blob: 896e7f62161595438e5bccdb531a5a4a88c3b025 [file] [log] [blame]
from genshi.builder import tag
from trac.core import implements,Component
from trac.ticket.api import ITicketActionController
from trac.ticket.default_workflow import ConfigurableTicketWorkflow
from trac.perm import IPermissionRequestor
from trac.config import Option, ListOption
revision = "$Rev: 11490 $"
url = "$URL: $"
class CodeReviewActionController(Component):
"""Support for simple code reviews.
The action that supports the `code_review` operation will present
an extra choice for the review decision. Depending on that decision,
a specific state will be selected.
Example (from the enterprise-review-workflow.ini):
review = in_review -> * = review as
review.operations = code_review
review.code_review =
approve -> in_QA,
approve as noted -> post_review,
request changes -> in_work
Don't forget to add the `CodeReviewActionController` to the workflow
option in the `[ticket]` section in TracIni.
If there is no other workflow option, the line will look like this:
workflow = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow,CodeReviewActionController
implements(ITicketActionController, IPermissionRequestor)
# IPermissionRequestor methods
def get_permission_actions(self):
return ['TICKET_REVIEW']
# ITicketActionController methods
def get_ticket_actions(self, req, ticket):
# The review action is available in those status where it has been
# configured, for those users who have the TICKET_REVIEW permission, as
# long as they are not the owner of the ticket (you can't review your
# own work!).
actions_we_handle = []
if req.authname != ticket['owner'] and \
'TICKET_REVIEW' in req.perm(ticket.resource):
controller = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow(self.env)
actions_we_handle = controller.get_actions_by_operation_for_req(
req, ticket, 'code_review')
self.log.debug('code review handles actions: %r' % actions_we_handle)
return actions_we_handle
def get_all_status(self):
all_status = set()
controller = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow(self.env)
ouractions = controller.get_actions_by_operation('code_review')
for weight, action in ouractions:
status = [status for option, status in
return all_status
def render_ticket_action_control(self, req, ticket, action):
id, grade = self._get_grade(req, action)
review_options = self._get_review_options(action)
actions = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow(self.env).actions
selected_value = grade or review_options[0][0]
label = actions[action]['name']
control = tag(["as: ",[tag.option(option, selected=
(option == selected_value or
for option, status in review_options],
name=id, id=id)])
if grade:
new_status = self._get_new_status(req, ticket, action,
hint = "Next status will be '%s'" % new_status
hint = "Next status will be one of " + \
', '.join(["'%s'" % status
for option, status in review_options])
return (label, control, hint)
def get_ticket_changes(self, req, ticket, action):
new_status = self._get_new_status(req, ticket, action)
return {'status': new_status or 'new'}
def apply_action_side_effects(self, req, ticket, action):
# Internal methods
def _get_grade(self, req, action):
id = action + '_code_review_result'
return id, req.args.get(id)
def _get_review_options(self, action):
return [[x.strip() for x in raw_option.split('->')]
for raw_option in self.config.getlist('ticket-workflow',
action + '.code_review')]
def _get_new_status(self, req, ticket, action, review_options=None):
id, grade = self._get_grade(req, action)
if not review_options:
review_options = self._get_review_options(action)
for option, status in review_options:
if grade == option:
return status