blob: e75d0517fbfe6c72523d30104cbacd60cbc19987 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.client;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.LedgerMetadataSerDe.CURRENT_METADATA_FORMAT_VERSION;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.DigestType;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.LedgerMetadata;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api.LedgerMetadata.State;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.annotation.InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.annotation.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
* Builder for building LedgerMetadata objects.
public class LedgerMetadataBuilder {
private long ledgerId = -1L;
private int metadataFormatVersion = CURRENT_METADATA_FORMAT_VERSION;
private int ensembleSize = 3;
private int writeQuorumSize = 3;
private int ackQuorumSize = 2;
private State state = State.OPEN;
private Optional<Long> lastEntryId = Optional.empty();
private Optional<Long> length = Optional.empty();
private TreeMap<Long, List<BookieId>> ensembles = new TreeMap<>();
private Optional<DigestType> digestType = Optional.empty();
private Optional<byte[]> password = Optional.empty();
private long ctime = -1;
private boolean storeCtime = false;
private Map<String, byte[]> customMetadata = Collections.emptyMap();
private static final long BLANK_CTOKEN = 0;
private long cToken = BLANK_CTOKEN;
public static LedgerMetadataBuilder create() {
return new LedgerMetadataBuilder();
public static LedgerMetadataBuilder from(LedgerMetadata other) {
LedgerMetadataBuilder builder = new LedgerMetadataBuilder();
builder.ledgerId = other.getLedgerId();
builder.metadataFormatVersion = other.getMetadataFormatVersion();
builder.ensembleSize = other.getEnsembleSize();
builder.writeQuorumSize = other.getWriteQuorumSize();
builder.ackQuorumSize = other.getAckQuorumSize();
builder.state = other.getState();
if (builder.state == State.CLOSED) {
builder.lastEntryId = Optional.of(other.getLastEntryId());
builder.length = Optional.of(other.getLength());
if (other.hasPassword()) {
builder.password = Optional.of(other.getPassword());
builder.digestType = Optional.of(other.getDigestType());
builder.ctime = other.getCtime();
/** Hack to get around fact that ctime was never versioned correctly */
builder.storeCtime = LedgerMetadataUtils.shouldStoreCtime(other);
builder.customMetadata = ImmutableMap.copyOf(other.getCustomMetadata());
return builder;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withId(long ledgerId) {
this.ledgerId = ledgerId;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withMetadataFormatVersion(int version) {
this.metadataFormatVersion = version;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withPassword(byte[] password) {
this.password = Optional.of(Arrays.copyOf(password, password.length));
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withDigestType(DigestType digestType) {
this.digestType = Optional.of(digestType);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withEnsembleSize(int ensembleSize) {
checkState(ensembles.size() == 0, "Can only set ensemble size before adding ensembles to the builder");
this.ensembleSize = ensembleSize;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withWriteQuorumSize(int writeQuorumSize) {
this.writeQuorumSize = writeQuorumSize;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withAckQuorumSize(int ackQuorumSize) {
this.ackQuorumSize = ackQuorumSize;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder newEnsembleEntry(long firstEntry, List<BookieId> ensemble) {
checkArgument(ensemble.size() == ensembleSize,
"Size of passed in ensemble must match the ensembleSize of the builder");
checkArgument(ensembles.isEmpty() || firstEntry > ensembles.lastKey(),
"New entry must have a first entry greater than any existing ensemble key");
ensembles.put(firstEntry, ensemble);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder replaceEnsembleEntry(long firstEntry, List<BookieId> ensemble) {
checkArgument(ensemble.size() == ensembleSize,
"Size of passed in ensemble must match the ensembleSize of the builder");
"Ensemble must replace an existing ensemble in the ensemble map");
ensembles.put(firstEntry, ensemble);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withInRecoveryState() {
this.state = State.IN_RECOVERY;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withClosedState() {
this.state = State.CLOSED;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withLastEntryId(long lastEntryId) {
this.lastEntryId = Optional.of(lastEntryId);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withLength(long length) {
this.length = Optional.of(length);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withCustomMetadata(Map<String, byte[]> customMetadata) {
this.customMetadata = ImmutableMap.copyOf(customMetadata);
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withCreationTime(long ctime) {
this.ctime = ctime;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder storingCreationTime(boolean storing) {
this.storeCtime = storing;
return this;
public LedgerMetadataBuilder withCToken(long cToken) {
this.cToken = cToken;
return this;
public LedgerMetadata build() {
checkArgument(ledgerId >= 0, "Ledger id must be set");
checkArgument(ensembleSize >= writeQuorumSize, "Write quorum must be less or equal to ensemble size");
checkArgument(writeQuorumSize >= ackQuorumSize, "Write quorum must be greater or equal to ack quorum");
return new LedgerMetadataImpl(ledgerId, metadataFormatVersion,
ensembleSize, writeQuorumSize, ackQuorumSize,
state, lastEntryId, length, ensembles,
digestType, password, ctime, storeCtime,