blob: f3a3374f35c6e4293c5be8a0f83f58bdde80dc3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.codahale;
import com.codahale.metrics.Reservoir;
import com.codahale.metrics.Snapshot;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* A fast and (nearly) garbage-free Rate and Response Times Timer.
* FastTimer uses circular arrays which are allocated upfront.
* Timer updates or queries never allocate new objects and thus never
* create garbage.
* A small number of new objects are allocated for snapshots when
* calling getSnapshot().
public class FastTimer extends Timer {
* Design Considerations
* ---------------------
* The design goals of this timer implementation are for it to be
* - fast (i.e. few instructions to update a timer)
* - scalable (i.e. little synchronization cost for concurrent timer updates)
* - garbage-free for timer updates (i.e. no object allocation for timer updates)
* - space-efficient (i.e. as little memory footprint as possible while achieving first three goals)
* - provide similar functionality as Codahale's default timers with ExponentiallyDecayingReservoirs
* This implementation provides rate and response times over a configurable sliding time window. Data
* is stored in upfront allocated circular arrays, in which each array element holds data
* for one second. Data is overwritten in a circular fashion without the allocation of new data
* structures and is therefore garbage-free for all timer updates.
* This implementation does not store individual response times, but instead allocates bucketized counters
* upfront, which are incremented for any event falling into a particular response time bucket. A
* fine-grained bucket definition (intended for capturing successsful events) and a coarse-grained
* bucket definition (intended to capture failure or timed-out events) are provided.
* To improve scalability of concurrent timer updates, most data structures are replicated HASH_SIZE
* times, and calling threads updating a timer are hashed to individual instances. Performance tests
* (see below) have shown that this implementation is light-weight enough to achieve slightly better
* scalability than Codahale's default timers even without hashing, and can further improve scalability
* if hashing is used.
* Trading off performance and scalability vs. memory footprint, we need to be conservative in the hash
* size we chose. Different flavors of this timer implementation have been evaluated using JMH
* micro-benchmarks (see microbenchmarks/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/stats/,
* comparing implementations of FastTimer with a time window of 60 seconds and
* - (DEV1) a HASH_SIZE of 3 for all data structures (meters, counters, min/max, and response time buckets)
* - (DEV2) a HASH_SIZE of 1 for all data structures (meters, counters, min/max, and response time buckets)
* - (FINAL) a HASH_SIZE of 3 for meters, counters, min/max, and no hashing for response time buckets
* to the default timer implementation
* - (BASE-E) Codahale Timer with ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir (default as used by bookkeeper code)
* - (BASE-T) Codahale Timer with SlidingTimeWindowReservoir configured to 60 seconds
* - (BASE-S) Codahale Timer with SlidingWindowReservoir configured to hold 100,000 events.
* Based on results below, implementation (FINAL) was chosen as the final FastTimer implementation, as it
* achieves nearly the same throughput as (DEV1) at nearly the same memory footprint as (DEV2), and
* ultimately achieves roughly 3x higher throughput and scalability that Codahale's default implementation
* at around half the memory footprint.
* The following results have been collected on an eight core x86 server running at 3.2 GHz (updated
* timers are shared across 4 threads):
* Config Timer Impl Timers Threads ops/ms Alloc B/op Kb/TimerPair
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DEV1 FastTimer (Hash 3) 1 4 11487.904 0 253
* DEV1 FastTimer (Hash 3) 10 4 22621.702 0 253
* DEV1 FastTimer (Hash 3) 100 4 21781.319 0 253
* DEV2 FastTimer (Hash 1) 1 4 5138.143 0 88
* DEV2 FastTimer (Hash 1) 10 4 22902.195 0 88
* DEV2 FastTimer (Hash 1) 100 4 19173.085 0 88
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 1 4 9291.002 0 99
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 10 4 16379.940 0 99
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 100 4 16751.020 0 99
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 1 4 3845.187 82.609 189
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 10 4 7262.445 35.035 189
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 100 4 7051.77 32.843 189
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 1 4 102.479 90.851 174
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 10 4 68.852 84.812 174
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 100 4 153.444 136.436 174
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 1 4 4670.543 0 2103 (size=100000)
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 10 4 13696.168 0 2103
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 100 4 12541.936 0 2103
* - ops/ms is the number of timer updates per millisecond.
* - Alloc B/op is the number of bytes allocated per timer update
* - Kb/TimerPair is the heap footprint per pair of timers (one with fine-grained, one with coarse-grained buckets)
* The following test results include snapshot creation every 109 timer updates (typically, we would assume
* snapshot creation to be much less frequent), and show that also with snapshots in the mix, FastTimer outperforms
* Codahale default Timers both with respect to throughput and scalability as well as object allocation:
* Config Timer Impl Timers Threads ops/ms Alloc B/op
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 1 4 1569.953 23.707
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 10 4 7316.794 24.073
* FINAL FastTimer (Hash 3/1) 100 4 6498.215 24.073
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 1 4 246.953 481.771
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 10 4 1989.134 476.807
* BASE-E CodahaleTimer 100 4 1514.729 468.624
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 1 4 6.063 43795.810
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 10 4 44.651 33916.315
* BASE-T CodahaleTimer/TimeWindow 100 4 180.431 12330.939
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 1 4 17.439 14683.756
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 10 4 107.257 14683.745
* BASE-S CodahaleTimer/SlidingWdw 100 4 236.538 9767.106
* Unfortunately Codahale does not have a Timer interface we can implement, and some Codahale
* base classes are assuming instances of Timer (for example, our JettyServices instantiate a
* Codahale MetricsServlet, which instantiates a Codahale MetricsModule, which only serializes
* timers that are instances of Timer class into the json output stream). Unless we wanted to
* reimplement or override all these base classes, we can't just implement Codahale's Metered and Sampling
* interfaces. Instead we have to extend its Timer class, even though we're not using any of its
* inherited functionality or data structures. The inherited (unused) member variables of Codahale Timer
* consume slightly less than 512 byte per FastTimer (measured around 425 byte in Codahale 3.1).
* Above memory footprint results include ~ 1 kb of inherited (unused) data structures, which comprise
* around 1% of FastTimer's overall memory footprint.
* In terms of functionality, FastTimer provides the same functionality as Codahale's timers
* (in default configuration with ExponentiallyDecayingReservoirs), with the following exceptions:
* - Statistics are kept for a fixed amount of time (rather than exponentially decayed), by
* default 60 seconds. As a consequence, getMeanRate(), getOneMinuteRate(), getFiveMinuteRate()
* and getFifteenMinuteRate() all return the same value if FastTimer is configured to use a
* 60 second time window.
* - FastTimer and FastSnapshot only record bucketized instead of discrete response times. As a
* consequence, the accuracy of percentiles depends on bucket granularity. FastSnapshot also
* can't return discrete values: getValues() returns an empty array, and size returns 0.
* For improved scalability, threads are hased to meters, counters, and min/max values based on
* HASH_SIZE. Note that response time buckets are *not* hashed to reduce memory footprint, and we
* assume that concurrent updates of the same response time bucket are infrequent.
* The hash size could be made configurable in the future (if ever seems necessary). For now, we just
* hard-code it to 3 based on above performance results.
private static final int HASH_SIZE = 3;
* This timer stores rate and response times on a per-second basis for a configurable amount of time
* (default: 60 seconds).
* Note that larger time windows increase the memory footprint of this timer (nearly linear).
private static final int TIME_WINDOW = 60;
* Buckets for percentiles store response times according to the definition in BUCKET_SPEC in the
* form of { numerOfBuckets , nanosecondResolutionPerBucket }.
* This bucket definition provides fine-grained timing for small values, and more coarse-grained timing
* for larger values. We expect this timer to be used primarily for I/O operations that typically
* range in milliseconds (or sub-milliseconds), with sporadic outliers in the single-digit second
* range. For values larger than 10 seconds, we only keep the maximum value, but no distribution.
* This bucket specification provides coarse-grained timing for events in the range of 1 - 20 seconds
* with 1 second granularity.
* If this timer is used for timing of events with significantly different value distribution,
* other bucket definitions may be specified.
* Note that a larger number of buckets increases the memory footprint of this timer nearly linear
* (as the number of buckets largely dominate the timer's overall memory footprint).
private static final long[][] BUCKET_SPEC_FINE = new long[][] {
{ 100 , 100000}, // 100 buckets of 0.1 ms ( 0.1 - 10.0 ms)
{ 90 , 1000000}, // 90 buckets of 1 ms ( 10 - 100 ms)
{ 90 , 10000000}, // 90 buckets of 10 ms ( 100 - 1,000 ms)
{ 9 , 1000000000}, // 9 buckets of 1000 ms (1,000 - 10,000 ms)
}; // + 1 (default) bucket for all values > 10,000 ms
private static final long[][] BUCKET_SPEC_COARSE = new long[][] {
{ 20 , 1000000000}, // 20 buckets of 1000 ms (1,000 - 20,000 ms)
}; // + 1 (default) bucket for all values > 20,000 ms
* Defines the response time buckets to use.
* - none: no response time buckets
public enum Buckets {
// index into the second dimension of BUCKET_SPEC arrays
private static final int BS_NUMBUCKETS = 0;
private static final int BS_RESOLUTION = 1;
* approximate space requirements for an instance of FastTimer:
* 4096 + (TIME_WINDOW + 2) * ((HASH_SIZE * 28) + (NUMBUCKETS * 4))
* For timeWindow=60 and Buckets.fine: ~ 81 kb
* For timeWindow=60 and Buckets.coarse: ~ 14 kb
private final long[][] bucketSpec;
private final int numBuckets;
private final long[] bucketBounds;
private final int timeWindow;
private final int startTime;
private final AtomicLong[] counter; // indexed by [hash]
private final Object[] locks; // indexed by [hash]
private final int[] lastTime;
private int lastTimeBucket = 0;
private final int[][] meter; // indexed by [hash][time]
private final int[][] buckets; // indexed by [bucket][time]
private final long[][] min; // indexed by [hash][time]
private final long[][] max; // indexed by [hash][time]
private final long[][] sum; // indexed by [hash][time]
* A Dummy reservoir implementation.
* Since we have to extend Codahale's Timer class (see above), we inherit all its member
* objects as well. By default, Timer instantiates a ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir. Since
* we're not making use of it, we instead instantiate our own DummyReservoir to reduce
* memory footprint.
private static class DummyReservoir implements Reservoir {
public int size() {
return 0;
public void update(long value) {
public Snapshot getSnapshot() {
return null;
* Constructs a new timer with default time window (60 seconds) and
* default time buckets (fine).
public FastTimer() {
this(TIME_WINDOW, Buckets.fine);
* Constructs a new timer.
* @param timeWindowSeconds the time window (in seconds) for this timer
* @param buckets the type of buckets to use for response times
public FastTimer(int timeWindowSeconds, Buckets buckets) {
super(new DummyReservoir());
this.timeWindow = timeWindowSeconds + 2; // 2 extra seconds for housekeeping
switch (buckets) {
case fine:
bucketSpec = BUCKET_SPEC_FINE;
case coarse:
bucketSpec = null;
// initialize buckets
int bucketCnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; bucketSpec != null && i < bucketSpec.length; i++) {
bucketCnt += (int) bucketSpec[i][BS_NUMBUCKETS];
numBuckets = (bucketCnt > 0 ? bucketCnt + 1 : 0);
if (numBuckets > 0) {
bucketBounds = new long[bucketSpec.length];
long bound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bucketSpec.length; i++) {
bound += bucketSpec[i][BS_NUMBUCKETS] * bucketSpec[i][BS_RESOLUTION];
bucketBounds[i] = bound;
} else {
bucketBounds = null;
this.startTime = getTime();
counter = new AtomicLong[HASH_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < counter.length; i++) {
counter[i] = new AtomicLong(0);
meter = new int[HASH_SIZE][timeWindow];
if (numBuckets > 0) {
this.buckets = new int[numBuckets][timeWindow];
} else {
this.buckets = null;
sum = new long[HASH_SIZE][timeWindow];
min = new long[HASH_SIZE][timeWindow];
max = new long[HASH_SIZE][timeWindow];
lastTime = new int[HASH_SIZE];
locks = new Object[HASH_SIZE];
for (int h = 0; h < locks.length; h++) {
locks[h] = new Object();
* Returns the number of response time buckets used by this timer.
* @return the number of response time buckets
public int getNumberOfBuckets() {
return numBuckets;
* Figure out which percentile bucket an event of a given duration belongs into.
* @param duration the duration (in nanoseconds)
* @return the bucket
public int getBucket(long duration) {
if (numBuckets == 0) {
return -1;
int bucket = 0;
long lowbound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bucketSpec.length; i++) {
if (duration <= bucketBounds[i]) {
return bucket + (int) ((duration - lowbound - 1) / bucketSpec[i][BS_RESOLUTION]);
} else {
bucket += (int) bucketSpec[i][BS_NUMBUCKETS];
lowbound = bucketBounds[i];
return numBuckets - 1;
* Returns the upper bucket bound (inclusive) of a given bucket.
* @param b the bucket
* @return the bound (in nanoseconds)
public long getBucketBound(int b) {
if (numBuckets == 0) {
return -1;
int bucket = 0;
long lowbound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bucketSpec.length; i++) {
if (b < bucket + bucketSpec[i][BS_NUMBUCKETS]) {
return lowbound + ((long) ((b + 1) - bucket)) * bucketSpec[i][BS_RESOLUTION];
} else {
bucket += (int) bucketSpec[i][BS_NUMBUCKETS];
lowbound = bucketBounds[i];
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Returns the average value of a given bucket (the mean between its lower and upper bound).
* @param b the bucket
* @return the average value (in nanoseconds)
public long getBucketValue(int b) {
if (numBuckets == 0) {
return -1;
if (b == 0) {
return getBucketBound(0) / 2;
if (b == numBuckets - 1) {
return 2 * getBucketBound(numBuckets - 2);
return (getBucketBound(b - 1) + getBucketBound(b)) / 2;
* Hashes a thread to a hash index.
* @return the hash index
private int getHash() {
// hashing threads to timers is cheaper than ThreadLocal timers
return (int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % HASH_SIZE);
* Returns the current absolute time (in seconds).
* @return the current absolute time (in seconds)
protected int getTime() {
return (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime());
* Returns the current second (relative to start time) and, if necessary, performs house-keeping.
* @param hash the hash of the calling thread
* @return the current time since start (in seconds)
private int getNow(int hash) {
int now = getTime() - startTime;
// check whether we need to do housekeeping
if (now > lastTime[hash]) {
synchronized (locks[hash]) {
// now that we have the lock, check again
if (now > lastTime[hash]) {
int tstop = (now + 2) % timeWindow;
// clear meter for next time period
for (int t = (lastTime[hash] + 2) % timeWindow; t != tstop; t = (t + 1) % timeWindow) {
meter[hash][t] = 0;
// clear histo for next time period
for (int t = (lastTime[hash] + 2) % timeWindow; t != tstop; t = (t + 1) % timeWindow) {
sum[hash][t] = 0;
min[hash][t] = 0;
max[hash][t] = 0;
lastTime[hash] = now;
// check whether we need to do bucket housekeeping
// (we have to do this separately since buckets aren't hashed)
if (numBuckets > 0 && now > lastTimeBucket) {
synchronized (buckets) {
// now that we have the lock, check again
if (now > lastTimeBucket) {
int tstop = (now + 2) % timeWindow;
for (int b = 0; b < numBuckets; b++) {
synchronized (buckets[b]) {
for (int t = (lastTimeBucket + 2) % timeWindow; t != tstop; t = (t + 1) % timeWindow) {
buckets[b][t] = 0;
lastTimeBucket = now;
return now % timeWindow;
* Returns the average per-second rate of events this timer has seen.
* The computed rate is calculated for past seconds (not including the current second, which is still being
* updated). If the specified time exceeds the time window of this timer, the only rate of the configured time
* window is reported.
* @param seconds the number of seconds over which to calculate the average rate
* @return the average rate (per second).
public double getRate(int seconds) {
seconds = Math.min(seconds, timeWindow - 2);
int t = getNow(getHash());
// start from last completed second
int secFrom = t - seconds - 1;
long sum = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < HASH_SIZE; h++) {
for (int i = t; i > secFrom; i--) {
// no need to synchronize for reading (meter (int) is written atomically)
sum += meter[h][(timeWindow + i) % timeWindow];
return ((double) sum) / (double) seconds;
* Returns the all-time count of events this timer has seen.
* @return the all-time count of events
public long getCount() {
long sum = 0;
for (AtomicLong c : counter) {
sum += c.get();
return sum;
public double getFifteenMinuteRate() {
return getRate(15 * 60);
public double getFiveMinuteRate() {
return getRate(5 * 60);
public double getMeanRate() {
return getRate(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public double getOneMinuteRate() {
return getRate(60);
* Returns a snapshot of this timer.
* The computed snapshot is calculated over the complete time interval supported by
* this timer.
* @return a snapshot of this timer
public Snapshot getSnapshot() {
long sum = 0;
long cnt = 0;
long min = 0;
long max = 0;
// get time and trigger housekeeping
int now = getNow(0) - 1; // start from last completed second
int secFrom = now - (timeWindow - 2);
for (int i = 1; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
long[] buckets = (numBuckets > 0 ? new long[numBuckets] : null);
for (int i = now; i > secFrom; i--) {
int t = (timeWindow + i) % timeWindow;
for (int h = 0; h < HASH_SIZE; h++) {
synchronized (locks[h]) {
sum += this.sum[h][t];
cnt += this.meter[h][t];
if ((this.min[h][t] < min && this.min[h][t] > 0) || min == 0) {
min = this.min[h][t];
if (this.max[h][t] > max) {
max = this.max[h][t];
// no need to synchronize for reading (buckets (int) is written atomically)
for (int b = 0; b < numBuckets; b++) {
buckets[b] += this.buckets[b][t];
return new FastSnapshot(this, min, max, sum, cnt, buckets);
* Add an event to this timer.
* @param duration the time duration of the event
* @param unit the unit of time duration
public void update(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
* Add an event to this timer.
* @param duration the time duration of the event (in nanoseconds)
private void update(long duration) {
if (duration < 1) {
// we can't time anything that took less than 1 ns (caller gave us wrong value)
duration = 1;
int h = getHash();
int t = getNow(h);
int b = getBucket(duration);
synchronized (locks[h]) {
sum[h][t] += duration;
if (duration < min[h][t] || min[h][t] == 0) {
min[h][t] = duration;
if (duration > max[h][t]) {
max[h][t] = duration;
if (numBuckets > 0) {
synchronized (buckets[b]) {