Use Pagination for GH Merge Script and remove Python2 script

We have more than 100 labels and the merge script is not able to download the list of labels, resulting in the impossibility to merge PRs.

- download all the pages of labels
- remove the Python2 script

Reviewers: Anup Ghatage <>, Henry Saputra <>

This closes #2776 from eolivelli/fix/merge-script-pagination
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
deleted file mode 100755
index e48b119..0000000
--- a/dev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Utility for creating well-formed pull request merges and pushing them to Apache. This script is a modified version
-# of the one created by the Spark project (
-# Usage: ./ (see config env vars below)
-# This utility assumes you already have local a bookkeeper git folder and that you
-# have added remotes corresponding to the github apache bookkeeper repo.
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import urllib2
-PROJECT_NAME = "bookkeeper"
-GITHUB_ISSUES_NAME = "issue".upper()
-# Location of the local git repository
-REPO_HOME = os.environ.get("%s_HOME" % CAPITALIZED_PROJECT_NAME, os.getcwd())
-# Remote name which points to the GitHub site
-PR_REMOTE_NAME = os.environ.get("PR_REMOTE_NAME", "apache")
-# Github API page size
-GITHUB_PAGE_SIZE = os.environ.get("GH_PAGE_SIZE", "100")
-# OAuth key used for issuing requests against the GitHub API. If this is not defined, then requests
-# will be unauthenticated. You should only need to configure this if you find yourself regularly
-# exceeding your IP's unauthenticated request rate limit. You can create an OAuth key at
-# This script only requires the "public_repo" scope.
-GITHUB_USER = os.environ.get("GITHUB_USER", "apache")
-# Prefix added to temporary branches
-def get_json(url, preview_api = False):
-    try:
-        request = urllib2.Request(url)
-        if GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY:
-            request.add_header('Authorization', 'token %s' % GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY)
-        if preview_api:
-            request.add_header('Accept', 'application/')
-        return json.load(urllib2.urlopen(request))
-    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
-        if "X-RateLimit-Remaining" in e.headers and e.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] == '0':
-            print("Exceeded the GitHub API rate limit; see the instructions in " + \
-                  " to configure an OAuth token for making authenticated " + \
-                  "GitHub requests.")
-        else:
-            print("Unable to fetch URL, exiting: %s" % url)
-        sys.exit(-1)
-def post_json(url, data):
-    try:
-        request = urllib2.Request(url, data, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
-        request.add_header('Authorization', 'token %s' % GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY)
-        return json.load(urllib2.urlopen(request))
-    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
-        if "X-RateLimit-Remaining" in e.headers and e.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] == '0':
-            print("Exceeded the GitHub API rate limit; see the instructions in " + \
-                  " to configure an OAuth token for making authenticated " + \
-                  "GitHub requests.")
-        else:
-            print("Unable to fetch URL, exiting: %s - %s" % (url, e))
-        sys.exit(-1)
-def put_json(url, data):
-    try:
-        request = urllib2.Request(url, data, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
-        request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
-        request.add_header('Authorization', 'token %s' % GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY)
-        return json.load(urllib2.urlopen(request))
-    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
-        if "X-RateLimit-Remaining" in e.headers and e.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] == '0':
-            print("Exceeded the GitHub API rate limit; see the instructions in " + \
-                  " to configure an OAuth token for making authenticated " + \
-                  "GitHub requests.")
-        else:
-            print("Unable to fetch URL, exiting: %s - %s" % (url, e))
-            print(e)
-        sys.exit(-1)
-def fail(msg):
-    print(msg)
-    clean_up()
-    sys.exit(-1)
-def run_cmd(cmd):
-    print(cmd)
-    if isinstance(cmd, list):
-        return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
-    else:
-        return subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(" "))
-def continue_maybe(prompt):
-    result = raw_input("\n%s (y/n): " % prompt)
-    if result.lower() != "y":
-        fail("Okay, exiting")
-def clean_up():
-    if original_head != get_current_branch():
-        print("Restoring head pointer to %s" % original_head)
-        run_cmd("git checkout %s" % original_head)
-    branches = run_cmd("git branch").replace(" ", "").split("\n")
-    for branch in filter(lambda x: x.startswith(TEMP_BRANCH_PREFIX), branches):
-        print("Deleting local branch %s" % branch)
-        run_cmd("git branch -D %s" % branch)
-def get_current_branch():
-    return run_cmd("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").replace("\n", "")
-def get_milestones():
-    return get_json("" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME))
-def get_all_labels():
-    result = get_json("" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, GITHUB_PAGE_SIZE))
-    return map(lambda x: x['name'], result)
-# merge the requested PR and return the merge hash
-def merge_pr(pr_num, target_ref, title, body, default_pr_reviewers, pr_repo_desc):
-    pr_branch_name = "%s_MERGE_PR_%s" % (TEMP_BRANCH_PREFIX, pr_num)
-    run_cmd("git fetch %s pull/%s/head:%s" % (PR_REMOTE_NAME, pr_num, pr_branch_name))
-    reviewers = raw_input("Enter reviewers [%s]: " % default_pr_reviewers).strip()
-    if reviewers == '':
-        reviewers = default_pr_reviewers
-    commits = run_cmd(['git', 'log', 'HEAD..%s' % pr_branch_name,
-                      '--pretty=format:%h [%an] %s']).split("\n")
-    if len(commits) > 1:
-        result = raw_input("List pull request commits in squashed commit message? (y/n): ")
-        if result.lower() == "y":
-          should_list_commits = True
-        else:
-          should_list_commits = False
-    else:
-        should_list_commits = False
-    merge_message_flags = []
-    if body is not None:
-        # We remove @ symbols from the body to avoid triggering e-mails
-        # to people every time someone creates a public fork of the project.
-        merge_message_flags += [body.replace("@", "")]
-    if (reviewers != ""):
-        merge_message_flags += ["Reviewers: %s" % reviewers]
-    # The string "Closes #%s" string is required for GitHub to correctly close the PR
-    close_line = "This closes #%s from %s" % (pr_num, pr_repo_desc)
-    # Find the github issues to close
-    github_issues = re.findall("#[0-9]{3,6}", title)
-    if len(github_issues) != 0:
-        for issue_id in github_issues:
-            close_line += ", closes %s" % (issue_id)
-    if should_list_commits:
-        close_line += " and squashes the following commits:"
-    merge_message_flags += [close_line]
-    if should_list_commits:
-        merge_message_flags += ["\n".join(commits)]
-    pr_sha = run_cmd("git rev-parse %s" % pr_branch_name).rstrip()
-    merge_url = get_github_issue_merge_url(pr_num)
-    data = json.dumps({
-        'commit_title': title,
-        'commit_message': "\n\n".join(merge_message_flags),
-        'sha': pr_sha,
-        'merge_method': 'squash'
-    }, indent = 4)
-    continue_maybe("Merge Pull Request (%s) with following details:\n%s" % (
-        pr_num, data))
-    resp = put_json(merge_url, data)
-    merge_hash = resp['sha']
-    merge_log = title + '\n' + "\n\n".join(merge_message_flags)
-    clean_up()
-    print("Pull request #%s merged!" % pr_num)
-    print("Merge hash: %s" % merge_hash)
-    return merge_hash, merge_log
-def ask_for_branch(default_branch):
-    pick_ref = raw_input("Enter a branch name [%s]: " % default_branch)
-    if pick_ref == "":
-        pick_ref = default_branch
-    return pick_ref
-def cherry_pick(pr_num, merge_hash, pick_ref):
-    pick_branch_name = "%s_PICK_PR_%s_%s" % (TEMP_BRANCH_PREFIX, pr_num, pick_ref.upper())
-    run_cmd("git fetch %s %s:%s" % (PR_REMOTE_NAME, pick_ref, pick_branch_name))
-    run_cmd("git checkout %s" % pick_branch_name)
-    try:
-        run_cmd("git cherry-pick -sx %s" % merge_hash)
-    except Exception as e:
-        msg = "Error cherry-picking: %s\nWould you like to manually fix-up this merge?" % e
-        continue_maybe(msg)
-        msg = "Okay, please fix any conflicts and finish the cherry-pick. Finished?"
-        continue_maybe(msg)
-    continue_maybe("Pick complete (local ref %s). Push to %s?" % (
-        pick_branch_name, PR_REMOTE_NAME))
-    try:
-        run_cmd('git push %s %s:%s' % (PR_REMOTE_NAME, pick_branch_name, pick_ref))
-    except Exception as e:
-        clean_up()
-        fail("Exception while pushing: %s" % e)
-    pick_hash = run_cmd("git rev-parse %s" % pick_branch_name)[:8]
-    clean_up()
-    print("Pull request #%s picked into %s!" % (pr_num, pick_ref))
-    print("Pick hash: %s" % pick_hash)
-    return pick_ref
-def fix_version_from_branch(branch, versions, target_ref):
-    # Note: Assumes this is a sorted (newest->oldest) list of un-released versions
-    if branch == target_ref:
-        versions = filter(lambda x: x == DEFAULT_FIX_VERSION, versions)
-        if len(versions) > 0:
-            return versions[0]
-        else:
-            return None
-    else:
-        versions = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(branch), versions)
-        if len(versions) > 0:
-            return versions[-1]
-        else:
-            return None
-def standardize_issue_ref(text):
-    """
-    Standardize the github reference commit message prefix to "Issue #XXX: Issue"
-    'ISSUE #376: Script for generating patch for reviews'
-    """
-    github_issue_refs = []
-    github_issue_ids = []
-    components = []
-    # Extract Github Issue ref(s)
-    pattern = re.compile(r'(%s[-\s]*([0-9]{3,6}))+' % GITHUB_ISSUES_NAME, re.IGNORECASE)
-    for ref in pattern.findall(text):
-        # Add brackets, replace spaces or a dash with ' #', & convert to uppercase
-        github_issue_refs.append(re.sub(r'[-\s]+', ' #', ref[0].upper()))
-        text = text.replace(ref[0], '')
-        github_issue_ids.append(ref[1].upper())
-    # Extract project name component(s):
-    # Look for alphanumeric chars, spaces, dashes, periods, and/or commas
-    pattern = re.compile(r'(\[[\w\s,-\.]+\])', re.IGNORECASE)
-    for component in pattern.findall(text):
-        components.append(component.upper())
-        text = text.replace(component, '')
-    # Cleanup any remaining symbols:
-    pattern = re.compile(r'^\W+(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
-    if ( is not None):
-        text =[0]
-    # Assemble full text (github ref(s), module(s), remaining text)
-    prefix = ''
-    github_prefix = ' '.join(github_issue_refs).strip()
-    if github_prefix:
-        prefix = github_prefix + ": "
-    clean_text = prefix + ' '.join(components).strip() + " " + text.strip()
-    # Replace multiple spaces with a single space, e.g. if no  refs and/or components were included
-    clean_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', clean_text.strip())
-    return clean_text, github_issue_ids
-def get_reviewers(pr_num):
-    """
-    Get a candidate list of reviewers that have commented on the PR with '+1' or 'LGTM'
-    """
-    approval_msgs = ['+1', 'lgtm']
-    pr_comments = get_json("%s/issues/%s/comments" % (GITHUB_API_BASE, pr_num))
-    reviewers_ids = set()
-    for comment in pr_comments:
-        for approval_msg in approval_msgs:
-            if approval_msg in comment['body'].lower():
-                reviewers_ids.add(comment['user']['login'])
-    approval_review_states = ['approved']
-    pr_reviews = get_json('{0}/pulls/{1}/reviews?per_page=100'.format(GITHUB_API_BASE, pr_num), True)
-    for review in pr_reviews:
-        for approval_state in approval_review_states:
-            if approval_state in review['state'].lower():
-                reviewers_ids.add(review['user']['login'])
-    if len(reviewers_ids) == 0:
-        fail("No approvals found in this pull request")
-    reviewers_emails = []
-    for reviewer_id in reviewers_ids:
-        username = None
-        useremail = None
-        user = get_json("%s/users/%s" % (GITHUB_API_URL, reviewer_id))
-        if user['email']:
-            useremail = user['email'].strip()
-        if user['name']:
-            username = user['name'].strip()
-        if username is None:
-            continue
-        reviewers_emails.append('{0} <{1}>'.format(username.encode('utf8'), useremail))
-    return ', '.join(reviewers_emails)
-def check_ci_status(pr):
-    ci_status = get_json("%s/commits/%s/status" % (GITHUB_API_BASE, pr["head"]["sha"]))
-    state = ci_status["state"]
-    if state != "success":
-        comments = get_json(pr["comments_url"])
-        ignore_ci_comments = [c for c in comments if c["body"].upper() == "IGNORE CI"]
-        if len(ignore_ci_comments) > 0:
-            print("\n\nWARNING: The PR has not passed CI (state is %s)" % (state) \
-                + ", but this has been overridden by %s. \n" % (ignore_ci_comments[0]["user"]["login"]) \
-                + "Proceed at your own peril!\n\n")
-        else:
-            check_individual_ci_status(ci_status, comments)
-def is_check_passed(check):
-    passed = check["state"] == "success"
-    if (not passed) and is_jenkins_check(check):
-        try:
-            return is_jenkins_passed(check["target_url"])
-        except:
-            fail("failed to fetch the jenkins build status for check '%s'.\nPlease manually check its build status at %s" % (check["context"], check["target_url"]))
-    return passed
-def is_jenkins_check(check):
-    return check["context"].startswith("Jenkins:")
-def is_jenkins_passed(url):
-    jenkins_status = get_json("%sapi/json?tree=result" % (url))
-    return "SUCCESS" == jenkins_status['result'] 
-def is_integration_test_check(check):
-    return check["context"] == u"Jenkins: Integration Tests"
-def check_individual_ci_status(ci_status, comments):
-    ci_failures = []
-    ci_integration_test_failures = []
-    for status in ci_status["statuses"]:
-        is_passed = is_check_passed(status) 
-        is_integration_test = is_integration_test_check(status)
-        if is_integration_test and (not is_passed):
-            ci_integration_test_failures.append(status)
-        else:
-            if not is_passed:
-                ci_failures.append(status)
-    if len(ci_integration_test_failures) != 0 and len(ci_failures) == 0:
-        # all ci passed except integration tests
-        ignore_it_ci_comments = [c for c in comments if c["body"].upper() == "IGNORE IT CI"]
-        if len(ignore_it_ci_comments) > 0:
-            print("\n\nWARNING: The PR has not passed integration tests CI" \
-                + ", but this has been overridden by %s. \n" % (ignore_it_ci_comments[0]["user"]["login"]) \
-                + "Proceed at your own peril!\n\n")
-        else:
-            fail("The PR has not passed integration tests CI")
-    elif len(ci_failures) != 0 or len(ci_integration_test_failures) != 0:
-        fail_msg = "The PR has not passed CI:\n"
-        print("")
-        for status in ci_failures:
-            fail_msg += "\t %s = %s\n" % (status["context"], status["state"])
-        for status in ci_integration_test_failures:
-            fail_msg += "\t %s = %s\n" % (status["context"], status["state"])
-        fail(fail_msg)
-def ask_release_for_github_issues(branch, labels):
-    print("=== Add release to github issues ===")
-    while True:
-        fix_releases = ask_for_labels("release/%s" % branch, labels, [])
-        if len(fix_releases) != 1:
-            print("Please choose only one release to add for branch '%s'." % branch)
-            continue
-        print("=== Apply following releases to github issues ==")
-        print("Fix Releases: %s" % ', '.join(fix_releases))
-        print("")
-        if raw_input("Would you like to add these releases to github issues? (y/n): ") == "y":
-            break
-    return fix_releases
-def ask_updates_for_github_issues(milestones, labels, issue_labels, milestone_required):
-    while True:
-        fix_milestone, fix_milestone_number, fix_areas, fix_types = \
-            get_updates_for_github_issues(milestones, labels, issue_labels, milestone_required)
-        print("=== Apply following milestone, area, type to github issues ==")
-        print("Fix Types: %s" % ', '.join(fix_types))
-        print("Fix Areas: %s" % ', '.join(fix_areas))
-        if milestone_required:
-            print("Fix Milestone: %s" % fix_milestone)
-        print("")
-        if raw_input("Would you like to update github issues with these labels? (y/n): ") == "y":
-            break
-    return fix_milestone, fix_milestone_number, fix_areas, fix_types
-def get_updates_for_github_issues(milestones, labels, issue_labels, milestone_required):
-    # get milestone
-    fix_milestone = ""
-    fix_milestone_number = ""
-    if milestone_required:
-        default_milestone_name = milestones[0]['title']
-        milestone_list = map(lambda x: x['title'], milestones)
-        milestone_map = dict((milestone['title'], milestone['number']) for milestone in milestones)
-        while True:
-            fix_milestone = raw_input("Choose fix milestone : options are [%s] - default: [%s]: " % (', '.join(milestone_list).strip(), default_milestone_name))
-            fix_milestone = fix_milestone.strip()
-            if fix_milestone == "":
-                fix_milestone = default_milestone_name
-                break
-            elif fix_milestone in milestone_map:
-                break
-            else:
-                print("Invalid milestone: %s." % fix_milestone)
-        fix_milestone_number = milestone_map[fix_milestone]
-    # get area
-    fix_areas = ask_for_labels("area/", labels, issue_labels)
-    # get types
-    fix_types = ask_for_labels("type/", labels, issue_labels) 
-    return fix_milestone, fix_milestone_number, fix_areas, fix_types
-def ask_for_labels(prefix, labels, issue_labels):
-    issue_filtered_labels = map(lambda l: l.split('/')[1], filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), issue_labels))
-    filtered_labels = map(lambda l: l.split('/')[1], filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), labels))
-    while True:
-        fix_labels = raw_input("Choose label '%s' - options are: [%s] - default: [%s] (comma separated): "
-            % (prefix, ', '.join(filtered_labels).strip(), ', '.join(issue_filtered_labels).strip()))
-        if fix_labels == "":
-            if not issue_filtered_labels:
-                print("Please specify a '%s' label to close the issue!" % prefix)
-                continue
-            else:
-                fix_labels = issue_filtered_labels
-                break
-        fix_labels = fix_labels.replace(" ", "").split(",")
-        if not fix_labels:
-            print("Please specify a '%s' label to close the issue!" % prefix)
-            continue
-        invalid_label = False
-        for label in fix_labels:
-            if label not in filtered_labels:
-                print("Invalid '%s' label: %s." % (prefix, label))
-                invalid_label = True
-                break
-        if invalid_label:
-            continue
-        else:
-            break
-    return fix_labels
-def get_github_issue_url(github_issue_id):
-    return "" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, github_issue_id) 
-def get_github_issue_merge_url(github_issue_id):
-    return "" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, github_issue_id) 
-def get_assignees_url(github_issue_id):
-    return "" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, github_issue_id) 
-def get_github_issue_labels(github_issue_id):
-    url = "" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, github_issue_id) 
-    result = get_json(url)
-    return map(lambda x: x["name"], result)
-def add_release_to_github_issues(github_issue_ids, labels, fix_release):
-    for github_issue_id in github_issue_ids:
-        labels = add_release_to_github_issue(github_issue_id, labels, fix_release)
-    return labels
-def add_release_to_github_issue(github_issue_id, labels, fix_release):
-    url = get_github_issue_url(github_issue_id)
-    labels = ["release/%s" % fix_release] + labels
-    data = json.dumps({
-        'labels': labels
-    })
-    post_json(url, data)
-    return labels
-def update_github_issue(github_issue_id, fix_milestone_number, fix_milestone, fix_areas, fix_types, other_labels):
-    url = get_github_issue_url(github_issue_id)
-    labels = other_labels + map(lambda x: "area/%s" % x, fix_areas)
-    labels = labels + map(lambda x: "type/%s" % x, fix_types)
-    if fix_milestone_number == '':
-        data = json.dumps({
-            'labels': labels,
-        })
-    else:
-        labels.append("release/%s" % fix_milestone)
-        data = json.dumps({
-            'milestone': int(fix_milestone_number),
-            'labels': labels,
-        })
-    post_json(url, data)
-    return labels
-def update_github_issues(github_issue_ids, fix_milestone_number, fix_milestone, fix_areas, fix_types, other_labels):
-    for github_issue_id in github_issue_ids:
-        labels = update_github_issue(github_issue_id, fix_milestone_number, fix_milestone, fix_areas, fix_types, other_labels)
-    return labels
-def add_assignees_to_github_issues(github_issue_ids, assignees):
-    for github_issue_id in github_issue_ids:
-        add_assignees_to_github_issue(github_issue_id, assignees)
-def add_assignees_to_github_issue(github_issue_id, assignees):
-    url = get_assignees_url(github_issue_id)
-    data = json.dumps({
-        "assignees": assignees
-    })
-    post_json(url, data)
-def main():
-    global original_head
-    if not GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY:
-        print("OAuth key is needed for merging bookkeeper pull requests.")
-        print("If environment variable 'GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY' is not defined,")
-        print("then requests will be unauthenticated.")
-        print("You can create an OAuth key at")
-        print("and set it to the environment variable 'GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY'.")
-        print("(This token only needs the 'public_repo' scope permissions)")
-        exit(-1)
-    # 0. get the current state so we can go back
-    original_head = get_current_branch()
-    # 1. retrieve milestones, labels, branches
-    milestones = get_milestones()
-    labels = get_all_labels()
-    branches = get_json("%s/branches" % GITHUB_API_BASE)
-    branch_names = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(RELEASE_BRANCH_PREFIX), [x['name'] for x in branches])
-    # Assumes branch names can be sorted lexicographically
-    latest_branch = sorted(branch_names, reverse=True)[0]
-    # 2. retrieve the details for a given pull request
-    pr_num = raw_input("Which pull request would you like to merge? (e.g. 34): ")
-    pr = get_json("%s/pulls/%s" % (GITHUB_API_BASE, pr_num))
-    pr_events = get_json("%s/issues/%s/events" % (GITHUB_API_BASE, pr_num))
-    pr_reviewers = get_reviewers(pr_num)
-    check_ci_status(pr)
-    url = pr["url"]
-    # 3. repair the title for commit message
-    pr_title = pr["title"]
-    commit_title = raw_input("Commit title [%s]: " % pr_title.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
-    if commit_title == "":
-        commit_title = pr_title
-    # Decide whether to use the modified title or not
-    modified_title, github_issue_ids = standardize_issue_ref(commit_title)
-    if modified_title != commit_title:
-        print("I've re-written the title as follows to match the standard format:")
-        print("Original: %s" % commit_title)
-        print("Modified: %s" % modified_title)
-        result = raw_input("Would you like to use the modified title? (y/n): ")
-        if result.lower() == "y":
-            commit_title = modified_title
-            print("Using modified title:")
-        else:
-            print("Using original title:")
-        print(commit_title)
-    body = pr["body"]
-    modified_body = ""
-    for line in body.split('\n'):
-        if line.startswith('>'):
-            continue
-        modified_body = modified_body + line + "\n"
-    modified_body = modified_body[:-1]
-    if modified_body != body:
-        print("I've re-written the body as follows to match the standard formats:")
-        print("Original: ")
-        print(body)
-        print("Modified: ")
-        print(modified_body)
-        result = raw_input("Would you like to use the modified body? (y/n): ")
-        if result.lower() == "y":
-            body = modified_body
-            print("Using modified body.")
-        else:
-            print("Using original body.")
-    target_ref = pr["base"]["ref"]
-    user_login = pr["user"]["login"]
-    base_ref = pr["head"]["ref"]
-    pr_repo_desc = "%s/%s" % (user_login, base_ref)
-    # append pr num to the github issues - we need to attach label and milestone to them
-    github_issue_ids.append(pr_num)
-    #
-    # 4. attach milestone, area, type and release to github issues
-    #
-    # get issue labels
-    issue_labels = get_github_issue_labels(pr_num)
-    # ask for fix milestone, area and type
-    fix_milestone, fix_milestone_number, fix_areas, fix_types = \
-        ask_updates_for_github_issues(milestones, labels, issue_labels, target_ref == "master")
-    # update issues with fix milestone, are and type
-    other_labels = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("area"), issue_labels)
-    all_issue_labels = update_github_issues( \
-        github_issue_ids, \
-        fix_milestone_number, \
-        fix_milestone, \
-        fix_areas, \
-        fix_types, \
-        other_labels)
-    # add the pr author to the assignees
-    add_assignees_to_github_issues(github_issue_ids, [ user_login ])
-    if target_ref != "master":
-        branch_version = target_ref.split('-')[1]
-        # add releases
-        fix_releases = ask_release_for_github_issues(branch_version, labels)
-        if len(fix_releases) > 0:
-            all_issue_labels = add_release_to_github_issues(github_issue_ids, all_issue_labels, fix_releases[0])
-    #
-    # 5. Process the merge
-    #
-    # Merged pull requests don't appear as merged in the GitHub API;
-    # Instead, they're closed by asfgit.
-    merge_commits = \
-        [e for e in pr_events if e["actor"]["login"] == "asfgit" and e["event"] == "closed"]
-    if merge_commits:
-        merge_hash = merge_commits[0]["commit_id"]
-        message = get_json("%s/commits/%s" % (GITHUB_API_BASE, merge_hash))["commit"]["message"]
-        print("Pull request %s has already been merged, assuming you want to backport" % pr_num)
-        commit_is_downloaded = run_cmd(['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify',
-                                    "%s^{commit}" % merge_hash]).strip() != ""
-        if not commit_is_downloaded:
-            fail("Couldn't find any merge commit for #%s, you may need to update HEAD." % pr_num)
-        print("Found commit %s:\n%s" % (merge_hash, message))
-        cherry_pick(pr_num, merge_hash, ask_for_branch(latest_branch))
-        sys.exit(0)
-    if not bool(pr["mergeable"]):
-        msg = "Pull request %s is not mergeable in its current form.\n" % pr_num + \
-            "You may need to rebase the PR."
-        fail(msg)
-    print("\n=== Pull Request #%s ===" % pr_num)
-    print("PR title\t%s\nCommit title\t%s\nSource\t\t%s\nTarget\t\t%s\nURL\t\t%s" % (
-        pr_title, commit_title, pr_repo_desc, target_ref, url))
-    continue_maybe("Proceed with merging pull request #%s?" % pr_num)
-    merged_refs = [target_ref]
-    # proceed with the merge
-    merge_hash, merge_commit_log = merge_pr(pr_num, target_ref, commit_title, body, pr_reviewers, pr_repo_desc)
-    # once the pr is merged, refresh the local repo
-    run_cmd("git fetch %s" % PR_REMOTE_NAME)
-    pick_prompt = "Would you like to pick %s into another branch?" % merge_hash
-    while raw_input("\n%s (y/n): " % pick_prompt).lower() == "y":
-        pick_ref = ask_for_branch(latest_branch) 
-        branch_version = pick_ref.split('-')[1]
-        # add releases
-        fix_releases = ask_release_for_github_issues(branch_version, labels)
-        if len(fix_releases) > 0:
-            all_issue_labels = add_release_to_github_issues(github_issue_ids, all_issue_labels, fix_releases[0])
-        merged_refs = merged_refs + [cherry_pick(pr_num, merge_hash, pick_ref)]
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    import doctest
-    (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod()
-    if (failure_count):
-        exit(-1)
-    main()
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
index 069358f..fdf10a0 100755
--- a/dev/
+++ b/dev/
@@ -145,8 +145,17 @@
     return get_json("" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME))
 def get_all_labels():
-    result = get_json("" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, GITHUB_PAGE_SIZE))
-    return list(map(lambda x: x['name'], result))
+    collected_labels = [];
+    page = 1;
+    while True:
+       url = "" % (GITHUB_USER, PROJECT_NAME, GITHUB_PAGE_SIZE, page);
+       result = get_json(url);
+       parsed = list(map(lambda x: x['name'], result))
+       collected_labels = collected_labels + parsed
+       page = page + 1;
+       if len(parsed) == 0:
+        break
+    return collected_labels;
 # merge the requested PR and return the merge hash
 def merge_pr(pr_num, target_ref, title, body, default_pr_reviewers, pr_repo_desc):