[Issue 2408] (#2413)

1. fix documentation concept part about default ledger manager.
2. fix documentation protocol part about  missing Qw value.
diff --git a/site/docs/4.10.0/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.10.0/development/protocol.md
index 41a55c8..162d927 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.10.0/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.10.0/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub> = 3**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.10.0/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.10.0/getting-started/concepts.md
index 8a829b0..e73557d 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.10.0/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.10.0/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/4.11.0/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.11.0/development/protocol.md
index f441044..d1d152c 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.11.0/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.11.0/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub> = 3**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.11.0/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.11.0/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.11.0/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.11.0/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/4.11.1/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.11.1/development/protocol.md
index f441044..d1d152c 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.11.1/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.11.1/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub> = 3**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.11.1/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.11.1/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.11.1/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.11.1/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.0/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.9.0/development/protocol.md
index f441044..5d73c81 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.0/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.0/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>** = 3, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.0/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.9.0/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.0/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.0/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.1/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.9.1/development/protocol.md
index f441044..d1d152c 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.1/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.1/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub> = 3**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.1/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.9.1/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.1/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.1/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.2/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/4.9.2/development/protocol.md
index f441044..5d73c81 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.2/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.2/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>** = 3, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/4.9.2/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/4.9.2/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/4.9.2/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/4.9.2/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
diff --git a/site/docs/latest/development/protocol.md b/site/docs/latest/development/protocol.md
index f441044..5d73c81 100644
--- a/site/docs/latest/development/protocol.md
+++ b/site/docs/latest/development/protocol.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 Each entry in the log is written to **Q<sub>w</sub>** nodes. This is considered the write quorum for that entry. The write quorum is the subsequence of the ensemble, **Q<sub>w</sub>** in length, and starting at the bookie at index (entryid % **E**).
-For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>**, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
+For example, in a ledger of **E** = 4, **Q<sub>w</sub>** = 3, and **Q<sub>a</sub>** = 2, with an ensemble consisting of B1, B2, B3, and B4, the write quorums for the first 6 entries will be:
 Entry | Write quorum
diff --git a/site/docs/latest/getting-started/concepts.md b/site/docs/latest/getting-started/concepts.md
index 6f34f18..d53f9a6 100644
--- a/site/docs/latest/getting-started/concepts.md
+++ b/site/docs/latest/getting-started/concepts.md
@@ -171,22 +171,13 @@
 A *ledger manager* handles ledgers' metadata (which is stored in ZooKeeper). BookKeeper offers two types of ledger managers: the [flat ledger manager](#flat-ledger-manager) and the [hierarchical ledger manager](#hierarchical-ledger-manager). Both ledger managers extend the [`AbstractZkLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/AbstractZkLedgerManager) abstract class.
-> #### Use the flat ledger manager in most cases
-> The flat ledger manager is the default and is recommended for nearly all use cases. The hierarchical ledger manager is better suited only for managing very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
-### Flat ledger manager
-The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
-The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
-* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
-* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
-* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
-* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).
 ### Hierarchical ledger manager
+> default ledger manager.
+> The hierarchical ledger manager is able to manage very large numbers of BookKeeper ledgers (> 50,000).
 The *hierarchical ledger manager*, implemented in the [`HierarchicalLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/HierarchicalLedgerManager) class, first obtains a global unique ID from ZooKeeper using an [`EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL`](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/CreateMode.html#EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL) znode. Since ZooKeeper's sequence counter has a format of `%10d` (10 digits with 0 padding, for example `<path>0000000001`), the hierarchical ledger manager splits the generated ID into 3 parts:
@@ -200,3 +191,16 @@
 For example, ledger 0000000001 is split into three parts, 00, 0000, and 00001, and stored in znode `/{ledgers_root_path}/00/0000/L0001`. Each znode could have as many 10,000 ledgers, which avoids the problem of the child list being larger than the maximum ZooKeeper packet size (which is the [limitation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-39) that initially prompted the creation of the hierarchical ledger manager).
+### Flat ledger manager
+> deprecated since 4.7.0, not recommand now.
+The *flat ledger manager*, implemented in the [`FlatLedgerManager`](../../api/javadoc/org/apache/bookkeeper/meta/FlatLedgerManager.html) class, stores all ledgers' metadata in child nodes of a single ZooKeeper path. The flat ledger manager creates [sequential nodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html#Sequence+Nodes+--+Unique+Naming) to ensure the uniqueness of the ledger ID and prefixes all nodes with `L`. Bookie servers manage their own active ledgers in a hash map so that it's easy to find which ledgers have been deleted from ZooKeeper and then garbage collect them.
+The flat ledger manager's garbage collection follow proceeds as follows:
+* All existing ledgers are fetched from ZooKeeper (`zkActiveLedgers`)
+* All ledgers currently active within the bookie are fetched (`bkActiveLedgers`)
+* The currently actively ledgers are looped through to determine which ledgers don't currently exist in ZooKeeper. Those are then garbage collected.
+* The *hierarchical ledger manager* stores ledgers' metadata in two-level [znodes](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Nodes+and+ephemeral+nodes).