blob: 80c73dd8ebd6aa6e951d1a0d756b63fe61c1b9fb [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christopher Lenz <>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
from __future__ import with_statement
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from copy import deepcopy
import os.path
from trac.admin import AdminCommandError, IAdminCommandProvider
from trac.core import *
from trac.util import AtomicFile, as_bool
from trac.util.compat import cleandoc
from trac.util.text import printout, to_unicode, CRLF
from trac.util.translation import _, N_
__all__ = ['Configuration', 'ConfigSection', 'Option', 'BoolOption',
'IntOption', 'FloatOption', 'ListOption', 'ChoiceOption',
'PathOption', 'ExtensionOption', 'OrderedExtensionsOption',
# Retained for backward-compatibility, use as_bool() instead
_TRUE_VALUES = ('yes', 'true', 'enabled', 'on', 'aye', '1', 1, True)
_use_default = object()
def _to_utf8(basestr):
return to_unicode(basestr).encode('utf-8')
class ConfigurationError(TracError):
"""Exception raised when a value in the configuration file is not valid."""
title = N_('Configuration Error')
class Configuration(object):
"""Thin layer over `ConfigParser` from the Python standard library.
In addition to providing some convenience methods, the class remembers
the last modification time of the configuration file, and reparses it
when the file has changed.
def __init__(self, filename, params={}):
self.filename = filename
self.parser = ConfigParser()
self._old_sections = {}
self.parents = []
self._lastmtime = 0
self._sections = {}
def __contains__(self, name):
"""Return whether the configuration contains a section of the given
return name in self.sections()
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Return the configuration section with the specified name."""
if name not in self._sections:
self._sections[name] = Section(self, name)
return self._sections[name]
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.filename)
def get(self, section, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option.
Valid default input is a string. Returns a string.
return self[section].get(key, default)
def getbool(self, section, key, default=''):
"""Return the specified option as boolean value.
If the value of the option is one of "yes", "true", "enabled", "on",
or "1", this method wll return `True`, otherwise `False`.
Valid default input is a string or a bool. Returns a bool.
(since Trac 0.9.3, "enabled" added in 0.11)
return self[section].getbool(key, default)
def getint(self, section, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as integer.
If the specified option can not be converted to an integer, a
`ConfigurationError` exception is raised.
Valid default input is a string or an int. Returns an int.
(since Trac 0.10)
return self[section].getint(key, default)
def getfloat(self, section, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as float.
If the specified option can not be converted to a float, a
`ConfigurationError` exception is raised.
Valid default input is a string, float or int. Returns a float.
(since Trac 0.12)
return self[section].getfloat(key, default)
def getlist(self, section, key, default='', sep=',', keep_empty=False):
"""Return a list of values that have been specified as a single
comma-separated option.
A different separator can be specified using the `sep` parameter. If
the `keep_empty` parameter is set to `True`, empty elements are
included in the list.
Valid default input is a string or a list. Returns a string.
(since Trac 0.10)
return self[section].getlist(key, default, sep, keep_empty)
def getpath(self, section, key, default=''):
"""Return a configuration value as an absolute path.
Relative paths are resolved relative to the location of this
configuration file.
Valid default input is a string. Returns a normalized path.
(enabled since Trac 0.11.5)
return self[section].getpath(key, default)
def set(self, section, key, value):
"""Change a configuration value.
These changes are not persistent unless saved with `save()`.
self[section].set(key, value)
def defaults(self, compmgr=None):
"""Returns a dictionary of the default configuration values
(''since 0.10'').
If `compmgr` is specified, return only options declared in components
that are enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
defaults = {}
for (section, key), option in Option.get_registry(compmgr).items():
defaults.setdefault(section, {})[key] = option.default
return defaults
def options(self, section, compmgr=None):
"""Return a list of `(name, value)` tuples for every option in the
specified section.
This includes options that have default values that haven't been
overridden. If `compmgr` is specified, only return default option
values for components that are enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
return self[section].options(compmgr)
def remove(self, section, key):
"""Remove the specified option."""
def sections(self, compmgr=None, defaults=True):
"""Return a list of section names.
If `compmgr` is specified, only the section names corresponding to
options declared in components that are enabled in the given
`ComponentManager` are returned.
sections = set([to_unicode(s) for s in self.parser.sections()])
for parent in self.parents:
sections.update(parent.sections(compmgr, defaults=False))
if defaults:
return sorted(sections)
def has_option(self, section, option, defaults=True):
"""Returns True if option exists in section in either the project
trac.ini or one of the parents, or is available through the Option
(since Trac 0.11)
section_str = _to_utf8(section)
if self.parser.has_section(section_str):
if _to_utf8(option) in self.parser.options(section_str):
return True
for parent in self.parents:
if parent.has_option(section, option, defaults=False):
return True
return defaults and (section, option) in Option.registry
def save(self):
"""Write the configuration options to the primary file."""
if not self.filename:
# Only save options that differ from the defaults
sections = []
for section in self.sections():
section_str = _to_utf8(section)
options = []
for option in self[section]:
default_str = None
for parent in self.parents:
if parent.has_option(section, option, defaults=False):
default_str = _to_utf8(parent.get(section, option))
option_str = _to_utf8(option)
current_str = False
if self.parser.has_option(section_str, option_str):
current_str = self.parser.get(section_str, option_str)
if current_str is not False and current_str != default_str:
options.append((option_str, current_str))
if options:
sections.append((section_str, sorted(options)))
# At this point, all the strings in `sections` are UTF-8 encoded `str`
with AtomicFile(self.filename, 'w') as fileobj:
fileobj.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n')
for section, options in sections:
fileobj.write('[%s]\n' % section)
for key_str, val_str in options:
if to_unicode(key_str) in self[section].overridden:
fileobj.write('# %s = <inherited>\n' % key_str)
val_str = val_str.replace(CRLF, '\n') \
.replace('\n', '\n ')
fileobj.write('%s = %s\n' % (key_str, val_str))
self._old_sections = deepcopy(self.parser._sections)
except Exception:
# Revert all changes to avoid inconsistencies
self.parser._sections = deepcopy(self._old_sections)
def parse_if_needed(self, force=False):
if not self.filename or not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
return False
changed = False
modtime = os.path.getmtime(self.filename)
if force or modtime > self._lastmtime:
self._sections = {}
self.parser._sections = {}
if not
raise TracError(_("Error reading '%(file)s', make sure it is "
"readable.", file=self.filename))
self._lastmtime = modtime
self._old_sections = deepcopy(self.parser._sections)
changed = True
if changed:
self.parents = []
if self.parser.has_option('inherit', 'file'):
for filename in self.parser.get('inherit', 'file').split(','):
filename = to_unicode(filename.strip())
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),
for parent in self.parents:
changed |= parent.parse_if_needed(force=force)
if changed:
self._cache = {}
return changed
def touch(self):
if self.filename and os.path.isfile(self.filename) \
and os.access(self.filename, os.W_OK):
os.utime(self.filename, None)
def set_defaults(self, compmgr=None):
"""Retrieve all default values and store them explicitly in the
configuration, so that they can be saved to file.
Values already set in the configuration are not overridden.
for section, default_options in self.defaults(compmgr).items():
for name, value in default_options.items():
if not self.parser.has_option(_to_utf8(section),
if any(parent[section].contains(name, defaults=False)
for parent in self.parents):
value = None
self.set(section, name, value)
class Section(object):
"""Proxy for a specific configuration section.
Objects of this class should not be instantiated directly.
__slots__ = ['config', 'name', 'overridden', '_cache']
def __init__(self, config, name):
self.config = config = name
self.overridden = {}
self._cache = {}
def contains(self, key, defaults=True):
if self.config.parser.has_option(_to_utf8(, _to_utf8(key)):
return True
for parent in self.config.parents:
if parent[].contains(key, defaults=False):
return True
return defaults and Option.registry.has_key((, key))
__contains__ = contains
def iterate(self, compmgr=None, defaults=True):
"""Iterate over the options in this section.
If `compmgr` is specified, only return default option values for
components that are enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
options = set()
name_str = _to_utf8(
if self.config.parser.has_section(name_str):
for option_str in self.config.parser.options(name_str):
option = to_unicode(option_str)
yield option
for parent in self.config.parents:
for option in parent[].iterate(defaults=False):
loption = option.lower()
if loption not in options:
yield option
if defaults:
for section, option in Option.get_registry(compmgr).keys():
if section == and option.lower() not in options:
yield option
__iter__ = iterate
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s [%s]>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
def get(self, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option.
Valid default input is a string. Returns a string.
cached = self._cache.get(key, _use_default)
if cached is not _use_default:
return cached
name_str = _to_utf8(
key_str = _to_utf8(key)
if self.config.parser.has_option(name_str, key_str):
value = self.config.parser.get(name_str, key_str)
for parent in self.config.parents:
value = parent[].get(key, _use_default)
if value is not _use_default:
if default is not _use_default:
option = Option.registry.get((, key))
value = option.default if option else _use_default
value = _use_default
if value is _use_default:
return default
if not value:
value = u''
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = to_unicode(value)
self._cache[key] = value
return value
def getbool(self, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as boolean.
This method returns `True` if the option value is one of "yes", "true",
"enabled", "on", or non-zero numbers, ignoring case. Otherwise `False`
is returned.
Valid default input is a string or a bool. Returns a bool.
return as_bool(self.get(key, default))
def getint(self, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as integer.
If the specified option can not be converted to an integer, a
`ConfigurationError` exception is raised.
Valid default input is a string or an int. Returns an int.
value = self.get(key, default)
if not value:
return 0
return int(value)
except ValueError:
raise ConfigurationError(
_('[%(section)s] %(entry)s: expected integer, got %(value)s',, entry=key, value=repr(value)))
def getfloat(self, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as float.
If the specified option can not be converted to a float, a
`ConfigurationError` exception is raised.
Valid default input is a string, float or int. Returns a float.
value = self.get(key, default)
if not value:
return 0.0
return float(value)
except ValueError:
raise ConfigurationError(
_('[%(section)s] %(entry)s: expected float, got %(value)s',, entry=key, value=repr(value)))
def getlist(self, key, default='', sep=',', keep_empty=True):
"""Return a list of values that have been specified as a single
comma-separated option.
A different separator can be specified using the `sep` parameter. If
the `keep_empty` parameter is set to `False`, empty elements are omitted
from the list.
Valid default input is a string or a list. Returns a list.
value = self.get(key, default)
if not value:
return []
if isinstance(value, basestring):
items = [item.strip() for item in value.split(sep)]
items = list(value)
if not keep_empty:
items = filter(None, items)
return items
def getpath(self, key, default=''):
"""Return the value of the specified option as a path, relative to
the location of this configuration file.
Valid default input is a string. Returns a normalized path.
path = self.get(key, default)
if not path:
return default
if not os.path.isabs(path):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config.filename), path)
return os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path))
def options(self, compmgr=None):
"""Return `(key, value)` tuples for every option in the section.
This includes options that have default values that haven't been
overridden. If `compmgr` is specified, only return default option
values for components that are enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
for key in self.iterate(compmgr):
yield key, self.get(key)
def set(self, key, value):
"""Change a configuration value.
These changes are not persistent unless saved with `save()`.
self._cache.pop(key, None)
name_str = _to_utf8(
key_str = _to_utf8(key)
if not self.config.parser.has_section(name_str):
if value is None:
self.overridden[key] = True
value_str = ''
value_str = _to_utf8(value)
return self.config.parser.set(name_str, key_str, value_str)
def remove(self, key):
"""Delete a key from this section.
Like for `set()`, the changes won't persist until `save()` gets called.
name_str = _to_utf8(
if self.config.parser.has_section(name_str):
self._cache.pop(key, None)
self.config.parser.remove_option(_to_utf8(, _to_utf8(key))
def _get_registry(cls, compmgr=None):
"""Return the descriptor registry.
If `compmgr` is specified, only return descriptors for components that
are enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
if compmgr is None:
return cls.registry
from trac.core import ComponentMeta
components = {}
for comp in ComponentMeta._components:
for attr in comp.__dict__.itervalues():
if isinstance(attr, cls):
components[attr] = comp
return dict(each for each in cls.registry.iteritems()
if each[1] not in components
or compmgr.is_enabled(components[each[1]]))
class ConfigSection(object):
"""Descriptor for configuration sections."""
registry = {}
def get_registry(compmgr=None):
"""Return the section registry, as a `dict` mapping section names to
`ConfigSection` objects.
If `compmgr` is specified, only return sections for components that are
enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
return _get_registry(ConfigSection, compmgr)
def __init__(self, name, doc, doc_domain='tracini'):
"""Create the configuration section.""" = name
self.registry[] = self
self.__doc__ = cleandoc(doc)
self.doc_domain = doc_domain
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
config = getattr(instance, 'config', None)
if config and isinstance(config, Configuration):
return config[]
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s [%s]>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
class Option(object):
"""Descriptor for configuration options."""
registry = {}
accessor = Section.get
def get_registry(compmgr=None):
"""Return the option registry, as a `dict` mapping `(section, key)`
tuples to `Option` objects.
If `compmgr` is specified, only return options for components that are
enabled in the given `ComponentManager`.
return _get_registry(Option, compmgr)
def __init__(self, section, name, default=None, doc='',
"""Create the configuration option.
@param section: the name of the configuration section this option
belongs to
@param name: the name of the option
@param default: the default value for the option
@param doc: documentation of the option
self.section = section = name
self.default = default
self.registry[(self.section,] = self
self.__doc__ = cleandoc(doc)
self.doc_domain = doc_domain
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
config = getattr(instance, 'config', None)
if config and isinstance(config, Configuration):
section = config[self.section]
value = self.accessor(section,, self.default)
return value
def __set__(self, instance, value):
raise AttributeError, 'can\'t set attribute'
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s [%s] "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.section,
class BoolOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for boolean configuration options."""
accessor = Section.getbool
class IntOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for integer configuration options."""
accessor = Section.getint
class FloatOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for float configuration options."""
accessor = Section.getfloat
class ListOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for configuration options that contain multiple values
separated by a specific character.
def __init__(self, section, name, default=None, sep=',', keep_empty=False,
doc='', doc_domain='tracini'):
Option.__init__(self, section, name, default, doc, doc_domain)
self.sep = sep
self.keep_empty = keep_empty
def accessor(self, section, name, default):
return section.getlist(name, default, self.sep, self.keep_empty)
class ChoiceOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for configuration options providing a choice among a list
of items.
The default value is the first choice in the list.
def __init__(self, section, name, choices, doc='', doc_domain='tracini'):
Option.__init__(self, section, name, _to_utf8(choices[0]), doc,
self.choices = set(_to_utf8(choice).strip() for choice in choices)
def accessor(self, section, name, default):
value = section.get(name, default)
if value not in self.choices:
raise ConfigurationError(
_('[%(section)s] %(entry)s: expected one of '
'(%(choices)s), got %(value)s',, entry=name, value=repr(value),
choices=', '.join('"%s"' % c
for c in sorted(self.choices))))
return value
class PathOption(Option):
"""Descriptor for file system path configuration options."""
accessor = Section.getpath
class ExtensionOption(Option):
def __init__(self, section, name, interface, default=None, doc='',
Option.__init__(self, section, name, default, doc, doc_domain)
self.xtnpt = ExtensionPoint(interface)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
value = Option.__get__(self, instance, owner)
for impl in self.xtnpt.extensions(instance):
if impl.__class__.__name__ == value:
return impl
raise AttributeError('Cannot find an implementation of the "%s" '
'interface named "%s". Please update the option '
'%s.%s in trac.ini.'
% (self.xtnpt.interface.__name__, value,
class OrderedExtensionsOption(ListOption):
"""A comma separated, ordered, list of components implementing `interface`.
Can be empty.
If `include_missing` is true (the default) all components implementing the
interface are returned, with those specified by the option ordered first."""
def __init__(self, section, name, interface, default=None,
include_missing=True, doc='', doc_domain='tracini'):
ListOption.__init__(self, section, name, default, doc=doc,
self.xtnpt = ExtensionPoint(interface)
self.include_missing = include_missing
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
order = ListOption.__get__(self, instance, owner)
components = []
for impl in self.xtnpt.extensions(instance):
if self.include_missing or impl.__class__.__name__ in order:
def compare(x, y):
x, y = x.__class__.__name__, y.__class__.__name__
if x not in order:
return int(y in order)
if y not in order:
return -int(x in order)
return cmp(order.index(x), order.index(y))
return components
class ConfigurationAdmin(Component):
"""trac-admin command provider for trac.ini administration."""
# IAdminCommandProvider methods
def get_admin_commands(self):
yield ('config get', '<section> <option>',
'Get the value of the given option in "trac.ini"',
self._complete_config, self._do_get)
yield ('config remove', '<section> <option>',
'Remove the specified option from "trac.ini"',
self._complete_config, self._do_remove)
yield ('config set', '<section> <option> <value>',
'Set the value for the given option in "trac.ini"',
self._complete_config, self._do_set)
def _complete_config(self, args):
if len(args) == 1:
return self.config.sections()
elif len(args) == 2:
return [name for (name, value) in self.config[args[0]].options()]
def _do_get(self, section, option):
if not self.config.has_option(section, option):
raise AdminCommandError(
_("Option '%(option)s' doesn't exist in section '%(section)s'",
option=option, section=section))
printout(self.config.get(section, option))
def _do_set(self, section, option, value):
self.config.set(section, option, value)
if section == 'inherit' and option == 'file':
self.config.parse_if_needed(force=True) # Full reload
def _do_remove(self, section, option):
if not self.config.has_option(section, option):
raise AdminCommandError(
_("Option '%(option)s' doesn't exist in section '%(section)s'",
option=option, section=section))
self.config.remove(section, option)
if section == 'inherit' and option == 'file':
self.config.parse_if_needed(force=True) # Full reload