blob: 9ae8729ec94123d3106bbbb969c99830387ad736 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Makefile -*- configuration file sample
# Adapt to your local setting and copy to Makefile.cfg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Python Installations (select with `python=` on the `make` command line)
python.23 =
python.24 =
python.25 = C:/Dev/Python254
python.ap25 = C:/Dev/ActivePython254
python.26 = C:/Dev/Python261
python.27 =
# default Python version (if not defined, pick the one from the path)
.python =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database Backends (select with `db=` on the `make` command line)
# db URIs
sqlite.uri = sqlite:test.db
mysql.uri = mysql://tracuser:tracpassword@localhost/trac
postgres.uri = postgres://tracuser:tracpassword@localhost:5432/trac?schema=tractest
# default db backend (if not defined, use in-memory sqlite)
.uri =
# default Python versions to use when `db` is specified
mysql.python = 25
postgres.python = 26
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings for the test server
env = ~/tracenvs
auth = *,~/tracenvs/htdigest.realm,realm
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings for the documentation
dotpath = /usr/local/bin/dot
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom rules
.PHONY: bigtest
make python=24 test
make db=postgres test
make db=mysql test
.PHONY: frup frcomp
frup: stats-pot extraction update-fr stats-fr
frcomp: check-fr compile-fr stats-fr stats-pot