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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
r"""Project dashboard for Apache(TM) Bloodhound
Helper functions and classes.
from functools import update_wrapper
import inspect
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from urlparse import urlparse
from wsgiref.util import setup_testing_defaults
from trac.core import Component, implements, ExtensionPoint
from trac.util.text import to_unicode
from trac.web.api import Request
from import add_link, Chrome
from trac.web.main import RequestDispatcher
from bhdashboard.api import DashboardSystem, IWidgetProvider, InvalidIdentifier
# Request handling
def dummy_request(env, uname=None):
environ = {}
'SCRIPT_NAME' : urlparse(str(env._abs_href())).path,
'trac.base_url' : str(env._abs_href()),
req = Request(environ, lambda *args, **kwds: None)
# Intercept redirection
req.redirect = lambda *args, **kwds: None
# Setup user information
if uname is not None :
environ['REMOTE_USER'] = req.authname = uname
rd = RequestDispatcher(env)
chrome = Chrome(env)
'authname': rd.authenticate,
'chrome': chrome.prepare_request,
'hdf': getattr(rd, '_get_hdf', None),
'lc_time': rd._get_lc_time,
'locale' : getattr(rd, '_get_locale', None),
'perm': rd._get_perm,
'session': rd._get_session,
'tz': rd._get_timezone,
'form_token': rd._get_form_token
return req
def merge_links(srcreq, dstreq, exclude=None):
"""Incorporate links in `srcreq` into `dstreq`.
if exclude is None:
exclude = ['alternate']
if 'links' in
for rel, links in['links'].iteritems():
if rel not in exclude:
for link in links:
add_link(dstreq, rel, **link)
# Widget helpers
class WidgetBase(Component):
"""Abstract base class for widgets"""
abstract = True
def get_widgets(self):
"""Yield the name of the widget based on the class name."""
name = self.__class__.__name__
if name.endswith('Widget'):
name = name[:-6]
yield name
def get_widget_description(self, name):
"""Return the subclass's docstring."""
return to_unicode(inspect.getdoc(self.__class__))
def get_widget_params(self, name):
"""Return a dictionary containing arguments specification for
the widget with specified name.
raise NotImplementedError
def render_widget(self, context, name, options):
"""Render widget considering given options."""
raise NotImplementedError
# Helper methods
def bind_params(self, name, options, *params):
return DashboardSystem(self.env).bind_params(options,
self.get_widget_params(name), *params)
def check_widget_name(f):
"""Decorator used to wrap methods of widget providers so as to ensure
widget names will match those listed by `get_widgets` method.
def widget_name_checker(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
names = set(self.get_widgets())
if name not in names:
raise InvalidIdentifier('Widget name MUST match any of ' +
', '.join(names),
title='Invalid widget identifier')
return f(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
return widget_name_checker
# Function decorators and wrappers
def pretty_wrapper(wrapped, *decorators):
"""Apply multiple decorators to a given function and make the result
look like wrapped function.
wrapper = wrapped
for f in decorators:
wrapper = f(wrapper)
return update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
# Trac core
def resolve_ep_class(interface, component, clsnm, **kwargs):
r"""Retrieve the class implementing an interface (by name)
ep = ExtensionPoint(interface)
for c in ep.extensions(component):
if c.__class__.__name__ == clsnm :
return c
if 'default' in kwargs:
return kwargs['default']
raise LookupError('No match found for class %s implementing %s' %
(clsnm, interface) )
# Context information
trac_version = tuple(int(i) for i in get_distribution('Trac').parsed_version \
if i.startswith('0'))
# The exact moments (versions) where some things started to change
# in such a manner that break previous test code
trac_tags = (
(0, 13), # TODO: Find the exact version ( Trac=0.12 ? )
# Miscellaneous
def minmax(seq, accessor=lambda x: x):
"""Retrieve lower and upper bounds in a squence
minval = maxval = None
seq = iter(seq)
minval = maxval = accessor(
except StopIteration:
for x in seq:
value = accessor(x)
if value > maxval:
maxval = value
if value < minval:
minval = value
return dict(min=minval, max=maxval)