blob: da74805d6f14ede1b110d56a5875cbabc5e36edb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.conf;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.util.BookKeeperConstants.MAX_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.InterleavedLedgerStorage;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.LedgerStorage;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.SortedLedgerStorage;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.ConfigDef;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.ConfigException;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.ConfigKeyGroup;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.Type;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.validators.ClassValidator;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.validators.RangeValidator;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.NullStatsProvider;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsProvider;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Configuration manages server-side settings.
public class ServerConfiguration extends AbstractConfiguration<ServerConfiguration> {
// Ledger Storage Settings
private static final ConfigKeyGroup GROUP_LEDGER_STORAGE = ConfigKeyGroup.builder("ledgerstorage")
.description("Ledger Storage related settings")
.order(10) // place a place holder here
protected static final String LEDGER_STORAGE_CLASS = "ledgerStorageClass";
protected static final ConfigKey LEDGER_STORAGE_CLASS_KEY = ConfigKey.builder(LEDGER_STORAGE_CLASS)
.description("Ledger storage implementation class")
// Entry Log Parameters
private static final ConfigKeyGroup GROUP_LEDGER_STORAGE_ENTRY_LOGGER = ConfigKeyGroup.builder("entrylogger")
.description("EntryLogger related settings")
protected static final String ENTRY_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT = "logSizeLimit";
protected static final ConfigKey ENTRY_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT_KEY = ConfigKey.builder(ENTRY_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT)
.description("Max file size of entry logger, in bytes")
.documentation("A new entry log file will be created when the old one reaches this file size limitation")
.validator(RangeValidator.between(0, MAX_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT))
protected static final String ENTRY_LOG_FILE_PREALLOCATION_ENABLED = "entryLogFilePreallocationEnabled";
protected static final String MINOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL = "minorCompactionInterval";
protected static final String MINOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD = "minorCompactionThreshold";
protected static final String MAJOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL = "majorCompactionInterval";
protected static final String MAJOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD = "majorCompactionThreshold";
protected static final String IS_THROTTLE_BY_BYTES = "isThrottleByBytes";
protected static final String COMPACTION_MAX_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS = "compactionMaxOutstandingRequests";
protected static final String COMPACTION_RATE = "compactionRate";
protected static final String COMPACTION_RATE_BY_ENTRIES = "compactionRateByEntries";
protected static final String COMPACTION_RATE_BY_BYTES = "compactionRateByBytes";
// Gc Parameters
protected static final String GC_WAIT_TIME = "gcWaitTime";
protected static final String IS_FORCE_GC_ALLOW_WHEN_NO_SPACE = "isForceGCAllowWhenNoSpace";
protected static final String GC_OVERREPLICATED_LEDGER_WAIT_TIME = "gcOverreplicatedLedgerWaitTime";
protected static final String USE_TRANSACTIONAL_COMPACTION = "useTransactionalCompaction";
protected static final String VERIFY_METADATA_ON_GC = "verifyMetadataOnGC";
// Scrub Parameters
protected static final String LOCAL_SCRUB_PERIOD = "localScrubInterval";
protected static final String LOCAL_SCRUB_RATE_LIMIT = "localScrubRateLimit";
// Sync Parameters
protected static final String FLUSH_INTERVAL = "flushInterval";
protected static final String FLUSH_ENTRYLOG_INTERVAL_BYTES = "flushEntrylogBytes";
// Bookie death watch interval
protected static final String DEATH_WATCH_INTERVAL = "bookieDeathWatchInterval";
// Ledger Cache Parameters
protected static final String OPEN_FILE_LIMIT = "openFileLimit";
protected static final String PAGE_LIMIT = "pageLimit";
protected static final String PAGE_SIZE = "pageSize";
protected static final String FILEINFO_CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY = "fileInfoCacheInitialCapacity";
protected static final String FILEINFO_MAX_IDLE_TIME = "fileInfoMaxIdleTime";
protected static final String FILEINFO_FORMAT_VERSION_TO_WRITE = "fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite";
// Journal Parameters
protected static final String MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE = "journalMaxSizeMB";
protected static final String MAX_BACKUP_JOURNALS = "journalMaxBackups";
protected static final String JOURNAL_SYNC_DATA = "journalSyncData";
protected static final String JOURNAL_ADAPTIVE_GROUP_WRITES = "journalAdaptiveGroupWrites";
protected static final String JOURNAL_MAX_GROUP_WAIT_MSEC = "journalMaxGroupWaitMSec";
protected static final String JOURNAL_BUFFERED_WRITES_THRESHOLD = "journalBufferedWritesThreshold";
protected static final String JOURNAL_BUFFERED_ENTRIES_THRESHOLD = "journalBufferedEntriesThreshold";
protected static final String JOURNAL_FLUSH_WHEN_QUEUE_EMPTY = "journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty";
protected static final String JOURNAL_REMOVE_FROM_PAGE_CACHE = "journalRemoveFromPageCache";
protected static final String JOURNAL_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE = "journalPreAllocSizeMB";
protected static final String JOURNAL_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = "journalWriteBufferSizeKB";
protected static final String JOURNAL_ALIGNMENT_SIZE = "journalAlignmentSize";
protected static final String NUM_JOURNAL_CALLBACK_THREADS = "numJournalCallbackThreads";
protected static final String JOURNAL_FORMAT_VERSION_TO_WRITE = "journalFormatVersionToWrite";
protected static final String JOURNAL_QUEUE_SIZE = "journalQueueSize";
protected static final String JOURNAL_PAGECACHE_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MSEC = "journalPageCacheFlushIntervalMSec";
// backpressure control
protected static final String MAX_ADDS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT = "maxAddsInProgressLimit";
protected static final String MAX_READS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT = "maxReadsInProgressLimit";
protected static final String CLOSE_CHANNEL_ON_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = "closeChannelOnResponseTimeout";
protected static final String WAIT_TIMEOUT_ON_RESPONSE_BACKPRESSURE = "waitTimeoutOnResponseBackpressureMs";
// Bookie Parameters
protected static final String BOOKIE_PORT = "bookiePort";
protected static final String LISTENING_INTERFACE = "listeningInterface";
protected static final String ALLOW_LOOPBACK = "allowLoopback";
protected static final String ADVERTISED_ADDRESS = "advertisedAddress";
protected static final String BOOKIE_ID = "bookieId";
protected static final String ALLOW_EPHEMERAL_PORTS = "allowEphemeralPorts";
protected static final String JOURNAL_DIR = "journalDirectory";
protected static final String JOURNAL_DIRS = "journalDirectories";
protected static final String LEDGER_DIRS = "ledgerDirectories";
protected static final String INDEX_DIRS = "indexDirectories";
protected static final String ALLOW_STORAGE_EXPANSION = "allowStorageExpansion";
// NIO and Netty Parameters
protected static final String SERVER_TCP_NODELAY = "serverTcpNoDelay";
protected static final String SERVER_SOCK_KEEPALIVE = "serverSockKeepalive";
protected static final String SERVER_SOCK_LINGER = "serverTcpLinger";
protected static final String SERVER_WRITEBUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK = "serverWriteBufferLowWaterMark";
protected static final String SERVER_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK = "serverWriteBufferHighWaterMark";
protected static final String SERVER_NUM_IO_THREADS = "serverNumIOThreads";
// Zookeeper Parameters
protected static final String ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MS = "zkRetryBackoffStartMs";
protected static final String ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MS = "zkRetryBackoffMaxMs";
protected static final String OPEN_LEDGER_REREPLICATION_GRACE_PERIOD = "openLedgerRereplicationGracePeriod";
protected static final String LOCK_RELEASE_OF_FAILED_LEDGER_GRACE_PERIOD = "lockReleaseOfFailedLedgerGracePeriod";
//ReadOnly mode support on all disk full
protected static final String READ_ONLY_MODE_ENABLED = "readOnlyModeEnabled";
//Whether the bookie is force started in ReadOnly mode
protected static final String FORCE_READ_ONLY_BOOKIE = "forceReadOnlyBookie";
//Whether to persist the bookie status
protected static final String PERSIST_BOOKIE_STATUS_ENABLED = "persistBookieStatusEnabled";
//Disk utilization
protected static final String DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD = "diskUsageThreshold";
protected static final String DISK_USAGE_WARN_THRESHOLD = "diskUsageWarnThreshold";
protected static final String DISK_USAGE_LWM_THRESHOLD = "diskUsageLwmThreshold";
protected static final String DISK_CHECK_INTERVAL = "diskCheckInterval";
// Replication parameters
protected static final String AUDITOR_PERIODIC_CHECK_INTERVAL = "auditorPeriodicCheckInterval";
protected static final String AUDITOR_PERIODIC_BOOKIE_CHECK_INTERVAL = "auditorPeriodicBookieCheckInterval";
protected static final String AUDITOR_LEDGER_VERIFICATION_PERCENTAGE = "auditorLedgerVerificationPercentage";
protected static final String AUTO_RECOVERY_DAEMON_ENABLED = "autoRecoveryDaemonEnabled";
protected static final String LOST_BOOKIE_RECOVERY_DELAY = "lostBookieRecoveryDelay";
protected static final String RW_REREPLICATE_BACKOFF_MS = "rwRereplicateBackoffMs";
protected static final String AUDITOR_REPLICAS_CHECK_INTERVAL = "auditorReplicasCheckInterval";
// Worker Thread parameters.
protected static final String NUM_ADD_WORKER_THREADS = "numAddWorkerThreads";
protected static final String NUM_READ_WORKER_THREADS = "numReadWorkerThreads";
protected static final String MAX_PENDING_READ_REQUESTS_PER_THREAD = "maxPendingReadRequestsPerThread";
protected static final String MAX_PENDING_ADD_REQUESTS_PER_THREAD = "maxPendingAddRequestsPerThread";
protected static final String NUM_LONG_POLL_WORKER_THREADS = "numLongPollWorkerThreads";
protected static final String NUM_HIGH_PRIORITY_WORKER_THREADS = "numHighPriorityWorkerThreads";
// Long poll parameters
protected static final String REQUEST_TIMER_TICK_DURATION_MILLISEC = "requestTimerTickDurationMs";
protected static final String REQUEST_TIMER_NO_OF_TICKS = "requestTimerNumTicks";
protected static final String READ_BUFFER_SIZE = "readBufferSizeBytes";
protected static final String WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = "writeBufferSizeBytes";
// Whether the bookie should use its hostname or ipaddress for the
// registration.
protected static final String USE_HOST_NAME_AS_BOOKIE_ID = "useHostNameAsBookieID";
protected static final String USE_SHORT_HOST_NAME = "useShortHostName";
protected static final String ENABLE_LOCAL_TRANSPORT = "enableLocalTransport";
protected static final String DISABLE_SERVER_SOCKET_BIND = "disableServerSocketBind";
protected static final String SORTED_LEDGER_STORAGE_ENABLED = "sortedLedgerStorageEnabled";
protected static final String SKIP_LIST_SIZE_LIMIT = "skipListSizeLimit";
protected static final String SKIP_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE_ENTRY = "skipListArenaChunkSize";
protected static final String SKIP_LIST_MAX_ALLOC_ENTRY = "skipListArenaMaxAllocSize";
// Statistics Parameters
protected static final String ENABLE_STATISTICS = "enableStatistics";
protected static final String STATS_PROVIDER_CLASS = "statsProviderClass";
// Rx adaptive ByteBuf allocator parameters
protected static final String BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_INITIAL = "byteBufAllocatorSizeInitial";
protected static final String BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_MIN = "byteBufAllocatorSizeMin";
protected static final String BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_MAX = "byteBufAllocatorSizeMax";
// Bookie auth provider factory class name
protected static final String BOOKIE_AUTH_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS = "bookieAuthProviderFactoryClass";
protected static final String MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_INDEXFILE_CREATION = "minUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation";
protected static final String MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_ENTRYLOG_CREATION = "minUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation";
protected static final String MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_HIGH_PRIORITY_WRITES = "minUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites";
// Http Server parameters
protected static final String HTTP_SERVER_ENABLED = "httpServerEnabled";
protected static final String HTTP_SERVER_PORT = "httpServerPort";
// Lifecycle Components
protected static final String EXTRA_SERVER_COMPONENTS = "extraServerComponents";
// Registration
protected static final String REGISTRATION_MANAGER_CLASS = "registrationManagerClass";
// Stats
protected static final String ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS = "enableTaskExecutionStats";
* config specifying if the entrylog per ledger is enabled or not.
protected static final String ENTRY_LOG_PER_LEDGER_ENABLED = "entryLogPerLedgerEnabled";
// In the case of multipleentrylogs, multiple threads can be used to flush the memtable parallelly.
protected static final String NUMBER_OF_MEMTABLE_FLUSH_THREADS = "numOfMemtableFlushThreads";
* config specifying if the entrylog per ledger is enabled, then the amount
* of time EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger should wait for closing the
* entrylog file after the last addEntry call for that ledger, if explicit
* writeclose for that ledger is not received.
protected static final String ENTRYLOGMAP_ACCESS_EXPIRYTIME_INSECONDS = "entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds";
* in entryLogPerLedger feature, this specifies the maximum number of
* entrylogs that can be active at a given point in time. If there are more
* number of active entryLogs then the maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs then
* the entrylog will be evicted from the cache.
protected static final String MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_ENTRYLOGS = "maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs";
* in EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger, this config value specifies the
* metrics cache size limits in multiples of entrylogMap cache size limits.
// Perform local consistency check on bookie startup
protected static final String LOCAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_STARTUP = "localConsistencyCheckOnStartup";
// Certificate role based authorization
protected static final String AUTHORIZED_ROLES = "authorizedRoles";
* Construct a default configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration() {
* Construct a configuration based on other configuration.
* @param conf
* Other configuration
public ServerConfiguration(AbstractConfiguration conf) {
* Get entry logger size limitation.
* @return entry logger size limitation
public long getEntryLogSizeLimit() {
return ENTRY_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT_KEY.getLong(this);
* Set entry logger size limitation.
* @param logSizeLimit
* new log size limitation
public ServerConfiguration setEntryLogSizeLimit(long logSizeLimit) {
ENTRY_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT_KEY.set(this, logSizeLimit);
return this;
* Is entry log file preallocation enabled.
* @return whether entry log file preallocation is enabled or not.
public boolean isEntryLogFilePreAllocationEnabled() {
return this.getBoolean(ENTRY_LOG_FILE_PREALLOCATION_ENABLED, true);
* Enable/disable entry log file preallocation.
* @param enabled
* enable/disable entry log file preallocation.
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setEntryLogFilePreAllocationEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get Garbage collection wait time. Default value is 10 minutes.
* The guideline is not to set a too low value for this, if using zookeeper based
* ledger manager. And it would be nice to align with the average lifecyle time of
* ledgers in the system.
* @return gc wait time
public long getGcWaitTime() {
return this.getLong(GC_WAIT_TIME, 600000);
* Set garbage collection wait time.
* @param gcWaitTime
* gc wait time
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setGcWaitTime(long gcWaitTime) {
this.setProperty(GC_WAIT_TIME, Long.toString(gcWaitTime));
return this;
* Get wait time in millis for garbage collection of overreplicated ledgers.
* @return gc wait time
public long getGcOverreplicatedLedgerWaitTimeMillis() {
return this.getLong(GC_OVERREPLICATED_LEDGER_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1));
* Set wait time for garbage collection of overreplicated ledgers. Default: 1 day
* <p>A ledger can be overreplicated under the following circumstances:
* 1. The ledger with few entries has bk1 and bk2 as its ensemble.
* 2. bk1 crashes.
* 3. bk3 replicates the ledger from bk2 and updates the ensemble to bk2 and bk3.
* 4. bk1 comes back up.
* 5. Now there are 3 copies of the ledger.
* @param gcWaitTime
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setGcOverreplicatedLedgerWaitTime(long gcWaitTime, TimeUnit unit) {
this.setProperty(GC_OVERREPLICATED_LEDGER_WAIT_TIME, Long.toString(unit.toMillis(gcWaitTime)));
return this;
* Get whether to use transactional compaction and using a separate log for compaction or not.
* @return use transactional compaction
public boolean getUseTransactionalCompaction() {
return this.getBoolean(USE_TRANSACTIONAL_COMPACTION, false);
* Set whether to use transactional compaction and using a separate log for compaction or not.
* @param useTransactionalCompaction
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setUseTransactionalCompaction(boolean useTransactionalCompaction) {
this.setProperty(USE_TRANSACTIONAL_COMPACTION, useTransactionalCompaction);
return this;
* Get whether the bookie is configured to double check prior to gc.
* @return use transactional compaction
public boolean getVerifyMetadataOnGC() {
return this.getBoolean(VERIFY_METADATA_ON_GC, false);
* Set whether the bookie is configured to double check prior to gc.
* @param verifyMetadataOnGC
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setVerifyMetadataOnGc(boolean verifyMetadataOnGC) {
this.setProperty(VERIFY_METADATA_ON_GC, verifyMetadataOnGC);
return this;
* Get whether local scrub is enabled.
* @return Whether local scrub is enabled.
public boolean isLocalScrubEnabled() {
return this.getLocalScrubPeriod() > 0;
* Get local scrub interval.
* @return Number of seconds between scrubs, <= 0 for disabled.
public long getLocalScrubPeriod() {
return this.getLong(LOCAL_SCRUB_PERIOD, 0);
* Set local scrub period in seconds (<= 0 for disabled). Scrub will be scheduled at delays
* chosen from the interval (.5 * interval, 1.5 * interval)
public void setLocalScrubPeriod(long period) {
this.setProperty(LOCAL_SCRUB_PERIOD, period);
* Get local scrub rate limit (entries/second).
* @return Max number of entries to scrub per second, 0 for disabled.
public double getLocalScrubRateLimit() {
return this.getDouble(LOCAL_SCRUB_RATE_LIMIT, 60);
* Get local scrub rate limit (entries/second).
* @param scrubRateLimit Max number of entries per second to scan.
public void setLocalScrubRateLimit(double scrubRateLimit) {
this.setProperty(LOCAL_SCRUB_RATE_LIMIT, scrubRateLimit);
* Get flush interval. Default value is 10 second. It isn't useful to decrease
* this value, since ledger storage only checkpoints when an entry logger file
* is rolled.
* @return flush interval
public int getFlushInterval() {
return this.getInt(FLUSH_INTERVAL, 10000);
* Set flush interval.
* @param flushInterval
* Flush Interval
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setFlushInterval(int flushInterval) {
this.setProperty(FLUSH_INTERVAL, Integer.toString(flushInterval));
return this;
* Set entry log flush interval in bytes.
* <p>Default is 0. 0 or less disables this feature and effectively flush
* happens on log rotation.
* <p>Flushing in smaller chunks but more frequently reduces spikes in disk
* I/O. Flushing too frequently may also affect performance negatively.
* @return Entry log flush interval in bytes
public long getFlushIntervalInBytes() {
return this.getLong(FLUSH_ENTRYLOG_INTERVAL_BYTES, 0);
* Set entry log flush interval in bytes.
* @param flushInterval in bytes
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setFlushIntervalInBytes(long flushInterval) {
this.setProperty(FLUSH_ENTRYLOG_INTERVAL_BYTES, Long.toString(flushInterval));
return this;
* Get bookie death watch interval.
* @return watch interval
public int getDeathWatchInterval() {
return this.getInt(DEATH_WATCH_INTERVAL, 1000);
* Get open file limit. Default value is 20000.
* @return max number of files to open
public int getOpenFileLimit() {
return this.getInt(OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, 20000);
* Set limitation of number of open files.
* @param fileLimit
* Limitation of number of open files.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setOpenFileLimit(int fileLimit) {
setProperty(OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, fileLimit);
return this;
* Get limitation number of index pages in ledger cache.
* @return max number of index pages in ledger cache
public int getPageLimit() {
return this.getInt(PAGE_LIMIT, -1);
* Set limitation number of index pages in ledger cache.
* @param pageLimit
* Limitation of number of index pages in ledger cache.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setPageLimit(int pageLimit) {
this.setProperty(PAGE_LIMIT, pageLimit);
return this;
* Get page size.
* @return page size in ledger cache
public int getPageSize() {
return this.getInt(PAGE_SIZE, 8192);
* Set page size.
* @see #getPageSize()
* @param pageSize
* Page Size
* @return Server Configuration
public ServerConfiguration setPageSize(int pageSize) {
this.setProperty(PAGE_SIZE, pageSize);
return this;
* Get the minimum total size for the internal file info cache tables.
* Providing a large enough estimate at construction time avoids the need for
* expensive resizing operations later, but setting this value unnecessarily high
* wastes memory.
* @return minimum size of initial file info cache.
public int getFileInfoCacheInitialCapacity() {
return getInt(FILEINFO_CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY, Math.max(getOpenFileLimit() / 4, 64));
* Set the minimum total size for the internal file info cache tables for initialization.
* @param initialCapacity
* Initial capacity of file info cache table.
* @return server configuration instance.
public ServerConfiguration setFileInfoCacheInitialCapacity(int initialCapacity) {
setProperty(FILEINFO_CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY, initialCapacity);
return this;
* Get the max idle time allowed for a open file info existed in file info cache.
* If the file info is idle for a long time, exceed the given time period. The file
* info will be evicted and closed. If the value is zero, the file info is evicted
* only when opened files reached openFileLimit.
* @see #getOpenFileLimit
* @return max idle time of a file info in the file info cache.
public long getFileInfoMaxIdleTime() {
return this.getLong(FILEINFO_MAX_IDLE_TIME, 0L);
* Set the max idle time allowed for a open file info existed in file info cache.
* @param idleTime
* Idle time, in seconds.
* @see #getFileInfoMaxIdleTime
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setFileInfoMaxIdleTime(long idleTime) {
setProperty(FILEINFO_MAX_IDLE_TIME, idleTime);
return this;
* Get fileinfo format version to write.
* @return fileinfo format version to write.
public int getFileInfoFormatVersionToWrite() {
* Set fileinfo format version to write.
* @param version
* fileinfo format version to write.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setFileInfoFormatVersionToWrite(int version) {
this.setProperty(FILEINFO_FORMAT_VERSION_TO_WRITE, version);
return this;
* Max journal file size.
* @return max journal file size
public long getMaxJournalSizeMB() {
return this.getLong(MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE, 2 * 1024);
* Set new max journal file size.
* @param maxJournalSize
* new max journal file size
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMaxJournalSizeMB(long maxJournalSize) {
this.setProperty(MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE, Long.toString(maxJournalSize));
return this;
* How much space should we pre-allocate at a time in the journal.
* @return journal pre-allocation size in MB
public int getJournalPreAllocSizeMB() {
return this.getInt(JOURNAL_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE, 16);
* Size of the write buffers used for the journal.
* @return journal write buffer size in KB
public int getJournalWriteBufferSizeKB() {
return this.getInt(JOURNAL_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, 64);
* Set the size of the write buffers used for the journal.
* @param bufferSizeKB the size of the write buffer used for the journal, in KB.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setJournalWriteBufferSizeKB(int bufferSizeKB) {
setProperty(JOURNAL_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferSizeKB);
return this;
* Max number of older journal files kept.
* @return max number of older journal files to kept
public int getMaxBackupJournals() {
return this.getInt(MAX_BACKUP_JOURNALS, 5);
* Set max number of older journal files to kept.
* @param maxBackupJournals
* Max number of older journal files
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMaxBackupJournals(int maxBackupJournals) {
this.setProperty(MAX_BACKUP_JOURNALS, Integer.toString(maxBackupJournals));
return this;
* All the journal writes and commits should be aligned to given size. If not,
* zeros will be padded to align to given size.
* @return journal alignment size
public int getJournalAlignmentSize() {
return this.getInt(JOURNAL_ALIGNMENT_SIZE, 512);
* Set journal alignment size.
* @param size
* journal alignment size.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalAlignmentSize(int size) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_ALIGNMENT_SIZE, size);
return this;
* Get journal format version to write.
* @return journal format version to write.
public int getJournalFormatVersionToWrite() {
* Set journal format version to write.
* @param version
* journal format version to write.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalFormatVersionToWrite(int version) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_FORMAT_VERSION_TO_WRITE, version);
return this;
* Set the size of the journal queue.
* @param journalQueueSize
* the max size of journal queue
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalQueueSize(int journalQueueSize) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_QUEUE_SIZE, journalQueueSize);
return this;
* Get size of journal queue.
* @return the max size of journal queue.
public int getJournalQueueSize() {
return this.getInt(JOURNAL_QUEUE_SIZE, 10_000);
* Set PageCache flush interval in second.
* @Param journalPageCacheFlushInterval
* journal pageCache flush interval when journalSyncData closed
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalPageCacheFlushIntervalMSec(long journalPageCacheFlushIntervalMSec) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_PAGECACHE_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MSEC, journalPageCacheFlushIntervalMSec);
return this;
* Get journal pageCache flush interval.
* @return journal pageCache flush interval.
public long getJournalPageCacheFlushIntervalMSec() {
* Get max number of adds in progress. 0 == unlimited.
* @return Max number of adds in progress.
public int getMaxAddsInProgressLimit() {
return this.getInt(MAX_ADDS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT, 0);
* Set max number of adds in progress. 0 == unlimited.
* @param value
* max number of adds in progress.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setMaxAddsInProgressLimit(int value) {
this.setProperty(MAX_ADDS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT, value);
return this;
* Get max number of reads in progress. 0 == unlimited.
* @return Max number of reads in progress.
public int getMaxReadsInProgressLimit() {
return this.getInt(MAX_READS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT, 0);
* Set max number of reads in progress. 0 == unlimited.
* @param value
* max number of reads in progress.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setMaxReadsInProgressLimit(int value) {
this.setProperty(MAX_READS_IN_PROGRESS_LIMIT, value);
return this;
* Configures action in case if server timed out sending response to the client.
* true == close the channel and drop response
* false == drop response
* Requires waitTimeoutOnBackpressureMs >= 0 otherwise ignored.
* @return value indicating if channel should be closed.
public boolean getCloseChannelOnResponseTimeout(){
return this.getBoolean(CLOSE_CHANNEL_ON_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, false);
* Configures action in case if server timed out sending response to the client.
* true == close the channel and drop response
* false == drop response
* Requires waitTimeoutOnBackpressureMs >= 0 otherwise ignored.
* @param value
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setCloseChannelOnResponseTimeout(boolean value) {
return this;
* Timeout controlling wait on response send in case of unresponsive client
* (i.e. client in long GC etc.)
* @return timeout value
* negative value disables the feature
* 0 to allow request to fail immediately
* Default is -1 (disabled)
public long getWaitTimeoutOnResponseBackpressureMillis() {
* Timeout controlling wait on response send in case of unresponsive client
* (i.e. client in long GC etc.)
* @param value
* negative value disables the feature
* 0 to allow request to fail immediately
* Default is -1 (disabled)
* @return client configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setWaitTimeoutOnResponseBackpressureMillis(long value) {
return this;
* Get bookie port that bookie server listen on.
* @return bookie port
public int getBookiePort() {
return this.getInt(BOOKIE_PORT, 3181);
* Set new bookie port that bookie server listen on.
* @param port
* Port to listen on
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setBookiePort(int port) {
this.setProperty(BOOKIE_PORT, Integer.toString(port));
return this;
* Get the network interface that the bookie should
* listen for connections on. If this is null, then the bookie
* will listen for connections on all interfaces.
* @return the network interface to listen on, e.g. eth0, or
* null if none is specified
public String getListeningInterface() {
return this.getString(LISTENING_INTERFACE);
* Set the network interface that the bookie should listen on.
* If not set, the bookie will listen on all interfaces.
* @param iface the interface to listen on
public ServerConfiguration setListeningInterface(String iface) {
this.setProperty(LISTENING_INTERFACE, iface);
return this;
* Is the bookie allowed to use a loopback interface as its primary
* interface(i.e. the interface it uses to establish its identity)?
* <p>By default, loopback interfaces are not allowed as the primary
* interface.
* <p>Using a loopback interface as the primary interface usually indicates
* a configuration error. For example, its fairly common in some VPS setups
* to not configure a hostname, or to have the hostname resolve to
* If this is the case, then all bookies in the cluster will
* establish their identities as, and only one will be able
* to join the cluster. For VPSs configured like this, you should explicitly
* set the listening interface.
* @see #setListeningInterface(String)
* @return whether a loopback interface can be used as the primary interface
public boolean getAllowLoopback() {
return this.getBoolean(ALLOW_LOOPBACK, false);
* Configure the bookie to allow loopback interfaces to be used
* as the primary bookie interface.
* @see #getAllowLoopback
* @param allow whether to allow loopback interfaces
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setAllowLoopback(boolean allow) {
this.setProperty(ALLOW_LOOPBACK, allow);
return this;
* Get the configured BookieId for the bookie.
* <p>If present, this setting will take precedence over the
* automatic BookieId generation, based on Network Addresses.
* @see #setBookieId(java.lang.String)
* @see #getAdvertisedAddress()
* @return the configure address to be advertised
public String getBookieId() {
return this.getString(BOOKIE_ID, null);
* Configure the bookie to advertise a specific BookieId.
* <p>By default, a bookie will advertise a BookieId computed
* from the primary network endpoint addresss.
* @see #getBookieId()
* @see #setAdvertisedAddress(java.lang.String)
* @param bookieId the bookie id
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setBookieId(String bookieId) {
this.setProperty(BOOKIE_ID, bookieId);
return this;
* Get the configured advertised address for the bookie.
* <p>If present, this setting will take precedence over the
* {@link #setListeningInterface(String)} and
* {@link #setUseHostNameAsBookieID(boolean)}.
* @see #setAdvertisedAddress(String)
* @return the configure address to be advertised
public String getAdvertisedAddress() {
return this.getString(ADVERTISED_ADDRESS, null);
* Configure the bookie to advertise a specific address.
* <p>By default, a bookie will advertise either its own IP or hostname,
* depending on the {@link getUseHostNameAsBookieID()} setting.
* <p>When the advertised is set to a non-empty string, the bookie will
* register and advertise using this address.
* <p>If present, this setting will take precedence over the
* {@link #setListeningInterface(String)} and
* {@link #setUseHostNameAsBookieID(boolean)}.
* @see #getAdvertisedAddress()
* @param advertisedAddress
* whether to allow loopback interfaces
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setAdvertisedAddress(String advertisedAddress) {
this.setProperty(ADVERTISED_ADDRESS, advertisedAddress);
return this;
* Is the bookie allowed to use an ephemeral port (port 0) as its server port.
* <p>By default, an ephemeral port is not allowed. Using an ephemeral port
* as the service port usually indicates a configuration error. However, in unit
* tests, using ephemeral port will address port conflicts problem and allow
* running tests in parallel.
* @return whether is allowed to use an ephemeral port.
public boolean getAllowEphemeralPorts() {
return this.getBoolean(ALLOW_EPHEMERAL_PORTS, false);
* Configure the bookie to allow using an ephemeral port.
* @param allow whether to allow using an ephemeral port.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setAllowEphemeralPorts(boolean allow) {
this.setProperty(ALLOW_EPHEMERAL_PORTS, allow);
return this;
* Return whether we should allow addition of ledger/index dirs to an existing bookie.
* @return true if the addition is allowed; false otherwise
public boolean getAllowStorageExpansion() {
return this.getBoolean(ALLOW_STORAGE_EXPANSION, false);
* Change the setting of whether or not we should allow ledger/index
* dirs to be added to the current set of dirs.
* @param val - true if new ledger/index dirs can be added; false otherwise.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setAllowStorageExpansion(boolean val) {
this.setProperty(ALLOW_STORAGE_EXPANSION, val);
return this;
* Get dir names to store journal files.
* @return journal dir name
public String[] getJournalDirNames() {
String[] journalDirs = this.getStringArray(JOURNAL_DIRS);
if (journalDirs == null || journalDirs.length == 0
|| (journalDirs.length == 1 && StringUtils.isEmpty(journalDirs[0]))) {
return new String[] { getJournalDirName() };
return journalDirs;
* Get dir name to store journal files.
* @return journal dir name
public String getJournalDirName() {
return this.getString(JOURNAL_DIR, "/tmp/bk-txn");
* Get dir name to store journal files.
* @return journal dir name
public String getJournalDirNameWithoutDefault() {
return this.getString(JOURNAL_DIR);
* Set dir name to store journal files.
* @param journalDir
* Dir to store journal files
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setJournalDirName(String journalDir) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_DIRS, new String[] {journalDir});
return this;
* Set dir names to store journal files.
* @param journalDirs
* Dir to store journal files
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setJournalDirsName(String[] journalDirs) {
this.setProperty(JOURNAL_DIRS, journalDirs);
return this;
* Get dirs to store journal files.
* @return journal dirs, if no journal dir provided return null
public File[] getJournalDirs() {
String[] journalDirNames = getJournalDirNames();
File[] journalDirs = new File[journalDirNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < journalDirNames.length; i++) {
journalDirs[i] = new File(journalDirNames[i]);
return journalDirs;
* Get dir names to store ledger data.
* @return ledger dir names, if not provided return null
public String[] getLedgerDirWithoutDefault() {
return this.getStringArray(LEDGER_DIRS);
* Get dir names to store ledger data.
* @return ledger dir names, if not provided return null
public String[] getLedgerDirNames() {
String[] ledgerDirs = this.getStringArray(LEDGER_DIRS);
if ((null == ledgerDirs) || (0 == ledgerDirs.length)) {
return new String[] { "/tmp/bk-data" };
return ledgerDirs;
* Set dir names to store ledger data.
* @param ledgerDirs
* Dir names to store ledger data
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setLedgerDirNames(String[] ledgerDirs) {
if (null == ledgerDirs) {
return this;
this.setProperty(LEDGER_DIRS, ledgerDirs);
return this;
* Get dirs that stores ledger data.
* @return ledger dirs
public File[] getLedgerDirs() {
String[] ledgerDirNames = getLedgerDirNames();
File[] ledgerDirs = new File[ledgerDirNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ledgerDirNames.length; i++) {
ledgerDirs[i] = new File(ledgerDirNames[i]);
return ledgerDirs;
* Get dir name to store index files.
* @return ledger index dir name, if no index dirs provided return null
public String[] getIndexDirNames() {
if (!this.containsKey(INDEX_DIRS)) {
return null;
return this.getStringArray(INDEX_DIRS);
* Set dir name to store index files.
* @param indexDirs
* Index dir names
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setIndexDirName(String[] indexDirs) {
this.setProperty(INDEX_DIRS, indexDirs);
return this;
* Get index dir to store ledger index files.
* @return index dirs, if no index dirs provided return null
public File[] getIndexDirs() {
String[] idxDirNames = getIndexDirNames();
if (null == idxDirNames) {
return null;
File[] idxDirs = new File[idxDirNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < idxDirNames.length; i++) {
idxDirs[i] = new File(idxDirNames[i]);
return idxDirs;
* Is tcp connection no delay.
* @return tcp socket nodelay setting
public boolean getServerTcpNoDelay() {
return getBoolean(SERVER_TCP_NODELAY, true);
* Set socket nodelay setting.
* @param noDelay
* NoDelay setting
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setServerTcpNoDelay(boolean noDelay) {
setProperty(SERVER_TCP_NODELAY, Boolean.toString(noDelay));
return this;
* Get the number of IO threads. This is the number of
* threads used by Netty to handle TCP connections.
* @return the number of IO threads
public int getServerNumIOThreads() {
return getInt(SERVER_NUM_IO_THREADS, 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
* Set the number of IO threads.
* <p>
* This is the number of threads used by Netty to handle TCP connections.
* </p>
* @see #getNumIOThreads()
* @param numThreads number of IO threads used for bookkeeper
* @return client configuration
public ServerConfiguration setServerNumIOThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(SERVER_NUM_IO_THREADS, Integer.toString(numThreads));
return this;
* Timeout to drain the socket on close.
* @return socket linger setting
public int getServerSockLinger() {
return getInt(SERVER_SOCK_LINGER, 0);
* Set socket linger timeout on close.
* <p>When enabled, a close or shutdown will not return until all queued messages for the socket have been
* successfully sent or the linger timeout has been reached. Otherwise, the call returns immediately and the
* closing is done in the background.
* @param linger
* NoDelay setting
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setServerSockLinger(int linger) {
setProperty(SERVER_SOCK_LINGER, Integer.toString(linger));
return this;
* Get socket keepalive.
* @return socket keepalive setting
public boolean getServerSockKeepalive() {
return getBoolean(SERVER_SOCK_KEEPALIVE, true);
* Set socket keepalive setting.
* <p>This setting is used to send keep-alive messages on connection-oriented sockets.
* @param keepalive
* KeepAlive setting
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setServerSockKeepalive(boolean keepalive) {
setProperty(SERVER_SOCK_KEEPALIVE, Boolean.toString(keepalive));
return this;
* Get zookeeper client backoff retry start time in millis.
* @return zk backoff retry start time in millis.
public int getZkRetryBackoffStartMs() {
return getInt(ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MS, getZkTimeout());
* Set zookeeper client backoff retry start time in millis.
* @param retryMs
* backoff retry start time in millis.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setZkRetryBackoffStartMs(int retryMs) {
setProperty(ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_START_MS, retryMs);
return this;
* Get zookeeper client backoff retry max time in millis.
* @return zk backoff retry max time in millis.
public int getZkRetryBackoffMaxMs() {
return getInt(ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MS, getZkTimeout());
* Set zookeeper client backoff retry max time in millis.
* @param retryMs
* backoff retry max time in millis.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setZkRetryBackoffMaxMs(int retryMs) {
setProperty(ZK_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX_MS, retryMs);
return this;
* Is statistics enabled.
* @return is statistics enabled
public boolean isStatisticsEnabled() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_STATISTICS, true);
* Turn on/off statistics.
* @param enabled
* Whether statistics enabled or not.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(ENABLE_STATISTICS, Boolean.toString(enabled));
return this;
* Get threshold of minor compaction.
* <p>For those entry log files whose remaining size percentage reaches below
* this threshold will be compacted in a minor compaction.
* <p>If it is set to less than zero, the minor compaction is disabled.
* @return threshold of minor compaction
public double getMinorCompactionThreshold() {
return getDouble(MINOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, 0.2f);
* Set threshold of minor compaction.
* @see #getMinorCompactionThreshold()
* @param threshold
* Threshold for minor compaction
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMinorCompactionThreshold(double threshold) {
setProperty(MINOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, threshold);
return this;
* Get threshold of major compaction.
* <p>For those entry log files whose remaining size percentage reaches below
* this threshold will be compacted in a major compaction.
* <p>If it is set to less than zero, the major compaction is disabled.
* @return threshold of major compaction
public double getMajorCompactionThreshold() {
return getDouble(MAJOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, 0.8f);
* Set threshold of major compaction.
* @see #getMajorCompactionThreshold()
* @param threshold
* Threshold of major compaction
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMajorCompactionThreshold(double threshold) {
setProperty(MAJOR_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, threshold);
return this;
* Get interval to run minor compaction, in seconds.
* <p>If it is set to less than zero, the minor compaction is disabled.
* @return threshold of minor compaction
public long getMinorCompactionInterval() {
return getLong(MINOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL, 3600);
* Set interval to run minor compaction.
* @see #getMinorCompactionInterval()
* @param interval
* Interval to run minor compaction
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMinorCompactionInterval(long interval) {
setProperty(MINOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL, interval);
return this;
* Get interval to run major compaction, in seconds.
* <p>If it is set to less than zero, the major compaction is disabled.
* @return high water mark
public long getMajorCompactionInterval() {
return getLong(MAJOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL, 86400);
* Set interval to run major compaction.
* @see #getMajorCompactionInterval()
* @param interval
* Interval to run major compaction
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMajorCompactionInterval(long interval) {
setProperty(MAJOR_COMPACTION_INTERVAL, interval);
return this;
* Get whether force compaction is allowed when disk full or almost full.
* <p>Force GC may get some space back, but may also fill up disk space more
* quickly. This is because new log files are created before GC, while old
* garbage log files deleted after GC.
* @return true - do force GC when disk full,
* false - suspend GC when disk full.
public boolean getIsForceGCAllowWhenNoSpace() {
return getBoolean(IS_FORCE_GC_ALLOW_WHEN_NO_SPACE, false);
* Set whether force GC is allowed when disk full or almost full.
* @param force true to allow force GC; false to suspend GC
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setIsForceGCAllowWhenNoSpace(boolean force) {
setProperty(IS_FORCE_GC_ALLOW_WHEN_NO_SPACE, force);
return this;
* Set the grace period which the rereplication worker will wait before
* fencing and rereplicating a ledger fragment which is still being written
* to, on bookie failure.
* <p>The grace period allows the writer to detect the bookie failure, and and
* start writing to another ledger fragment. If the writer writes nothing
* during the grace period, the rereplication worker assumes that it has
* crashed and therefore fences the ledger, preventing any further writes to
* that ledger.
* @see org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookKeeper#openLedger
* @param waitTime time to wait before replicating ledger fragment
public void setOpenLedgerRereplicationGracePeriod(String waitTime) {
* Get the grace period which the rereplication worker to wait before
* fencing and rereplicating a ledger fragment which is still being written
* to, on bookie failure.
* @return long
public long getOpenLedgerRereplicationGracePeriod() {
* Set the grace period, in milliseconds, which the replication worker has
* to wait before releasing the lock after it failed to replicate a ledger.
* For the first ReplicationWorker.NUM_OF_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_RETRIALS
* failures it will do exponential backoff then it will bound at
* <p>On replication failure, instead of releasing the lock immediately
* after failed attempt, it will hold under replicated ledger lock for the
* grace period and then it will release the lock.
* @param waitTime
public void setLockReleaseOfFailedLedgerGracePeriod(String waitTime) {
* Get the grace period, in milliseconds, which the replication worker has
* to wait before releasing the lock after it failed to replicate a ledger.
* For the first ReplicationWorker.NUM_OF_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_RETRIALS
* failures it will do exponential backoff then it will bound at
* @return
public long getLockReleaseOfFailedLedgerGracePeriod() {
* Get the number of bytes we should use as capacity for
* org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BufferedReadChannel.
* Default is 512 bytes
* @return read buffer size
public int getReadBufferBytes() {
return getInt(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, 512);
* Set the number of bytes we should use as capacity for
* org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BufferedReadChannel.
* @param readBufferSize
* Read Buffer Size
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setReadBufferBytes(int readBufferSize) {
setProperty(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, readBufferSize);
return this;
* Set the number of threads that would handle write requests.
* @param numThreads
* number of threads to handle write requests.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setNumAddWorkerThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_ADD_WORKER_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the number of threads that should handle write requests.
* @return the number of threads that handle write requests.
public int getNumAddWorkerThreads() {
return getInt(NUM_ADD_WORKER_THREADS, 1);
* Set the number of threads that should handle long poll requests.
* @param numThreads
* number of threads to handle long poll requests.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setNumLongPollWorkerThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_LONG_POLL_WORKER_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the number of threads that should handle long poll requests.
* <p>If the number of threads is zero or negative, bookie will fallback to
* use read threads. If there is no read threads used, it will create a thread pool
* with {@link Runtime#availableProcessors()} threads.
* @return the number of threads that should handle long poll requests, default value is 0.
public int getNumLongPollWorkerThreads() {
* Set the number of threads that should be used for high priority requests
* (i.e. recovery reads and adds, and fencing)
* @param numThreads
* number of threads to handle high priority requests.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setNumHighPriorityWorkerThreads(int numThreads) {
return this;
* Get the number of threads that should be used for high priority requests
* (i.e. recovery reads and adds, and fencing)
* @return
public int getNumHighPriorityWorkerThreads() {
* Set the number of threads that would handle read requests.
* @param numThreads
* Number of threads to handle read requests.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setNumReadWorkerThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_READ_WORKER_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the number of threads that should handle read requests.
public int getNumReadWorkerThreads() {
return getInt(NUM_READ_WORKER_THREADS, 8);
* Set the tick duration in milliseconds.
* @param tickDuration
* tick duration in milliseconds.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setRequestTimerTickDurationMs(int tickDuration) {
return this;
* Set the max number of pending read requests for each read worker thread. After the quota is reached,
* new requests will be failed immediately.
* @param maxPendingReadRequestsPerThread
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMaxPendingReadRequestPerThread(int maxPendingReadRequestsPerThread) {
setProperty(MAX_PENDING_READ_REQUESTS_PER_THREAD, maxPendingReadRequestsPerThread);
return this;
* If read workers threads are enabled, limit the number of pending requests, to avoid the executor queue to grow
* indefinitely (default: 10000 entries).
public int getMaxPendingReadRequestPerThread() {
* Set the max number of pending add requests for each add worker thread. After the quota is reached, new requests
* will be failed immediately.
* @param maxPendingAddRequestsPerThread
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMaxPendingAddRequestPerThread(int maxPendingAddRequestsPerThread) {
setProperty(MAX_PENDING_ADD_REQUESTS_PER_THREAD, maxPendingAddRequestsPerThread);
return this;
* If add workers threads are enabled, limit the number of pending requests, to avoid the executor queue to grow
* indefinitely (default: 10000 entries).
public int getMaxPendingAddRequestPerThread() {
* Get the tick duration in milliseconds.
* @return
public int getRequestTimerTickDurationMs() {
* Set the number of ticks per wheel for the request timer.
* @param tickCount
* number of ticks per wheel for the request timer.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setRequestTimerNumTicks(int tickCount) {
setProperty(REQUEST_TIMER_NO_OF_TICKS, tickCount);
return this;
* Get the number of ticks per wheel for the request timer.
* @return
public int getRequestTimerNumTicks() {
return getInt(REQUEST_TIMER_NO_OF_TICKS, 1024);
* Get the number of bytes used as capacity for the write buffer. Default is
* 64KB.
* NOTE: Make sure this value is greater than the maximum message size.
* @return the size of the write buffer in bytes
public int getWriteBufferBytes() {
return getInt(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, 65536);
* Set the number of bytes used as capacity for the write buffer.
* @param writeBufferBytes
* Write Buffer Bytes
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setWriteBufferBytes(int writeBufferBytes) {
setProperty(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, writeBufferBytes);
return this;
* Set the number of threads that would handle journal callbacks.
* @param numThreads
* number of threads to handle journal callbacks.
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setNumJournalCallbackThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(NUM_JOURNAL_CALLBACK_THREADS, numThreads);
return this;
* Get the number of threads that should handle journal callbacks.
* @return the number of threads that handle journal callbacks.
public int getNumJournalCallbackThreads() {
* Set sorted-ledger storage enabled or not.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setLedgerStorageClass(String)} to configure the implementation class
* @param enabled
public ServerConfiguration setSortedLedgerStorageEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.setProperty(SORTED_LEDGER_STORAGE_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Check if sorted-ledger storage enabled (default true).
* @return true if sorted ledger storage is enabled, false otherwise
public boolean getSortedLedgerStorageEnabled() {
return this.getBoolean(SORTED_LEDGER_STORAGE_ENABLED, true);
* Get skip list data size limitation (default 64MB).
* Max value is 1,073,741,823
* @return skip list data size limitation
public long getSkipListSizeLimit() {
return this.getLong(SKIP_LIST_SIZE_LIMIT, 64 * 1024 * 1024L);
* Set skip list size limit.
* @param size skip list size limit.
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setSkipListSizeLimit(int size) {
if (size > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) / 2) {
// gives max of 2*1023MB for mem table (one being checkpointed and still writable).
throw new IllegalArgumentException("skiplist size over " + ((Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) / 2));
setProperty(SKIP_LIST_SIZE_LIMIT, size);
return this;
* Get the number of bytes we should use as chunk allocation for
* org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.SkipListArena.
* Default is 4 MB
* @return the number of bytes to use for each chunk in the skiplist arena
public int getSkipListArenaChunkSize() {
return getInt(SKIP_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE_ENTRY, 4096 * 1024);
* Set the number of bytes we used as chunk allocation for
* org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.SkipListArena.
* @param size chunk size.
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setSkipListArenaChunkSize(int size) {
setProperty(SKIP_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE_ENTRY, size);
return this;
* Get the max size we should allocate from the skiplist arena. Allocations
* larger than this should be allocated directly by the VM to avoid fragmentation.
* @return max size allocatable from the skiplist arena (Default is 128 KB)
public int getSkipListArenaMaxAllocSize() {
return getInt(SKIP_LIST_MAX_ALLOC_ENTRY, 128 * 1024);
* Set the max size we should allocate from the skiplist arena. Allocations
* larger than this should be allocated directly by the VM to avoid fragmentation.
* @param size max alloc size.
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setSkipListArenaMaxAllocSize(int size) {
setProperty(SKIP_LIST_MAX_ALLOC_ENTRY, size);
return this;
* Should the data be fsynced on journal before acknowledgment.
* <p>Default is true
* @return
public boolean getJournalSyncData() {
return getBoolean(JOURNAL_SYNC_DATA, true);
* Enable or disable journal syncs.
* <p>By default, data sync is enabled to guarantee durability of writes.
* <p>Beware: while disabling data sync in the Bookie journal might improve the bookie write performance, it will
* also introduce the possibility of data loss. With no sync, the journal entries are written in the OS page cache
* but not flushed to disk. In case of power failure, the affected bookie might lose the unflushed data. If the
* ledger is replicated to multiple bookies, the chances of data loss are reduced though still present.
* @param syncData
* whether to sync data on disk before acknowledgement
* @return server configuration object
public ServerConfiguration setJournalSyncData(boolean syncData) {
setProperty(JOURNAL_SYNC_DATA, syncData);
return this;
* Should we group journal force writes.
* @return group journal force writes
public boolean getJournalAdaptiveGroupWrites() {
return getBoolean(JOURNAL_ADAPTIVE_GROUP_WRITES, true);
* Enable/disable group journal force writes.
* @param enabled flag to enable/disable group journal force writes
public ServerConfiguration setJournalAdaptiveGroupWrites(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Maximum latency to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping. Default is 2ms.
* @return max wait for grouping
public long getJournalMaxGroupWaitMSec() {
* Sets the maximum latency to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
* @param journalMaxGroupWaitMSec
* maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalMaxGroupWaitMSec(long journalMaxGroupWaitMSec) {
setProperty(JOURNAL_MAX_GROUP_WAIT_MSEC, journalMaxGroupWaitMSec);
return this;
* Maximum bytes to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
* @return max bytes to buffer
public long getJournalBufferedWritesThreshold() {
return getLong(JOURNAL_BUFFERED_WRITES_THRESHOLD, 512 * 1024);
* Set maximum bytes to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
* @param maxBytes maximum bytes to buffer to impose on a journal write
* @return max bytes to buffer
public ServerConfiguration setJournalBufferedWritesThreshold(long maxBytes) {
return this;
* Maximum entries to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
* Use {@link #getJournalBufferedWritesThreshold()} if this is set to zero or
* less than zero.
* @return max entries to buffer.
public long getJournalBufferedEntriesThreshold() {
* Set maximum entries to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
* Use {@link #getJournalBufferedWritesThreshold()} set this to zero or less than
* zero.
* @param maxEntries
* maximum entries to buffer.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalBufferedEntriesThreshold(int maxEntries) {
return this;
* Set if we should flush the journal when queue is empty.
public ServerConfiguration setJournalFlushWhenQueueEmpty(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Should we flush the journal when queue is empty.
* @return flush when queue is empty
public boolean getJournalFlushWhenQueueEmpty() {
return getBoolean(JOURNAL_FLUSH_WHEN_QUEUE_EMPTY, false);
* Set whether the bookie is able to go into read-only mode.
* If this is set to false, the bookie will shutdown on encountering
* an error condition.
* @param enabled whether to enable read-only mode.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setReadOnlyModeEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(READ_ONLY_MODE_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Get whether read-only mode is enabled. The default is true.
* @return boolean
public boolean isReadOnlyModeEnabled() {
return getBoolean(READ_ONLY_MODE_ENABLED, true);
* Set the warning threshold for disk usage.
* @param threshold warning threshold to force gc.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setDiskUsageWarnThreshold(float threshold) {
setProperty(DISK_USAGE_WARN_THRESHOLD, threshold);
return this;
* Returns the warning threshold for disk usage. If disk usage
* goes beyond this, a garbage collection cycle will be forced.
* @return the percentage at which a disk usage warning will trigger
public float getDiskUsageWarnThreshold() {
return getFloat(DISK_USAGE_WARN_THRESHOLD, 0.90f);
* Whether to persist the bookie status so that when bookie server restarts,
* it will continue using the previous status.
* @param enabled
* - true if persist the bookie status. Otherwise false.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setPersistBookieStatusEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get whether to persist the bookie status so that when bookie server restarts,
* it will continue using the previous status.
* @return true - if need to start a bookie in read only mode. Otherwise false.
public boolean isPersistBookieStatusEnabled() {
return getBoolean(PERSIST_BOOKIE_STATUS_ENABLED, false);
* Set the Disk free space threshold as a fraction of the total
* after which disk will be considered as full during disk check.
* @param threshold threshold to declare a disk full
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setDiskUsageThreshold(float threshold) {
setProperty(DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD, threshold);
return this;
* Returns disk free space threshold. By default it is 0.95.
* @return the percentage at which a disk will be considered full
public float getDiskUsageThreshold() {
return getFloat(DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD, 0.95f);
* Set the disk free space low water mark threshold.
* Disk is considered full when usage threshold is exceeded.
* Disk returns back to non-full state when usage is below low water mark threshold.
* This prevents it from going back and forth between these states frequently
* when concurrent writes and compaction are happening. This also prevent bookie from
* switching frequently between read-only and read-writes states in the same cases.
* @param threshold threshold to declare a disk full
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setDiskLowWaterMarkUsageThreshold(float threshold) {
setProperty(DISK_USAGE_LWM_THRESHOLD, threshold);
return this;
* Returns disk free space low water mark threshold. By default it is the
* same as usage threshold (for backwards-compatibility).
* @return the percentage below which a disk will NOT be considered full
public float getDiskLowWaterMarkUsageThreshold() {
return getFloat(DISK_USAGE_LWM_THRESHOLD, getDiskUsageThreshold());
* Set the disk checker interval to monitor ledger disk space.
* @param interval interval between disk checks for space.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setDiskCheckInterval(int interval) {
setProperty(DISK_CHECK_INTERVAL, interval);
return this;
* Get the disk checker interval.
* @return int
public int getDiskCheckInterval() {
return getInt(DISK_CHECK_INTERVAL, 10 * 1000);
* Set the regularity at which the auditor will run a check
* of all ledgers. This should not be run very often, and at most,
* once a day. Setting this to 0 will completely disable the periodic
* check.
* @param interval The interval in seconds. e.g. 86400 = 1 day, 604800 = 1 week
public void setAuditorPeriodicCheckInterval(long interval) {
* Get the regularity at which the auditor checks all ledgers.
* @return The interval in seconds. Default is 604800 (1 week).
public long getAuditorPeriodicCheckInterval() {
* Set the interval between auditor bookie checks.
* The auditor bookie check, checks ledger metadata to see which bookies
* contain entries for each ledger. If a bookie which should contain entries
* is unavailable, then the ledger containing that entry is marked for recovery.
* Setting this to 0 disabled the periodic check. Bookie checks will still
* run when a bookie fails.
* @param interval The period in seconds.
public void setAuditorPeriodicBookieCheckInterval(long interval) {
* Get the interval between auditor bookie check runs.
* @see #setAuditorPeriodicBookieCheckInterval(long)
* @return the interval between bookie check runs, in seconds. Default is 86400 (= 1 day)
public long getAuditorPeriodicBookieCheckInterval() {
* Sets the regularity/interval at which the auditor will run a placement
* policy check of all ledgers, which are closed. This should not be run
* very often, and should be run at most once a day. Setting this to 0 will
* completely disable the periodic metadata check.
* @param interval
* The interval in seconds. e.g. 86400 = 1 day, 604800 = 1 week
public void setAuditorPeriodicPlacementPolicyCheckInterval(long interval) {
* Get the regularity at which the auditor does placement policy check of
* all ledgers, which are closed.
* @return The interval in seconds. By default it is disabled.
public long getAuditorPeriodicPlacementPolicyCheckInterval() {
* Sets the grace period (in seconds) for underreplicated ledgers recovery.
* If ledger is marked underreplicated for more than this period then it
* will be reported by placementPolicyCheck in Auditor. Setting this to 0
* will disable this check.
* @param gracePeriod
* The interval in seconds. e.g. 3600 = 1 hour
public void setUnderreplicatedLedgerRecoveryGracePeriod(long gracePeriod) {
* Gets the grace period (in seconds) for underreplicated ledgers recovery.
* If ledger is marked underreplicated for more than this period then it
* will be reported by placementPolicyCheck in Auditor. Setting this to 0
* will disable this check.
* @return The interval in seconds. By default it is disabled.
public long getUnderreplicatedLedgerRecoveryGracePeriod() {
* Sets the interval at which the auditor will run a replicas check of all
* ledgers. This should not be run very often since it validates
* availability of replicas of all ledgers by querying bookies. Setting this
* to 0 will disable the periodic replicas check.
* @param interval
* The interval in seconds. e.g. 86400 = 1 day, 604800 = 1 week
public void setAuditorPeriodicReplicasCheckInterval(long interval) {
* Get the interval at which the auditor does replicas check of all ledgers.
* @return The interval in seconds. By default it is disabled.
public long getAuditorPeriodicReplicasCheckInterval() {
* Set what percentage of a ledger (fragment)'s entries will be verified.
* 0 - only the first and last entry of each ledger fragment would be verified
* 100 - the entire ledger fragment would be verified
* anything else - randomly picked entries from over the fragment would be verifiec
* @param auditorLedgerVerificationPercentage The verification proportion as a percentage
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setAuditorLedgerVerificationPercentage(long auditorLedgerVerificationPercentage) {
setProperty(AUDITOR_LEDGER_VERIFICATION_PERCENTAGE, auditorLedgerVerificationPercentage);
return this;
* Get what percentage of a ledger (fragment)'s entries will be verified.
* @see #setAuditorLedgerVerificationPercentage(long)
* @return percentage of a ledger (fragment)'s entries will be verified. Default is 0.
public long getAuditorLedgerVerificationPercentage() {
* Sets that whether the auto-recovery service can start along with Bookie
* server itself or not.
* @param enabled
* - true if need to start auto-recovery service. Otherwise
* false.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setAutoRecoveryDaemonEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get whether the Bookie itself can start auto-recovery service also or not.
* @return true - if Bookie should start auto-recovery service along with
* it. false otherwise.
public boolean isAutoRecoveryDaemonEnabled() {
return getBoolean(AUTO_RECOVERY_DAEMON_ENABLED, false);
* Get how long to delay the recovery of ledgers of a lost bookie.
* @return delay interval in seconds
public int getLostBookieRecoveryDelay() {
* Set the delay interval for starting recovery of a lost bookie.
public void setLostBookieRecoveryDelay(int interval) {
setProperty(LOST_BOOKIE_RECOVERY_DELAY, interval);
* Get how long to backoff when encountering exception on rereplicating a ledger.
* @return backoff time in milliseconds
public int getRwRereplicateBackoffMs() {
return getInt(RW_REREPLICATE_BACKOFF_MS, 5000);
* Set how long to backoff when encountering exception on rereplicating a ledger.
* @param backoffMs backoff time in milliseconds
public void setRwRereplicateBackoffMs(int backoffMs) {
setProperty(RW_REREPLICATE_BACKOFF_MS, backoffMs);
* Sets that whether force start a bookie in readonly mode.
* @param enabled
* - true if need to start a bookie in read only mode. Otherwise
* false.
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setForceReadOnlyBookie(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(FORCE_READ_ONLY_BOOKIE, enabled);
return this;
* Get whether the Bookie is force started in read only mode or not.
* @return true - if need to start a bookie in read only mode. Otherwise
* false.
public boolean isForceReadOnlyBookie() {
return getBoolean(FORCE_READ_ONLY_BOOKIE, false);
* Get whether use bytes to throttle garbage collector compaction or not.
* @return true - use Bytes,
* false - use Entries.
public boolean getIsThrottleByBytes() {
return getBoolean(IS_THROTTLE_BY_BYTES, false);
* Set whether use bytes to throttle garbage collector compaction or not.
* @param byBytes true to use by bytes; false to use by entries
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setIsThrottleByBytes(boolean byBytes) {
setProperty(IS_THROTTLE_BY_BYTES, byBytes);
return this;
* Get the maximum number of entries which can be compacted without flushing.
* Default is 100,000.
* @return the maximum number of unflushed entries
public int getCompactionMaxOutstandingRequests() {
* Set the maximum number of entries which can be compacted without flushing.
* <p>When compacting, the entries are written to the entrylog and the new offsets
* are cached in memory. Once the entrylog is flushed the index is updated with
* the new offsets. This parameter controls the number of entries added to the
* entrylog before a flush is forced. A higher value for this parameter means
* more memory will be used for offsets. Each offset consists of 3 longs.
* <p>This parameter should _not_ be modified unless you know what you're doing.
* The default is 100,000.
* @param maxOutstandingRequests number of entries to compact before flushing
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setCompactionMaxOutstandingRequests(int maxOutstandingRequests) {
setProperty(COMPACTION_MAX_OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS, maxOutstandingRequests);
return this;
* Get the rate of compaction adds. Default is 1,000.
* @return rate of compaction (adds per second)
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #getCompactionRateByEntries()}
public int getCompactionRate() {
return getInt(COMPACTION_RATE, 1000);
* Set the rate of compaction adds.
* @param rate rate of compaction adds (adds entries per second)
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setCompactionRate(int rate) {
setProperty(COMPACTION_RATE, rate);
return this;
* Get the rate of compaction adds. Default is 1,000.
* @return rate of compaction (adds entries per second)
public int getCompactionRateByEntries() {
return getInt(COMPACTION_RATE_BY_ENTRIES, getCompactionRate());
* Set the rate of compaction adds.
* @param rate rate of compaction adds (adds entries per second)
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setCompactionRateByEntries(int rate) {
return this;
* Get the rate of compaction adds. Default is 1,000,000.
* @return rate of compaction (adds bytes per second)
public int getCompactionRateByBytes() {
return getInt(COMPACTION_RATE_BY_BYTES, 1000000);
* Set the rate of compaction adds.
* @param rate rate of compaction adds (adds bytes per second)
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setCompactionRateByBytes(int rate) {
setProperty(COMPACTION_RATE_BY_BYTES, rate);
return this;
* Should we remove pages from page cache after force write.
* @return remove pages from cache
public boolean getJournalRemovePagesFromCache() {
return getBoolean(JOURNAL_REMOVE_FROM_PAGE_CACHE, true);
* Sets that whether should we remove pages from page cache after force write.
* @param enabled
* - true if we need to remove pages from page cache. otherwise, false
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setJournalRemovePagesFromCache(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get the {@link LedgerStorage} implementation class name.
* @return the class name
public String getLedgerStorageClass() {
String ledgerStorageClass = LEDGER_STORAGE_CLASS_KEY.getString(this);
if (ledgerStorageClass.equals(SortedLedgerStorage.class.getName())
&& !getSortedLedgerStorageEnabled()) {
// This is to retain compatibility with BK-4.3 configuration
// In BK-4.3, the ledger storage is configured through the "sortedLedgerStorageEnabled" flag :
// sortedLedgerStorageEnabled == true (default) ---> use SortedLedgerStorage
// sortedLedgerStorageEnabled == false ---> use InterleavedLedgerStorage
// Since BK-4.4, one can specify the implementation class, but if it was using InterleavedLedgerStorage it
// should continue to use that with the same configuration
ledgerStorageClass = InterleavedLedgerStorage.class.getName();
return ledgerStorageClass;
* Set the {@link LedgerStorage} implementation class name.
* @param ledgerStorageClass the class name
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setLedgerStorageClass(String ledgerStorageClass) {
LEDGER_STORAGE_CLASS_KEY.set(this, ledgerStorageClass);
return this;
* Get whether bookie is using hostname for registration and in ledger
* metadata. Defaults to false.
* @return true, then bookie will be registered with its hostname and
* hostname will be used in ledger metadata. Otherwise bookie will
* use its ipaddress
public boolean getUseHostNameAsBookieID() {
return getBoolean(USE_HOST_NAME_AS_BOOKIE_ID, false);
* Configure the bookie to use its hostname to register with the
* co-ordination service(eg: zookeeper) and in ledger metadata.
* @see #getUseHostNameAsBookieID
* @param useHostName
* whether to use hostname for registration and in ledgermetadata
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setUseHostNameAsBookieID(boolean useHostName) {
setProperty(USE_HOST_NAME_AS_BOOKIE_ID, useHostName);
return this;
* If bookie is using hostname for registration and in ledger metadata then
* whether to use short hostname or FQDN hostname. Defaults to false.
* @return true, then bookie will be registered with its short hostname and
* short hostname will be used in ledger metadata. Otherwise bookie
* will use its FQDN hostname
public boolean getUseShortHostName() {
return getBoolean(USE_SHORT_HOST_NAME, false);
* Configure the bookie to use its short hostname or FQDN hostname to
* register with the co-ordination service(eg: zookeeper) and in ledger
* metadata.
* @see #getUseShortHostName
* @param useShortHostName
* whether to use short hostname for registration and in
* ledgermetadata
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setUseShortHostName(boolean useShortHostName) {
setProperty(USE_SHORT_HOST_NAME, useShortHostName);
return this;
* Get whether to listen for local JVM clients. Defaults to false.
* @return true, then bookie will be listen for local JVM clients
public boolean isEnableLocalTransport() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_LOCAL_TRANSPORT, false);
* Configure the bookie to listen for BookKeeper clients executed on the local JVM.
* @see #isEnableLocalTransport
* @param enableLocalTransport
* whether to use listen for local JVM clients
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setEnableLocalTransport(boolean enableLocalTransport) {
setProperty(ENABLE_LOCAL_TRANSPORT, enableLocalTransport);
return this;
* Get whether to disable bind of server-side sockets. Defaults to false.
* @return true, then bookie will not listen for network connections
public boolean isDisableServerSocketBind() {
return getBoolean(DISABLE_SERVER_SOCKET_BIND, false);
* Configure the bookie to disable bind on network interfaces,
* this bookie will be available only to BookKeeper clients executed on the local JVM.
* @see #isDisableServerSocketBind
* @param disableServerSocketBind
* whether to disable binding on network interfaces
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setDisableServerSocketBind(boolean disableServerSocketBind) {
setProperty(DISABLE_SERVER_SOCKET_BIND, disableServerSocketBind);
return this;
* Get the stats provider used by bookie.
* @return stats provider class
* @throws ConfigurationException
public Class<? extends StatsProvider> getStatsProviderClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, STATS_PROVIDER_CLASS,
NullStatsProvider.class, StatsProvider.class,
* Set the stats provider used by bookie.
* @param providerClass
* stats provider class
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setStatsProviderClass(Class<? extends StatsProvider> providerClass) {
setProperty(STATS_PROVIDER_CLASS, providerClass.getName());
return this;
* Validate the configuration.
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void validate() throws ConfigurationException {
// generate config def
ConfigDef configDef = ConfigDef.of(ServerConfiguration.class);
try {
} catch (ConfigException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
if (getSkipListArenaChunkSize() < getSkipListArenaMaxAllocSize()) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Arena max allocation size should be smaller than the chunk size.");
if (getJournalAlignmentSize() < 512 || getJournalAlignmentSize() % 512 != 0) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid journal alignment size : " + getJournalAlignmentSize());
if (getJournalAlignmentSize() > getJournalPreAllocSizeMB() * 1024 * 1024) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid preallocation size : " + getJournalPreAllocSizeMB() + " MB");
if (0 == getBookiePort() && !getAllowEphemeralPorts()) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid port specified, using ephemeral ports accidentally?");
if (isEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled() && getUseTransactionalCompaction()) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"When entryLogPerLedger is enabled , it is unnecessary to use transactional compaction");
if ((getJournalFormatVersionToWrite() >= 6) ^ (getFileInfoFormatVersionToWrite() >= 1)) {
throw new ConfigurationException("For persisiting explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be >= 6"
+ "and FileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be >= 1");
* Get Recv ByteBuf allocator initial buf size.
* @return initial byteBuf size
public int getRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeInitial() {
return getInt(BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_INITIAL, 64 * 1024);
* Set Recv ByteBuf allocator initial buf size.
* @param size
* buffer size
public void setRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeInitial(int size) {
* Get Recv ByteBuf allocator min buf size.
* @return min byteBuf size
public int getRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeMin() {
return getInt(BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_MIN, 64 * 1024);
* Set Recv ByteBuf allocator min buf size.
* @param size
* buffer size
public void setRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeMin(int size) {
* Get Recv ByteBuf allocator max buf size.
* @return max byteBuf size
public int getRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeMax() {
return getInt(BYTEBUF_ALLOCATOR_SIZE_MAX, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
* Set Recv ByteBuf allocator max buf size.
* @param size
* buffer size
public void setRecvByteBufAllocatorSizeMax(int size) {
* Set the bookie authentication provider factory class name.
* If this is not set, no authentication will be used.
* @param factoryClass
* the bookie authentication provider factory class name
public void setBookieAuthProviderFactoryClass(String factoryClass) {
* Get the bookie authentication provider factory class name.
* If this returns null, no authentication will take place.
* @return the bookie authentication provider factory class name or null.
public String getBookieAuthProviderFactoryClass() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public ServerConfiguration setNettyMaxFrameSizeBytes(int maxSize) {
return this;
* Get the truststore type for client. Default is JKS.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStoreType() {
return getString(TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE, "JKS");
* Set the keystore type for client.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSKeyStoreType(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE, arg);
return this;
* Get the keystore path for the client.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStore() {
return getString(TLS_KEYSTORE, null);
* Set the keystore path for the client.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSKeyStore(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_KEYSTORE, arg);
return this;
* Get the path to file containing keystore password if the client keystore is password protected. Default is null.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStorePasswordPath() {
return getString(TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH, null);
* Set the path to file containing keystore password, if the client keystore is password protected.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSKeyStorePasswordPath(String arg) {
return this;
* Get the keystore type for client. Default is JKS.
* @return
public String getTLSKeyStoreType() {
return getString(TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE, "JKS");
* Set the truststore type for client.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSTrustStoreType(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE, arg);
return this;
* Get the truststore path for the client.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStore() {
return getString(TLS_TRUSTSTORE, null);
* Set the truststore path for the client.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSTrustStore(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_TRUSTSTORE, arg);
return this;
* Get the path to file containing truststore password if the client truststore is password protected. Default is
* null.
* @return
public String getTLSTrustStorePasswordPath() {
return getString(TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PATH, null);
* Set the path to file containing truststore password, if the client truststore is password protected.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSTrustStorePasswordPath(String arg) {
return this;
* Get the path to file containing TLS Certificate.
* @return
public String getTLSCertificatePath() {
return getString(TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH, null);
* Set the path to file containing TLS Certificate.
* @return
public ServerConfiguration setTLSCertificatePath(String arg) {
setProperty(TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH, arg);
return this;
* Whether to enable recording task execution stats.
* @return flag to enable/disable recording task execution stats.
public boolean getEnableTaskExecutionStats() {
return getBoolean(ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, false);
* Enable/Disable recording task execution stats.
* @param enabled
* flag to enable/disable recording task execution stats.
* @return client configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setEnableTaskExecutionStats(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(ENABLE_TASK_EXECUTION_STATS, enabled);
return this;
* Gets the minimum safe Usable size to be available in index directory for Bookie to create Index File while
* replaying journal at the time of Bookie Start in Readonly Mode (in bytes).
* @return minimum safe usable size to be available in index directory for bookie to create index files.
* @see #setMinUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation(long)
public long getMinUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation() {
return this.getLong(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_INDEXFILE_CREATION, 100 * 1024 * 1024L);
* Sets the minimum safe Usable size to be available in index directory for Bookie to create Index File while
* replaying journal at the time of Bookie Start in Readonly Mode (in bytes).
* <p>This parameter allows creating index files when there are enough disk spaces, even when the bookie
* is running at readonly mode because of the disk usage is exceeding {@link #getDiskUsageThreshold()}. Because
* compaction, journal replays can still write index files to disks when a bookie is readonly.
* @param minUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation min usable size for index file creation
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMinUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation(long minUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation) {
this.setProperty(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_INDEXFILE_CREATION, minUsableSizeForIndexFileCreation);
return this;
* Gets the minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory for Bookie to create entry log files.
* @return minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory for entry log file creation.
* @see #setMinUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation(long)
public long getMinUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation() {
return this.getLong(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_ENTRYLOG_CREATION, (long) 1.2 * getEntryLogSizeLimit());
* Sets the minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory for Bookie to create entry log files.
* <p>This parameter allows creating entry log files when there are enough disk spaces, even when the bookie
* is running at readonly mode because of the disk usage is exceeding {@link #getDiskUsageThreshold()}. Because
* compaction, journal replays can still write data to disks when a bookie is readonly.
* @param minUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setMinUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation(long minUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation) {
this.setProperty(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_ENTRYLOG_CREATION, minUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation);
return this;
* Gets the minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory for Bookie to accept high priority writes.
* <p>If not set, it is the value of {@link #getMinUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation()}.
* @return the minimum safe usable size per ledger directory for bookie to accept high priority writes.
public long getMinUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites() {
return this.getLong(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_HIGH_PRIORITY_WRITES, getMinUsableSizeForEntryLogCreation());
* Sets the minimum safe usable size to be available in ledger directory for Bookie to accept high priority writes.
* @param minUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites minimum safe usable size per ledger directory for Bookie to accept
* high priority writes
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setMinUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites(long minUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites) {
this.setProperty(MIN_USABLESIZE_FOR_HIGH_PRIORITY_WRITES, minUsableSizeForHighPriorityWrites);
return this;
* returns whether it is allowed to have multiple ledger/index/journal
* Directories in the same filesystem diskpartition.
* @return
public boolean isAllowMultipleDirsUnderSameDiskPartition() {
* Configure the Bookie to allow/disallow multiple ledger/index/journal
* directories in the same filesystem diskpartition.
* @param allow
* @return server configuration object.
public ServerConfiguration setAllowMultipleDirsUnderSameDiskPartition(boolean allow) {
return this;
* Get whether to start the http server or not.
* @return true - if http server should start
public boolean isHttpServerEnabled() {
return getBoolean(HTTP_SERVER_ENABLED, false);
* Set whether to start the http server or not.
* @param enabled
* - true if we should start http server
* @return ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration setHttpServerEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setProperty(HTTP_SERVER_ENABLED, enabled);
return this;
* Get the http server port.
* @return http server port
public int getHttpServerPort() {
return getInt(HTTP_SERVER_PORT, 8080);
* Set Http server port listening on.
* @param port
* Port to listen on
* @return server configuration
public ServerConfiguration setHttpServerPort(int port) {
setProperty(HTTP_SERVER_PORT, port);
return this;
* Get the extra list of server lifecycle components to enable on a bookie server.
* @return the extra list of server lifecycle components to enable on a bookie server.
public String[] getExtraServerComponents() {
String extraServerComponentsStr = getString(EXTRA_SERVER_COMPONENTS);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(extraServerComponentsStr)) {
return null;
return this.getStringArray(EXTRA_SERVER_COMPONENTS);
* Set the extra list of server lifecycle components to enable on a bookie server.
* @param componentClasses
* the list of server lifecycle components to enable on a bookie server.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setExtraServerComponents(String[] componentClasses) {
this.setProperty(EXTRA_SERVER_COMPONENTS, componentClasses);
return this;
* Return the flag whether to ignore startup failures on loading server components specified at
* {@link #getExtraServerComponents()}.
* @return the flag whether to ignore startup failures on loading server components specified at
* {@link #getExtraServerComponents()}. The default value is <tt>false</tt>.
public boolean getIgnoreExtraServerComponentsStartupFailures() {
* Set the flag whether to ignore startup failures on loading server components specified at
* {@link #getExtraServerComponents()}.
* @param enabled flag to enable/disable ignoring startup failures on loading server components.
* @return server configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setIgnoreExtraServerComponentsStartupFailures(boolean enabled) {
return this;
* Get server netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @return netty channel write buffer low water mark.
public int getServerWriteBufferLowWaterMark() {
return getInt(SERVER_WRITEBUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK, 384 * 1024);
* Set server netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @param waterMark
* netty channel write buffer low water mark.
* @return client configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setServerWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int waterMark) {
return this;
* Get server netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @return netty channel write buffer high water mark.
public int getServerWriteBufferHighWaterMark() {
return getInt(SERVER_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK, 512 * 1024);
* Set server netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @param waterMark
* netty channel write buffer high water mark.
* @return client configuration.
public ServerConfiguration setServerWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int waterMark) {
return this;
* Set registration manager class.
* @param regManagerClass
* ManagerClass
* @deprecated since 4.7.0, in favor of using {@link #setMetadataServiceUri(String)}
public void setRegistrationManagerClass(
Class<? extends RegistrationManager> regManagerClass) {
setProperty(REGISTRATION_MANAGER_CLASS, regManagerClass);
* Get Registration Manager Class.
* @return registration manager class.
* @deprecated since 4.7.0, in favor of using {@link #getMetadataServiceUri()}
public Class<? extends RegistrationManager> getRegistrationManagerClass()
throws ConfigurationException {
return ReflectionUtils.getClass(this, REGISTRATION_MANAGER_CLASS,
ZKRegistrationManager.class, RegistrationManager.class,
protected ServerConfiguration getThis() {
return this;
* specifies if entryLog per ledger is enabled. If it is enabled, then there
* would be a active entrylog for each ledger
public boolean isEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled() {
return this.getBoolean(ENTRY_LOG_PER_LEDGER_ENABLED, false);
* enables/disables entrylog per ledger feature.
public ServerConfiguration setEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled(boolean entryLogPerLedgerEnabled) {
this.setProperty(ENTRY_LOG_PER_LEDGER_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(entryLogPerLedgerEnabled));
return this;
* In the case of multipleentrylogs, multiple threads can be used to flush the memtable.
* Gets the number of threads used to flush entrymemtable
public int getNumOfMemtableFlushThreads() {
* Sets the number of threads used to flush entrymemtable, in the case of multiple entrylogs
public ServerConfiguration setNumOfMemtableFlushThreads(int numOfMemtableFlushThreads) {
this.setProperty(NUMBER_OF_MEMTABLE_FLUSH_THREADS, Integer.toString(numOfMemtableFlushThreads));
return this;
* in entryLogPerLedger feature, this specifies the time, once this duration
* has elapsed after the entry's last access, that entry should be
* automatically removed from the cache
public int getEntrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds() {
* sets the time duration for entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds, which will be used for cache eviction
* policy, in entrylogperledger feature.
public ServerConfiguration setEntrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds(int entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds) {
return this;
* get the maximum number of entrylogs that can be active at a given point
* in time.
public int getMaximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs() {
* sets the maximum number of entrylogs that can be active at a given point
* in time.
public ServerConfiguration setMaximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs(int maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs) {
return this;
* in EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger, this config value specifies the
* metrics cache size limits in multiples of entrylogMap cache size limits.
public int getEntryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor() {
* in EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger, this config value specifies the
* metrics cache size limits in multiples of entrylogMap cache size limits.
public ServerConfiguration setEntryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor(
int entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor) {
return this;
* True if a local consistency check should be performed on startup.
public boolean isLocalConsistencyCheckOnStartup() {
return this.getBoolean(LOCAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_STARTUP, false);
* Get the authorized roles.
* @return String array of configured auth roles.
public String[] getAuthorizedRoles() {
return getStringArray(AUTHORIZED_ROLES);
* Set authorized roles.
* @return Configuration Object with roles set
public ServerConfiguration setAuthorizedRoles(String roles) {
this.setProperty(AUTHORIZED_ROLES, roles);
return this;