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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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r"""Test artifacts.
The test suites have been run using Trac=0.11.1 , Trac=0.11.5 , Trac=0.11.7
__metaclass__ = type
import sys
from trac.core import ComponentMeta
from trac.db.api import _parse_db_str, DatabaseManager
from trac.mimeview.api import Context
from trac.test import EnvironmentStub
from trac.util.compat import set
from bhdashboard.util import trac_version, trac_tags
# Trac environments used for testing purposes
class EnvironmentStub(EnvironmentStub):
r"""Enhanced stub of the trac.env.Environment object for testing.
# Dont break lazy evaluation. Otherwise RPC calls misteriously fail.
def _abs_href(self):
return self.abs_href
def enable_component(self, clsdef):
r"""Enable a plugin temporarily at testing time.
if trac_version < trac_tags[0]:
# `enabled_components` should be enough in this case
if clsdef not in self.enabled_components :
# Use environment configuration otherwise
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Enable components in Trac>=0.13")
def disable_component(self, clsdef):
r"""Disable a plugin temporarily at testing time.
if trac_version < trac_tags[0]:
except ValueError :
self.log.warning("Component %s was not enabled", clsdef)
# Use environment configuration otherwise
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Disable components in Trac>=0.13")
def rip_component(self, cls):
r"""Disable a plugin forever and RIP it using the super-laser beam.
for reg in ComponentMeta._registry.itervalues():
except ValueError :
if not hasattr(EnvironmentStub, 'reset_db'):
# Copycat trac.test.EnvironmentStub.reset_db (Trac=0.11.5)
def reset_db(self, default_data=None):
r"""Remove all data from Trac tables, keeping the tables themselves.
:param default_data: after clean-up, initialize with default data
:return: True upon success
from trac import db_default
db = self.get_db_cnx()
db.rollback() # make sure there's no transaction in progress
cursor = db.cursor()
defdata = list(db_default.get_data(db))
for table, cols, vals in defdata:
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % (table,) )
if default_data:
for table, cols, vals in defdata:
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)"
% (table, ','.join(cols),
','.join(['%s' for c in cols])),
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO system (name, value) "
"VALUES (%s, %s)",
('database_version', str(db_default.db_version)))
# Minimalistic testing framework for Trac
from dutest import DocTestLoader, DocTestSuiteFixture
from os.path import dirname
from types import MethodType
from bhdashboard.util import dummy_request
# Hide this module from tracebacks written into test results.
__unittest = True
class DocTestTracLoader(DocTestLoader):
r"""A generic XUnit loader that allows to load doctests written
to check that Trac plugins behave as expected.
def set_env(self, env):
if self.extraglobs is None :
self.extraglobs = dict(env=env)
else :
self.extraglobs['env'] = env
env = property(lambda self : self.extraglobs.get('env'), set_env, \
doc="""The Trac environment used in doctests.""")
del set_env
def __init__(self, dt_finder=None, globs=None, extraglobs=None, \
load=None, default_data=False, enable=None, \
disable=None, **opts):
r"""Initialization. It basically works like `DocTestLoader`'s
initializer but creates also the Trac environment used for
testing purposes. The default behavior is to create an instance
of `EnvironmentStub` class. Subclasses can add more specific
keyword parameters in order to use them to create the
environment. Next it loads (and | or) enables the components
needed by the test suite.
The following variables are magically available at testing time.
They can be used directly in doctests :
- req A dummy request object setup for anonymous access.
- auth_req A dummy request object setup like if user `murphy` was
accessing the site.
- env the Trac environment used as a stub for testing
purposes (i.e. `self.env`).
@param dt_finder see docs for `DocTestLoader.__init__`
@param globs see docs for `DocTestLoader.__init__`
@param extraglobs see docs for `DocTestLoader.__init__`
@param load a list of packages containing components
that will be loaded to ensure they are
available at testing time. It should be
the top level module in that package
(e.g. 'trac').
@param default_data If true, populate the database with some
defaults. This parameter has to be
handled by `createTracEnv` method.
@param enable a list of UNIX patterns specifying which
components need to be enabled by default
at testing time. This parameter should be
handled by `createTracEnv` method.
@param disable a list of UNIX patterns specifying which
components need to be disabled by default
at testing time. Ignored in Trac<=0.11 .
This parameter should be
handled by `createTracEnv` method.
super(DocTestTracLoader, self).__init__(dt_finder, globs, \
extraglobs, **opts)
if trac_version >= trac_tags[0]:
opts['disable'] = disable
self.env = self.createTracEnv(default_data, enable, **opts)
self.load_components(load is None and self.default_packages or load)
# Load trac built-in components by default
default_packages = ['trac']
def createTracEnv(self, default_data=False, enable=None,
disable=None, **params):
r"""Create the Trac environment used for testing purposes. The
default behavior is to create an instance of `EnvironmentStub`
class. Subclasses can override this decision and add more specific
keyword parameters in order to control environment creation in
more detail.
All parameters supplied at initialization time. By default they
are ignored.
@param default_data If True, populate the database with some
@param enable a list of UNIX patterns specifying which
components need to be enabled by default
at testing time.
@param disable a list of UNIX patterns specifying which
components need to be disabled by default
at testing time. Ignored in Trac<0.13
@return the environment used for testing purpose.
if trac_version >= trac_tags[0]:
kwargs = {'disable' : disable}
else :
kwargs = {}
return EnvironmentStub(default_data, enable, **kwargs)
def load_components(self, pkgs):
r"""Load some packages to ensure that the components they
implement are available at testing time.
from trac.loader import load_components
for pkg in pkgs :
try :
except ImportError :
pass # Skip pkg. What a shame !
else :
mdl = sys.modules[pkg]
load_components(self.env, dirname(dirname(mdl.__file__)))
class doctestSuiteClass(DocTestSuiteFixture):
r"""Prepare the global namespace before running all doctests
in the suite. Reset the Trac environment.
username = 'murphy'
def env(self):
r"""The Trac environment involved in this test. It is
retrieved using the global namespace ;o).
return self.globalns['env']
def new_request(self, uname=None, args=None):
r"""Create and initialize a new request object.
req = dummy_request(self.env, uname)
if args is not None :
req.args = args
return req
def setUp(self):
r"""Include two (i.e. `req` anonymous and `auth_req`
authenticated) request objects in the global namespace, before
running the doctests. Besides, clean up environment data and
include only default data.
from pprint import pprint
from trac.core import ComponentMeta
globs = self.globalns
req = self.new_request(args=dict())
auth_req = self.new_request(uname=self.username, args=dict())
globs['req'] = req
globs['auth_req'] = auth_req
# TODO: If the source docstrings belong to a Trac component,
# then instantiate it and include in the global
# namespace.
# Delete data in Trac tables
from trac import db_default
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
cursor = db.cursor()
for table in db_default.schema:
if trac_version < trac_tags[0]: # FIXME: Should it be (0, 12) ?
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM " +
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE " +
# Test artifacts used to test widget providers
from bhdashboard.api import InvalidIdentifier
class DocTestWidgetLoader(DocTestTracLoader):
r"""Load doctests used to test Trac RPC handlers.
class doctestSuiteClass(DocTestTracLoader.doctestSuiteClass):
r"""Include the appropriate RPC handler in global namespace
before running all test cases in the suite.
def ns_from_name(self):
r"""Extract the target namespace under test using the name
of the DocTest instance manipulated by the suite.
try :
return':', 1)[0].split('|', 1)[-1]
except :
return None
def partial_setup(self):
r"""Perform partial setup due to some minor failure (e.g.
namespace missing in test name).
globs = self.globalns
globs['widget'] = globs['ctx'] = globs['auth_ctx'] = None
def setup_widget(self, widgetns):
r"""(Insert | update) the IWidgetProvider in the global
@param widgetns widget name.
@throws RuntimeError if a widget with requested name cannot
be found.
globs = self.globalns
globs['ctx'] = Context.from_request(globs['req'])
globs['auth_ctx'] = Context.from_request(globs['auth_req'])
for wp in self.dbsys.providers :
if widgetns in set(wp.get_widgets()) :
globs['widget'] = wp
else :
raise InvalidIdentifier('Cannot load widget provider for %s' % widgetns)
def setUp(self):
r"""Include the appropriate widget provider in global namespace
before running all test cases in the suite. In this case three
objects are added to the global namespace :
- `widget` the component implementing the widget under test
- `ctx` context used to render the widget for
anonymous user
- `auth_ctx` context used to render the widget for
authenticated user
# Fail here if BloodhoundDashboardPlugin is not available. Thus
# this fact will be reported as a failure and subsequent test
# cases will be run anyway.
from bhdashboard.api import DashboardSystem
self.dbsys = DashboardSystem(self.env)
# Add request objects
widgetns = self.ns_from_name()
if widgetns is None :
# TODO: If doctests belong to a widget provider class then
# instantiate it. In the mean time ...
else :
try :
except InvalidIdentifier:
# Load trac built-in components and RPC handlers by default
default_packages = ['trac']
# Helper functions used in test cases
def clear_perm_cache(_env, _req):
r"""Ensure that cache policies will not prevent test cases from
altering user permissions right away.
from trac.perm import PermissionSystem, DefaultPermissionPolicy
_req.perm._cache.clear() # Clear permission cache
for policy in PermissionSystem(_env).policies :
if isinstance(policy, DefaultPermissionPolicy):
policy.permission_cache.clear() # Clear policy cache
# Global test data
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from pkg_resources import resource_stream
def load_test_data(key):
r"""Load data used for testing purposes. Currently such data is
stored in .INI files inside `data` directory.
@param key currently the path to the file containing the
data, relative to `data` folder.
fo = resource_stream(__name__, 'data/%s.ini' % key)
try :
p = RawConfigParser()
for section in p.sections():
yield section, dict(p.items(section))
finally :
# The set of tickets used by test cases.
ticket_data = [(attrs.pop('summary'), attrs.pop('description'), attrs) \
for _, attrs in sorted(load_test_data('ticket_data'))]