blob: 9510a9656d6ba823acf622acc593c2c82705066c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.client;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle.INVALID_ENTRY_ID;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.ReplicationStats.NUM_BYTES_READ;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.ReplicationStats.NUM_BYTES_WRITTEN;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.ReplicationStats.NUM_ENTRIES_READ;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.ReplicationStats.NUM_ENTRIES_WRITTEN;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.replication.ReplicationStats.REPLICATION_WORKER_SCOPE;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback.ReadCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.WriteFlag;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.LedgerManager;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookieProtocol;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.MultiCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.WriteCallback;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.Counter;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.NullStatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.OpStatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.annotations.StatsDoc;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.ByteBufList;
import org.apache.zookeeper.AsyncCallback;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This is the helper class for replicating the fragments from one bookie to
* another.
help = "Ledger fragment replicator related stats"
public class LedgerFragmentReplicator {
// BookKeeper instance
private BookKeeper bkc;
private StatsLogger statsLogger;
help = "Number of entries read by the replicator"
private final Counter numEntriesRead;
help = "The distribution of size of entries read by the replicator"
private final OpStatsLogger numBytesRead;
help = "Number of entries written by the replicator"
private final Counter numEntriesWritten;
help = "The distribution of size of entries written by the replicator"
private final OpStatsLogger numBytesWritten;
public LedgerFragmentReplicator(BookKeeper bkc, StatsLogger statsLogger) {
this.bkc = bkc;
this.statsLogger = statsLogger;
numEntriesRead = this.statsLogger.getCounter(NUM_ENTRIES_READ);
numBytesRead = this.statsLogger.getOpStatsLogger(NUM_BYTES_READ);
numEntriesWritten = this.statsLogger.getCounter(NUM_ENTRIES_WRITTEN);
numBytesWritten = this.statsLogger.getOpStatsLogger(NUM_BYTES_WRITTEN);
public LedgerFragmentReplicator(BookKeeper bkc) {
this(bkc, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE);
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
private void replicateFragmentInternal(final LedgerHandle lh,
final LedgerFragment lf,
final AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentMcb,
final Set<BookieSocketAddress> newBookies,
final BiConsumer<Long, Long> onReadEntryFailureCallback) throws InterruptedException {
if (!lf.isClosed()) {
LOG.error("Trying to replicate an unclosed fragment;"
+ " This is not safe {}", lf);
null, null);
Long startEntryId = lf.getFirstStoredEntryId();
Long endEntryId = lf.getLastStoredEntryId();
* if startEntryId is INVALID_ENTRY_ID then endEntryId should be
* INVALID_ENTRY_ID and viceversa.
if (startEntryId == INVALID_ENTRY_ID ^ endEntryId == INVALID_ENTRY_ID) {
LOG.error("For LedgerFragment: {}, seeing inconsistent firstStoredEntryId: {} and lastStoredEntryId: {}",
lf, startEntryId, endEntryId);
assert false;
if (startEntryId > endEntryId || endEntryId <= INVALID_ENTRY_ID) {
// for open ledger which there is no entry, the start entry id is 0,
// the end entry id is -1.
// we can return immediately to trigger forward read
ledgerFragmentMcb.processResult(BKException.Code.OK, null, null);
* Add all the entries to entriesToReplicate list from
* firstStoredEntryId to lastStoredEntryID.
List<Long> entriesToReplicate = new LinkedList<Long>();
long lastStoredEntryId = lf.getLastStoredEntryId();
for (long i = lf.getFirstStoredEntryId(); i <= lastStoredEntryId; i++) {
* Now asynchronously replicate all of the entries for the ledger
* fragment that were on the dead bookie.
MultiCallback ledgerFragmentEntryMcb = new MultiCallback(
entriesToReplicate.size(), ledgerFragmentMcb, null, BKException.Code.OK,
for (final Long entryId : entriesToReplicate) {
recoverLedgerFragmentEntry(entryId, lh, ledgerFragmentEntryMcb,
newBookies, onReadEntryFailureCallback);
* This method replicate a ledger fragment which is a contiguous portion of
* a ledger that was stored in an ensemble that included the failed bookie.
* It will Splits the fragment into multiple sub fragments by keeping the
* max entries up to the configured value of rereplicationEntryBatchSize and
* then it re-replicates that batched entry fragments one by one. After
* re-replication of all batched entry fragments, it will update the
* ensemble info with new Bookie once
* @param lh
* LedgerHandle for the ledger
* @param lf
* LedgerFragment to replicate
* @param ledgerFragmentMcb
* MultiCallback to invoke once we've recovered the current
* ledger fragment.
* @param targetBookieAddresses
* New bookies we want to use to recover and replicate the ledger
* entries that were stored on the failed bookie.
void replicate(final LedgerHandle lh, final LedgerFragment lf,
final AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentMcb,
final Set<BookieSocketAddress> targetBookieAddresses,
final BiConsumer<Long, Long> onReadEntryFailureCallback)
throws InterruptedException {
Set<LedgerFragment> partionedFragments = splitIntoSubFragments(lh, lf,
bkc.getConf().getRereplicationEntryBatchSize());"Replicating fragment {} in {} sub fragments.",
lf, partionedFragments.size());
replicateNextBatch(lh, partionedFragments.iterator(),
ledgerFragmentMcb, targetBookieAddresses, onReadEntryFailureCallback);
* Replicate the batched entry fragments one after other.
private void replicateNextBatch(final LedgerHandle lh,
final Iterator<LedgerFragment> fragments,
final AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentMcb,
final Set<BookieSocketAddress> targetBookieAddresses,
final BiConsumer<Long, Long> onReadEntryFailureCallback) {
if (fragments.hasNext()) {
try {
new AsyncCallback.VoidCallback() {
public void processResult(int rc, String v, Object ctx) {
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
ledgerFragmentMcb.processResult(rc, null,
} else {
replicateNextBatch(lh, fragments,
}, targetBookieAddresses, onReadEntryFailureCallback);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
BKException.Code.InterruptedException, null, null);
} else {
ledgerFragmentMcb.processResult(BKException.Code.OK, null, null);
* Split the full fragment into batched entry fragments by keeping
* rereplicationEntryBatchSize of entries in each one and can treat them as
* sub fragments.
static Set<LedgerFragment> splitIntoSubFragments(LedgerHandle lh,
LedgerFragment ledgerFragment, long rereplicationEntryBatchSize) {
Set<LedgerFragment> fragments = new HashSet<LedgerFragment>();
if (rereplicationEntryBatchSize <= 0) {
// rereplicationEntryBatchSize can not be 0 or less than 0,
// returning with the current fragment
return fragments;
long firstEntryId = ledgerFragment.getFirstStoredEntryId();
long lastEntryId = ledgerFragment.getLastStoredEntryId();
* if firstEntryId is INVALID_ENTRY_ID then lastEntryId should be
* INVALID_ENTRY_ID and viceversa.
if (firstEntryId == INVALID_ENTRY_ID ^ lastEntryId == INVALID_ENTRY_ID) {
LOG.error("For LedgerFragment: {}, seeing inconsistent firstStoredEntryId: {} and lastStoredEntryId: {}",
ledgerFragment, firstEntryId, lastEntryId);
assert false;
long numberOfEntriesToReplicate = (lastEntryId - firstEntryId) + 1;
long splitsWithFullEntries = numberOfEntriesToReplicate
/ rereplicationEntryBatchSize;
if (splitsWithFullEntries == 0) {// only one fragment
return fragments;
long fragmentSplitLastEntry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < splitsWithFullEntries; i++) {
fragmentSplitLastEntry = (firstEntryId + rereplicationEntryBatchSize) - 1;
fragments.add(new LedgerFragment(lh, firstEntryId,
fragmentSplitLastEntry, ledgerFragment.getBookiesIndexes()));
firstEntryId = fragmentSplitLastEntry + 1;
long lastSplitWithPartialEntries = numberOfEntriesToReplicate
% rereplicationEntryBatchSize;
if (lastSplitWithPartialEntries > 0) {
fragments.add(new LedgerFragment(lh, firstEntryId, firstEntryId
+ lastSplitWithPartialEntries - 1, ledgerFragment
return fragments;
* This method asynchronously recovers a specific ledger entry by reading
* the values via the BookKeeper Client (which would read it from the other
* replicas) and then writing it to the chosen new bookie.
* @param entryId
* Ledger Entry ID to recover.
* @param lh
* LedgerHandle for the ledger
* @param ledgerFragmentEntryMcb
* MultiCallback to invoke once we've recovered the current
* ledger entry.
* @param newBookies
* New bookies we want to use to recover and replicate the ledger
* entries that were stored on the failed bookie.
private void recoverLedgerFragmentEntry(final Long entryId,
final LedgerHandle lh,
final AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentEntryMcb,
final Set<BookieSocketAddress> newBookies,
final BiConsumer<Long, Long> onReadEntryFailureCallback) throws InterruptedException {
final long ledgerId = lh.getId();
final AtomicInteger numCompleted = new AtomicInteger(0);
final AtomicBoolean completed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final WriteCallback multiWriteCallback = new WriteCallback() {
public void writeComplete(int rc, long ledgerId, long entryId, BookieSocketAddress addr, Object ctx) {
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
LOG.error("BK error writing entry for ledgerId: {}, entryId: {}, bookie: {}",
ledgerId, entryId, addr, BKException.create(rc));
if (completed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
ledgerFragmentEntryMcb.processResult(rc, null, null);
} else {;
if (ctx instanceof Long) {
numBytesWritten.registerSuccessfulValue((Long) ctx);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Success writing ledger id {}, entry id {} to a new bookie {}!",
ledgerId, entryId, addr);
if (numCompleted.incrementAndGet() == newBookies.size() && completed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
ledgerFragmentEntryMcb.processResult(rc, null, null);
* Read the ledger entry using the LedgerHandle. This will allow us to
* read the entry from one of the other replicated bookies other than
* the dead one.
lh.asyncReadEntries(entryId, entryId, new ReadCallback() {
public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh,
Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) {
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
LOG.error("BK error reading ledger entry: " + entryId,
onReadEntryFailureCallback.accept(ledgerId, entryId);
ledgerFragmentEntryMcb.processResult(rc, null, null);
* Now that we've read the ledger entry, write it to the new
* bookie we've selected.
LedgerEntry entry = seq.nextElement();
byte[] data = entry.getEntry();
final long dataLength = data.length;;
ByteBufList toSend = lh.getDigestManager()
lh.getLastAddConfirmed(), entry.getLength(),
Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data, 0, data.length));
for (BookieSocketAddress newBookie : newBookies) {
bkc.getBookieClient().addEntry(newBookie, lh.getId(),
lh.getLedgerKey(), entryId, ByteBufList.clone(toSend),
multiWriteCallback, dataLength, BookieProtocol.FLAG_RECOVERY_ADD,
false, WriteFlag.NONE);
}, null);
* Callback for recovery of a single ledger fragment. Once the fragment has
* had all entries replicated, update the ensemble in zookeeper. Once
* finished propogate callback up to ledgerFragmentsMcb which should be a
* multicallback responsible for all fragments in a single ledger
static class SingleFragmentCallback implements AsyncCallback.VoidCallback {
final AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentsMcb;
final LedgerHandle lh;
final LedgerManager ledgerManager;
final long fragmentStartId;
final Map<BookieSocketAddress, BookieSocketAddress> oldBookie2NewBookie;
SingleFragmentCallback(AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ledgerFragmentsMcb,
LedgerHandle lh, LedgerManager ledgerManager, long fragmentStartId,
Map<BookieSocketAddress, BookieSocketAddress> oldBookie2NewBookie) {
this.ledgerFragmentsMcb = ledgerFragmentsMcb;
this.lh = lh;
this.ledgerManager = ledgerManager;
this.fragmentStartId = fragmentStartId;
this.oldBookie2NewBookie = oldBookie2NewBookie;
public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx) {
if (rc != BKException.Code.OK) {
LOG.error("BK error replicating ledger fragments for ledger: "
+ lh.getId(), BKException.create(rc));
ledgerFragmentsMcb.processResult(rc, null, null);
updateEnsembleInfo(ledgerManager, ledgerFragmentsMcb, fragmentStartId, lh, oldBookie2NewBookie);
* Updates the ensemble with newBookie and notify the ensembleUpdatedCb.
private static void updateEnsembleInfo(
LedgerManager ledgerManager, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback ensembleUpdatedCb, long fragmentStartId,
LedgerHandle lh, Map<BookieSocketAddress, BookieSocketAddress> oldBookie2NewBookie) {
MetadataUpdateLoop updateLoop = new MetadataUpdateLoop(
(metadata) -> {
// returns true if any of old bookies exist in ensemble
List<BookieSocketAddress> ensemble = metadata.getAllEnsembles().get(fragmentStartId);
return oldBookie2NewBookie.keySet().stream().anyMatch(ensemble::contains);
(currentMetadata) -> {
// replace all old bookies with new bookies in ensemble
List<BookieSocketAddress> newEnsemble = currentMetadata.getAllEnsembles().get(fragmentStartId)
.stream().map((bookie) -> oldBookie2NewBookie.getOrDefault(bookie, bookie))
return LedgerMetadataBuilder.from(currentMetadata)
.replaceEnsembleEntry(fragmentStartId, newEnsemble).build();
lh::setLedgerMetadata);, ex) -> {
if (ex == null) {"Updated ZK for ledgerId: ({}:{}) to point ledger fragments"
+ " from old bookies to new bookies: {}", oldBookie2NewBookie);
ensembleUpdatedCb.processResult(BKException.Code.OK, null, null);
} else {
LOG.error("Error updating ledger config metadata for ledgerId {}", lh.getId(), ex);
BKException.getExceptionCode(ex, BKException.Code.UnexpectedConditionException),
null, null);