blob: c3483c2a95398ea411fbaea156f70e3ec5f71f47 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.bigtop.itest.failures
* Can shutdown network connections between specified hosts during tests execution.
public class NetworkShutdownFailure extends AbstractFailure {
private static final String DROP_INPUT_CONNECTIONS = "sudo iptables -A INPUT -s %s -j DROP"
private static final String DROP_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS = "sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d %s -j DROP"
private static final String RESTORE_INPUT_CONNECTIONS = "sudo iptables -D INPUT -s %s -j DROP"
private static final String RESTORE_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS = "sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -d %s -j DROP"
* Creates list of network disruptions between specified hosts.
* @param srcHost host whose connections will but cut
* @param dstHosts destination hosts connections to which from srcHost will be shut down.
public NetworkShutdownFailure(String srcHost, List<String> dstHosts) {
super(new ArrayList<String>())
populateCommandsList(srcHost, dstHosts)
* Creates list of network disruptions between specified hosts,
* allows to set all additional params.
* @param srcHost host whose connections will but cut
* @param dstHosts destination hosts connections to which from srcHost will be shut down
* @param startDelay time in milliseconds) the failures will wait before start
public NetworkShutdownFailure(String srcHost,
List<String> dstHosts,
long startDelay) {
super(new ArrayList<String>(), startDelay)
populateCommandsList(srcHost, dstHosts)
* Populate commands list, making choice between local execution and remote one.
private void populateCommandsList(String host, List<String> dstHosts) {
if ("localhost".equalsIgnoreCase(host)) {
dstHosts.each { dstHost ->
failCommands.add(String.format(DROP_INPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost))
failCommands.add(String.format(DROP_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost))
restoreCommands.add(String.format(RESTORE_INPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost))
restoreCommands.add(String.format(RESTORE_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost))
} else {
dstHosts.each { dstHost ->
failCommands.add(getSshWrappedCommand(String.format(DROP_INPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost), host))
failCommands.add(getSshWrappedCommand(String.format(DROP_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost), host))
restoreCommands.add(getSshWrappedCommand(String.format(RESTORE_INPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost), host))
restoreCommands.add(getSshWrappedCommand(String.format(RESTORE_OUTPUT_CONNECTIONS, dstHost), host))