* <p><b>Warning:</b> this method silently converts checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions.
* It is useful to use this method in lambda expressions. However it should not be used with places
* which have logics to handle checked exceptions. In such cases use {@link #getMetadataServiceUri()} instead.
* @return metadata service uri
* @throws UncheckedConfigurationException if the metadata service uri is invalid.
public String getMetadataServiceUriUnchecked() throws UncheckedConfigurationException {
try {
return getMetadataServiceUri();
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw new UncheckedConfigurationException(e);
* Get metadata service uri.
* @return metadata service uri.
* @throws ConfigurationException if the metadata service uri is invalid.
public String getMetadataServiceUri() throws ConfigurationException {
String serviceUri = getString(METADATA_SERVICE_URI);
if (null == serviceUri) {
// no service uri is defined, fallback to old settings
String ledgerManagerType;
ledgerManagerType = getLedgerManagerLayoutStringFromFactoryClass();
String zkServers = getZkServers();
if (null != zkServers) {
// URI doesn't accept ','
serviceUri = String.format(
zkServers.replace(",", ";"),
return serviceUri;
* Set the metadata service uri.
* @param serviceUri the metadata service uri.
* @return the configuration object.
public T setMetadataServiceUri(String serviceUri) {
setProperty(METADATA_SERVICE_URI, serviceUri);
return getThis();
* Get zookeeper servers to connect.
* <p>`zkServers` is deprecating, in favor of using `metadataServiceUri`
* @return zookeeper servers
* @deprecated since 4.7.0
public String getZkServers() {
List servers = getList(ZK_SERVERS, null);
if (null == servers || 0 == servers.size()) {
return null;
return StringUtils.join(servers, ",");
* Set zookeeper servers to connect.
* <p>`zkServers` is deprecating, in favor of using `metadataServiceUri`
* @param zkServers
* ZooKeeper servers to connect
public T setZkServers(String zkServers) {
setProperty(ZK_SERVERS, zkServers);
return getThis();
* Get zookeeper timeout.
* @return zookeeper server timeout
public int getZkTimeout() {
return getInt(ZK_TIMEOUT, 10000);
* Set zookeeper timeout.
* @param zkTimeout
* ZooKeeper server timeout
* @return server configuration
public T setZkTimeout(int zkTimeout) {
setProperty(ZK_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(zkTimeout));
return getThis();
* Set Ledger Manager Type.
* @param lmType
* Ledger Manager Type
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #setLedgerManagerFactoryClass}
public void setLedgerManagerType(String lmType) {
setProperty(LEDGER_MANAGER_TYPE, lmType);
* Get Ledger Manager Type.
* @return ledger manager type
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #getLedgerManagerFactoryClass()}
public String getLedgerManagerType() {
return getString(LEDGER_MANAGER_TYPE);
* Set the flag to allow using shaded ledger manager factory class for
* instantiating a ledger manager factory.
* @param allowed
* the flag to allow/disallow using shaded ledger manager factory class
* @return configuration instance.
public T setAllowShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClass(boolean allowed) {
return getThis();
* Is shaded ledger manager factory class name allowed to be used for
* instantiating ledger manager factory.
* @return ledger manager factory class name.
public boolean isShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassAllowed() {
* Set the class prefix of the shaded ledger manager factory class for
* instantiating a ledger manager factory.
* <p>This setting only takes effects when {@link #isShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassAllowed()}
* returns true.
* @param classPrefix
* the class prefix of shaded ledger manager factory class
* @return configuration instance.
public T setShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassPrefix(String classPrefix) {
return getThis();
* Get the class prefix of the shaded ledger manager factory class name allowed to be used for
* instantiating ledger manager factory.
* <p>This setting only takes effects when {@link #isShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassAllowed()}
* returns true
* @return ledger manager factory class name.
* @see #isShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassAllowed()
public String getShadedLedgerManagerFactoryClassPrefix() {
* Set Ledger Manager Factory Class Name.
* @param factoryClassName
* Ledger Manager Factory Class Name
public void setLedgerManagerFactoryClassName(String factoryClassName) {
setProperty(LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS, factoryClassName);
* Get Ledger Manager Factory Class Name.
* @return ledger manager factory class name.
public String getLedgerManagerFactoryClassName() {
* Get layout string ("null" if unconfigured).
* @return null, hierarchical, longhierarchical, or flat based on LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS
public String getLedgerManagerLayoutStringFromFactoryClass() throws ConfigurationException {
String ledgerManagerType;
Class<? extends LedgerManagerFactory> factoryClass = getLedgerManagerFactoryClass();
if (factoryClass == null) {
// set the ledger manager type to "null", so the driver implementation knows that the type is not set.
ledgerManagerType = "null";
} else {
if (!AbstractZkLedgerManagerFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(factoryClass)) {
// this is a non-zk implementation
throw new ConfigurationException("metadata service uri is not supported for " + factoryClass);
if (factoryClass == HierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory.class) {
ledgerManagerType = HierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory.NAME;
} else if (factoryClass == org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.FlatLedgerManagerFactory.class) {
ledgerManagerType = org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.FlatLedgerManagerFactory.NAME;
} else if (factoryClass == LongHierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory.class) {
ledgerManagerType = LongHierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory.NAME;
} else if (factoryClass == org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.MSLedgerManagerFactory.class) {
ledgerManagerType = org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.MSLedgerManagerFactory.NAME;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown zookeeper based ledger manager factory : "
+ factoryClass);
return ledgerManagerType;
* Set Ledger Manager Factory Class.
* @param factoryClass
* Ledger Manager Factory Class
public void setLedgerManagerFactoryClass(Class<? extends LedgerManagerFactory> factoryClass) {
setProperty(LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS, factoryClass.getName());
* Get ledger manager factory class.
* @return ledger manager factory class
public Class<? extends LedgerManagerFactory> getLedgerManagerFactoryClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, LEDGER_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS,
null, LedgerManagerFactory.class,
* Set Zk Ledgers Root Path.
* @param zkLedgersPath zk ledgers root path
public void setZkLedgersRootPath(String zkLedgersPath) {
setProperty(ZK_LEDGERS_ROOT_PATH, zkLedgersPath);
* Get Zk Ledgers Root Path.
* @return zk ledgers root path
public String getZkLedgersRootPath() {
return getString(ZK_LEDGERS_ROOT_PATH, "/ledgers");
* Get zookeeper access request rate limit.
* @return zookeeper access request rate limit.
public double getZkRequestRateLimit() {
return getDouble(ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, 0);
* Set zookeeper access request rate limit.
* @param rateLimit
* zookeeper access request rate limit.
public void setZkRequestRateLimit(double rateLimit) {
setProperty(ZK_REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, rateLimit);
* Are z-node created with strict ACLs.
* @return usage of secure ZooKeeper ACLs
public boolean isZkEnableSecurity() {
return getBoolean(ZK_ENABLE_SECURITY, false);
* Set the usage of ACLs of new z-nodes.
* @param zkEnableSecurity
public void setZkEnableSecurity(boolean zkEnableSecurity) {
setProperty(ZK_ENABLE_SECURITY, zkEnableSecurity);
* Get the node under which available bookies are stored.
* @return Node under which available bookies are stored.
public String getZkAvailableBookiesPath() {
return getZkLedgersRootPath() + "/" + AVAILABLE_NODE;
* Set the max entries to keep in fragment for re-replication. If fragment
* has more entries than this count, then the original fragment will be
* split into multiple small logical fragments by keeping max entries count
* to rereplicationEntryBatchSize. So, re-replication will happen in batches
* wise.
public void setRereplicationEntryBatchSize(long rereplicationEntryBatchSize) {
setProperty(REREPLICATION_ENTRY_BATCH_SIZE, rereplicationEntryBatchSize);
* Get the re-replication entry batch size.
public long getRereplicationEntryBatchSize() {
* Get metastore implementation class.
* @return metastore implementation class name.
public String getMetastoreImplClass() {
return getString(METASTORE_IMPL_CLASS);
* Set metastore implementation class.
* @param metastoreImplClass
* Metastore implementation Class name.
public void setMetastoreImplClass(String metastoreImplClass) {
setProperty(METASTORE_IMPL_CLASS, metastoreImplClass);
* Get max entries per scan in metastore.
* @return max entries per scan in metastore.
public int getMetastoreMaxEntriesPerScan() {
* Set max entries per scan in metastore.
* @param maxEntries
* Max entries per scan in metastore.
public void setMetastoreMaxEntriesPerScan(int maxEntries) {
setProperty(METASTORE_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_SCAN, maxEntries);
public void setFeature(String configProperty, Feature feature) {
setProperty(configProperty, feature);
public Feature getFeature(String configProperty, Feature defaultValue) {
if (null == getProperty(configProperty)) {
return defaultValue;
} else {
return (Feature) getProperty(configProperty);
* Set Ledger id formatter Class.
* @param formatterClass
* LedgerIdFormatter Class
public void setLedgerIdFormatterClass(Class<? extends LedgerIdFormatter> formatterClass) {
setProperty(LEDGERID_FORMATTER_CLASS, formatterClass.getName());
* Get ledger id formatter class.
* @return LedgerIdFormatter class
public Class<? extends LedgerIdFormatter> getLedgerIdFormatterClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
LedgerIdFormatter.class, DEFAULT_LOADER);
* Set entry formatter Class.
* @param formatterClass
* EntryFormatter Class
public void setEntryFormatterClass(Class<? extends EntryFormatter> formatterClass) {
setProperty(ENTRY_FORMATTER_CLASS, formatterClass.getName());
* Get entry formatter class.
* @return EntryFormatter class
public Class<? extends EntryFormatter> getEntryFormatterClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, ENTRY_FORMATTER_CLASS, DEFAULT_ENTRY_FORMATTER, EntryFormatter.class,
* Set the client authentication provider factory class name.
* If this is not set, no authentication will be used
* @param factoryClass
* the client authentication provider factory class name
* @return client configuration
public T setClientAuthProviderFactoryClass(
String factoryClass) {
return getThis();
* Get the client authentication provider factory class name.
* If this returns null, no authentication will take place.
* @return the client authentication provider factory class name or null.
public String getClientAuthProviderFactoryClass() {
* Get the maximum netty frame size in bytes. Any message received larger
* that this will be rejected.
* @return the maximum netty frame size in bytes.
public int getNettyMaxFrameSizeBytes() {
* Set the max number of bytes a single message can be that is read by the bookie.
* Any message larger than that size will be rejected.
* @param maxSize
* the max size in bytes
* @return server configuration
public T setNettyMaxFrameSizeBytes(int maxSize) {
setProperty(NETTY_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, String.valueOf(maxSize));
return getThis();
* Get the security provider factory class name. If this returns null, no security will be enforced on the channel.
* @return the security provider factory class name or null.
public String getTLSProviderFactoryClass() {
return getString(TLS_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS, null);
* Set the client security provider factory class name. If this is not set, no security will be used on the channel.
* @param factoryClass
* the client security provider factory class name
* @return client configuration
public T setTLSProviderFactoryClass(String factoryClass) {
setProperty(TLS_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS, factoryClass);
return getThis();
* Get TLS Provider (JDK or OpenSSL).
* @return the TLS provider to use in creating TLS Context
public String getTLSProvider() {
return getString(TLS_PROVIDER, "OpenSSL");
* Set TLS Provider (JDK or OpenSSL).
* @param provider
* TLS Provider type
* @return Client Configuration
public T setTLSProvider(String provider) {
setProperty(TLS_PROVIDER, provider);
return getThis();
* Whether the client will send an TLS certificate on TLS-handshake.
* @see #setTLSClientAuthentication(boolean)
* @return whether TLS is enabled on the bookie or not.
public boolean getTLSClientAuthentication() {
return getBoolean(TLS_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION, false);
* Specify whether the client will send an TLS certificate on TLS-handshake.
* @param enabled
* Whether to send a certificate or not
* @return client configuration
public T setTLSClientAuthentication(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(TLS_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION, enabled);
return getThis();
* Set tls certificate files refresh duration in seconds.
* @param certFilesRefreshSec
* tls certificate files refresh duration in seconds (set 0 to
* disable auto refresh)
* @return current configuration
public T setTLSCertFilesRefreshDurationSeconds(long certFilesRefreshSec) {
return getThis();
* Get tls certificate files refresh duration in seconds.
* @return tls certificate files refresh duration in seconds. Default 0
* to disable auto refresh.
public long getTLSCertFilesRefreshDurationSeconds() {
* Set the list of enabled TLS cipher suites. Leave null not to override default JDK list. This list will be passed
* to {@link SSLEngine#setEnabledCipherSuites(java.lang.String[]) }. Please refer to official JDK JavaDocs
* @param list
* comma separated list of enabled TLS cipher suites
* @return current configuration
public T setTLSEnabledCipherSuites(
String list) {
return getThis();
* Get the list of enabled TLS cipher suites.
* @return this list of enabled TLS cipher suites
* @see #setTLSEnabledCipherSuites(java.lang.String)
public String getTLSEnabledCipherSuites() {
return getString(TLS_ENABLED_CIPHER_SUITES, null);
* Set the list of enabled TLS protocols. Leave null not to override default JDK list. This list will be passed to
* {@link SSLEngine#setEnabledProtocols(java.lang.String[]) }. Please refer to official JDK JavaDocs
* @param list
* comma separated list of enabled TLS cipher suites
* @return current configuration
public T setTLSEnabledProtocols(
String list) {
setProperty(TLS_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS, list);
return getThis();
* Get the list of enabled TLS protocols.
* @return the list of enabled TLS protocols.
* @see #setTLSEnabledProtocols(java.lang.String)
public String getTLSEnabledProtocols() {
return getString(TLS_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS, null);
* Set the minimum number of racks per write quorum.
public void setMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum(int minNumRacksPerWriteQuorum) {
setProperty(MIN_NUM_RACKS_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, minNumRacksPerWriteQuorum);
* Get the minimum number of racks per write quorum.
public int getMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum() {
return getInteger(MIN_NUM_RACKS_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, 2);
* Set the minimum number of zones per write quorum in
* ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy.
public void setMinNumZonesPerWriteQuorum(int minNumZonesPerWriteQuorum) {
setProperty(MIN_NUM_ZONES_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, minNumZonesPerWriteQuorum);
* Get the minimum number of zones per write quorum in
* ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy.
public int getMinNumZonesPerWriteQuorum() {
return getInteger(MIN_NUM_ZONES_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, 2);
* Set the desired number of zones per write quorum in
* ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy.
public void setDesiredNumZonesPerWriteQuorum(int desiredNumZonesPerWriteQuorum) {
setProperty(DESIRED_NUM_ZONES_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, desiredNumZonesPerWriteQuorum);
* Get the desired number of zones per write quorum in
* ZoneAwarePlacementPolicy.
public int getDesiredNumZonesPerWriteQuorum() {
* Set the flag to enforce strict zoneaware placement.
* <p>in ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy if strict placement is enabled then
* minZones/desiredZones in writeQuorum would be maintained otherwise it
* will pick nodes randomly.
public void setEnforceStrictZoneawarePlacement(boolean enforceStrictZoneawarePlacement) {
setProperty(ENFORCE_STRICT_ZONEAWARE_PLACEMENT, enforceStrictZoneawarePlacement);
* Get the flag to enforce strict zoneaware placement.
* <p>in ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy if strict placement is enabled then
* minZones/desiredZones in writeQuorum would be maintained otherwise it
* will pick nodes randomly.
public boolean getEnforceStrictZoneawarePlacement() {
* Set the flag to enforce minimum number of racks per write quorum.
public void setEnforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum(boolean enforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum) {
setProperty(ENFORCE_MIN_NUM_RACKS_PER_WRITE_QUORUM, enforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum);
* Get the flag which enforces the minimum number of racks per write quorum.
public boolean getEnforceMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum() {
* Set the flag to enforce minimum number of fault domains for write.
public void setEnforceMinNumFaultDomainsForWrite(boolean enforceMinNumFaultDomainsForWrite) {
setProperty(ENFORCE_MIN_NUM_FAULT_DOMAINS_FOR_WRITE, enforceMinNumFaultDomainsForWrite);
* Get the flag to enforce minimum number of fault domains for write.
public boolean getEnforceMinNumFaultDomainsForWrite() {
* Sets the flag to ignore usage of localnode in placement policy.
public void setIgnoreLocalNodeInPlacementPolicy(boolean ignoreLocalNodeInPlacementPolicy) {
setProperty(IGNORE_LOCAL_NODE_IN_PLACEMENT_POLICY, ignoreLocalNodeInPlacementPolicy);
* Whether to ignore localnode in placementpolicy.
public boolean getIgnoreLocalNodeInPlacementPolicy() {
* Enable the Auditor to use system time as underreplicated ledger mark
* time.
* <p>If this is enabled, Auditor will write a ctime field into the
* underreplicated ledger znode.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable Auditor using system time as
* underreplicated ledger mark time.
public T setStoreSystemTimeAsLedgerUnderreplicatedMarkTime(boolean enabled) {
return getThis();
* Return the flag that indicates whether auditor is using system time as
* underreplicated ledger mark time.
* @return the flag that indicates whether auditor is using system time as
* underreplicated ledger mark time.
public boolean getStoreSystemTimeAsLedgerUnderreplicatedMarkTime() {
* Whether to preserve MDC for tasks in Executor.
* @return flag to enable/disable MDC preservation in Executor.
public boolean getPreserveMdcForTaskExecution() {
return getBoolean(PRESERVE_MDC_FOR_TASK_EXECUTION, false);
* Whether to preserve MDC for tasks in Executor.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable MDC preservation in Executor.
* @return configuration.
public T setPreserveMdcForTaskExecution(boolean enabled) {
return getThis();
* @return the configured pooling policy for the allocator.
public PoolingPolicy getAllocatorPoolingPolicy() {
return PoolingPolicy.valueOf(this.getString(ALLOCATOR_POOLING_POLICY, PoolingPolicy.PooledDirect.toString()));
* Define the memory pooling policy.
* <p>Default is {@link PoolingPolicy#PooledDirect}
* @param poolingPolicy
* the memory pooling policy
* @return configuration object.
public T setAllocatorPoolingPolicy(PoolingPolicy poolingPolicy) {
this.setProperty(ALLOCATOR_POOLING_POLICY, poolingPolicy.toString());
return getThis();
* @return the configured pooling concurrency for the allocator.
public int getAllocatorPoolingConcurrency() {
return this.getInteger(ALLOCATOR_POOLING_CONCURRENCY, 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
* Controls the amount of concurrency for the memory pool.
* <p>Default is to have a number of allocator arenas equals to 2 * CPUS.
* <p>Decreasing this number will reduce the amount of memory overhead, at the
* expense of increased allocation contention.
* @param concurrency
* the concurrency level to use for the allocator pool
* @return configuration object.
public T setAllocatorPoolingConcurrenncy(int concurrency) {
this.setProperty(ALLOCATOR_POOLING_POLICY, concurrency);
return getThis();
* @return the configured ouf of memory policy for the allocator.
public OutOfMemoryPolicy getAllocatorOutOfMemoryPolicy() {
return OutOfMemoryPolicy
.valueOf(this.getString(ALLOCATOR_OOM_POLICY, OutOfMemoryPolicy.FallbackToHeap.toString()));
* Define the memory allocator out of memory policy.
* <p>Default is {@link OutOfMemoryPolicy#FallbackToHeap}
* @param oomPolicy
* the "out-of-memory" policy for the memory allocator
* @return configuration object.
public T setAllocatorOutOfMemoryPolicy(OutOfMemoryPolicy oomPolicy) {
this.setProperty(ALLOCATOR_OOM_POLICY, oomPolicy.toString());
return getThis();
* Return the configured leak detection policy for the allocator.
public LeakDetectionPolicy getAllocatorLeakDetectionPolicy() {
return LeakDetectionPolicy
.valueOf(this.getString(ALLOCATOR_LEAK_DETECTION_POLICY, LeakDetectionPolicy.Disabled.toString()));
* Enable the leak detection for the allocator.
* <p>Default is {@link LeakDetectionPolicy#Disabled}
* @param leakDetectionPolicy
* the leak detection policy for the memory allocator
* @return configuration object.
public T setAllocatorLeakDetectionPolicy(LeakDetectionPolicy leakDetectionPolicy) {
this.setProperty(ALLOCATOR_LEAK_DETECTION_POLICY, leakDetectionPolicy.toString());
return getThis();
* Return whether the busy-wait is enabled for BookKeeper and Netty IO threads.
* <p>Default is false
* @return the value of the option
public boolean isBusyWaitEnabled() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_BUSY_WAIT, false);
* Option to enable busy-wait settings.
* <p>Default is false.
* <p>WARNING: This option will enable spin-waiting on executors and IO threads
* in order to reduce latency during context switches. The spinning will
* consume 100% CPU even when bookie is not doing any work. It is
* recommended to reduce the number of threads in the main workers pool
* ({@link ClientConfiguration#setNumWorkerThreads(int)}) and Netty event
* loop {@link ClientConfiguration#setNumIOThreads(int)} to only have few
* CPU cores busy.
* </p>
* @param busyWaitEanbled
* if enabled, use spin-waiting strategy to reduce latency in
* context switches
* @see #isBusyWaitEnabled()
public T setBusyWaitEnabled(boolean busyWaitEanbled) {
setProperty(ENABLE_BUSY_WAIT, busyWaitEanbled);
return getThis();
* Return the flag indicating whether to limit stats logging.
* @return
* the boolean flag indicating whether to limit stats logging
public boolean getLimitStatsLogging() {
return getBoolean(LIMIT_STATS_LOGGING, false);
* Sets flag to limit the stats logging.
* @param limitStatsLogging
* flag to limit the stats logging.
* @return configuration.
public T setLimitStatsLogging(boolean limitStatsLogging) {
setProperty(LIMIT_STATS_LOGGING, limitStatsLogging);
return getThis();
* Trickery to allow inheritance with fluent style.
protected abstract T getThis();
* returns the string representation of json format of this config.
* @return
* @throws ParseJsonException
public String asJson() throws ParseJsonException {
return JsonUtil.toJson(toMap());
private Map<String, Object> toMap() {
Map<String, Object> configMap = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<String> iterator = this.getKeys();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String key =;
Object property = this.getProperty(key);
if (property != null) {
configMap.put(key, property.toString());
return configMap;