blob: 5fe71082c1d8bde62ad603e10d453e48fbce05a8 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<xi:include href="layout.html" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="${chrome.htdocs_location}js/folding.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#trac-toggle-description").click(function() {
if ($(this).checked())
<div id="content" class="report row">
<h1 class="span12">Reports</h1>
<div class="span9 reports">
<div py:if="saved_query_href">
<form method="get" action="${}">
<div class="inlinebuttons">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="clear" />
<input type="submit" class="inlinebutton btn btn-mini"
title="Forget last query" value="${_('Clear')}" />
<h2><a href="$saved_query_href"><em>Return to Last Query</em></a></h2>
<span class="foldable" />
<div class="help-block description">
<p><span class="label label-info">Tip</span>
Continue browsing through the current list of results,
from the last selected report or custom query.</p>
<div py:if="query_href">
<h2><a href="$query_href"><em>Custom Query</em></a></h2>
<span class="foldable" />
<div class="help-block description">
<p><span class="label label-info">Tip</span>
Compose a new ticket query by selecting filters and columns to display.
<div class="span3">
<form id="prefs" method="get" action="" class="well">
<input id="trac-toggle-description" type="checkbox" />
<label for="trac-toggle-description">Show Descriptions</label>
<div id="description" />
<div py:choose="" class="reports span12">
<py:when test="reports">
<h2>SQL reports and saved custom queries
<small id="trac-sort-order" style="white-space:nowrap;" class="pull-right" py:with="report_asc = asc if sort == 'report' else None;
title_asc = asc if sort == 'title' else None">
Sort by:
<a href="${'report', asc='0' if report_asc else '1')}">
<span class="label">
<i class="${('icon-chevron-down', 'icon-chevron-up')[report_asc] if report_asc is not None else None}"></i>
</a> &nbsp;
<a href="${'title', asc='0' if title_asc else '1')}">
<span class="label">
<i class="${('icon-chevron-down', 'icon-chevron-up')[title_asc] if title_asc is not None else None}"></i>
<div py:for="id, title, description, can_edit, can_delete in reports">
<form py:if="can_delete" method="get" action="${}">
<div class="inlinebuttons">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" />
<input type="submit" class="inlinebutton btn btn-mini" title="Delete report" value="${_('Delete')}" />
<form py:if="can_edit" method="get" action="${}">
<div class="inlinebuttons">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />
<input type="submit" class="inlinebutton btn btn-mini" title="Edit report" value="${_('Edit')}" />
<h2><a title="View report" href="${}">{$id} <em>$title</em></a></h2>
<span class="foldable" />
<div py:if="description" class="description" xml:space="preserve">
${wiki_to_html(context, description)}
<p py:otherwise="" class="alert">
<span class="label label-warning">Warning</span>
No reports available.
<div py:if="'REPORT_CREATE' in perm" class="buttons span12">
<form action="" method="get" id="create_report">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />
<input class="btn" type="submit" value="${_('Create new report')}" />
<div id="help" i18n:msg="" class="span12">
<p class="help-block pull-right">
<span class="label label-info">Note</span>
See <a href="${'TracReports')}">TracReports</a> for help on using and creating reports.