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under the License.
groups - a dict, where:
key - is the value shared by all results in this group
value - is the list of corresponding tickets
headers - a sequence of header structure:
.name - field name for this header
.label - what to display for this header
fields - dict of field name to field structure:
.label - field label
query - the actual Query instance used to perform the query
<div xmlns=""
<div py:if="paginator.has_more_pages">
<div class="report-result" style="float: left; margin-right: 1.6em;">
Results <span class="numresults">(${paginator.displayed_items()})</span>
<xi:include py:if="paginator.show_index" href="page_index.html" />
<py:def function="group_heading(groupname, results, is_first=False)">
<div class="report-result" py:if="groupname is not None"
style="${'border: 1px #DDDDDD solid; border-bottom: none; font-weight: bold; padding: 4px 5px;' if is_first else None}"
i18n:msg="grouplabel, groupname, count"
py:with="grouplabel = fields[].label;
groupname = authorinfo(groupname) if in ['owner', 'reporter'] else (groupname or _('None'));
count = ngettext('%(num)s match', '%(num)s matches', len(results))">
${grouplabel}: ${groupname} <span class="numrows">(${count})</span>
<py:def function="column_headers()">
<tr class="trac-columns">
<th py:for="header in headers"
class="$${(' desc' if query.desc else ' asc') if query.order == else ''}" py:with="">
<?python asc = _('(ascending)'); desc = _('(descending)') ?>
<a title="${_('Sort by %(col)s %(direction)s', col=header.label,
direction=(desc if query.order == and not query.desc else asc))}"
<i py:if="query.order =="
class="${'icon-chevron-down' if query.desc else 'icon-chevron-up'}"></i>
<!--! TODO: Find an elegant solution for styling -->
.table-bordered.query thead:first-child tr:first-child th:first-child,
.table-bordered.query tbody:first-child tr:first-child td:first-child {
border-top-left-radius: 0px;
${group_heading(*groups[0], is_first=True) if groups else None}
<table class="listing tickets table table-bordered table-condensed query"
style="border-radius: 0px 0px 4px 4px">
<thead py:strip="group_index">
<py:for each="group_index, (groupname, results) in enumerate(groups)">
<tbody py:if="group_index">
<tr py:if="groupname is not None" class="trac-group">
<th colspan="${len(headers)}">
${group_heading(groupname, results)}
<tr py:if="not results" class="even">
<td colspan="${len(headers)}">
No tickets found
<py:for each="idx, result in enumerate(results)">
<py:with vars="ticket_context = context.child('ticket',">
<py:if test="'TICKET_VIEW' in perm(ticket_context.resource)">
<tr class="${'odd' if idx % 2 else 'even'} prio${result.priority_value}${
' added' if 'added' in result else ''}${
' changed' if 'changed' in result else ''}${
' removed' if 'removed' in result else ''}">
<py:for each="idx, header in enumerate(headers)" py:choose="">
<py:with vars="name =; value = result[name]">
<td py:when="name == 'id'" class="id"><a href="$result.href" title="View ticket"
class="${classes(closed=result.status == 'closed')}">#$</a></td>
<td py:otherwise="" class="$name" py:choose="">
<a py:when="name == 'summary'" href="$result.href" title="View ticket">$value</a>
<py:when test="isinstance(value, datetime)">${pretty_dateinfo(value, dateonly=True)}</py:when>
<py:when test="name == 'reporter'">${authorinfo(value)}</py:when>
<py:when test="name == 'cc'">${format_emails(ticket_context, value)}</py:when>
<py:when test="name == 'owner' and value">${authorinfo(value)}</py:when>
<py:when test="name == 'milestone'"><a py:if="value" title="View milestone" href="${href.milestone(value)}">${value}</a></py:when>
<py:when test="header.wikify">${wiki_to_oneliner(ticket_context, value)}</py:when>
<py:with vars="result_rows = [t for t in row if result[t]]">
<tr py:when="ticket_context.resource in context" class="fullrow">
<td colspan="${len(headers)}">
<p class="meta"><em>(this ticket)</em></p>
<tr py:otherwise="" py:for="r in result_rows" class="fullrow">
<th class="meta">${fields.get(r, {'label': r or 'none'}).label}</th>
<td colspan="${len(headers)-1}" xml:space="preserve">
${wiki_to_html(ticket_context, result[r])}
<tr py:if="group_index == len(groups)-1 and last_group_is_partial">
<td colspan="${len(headers)}">
<i>(more results for this group on next page)</i>
<xi:include py:if="paginator.show_index" href="page_index.html" />