blob: 7b09687c4f33f48f8a6b68819963c7e2d0ea3cbd [file] [log] [blame]
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Render a ticket comment.
- change: the change data
- hide_buttons=False: hide all buttons (Edit, Reply)
- cnum_edit=None: the comment number being edited
- edited_comment: the current value of the comment editor
- cnum_hist=None: the comment number for which to show a historical content
- can_append=False: True if the user is allowed to append to tickets
- has_edit_comment=False: True if the user is allowed to edit all comments
- preview=False: True if rendering a change preview
<html xmlns=""
py:with="cnum = change.get('cnum'); hide_buttons = value_of('hide_buttons', False);
cnum_edit = value_of('cnum_edit'); cnum_hist = value_of('cnum_hist');
can_append = value_of('can_append', False); has_edit_comment = value_of('has_edit_comment', False);
preview = value_of('preview', False);
can_edit_comment = has_edit_comment or (authname and authname != 'anonymous'
and authname ==;
show_editor = can_edit_comment and str(cnum) == cnum_edit;
show_history = str(cnum) == cnum_hist;
max_version = max(change.comment_history) if change.comment_history else 0;
comment_version = int(cversion or 0) if show_history else max_version;
show_buttons = not hide_buttons and not show_editor and comment_version == max_version"
<py:def function="commentref(prefix, cnum, cls=None)">
<a href="#comment:$cnum" class="$cls">$prefix$cnum</a>
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
<h6 style="margin-left: 0px; margin-top:10px;">
<py:when test="'date' in change">
<p style="margin: 0">
<span py:if="'cnum' in change" id="comment:$cnum" class="cnum">${commentref('comment:', cnum)}</span>&nbsp;
<div class="threading"
py:with="change_replies = replies.get(str(cnum), []) if 'cnum' in change else []">
<p py:if="'replyto' in change">
In reply to: ${commentref('&uarr;&nbsp;', change.replyto)}
<p py:if="change_replies">
<i18n:choose numeral="len(change_replies)">
<span i18n:singular="">Follow-up:</span>
<py:for each="reply in change_replies">
${commentref('&darr;&nbsp;', reply, 'follow-up')}
<div class="offset2">
<h4 class="change">
<div py:if="show_buttons" class="pull-right bh-ticket-buttons">
<form py:if="'cnum' in change and can_edit_comment" method="get"
style="display:inline" action="#comment:${cnum}">
<div class="inlinebuttons">
<input type="hidden" name="cnum_edit" value="${cnum}"/>
<input type="submit" value="${_('Edit')}" class="btn btn-mini"
title="${_('Edit comment %(cnum)s', cnum=cnum)}"/>
<form py:if="'cnum' in change and can_append" id="reply-to-comment-${cnum}"
method="get" action="#comment" style="display: inline">
<div class="inlinebuttons">
<input type="hidden" name="replyto" value="${cnum}"/>
<input type="submit" value="${_('Reply')}" class="btn btn-mini"
title="${_('Reply to comment %(cnum)s', cnum=cnum)}"/>
<span py:if="preview or show_editor" class="trac-loading"/>
<ul py:if="change.fields" class="changes">
<li py:for="field_name, field in sorted(change.fields.iteritems(), key=lambda item: item[1].label.lower())"
class="${'trac-conflict' if preview and field_name in conflicts else None}">
<py:when test="field_name == 'attachment'"><i18n:msg params="name">
<a href="${href.attachment('ticket',,}"><em>${
}</em></a><a href="${href('raw-attachment', 'ticket',,}"
title="Download" class="trac-rawlink">&#8203;</a>
<py:when test="'rendered' in field">${field.rendered}</py:when>
<py:when test="field.old and"><i18n:msg params="old, new">
changed from <em>${field.old}</em> to <em>${}</em>
<py:when test="not field.old and"><i18n:msg params="value">
set to <em>${}</em>
<py:otherwise><i18n:msg params="value">
<em>${field.old}</em> deleted
<form py:if="show_editor" id="trac-comment-editor" method="post"
action="${href.ticket( + '#comment:%d' % cnum}">
<textarea name="edited_comment" class="wikitext trac-resizable" rows="10" cols="78">
${edited_comment if edited_comment is not None else change.comment}</textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="cnum_edit" value="${cnum}"/>
<div class="buttons">
<input type="submit" name="preview_comment" value="${_('Preview')}"
title="${_('Preview changes to comment %(cnum)s', cnum=cnum)}"/>
<input type="submit" name="edit_comment" value="${_('Submit changes')}"
title="${_('Submit changes to comment %(cnum)s', cnum=cnum)}"/>
<input type="submit" name="cancel_comment" value="${_('Cancel')}"
title="Cancel comment edit"/>
<div py:when="str(cnum) == cnum_edit"
py:with="text = edited_comment if edited_comment is not None else change.comment"
class="comment searchable ticketdraft" style="${'display: none' if not text else None}" xml:space="preserve">
${wiki_to_html(context, text, escape_newlines=preserve_newlines)}
<div py:when="show_history" class="comment searchable" xml:space="preserve">
${wiki_to_html(context, change.comment_history[int(cversion)].comment, escape_newlines=preserve_newlines)}
<div py:when="change.comment" class="comment searchable" xml:space="preserve">
${wiki_to_html(context, change.comment, escape_newlines=preserve_newlines)}
<div py:if="not show_editor and len(change.comment_history) > 1" py:choose=""
class="trac-lastedit ${'trac-shade' if comment_version != max_version else None} alert alert-success">
<i18n:msg params="version, date, author" py:when="comment_version != max_version">
Version ${comment_version}, edited ${pretty_dateinfo(change.comment_history[comment_version].date)}
by ${authorinfo(change.comment_history[comment_version].author)}
<i18n:msg params="date, author" py:otherwise="">
Last edited ${pretty_dateinfo(change.comment_history[comment_version].date)}
by ${authorinfo(change.comment_history[comment_version].author)}
<py:if test="comment_version > 0">
(<a href="${href.ticket(, cnum_hist=cnum, cversion=comment_version - 1)
<py:if test="comment_version &lt; max_version">
(<a href="${href.ticket(, cnum_hist=cnum, cversion=comment_version + 1)
<py:if test="comment_version > 0">
(<a href="${href.ticket(, action='comment-diff', cnum=cnum,