blob: d371520f0ce7b1d50ede0717d023601efccfb1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.PrimitiveIterator;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.CheckpointSource.Checkpoint;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.Watcher;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.LedgerManager;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger;
* Interface for storing ledger data on persistent storage.
public interface LedgerStorage {
* Initialize the LedgerStorage implementation.
* @param conf
* @param ledgerManager
* @param ledgerDirsManager
void initialize(ServerConfiguration conf,
LedgerManager ledgerManager,
LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager,
LedgerDirsManager indexDirsManager,
StateManager stateManager,
CheckpointSource checkpointSource,
Checkpointer checkpointer,
StatsLogger statsLogger,
ByteBufAllocator allocator)
throws IOException;
* Start any background threads belonging to the storage system. For example, garbage collection.
void start();
* Cleanup and free any resources being used by the storage system.
void shutdown() throws InterruptedException;
* Whether a ledger exists.
boolean ledgerExists(long ledgerId) throws IOException;
* Fenced the ledger id in ledger storage.
* @param ledgerId Ledger Id.
* @throws IOException when failed to fence the ledger.
boolean setFenced(long ledgerId) throws IOException;
* Check whether the ledger is fenced in ledger storage or not.
* @param ledgerId Ledger ID.
* @throws IOException
boolean isFenced(long ledgerId) throws IOException;
* Set the master key for a ledger.
void setMasterKey(long ledgerId, byte[] masterKey) throws IOException;
* Get the master key for a ledger.
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading the from the ledger
* @throws BookieException if no such ledger exists
byte[] readMasterKey(long ledgerId) throws IOException, BookieException;
* Add an entry to the storage.
* @return the entry id of the entry added
long addEntry(ByteBuf entry) throws IOException, BookieException;
* Read an entry from storage.
ByteBuf getEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId) throws IOException;
* Get last add confirmed.
* @param ledgerId ledger id.
* @return last add confirmed.
* @throws IOException
long getLastAddConfirmed(long ledgerId) throws IOException;
* Wait for last add confirmed update.
* @param previousLAC - The threshold beyond which we would wait for the update
* @param watcher - Watcher to notify on update
* @return
* @throws IOException
boolean waitForLastAddConfirmedUpdate(long ledgerId,
long previousLAC,
Watcher<LastAddConfirmedUpdateNotification> watcher) throws IOException;
* Cancel a previous wait for last add confirmed update.
* @param ledgerId The ledger being watched.
* @param watcher The watcher to cancel.
* @throws IOException
void cancelWaitForLastAddConfirmedUpdate(long ledgerId,
Watcher<LastAddConfirmedUpdateNotification> watcher) throws IOException;
* Flushes all data in the storage. Once this is called,
* add data written to the LedgerStorage up until this point
* has been persisted to perminant storage
void flush() throws IOException;
* Ask the ledger storage to sync data until the given <i>checkpoint</i>.
* The ledger storage implementation do checkpoint and return the real checkpoint
* that it finished. The returned the checkpoint indicates that all entries added
* before that point already persist.
* @param checkpoint Check Point that {@link Checkpoint} proposed.
* @throws IOException
void checkpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint) throws IOException;
* @param ledgerId
* @throws IOException
void deleteLedger(long ledgerId) throws IOException;
* Signals that a ledger is deleted by the garbage collection thread.
interface LedgerDeletionListener {
void ledgerDeleted(long ledgerId);
* Register a listener for ledgers deletion notifications.
* @param listener object that will be notified every time a ledger is deleted
void registerLedgerDeletionListener(LedgerDeletionListener listener);
void setExplicitlac(long ledgerId, ByteBuf lac) throws IOException;
ByteBuf getExplicitLac(long ledgerId);
// for testability
default LedgerStorage getUnderlyingLedgerStorage() {
return this;
* Force trigger Garbage Collection.
default void forceGC() {
* Class for describing location of a generic inconsistency. Implementations should
* ensure that detail is populated with an exception which adequately describes the
* nature of the problem.
class DetectedInconsistency {
private long ledgerId;
private long entryId;
private Exception detail;
DetectedInconsistency(long ledgerId, long entryId, Exception detail) {
this.ledgerId = ledgerId;
this.entryId = entryId;
this.detail = detail;
public long getLedgerId() {
return ledgerId;
public long getEntryId() {
return entryId;
public Exception getException() {
return detail;
* Performs internal check of local storage logging any inconsistencies.
* @param rateLimiter Provide to rate of entry checking. null for unlimited.
* @return List of inconsistencies detected
* @throws IOException
default List<DetectedInconsistency> localConsistencyCheck(Optional<RateLimiter> rateLimiter) throws IOException {
return new ArrayList<>();
* Whether force triggered Garbage Collection is running or not.
* @return
* true -- force triggered Garbage Collection is running,
* false -- force triggered Garbage Collection is not running
default boolean isInForceGC() {
return false;
* Get Garbage Collection status.
* Since DbLedgerStorage is a list of storage instances, we should return a list.
default List<GarbageCollectionStatus> getGarbageCollectionStatus() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns the primitive long iterator for entries of the ledger, stored in
* this LedgerStorage. The returned iterator provide weakly consistent state
* of the ledger. It is guaranteed that entries of the ledger added to this
* LedgerStorage by the time this method is called will be available but
* modifications made after method invocation may not be available.
* @param ledgerId
* - id of the ledger
* @return the list of entries of the ledger available in this
* ledgerstorage.
* @throws Exception
PrimitiveIterator.OfLong getListOfEntriesOfLedger(long ledgerId) throws IOException;