blob: c1bde690d63e2412a58fbc2fc398534648a1bda5 [file] [log] [blame]
= Bloodhound Search =
Bloodhound Search is currently in prototype phase. Read more about proposed functionality on [wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004 BEP-0004]
== How to enable Bloodhound Search==
Currently, Bloodhound Search is available only for dev configuration. Make sure that Bloodhound was installed using requirements-dev.txt:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Enable bhsearch.* components in trac.ini file and set Bloodhound Search as default search component
bhsearch.* = enabled
is_default = true
Run initial index rebuild using trac-admin command line tool. TODO: reindexing using admin web interface should be supported later
trac-admin <path_to_trac_environment> bhsearch rebuild
== How to search == #search
Click Apps menu and select Bloodhound Search item. You can search use free text search or combine search with query syntax. Please consider below a few search samples:
* Free text search through multiple fields e.g. "some text"
* Combination of free text and field specific query e.g. "test status:new keyword:starter" (default operator is AND)
* Field specific query e.g. "status:new keyword:starter" (default operator is AND)
* Boolean queries e.g. "test OR (status:new and keyword:starter)"
* Use meta-keywords e.g. "some text $resolved". Read more in [#meta-keywords Meta-keywords] chapter
For more information on query syntax see wiki:Proposals/BEP-0004/ResourceQuery.
Currently, you can search in tickets, wiki pages and milestones (later more resources will be added). Use All | Ticket | Wiki | Milestone tabs to search entries of specific type.
Bloodhound Search provides basic faceting functionality. Facets are specific for each resource type. More complex faceting can be introduced later, for example: date rages, pivot faces etc.
== Supported fields #fields
=== Common fields for all resources
* id - resource id. For ticket it is ticket id, for wiki it is wiki page name.
* type - resource type e.g. ticket, wiki, milestone etc.
* time - resource change time
* author - resource author. For ticket it is ticket reporter.
* content - ticket description, wiki page content
=== Ticket specific fields
* component
* status
* resolution
* keywords
* milestone
* summary
* changes - ticket comments
=== Milestone specific fields
* status - possible values are "completed" or "open"
* due - milestone due value in date-time format
== Meta-keywords #meta-keywords
Consider Bloodhound Search meta-keywords as shortcuts for commonly used query expressions. Meta-keyword starts with "$" character. Bloodhound Search supports the following meta-keywords:
* $resolved - resolved to {{{status:(resolved OR closed)}}} query
* $unresolved - resolved to {{{NOT $resolved}}} query
* $ticket, $milestone, $wiki - resolved to {{{type:ticket|milestone|wiki}}} query
* $me - resolved to currently logged in user name
* $my - resolved to {{{owner:$me}}}
Add wiki macro in order to automatically generate list of supported meta-keywords and help description
== URL query parameters #parameters
Bloodhound Search supports the following URL query parameters:
* '''q''' - query string, for example: .../bhsearch?q=test
* '''type''' - type of resource to search in. Currently, supported types are ticket, wiki and milestone, for example: .../bhsearch?type=ticke
* '''fq''' - filter query. Filter queries are not boosted and used to additionally filter search output. Bloodhound Search joins multiple filter queries using AND operator, for example: .../bhsearch?fq=status:"new"&fq=component:"c1" results to filter query: status:"new" AND component:"c1"
* '''pagelen''' - number of rows that should be returned in a single page, for example .../bhsearch?pagelen=20. Default pagelen value is 10
* '''page''' - number of page in the current result set that should be returned
* '''view''' - the parameter specify hor search results should presented. Currently supported value is {{{grid}}}. If parameter is missing, free text presentation will be used. Usage sample: {{{view=grid}}}
* '''sort''' - specifies search results sorting. By default, results are sorted by relevance score and resource time ({{{sort=score, time desc}}}).
* A sort parameter must include a field name (or the pseudo-field {{{score}}}), optionally followed by whitespace (escaped as + or %20 in URL strings) and followed by a sort direction ({{{asc}}} or {{{desc}}}). If if direction is missing, {{{asc}}} is used by default.
* Multiple sort orderings can be separated by a comma, ie: {{{sort=<field name>+<direction>[,<field name>+<direction>]...}}} For example: {{{sort=component, milestone desc}}}