blob: 20dcb325528d3eb1f633d6774cc3e7c7fb00554b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
r"""Project dashboard for Apache(TM) Bloodhound
In this file you'll find part of the tests written to ensure that
widgets displaying contents generated by TracReports behave as expected.
Only the tests requiring minimal setup effort are included below.
This means that the environment used to run these tests contains the
barely minimal information included in an environment (i.e. only the
data specified by `trac.db_default.get_data`.).
Once the tests are started all built-in components (except
trac.versioncontrol.* ) as well as widget system and extensions
are loaded. Besides the following values are (auto-magically)
made available in the global namespace (i.e. provided that
the test name be written like `|widget_name: Descriptive message`):
- __tester__ An instance of `unittest.TestCase` representing the
test case for the statement under test. Useful
when specific assertions (e.g. `assertEquals`)
are needed.
- req A dummy request object setup for anonymous access.
- auth_req A dummy request object setup like if user `murphy` was
accessing the site.
- env the Trac environment used as a stub for testing purposes.
This object is an instance of
- widget the widget provider under test.
- ctx context used to render widget for anonymous user.
- ctx_auth context used to render widget for `murphy` user.
- ticket_data A set of tickets used for testing purposes.
# Test artifacts
from bhdashboard.tests import trac_version, trac_tags
def test_suite():
from dutest import MultiTestLoader
from unittest import defaultTestLoader
from bhdashboard.tests import DocTestWidgetLoader, ticket_data
magic_vars = dict(ticket_data=ticket_data)
if trac_version < (0, 13): # FIXME: Should it be (0, 12) ?
kwargs = {'enable': ['trac.[a-uw-z]*', 'tracrpc.*', 'bhdashboard.*']}
kwargs = {
'enable': ['trac.*', 'tracrpc.*', 'bhdashboard.*'],
'disable': ['trac.versioncontrol.*']
l = MultiTestLoader(
[defaultTestLoader, \
DocTestWidgetLoader(extraglobs=magic_vars, \
default_data=True, \
optionflags=ELLIPSIS | REPORT_UDIFF | \
**kwargs) \
import sys
return l.loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
# Helper functions
from datetime import datetime, time, date
from itertools import izip
from pprint import pprint
from bhdashboard.tests import clear_perm_cache
def print_report_metadata(report_desc):
for attrnm in ('id', 'title', 'description', 'query'):
print attrnm.capitalize()
print '-' * len(attrnm)
print report_desc[attrnm]
def print_report_columns(cols):
for coldsc in cols:
print 'Column:', coldsc[0], 'Type:', coldsc[1] or '_', \
try :
print coldsc[2] or '_'
except IndexError :
print '_'
def print_report_result(cols, data):
for i, row in enumerate(data):
print '= Row', i, '='
for coldsc in cols:
colnm = coldsc[0]
print 'Column:', colnm, 'Value:', row.get(colnm) or None, ''
TICKET_ATTRS = ('summary', 'description', 'priority', \
'milestone', 'type', 'owner', 'status', \
'component', 'version')
def prepare_ticket_workflow(tcktrpc, ticket_data, auth_req):
r"""Set ticket status considering the actions defined in standard
ticket workflow. Needed for TracRpc>=1.0.6
from time import sleep
TICKET_ACTIONS = {'accepted': 'accept', 'closed' : 'resolve',
'assigned': 'reassign'}
for idx, (_, __, td) in enumerate(ticket_data) :
action = TICKET_ACTIONS.get(td.get('status'))
if action is not None :
aux_attrs = {'action' : action}
tcktrpc.update(auth_req, idx + 1, "", aux_attrs)
for idx, (_, __, td) in enumerate(ticket_data) :
tcktrpc.update(auth_req, idx + 1, "", td)
__test__ = {
'Initialization: Report widgets' : r"""
>>> from trac.core import ComponentMeta
>>> from bhdashboard.api import IWidgetProvider
>>> from import *
>>> allcls = ComponentMeta._registry.get(IWidgetProvider, [])
>>> [wpcls in allcls for wpcls in (TicketReportWidget,)]
'|TicketReport: Metadata' : r"""
>>> list(widget.get_widgets())
>>> params = widget.get_widget_params('TicketReport')
>>> pprint(params)
{'id': {'desc': 'Report number',
'required': True,
'type': <type 'int'>},
'page': {'default': 1,
'desc': 'Retrieve results in given page.',
'type': <type 'int'>},
'user': {'desc': 'Render the report for a given user.'}}
'|TicketReport: Render My Tickets report' : r"""
Add tickets
>>> from tracrpc.ticket import TicketRPC
>>> tcktrpc = TicketRPC(env)
>>> for td in ticket_data :
... tcktrpc.create(auth_req, *td)
>>> if all(tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1].get('status') == 'new' \
... for tid in xrange(1, 10)):
... # RPC considers ticket workflow
... prepare_ticket_workflow(tcktrpc, ticket_data, auth_req)
Check everything is ok with tickets
>>> for tid in xrange(1, 10):
... d = tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1]
... print tuple(d.get(attr) or '' for attr in TICKET_ATTRS)
(u'Ticket 1', u'Description 1', u'major', u'milestone1',
u'defect', u'murphy', u'accepted', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 2', u'Description 2', u'major', u'milestone4',
u'task', u'murphy', u'accepted', '', '')
(u'Ticket 3', u'Description 3', u'critical', u'milestone3',
u'enhancement', u'tester', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 4', u'Description 4', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 5', u'Description 5', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 6', u'Description 6', u'minor', u'milestone1',
u'task', u'tester', u'assigned', u'component2', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 7', u'Description 7', u'critical', '', u'enhancement',
u'murphy', u'closed', '', '')
(u'Ticket 8', u'Description 8', u'major', '', u'task',
u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', '')
(u'Ticket 9', u'Description 9', u'minor', '', u'enhancement',
u'tester', u'closed', '', u'2.0')
>>> pprint(widget.render_widget('TicketReport', ctx, {
... 'args' : {'id' : 7}
... }))
{'data': {'action': 'view',
'args': {'USER': 'anonymous'},
'context': <...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>,
'description': u'\nThis report demonstrates the use of the automatically set \nUSER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the\nlogged in user when executed.\n',
'email_map': {},
'header_groups': [[{'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'}]],
'message': None,
'numrows': 0,
'paginator': <trac.util.presentation.Paginator object at ...>,
'report': {'id': 7, 'resource': <Resource u'report:7'>},
'row_groups': [],
'sorting_enabled': False,
'title': u'{7} My Tickets'},
'title': <Element "a">},
<...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>)
>>> template, data, rptctx = widget.render_widget('TicketReport', auth_ctx, {
... 'args' : {'id' : 7}
... })
>>> data = data['data']
>>> template
>>> rptctx.parent is auth_ctx
In Trac=0.13 (0.12 ?) My Tickets report adds another group
So perform common check in here ...
>>> reported_tickets = None
>>> for x in data['row_groups']:
... if x[0] == 'Reported':
... reported_tickets = x
... break
>>> if reported_tickets:
... data['row_groups'].remove(reported_tickets)
>>> pprint(data)
{'action': 'view',
'args': {'USER': 'murphy'},
'context': <Context <Resource u'report:7'>>,
'description': u'\nThis report demonstrates the use of the automatically set \nUSER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the\nlogged in user when executed.\n',
'email_map': {},
'header_groups': [[{'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'}]],
'message': None,
'numrows': 3,
'paginator': <trac.util.presentation.Paginator object at ...>,
'report': {'id': 7, 'resource': <Resource u'report:7'>},
'row_groups': [(u'Accepted',
[{u'__color__': u'3',
'__idx__': 0,
'cell_groups': [[{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
'index': 0,
'value': u'3'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
'index': 1,
'value': u'Accepted'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
'index': 2,
'value': u'1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
'index': 3,
'value': u'Ticket 1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
'index': 4,
'value': u'component1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
'index': 5,
'value': u'1.0'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
'index': 6,
'value': u'milestone1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
'index': 7,
'value': u'defect'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
'index': 8,
'value': u'major'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
'index': 10,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
'index': 11,
'value': u'Description 1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'},
'index': 12,
'value': u'murphy'}]],
'id': u'1',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:1'>},
{u'__color__': u'3',
'__idx__': 1,
'cell_groups': [[{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
'index': 0,
'value': u'3'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
'index': 1,
'value': u'Accepted'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
'index': 2,
'value': u'2'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
'index': 3,
'value': u'Ticket 2'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
'index': 4,
'value': ''},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
'index': 5,
'value': ''},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
'index': 6,
'value': u'milestone4'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
'index': 7,
'value': u'task'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
'index': 8,
'value': u'major'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
'index': 10,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
'index': 11,
'value': u'Description 2'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'},
'index': 12,
'value': u'murphy'}]],
'id': u'2',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:2'>}]),
[{u'__color__': u'4',
'__idx__': 2,
'cell_groups': [[{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
'index': 0,
'value': u'4'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
'index': 1,
'value': u'Owned'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
'index': 2,
'value': u'5'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
'index': 3,
'value': u'Ticket 5'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
'index': 4,
'value': ''},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
'index': 5,
'value': u'2.0'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
'index': 6,
'value': u'milestone3'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
'index': 7,
'value': u'task'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
'index': 8,
'value': u'minor'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
'index': 10,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
'index': 11,
'value': u'Description 5'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'},
'index': 12,
'value': u'murphy'}]],
'id': u'5',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:5'>}])],
'sorting_enabled': False,
'title': u'{7} My Tickets'}
... and check for Trac=0.13 in here ;)
>>> if trac_version < trac_tags[0]:
... __tester__.assertEquals(reported_tickets, None)
... else:
... __tester__.assertEquals(
... [x['ticket'] for x in reported_tickets[1]],
... [3, 6]
... )
'|TicketReport: Render a subset of My Tickets report' : r"""
Add tickets
>>> from tracrpc.ticket import TicketRPC
>>> tcktrpc = TicketRPC(env)
>>> for td in ticket_data :
... tcktrpc.create(auth_req, *td)
>>> if all(tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1].get('status') == 'new' \
... for tid in xrange(1, 10)):
... # RPC considers ticket workflow
... prepare_ticket_workflow(tcktrpc, ticket_data, auth_req)
Check everything is ok with tickets
>>> for tid in xrange(1, 10):
... d = tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1]
... print tuple(d.get(attr) or '' for attr in TICKET_ATTRS)
(u'Ticket 1', u'Description 1', u'major', u'milestone1',
u'defect', u'murphy', u'accepted', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 2', u'Description 2', u'major', u'milestone4',
u'task', u'murphy', u'accepted', '', '')
(u'Ticket 3', u'Description 3', u'critical', u'milestone3',
u'enhancement', u'tester', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 4', u'Description 4', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 5', u'Description 5', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 6', u'Description 6', u'minor', u'milestone1',
u'task', u'tester', u'assigned', u'component2', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 7', u'Description 7', u'critical', '', u'enhancement',
u'murphy', u'closed', '', '')
(u'Ticket 8', u'Description 8', u'major', '', u'task',
u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', '')
(u'Ticket 9', u'Description 9', u'minor', '', u'enhancement',
u'tester', u'closed', '', u'2.0')
>>> pprint(widget.render_widget('TicketReport', auth_ctx, {
... 'args' : {'id' : 7, 'limit' : 2}
... }))
{'data': {'action': 'view',
'args': {'USER': 'murphy'},
'context': <...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>,
'description': u'\nThis report demonstrates the use of the automatically set \nUSER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the\nlogged in user when executed.\n',
'email_map': {},
'header_groups': [[{'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
{'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'}]],
'message': None,
'numrows': 3,
'paginator': <trac.util.presentation.Paginator object at ...>,
'report': {'id': 7, 'resource': <Resource u'report:7'>},
'row_groups': [(u'Accepted',
[{u'__color__': u'3',
'__idx__': 0,
'cell_groups': [[{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
'index': 0,
'value': u'3'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
'index': 1,
'value': u'Accepted'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
'index': 2,
'value': u'1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'summary',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Summary'},
'index': 3,
'value': u'Ticket 1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Component'},
'index': 4,
'value': u'component1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'version',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Version'},
'index': 5,
'value': u'1.0'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'milestone',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Milestone'},
'index': 6,
'value': u'milestone1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'type',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Type'},
'index': 7,
'value': u'defect'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'priority',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Priority'},
'index': 8,
'value': u'major'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_changetime',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Changetime'},
'index': 10,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_description',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Description'},
'index': 11,
'value': u'Description 1'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'_reporter',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Reporter'},
'index': 12,
'value': u'murphy'}]],
'id': u'1',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:1'>},
{u'__color__': u'3',
'__idx__': 1,
'cell_groups': [[{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__color__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Color'},
'index': 0,
'value': u'3'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'__group__',
'hidden': True,
'title': u'Group'},
'index': 1,
'value': u'Accepted'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'ticket',
'hidden': False,
'title': u'Ticket'},
'index': 2,
'value': u'2'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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'value': u'Ticket 2'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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'index': 4,
'value': ''},
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'index': 5,
'value': ''},
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'value': u'milestone4'},
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'index': 8,
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{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'created',
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'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
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'title': u'Changetime'},
'index': 10,
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'index': 12,
'value': u'murphy'}]],
'id': u'2',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:2'>}]),
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{'header': {'asc': False,
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{'header': {'asc': False,
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{'header': {'asc': False,
'col': u'component',
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'title': u'Component'},
'index': 4,
'value': ''},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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'value': u'2.0'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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'title': u'Milestone'},
'index': 6,
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{'header': {'asc': False,
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'title': u'Type'},
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{'header': {'asc': False,
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'title': u'Priority'},
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'value': u'minor'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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'title': u'Created'},
'index': 9,
'value': u'...'},
{'header': {'asc': False,
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{'header': {'asc': False,
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'id': u'5',
'resource': <Resource u'ticket:5'>}])],
'sorting_enabled': False,
'title': u'{7} My Tickets'},
'title': <Element "a">},
<...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>)
'|TicketReport: Invalid widget name' : r"""
>>> widget.render_widget('OlkswSk', ctx, {
... 'args' : {'id' : 1, 'limit' : 8}
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidIdentifier: Widget name MUST match any of TicketReport
'|TicketReport: Invalid report ID in arguments' : r"""
>>> widget.render_widget('TicketReport', ctx, {
... 'args' : {'id' : 99999}
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidIdentifier: Report 99999 does not exist.
'|TicketReport: Missing required arguments' : r"""
>>> widget.render_widget('TicketReport', ctx, {
... 'args' : {}
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidWidgetArgument: Invalid argument `id`. Required parameter expected
>>> widget.render_widget('TicketReport', ctx, {
... 'args' : {'limit' : 4}
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidWidgetArgument: Invalid argument `id`. Required parameter expected
'|TicketReport: Invalid widget parameter' : r"""
Add tickets
>>> from tracrpc.ticket import TicketRPC
>>> tcktrpc = TicketRPC(env)
>>> for td in ticket_data :
... tcktrpc.create(auth_req, *td)
>>> if all(tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1].get('status') == 'new' \
... for tid in xrange(1, 10)):
... # RPC considers ticket workflow
... prepare_ticket_workflow(tcktrpc, ticket_data, auth_req)
Check everything is ok with tickets
>>> for tid in xrange(1, 10):
... d = tcktrpc.get(auth_req, tid)[-1]
... print tuple(d.get(attr) or '' for attr in TICKET_ATTRS)
(u'Ticket 1', u'Description 1', u'major', u'milestone1',
u'defect', u'murphy', u'accepted', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 2', u'Description 2', u'major', u'milestone4',
u'task', u'murphy', u'accepted', '', '')
(u'Ticket 3', u'Description 3', u'critical', u'milestone3',
u'enhancement', u'tester', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 4', u'Description 4', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 5', u'Description 5', u'minor', u'milestone3',
u'task', u'murphy', u'new', '', u'2.0')
(u'Ticket 6', u'Description 6', u'minor', u'milestone1',
u'task', u'tester', u'assigned', u'component2', u'1.0')
(u'Ticket 7', u'Description 7', u'critical', '', u'enhancement',
u'murphy', u'closed', '', '')
(u'Ticket 8', u'Description 8', u'major', '', u'task',
u'murphy', u'closed', u'component1', '')
(u'Ticket 9', u'Description 9', u'minor', '', u'enhancement',
u'tester', u'closed', '', u'2.0')
>>> pprint(widget.render_widget('TicketReport', auth_ctx, {
... 'args' : {'newjums' : 7, 'id' : 7, 'limit' : 1}
... }))
{'data': {'action': 'view',
'args': {'USER': 'murphy'},
'context': <...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>,
'description': u'\nThis report demonstrates the use of the automatically set \nUSER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the\nlogged in user when executed.\n',
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'id': u'2',
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'sorting_enabled': False,
'title': u'{7} My Tickets'},
'title': <Element "a">},
<...Context <Resource u'report:7'>>)
'|TicketReport: Invalid report definition' : r"""
>>> raise NotImplementedError()