blob: 0c5942cf88d0dc3b59e6f9d5c648221cc75b380f [file] [log] [blame]
### This file implements defaults and some dependant parameter defaulting logic.
### Every parameter can be overridden using the hiera lookup hierarchy. The enclosd
### hiera.yaml provides for this by adding a site.yaml to the lookup where
### site-specific overrides can be placed. Therefore this file should never need
### changing by site admins.
# FQDN of Namenode
#bigtop::hadoop_head_node: ""
# FQDN of standby node (enables HA if set)
#bigtop::hadoop_standby_head_node: ""
# FQDN of gateway node (if separate from NN)
#bigtop::hadoop_gateway_node: ""
# A list of stack' components to be deployed can be specified via special
# "$components" list. If $components isn't set then everything in the stack will
# be installed as usual. Otherwise only a specified list will be set
# Possible elements:
# hadoop,yarn,hbase,alluxio,flink,flume,solrcloud,spark,oozie,hcat,sqoop,httpfs,
# pig,hive,zookeeper,ycsb,qfs
# Example (to deploy only HDFS and YARN server and gateway parts)
# This can be a comma-separated list or an array.
# - hadoop
# - yarn
# A list of roles can be assigned to each node in a cluster via "bigtop::roles"
# hiera conf. This is useful if you want to run specific daemons/processes of a component
# (lets say hadoop) on specific nodes. To enable roles, you need to explicitly set
# "bigtop::roles_enabled" conf to true. By default, it is not enabled. If not enabled,
# bigtop will honour the hadoop_cluster_node::cluster_components parameter and assume
# respective roles to each node based on hadoop_head_node, hadoop_gateway_node
# and other nodes (worker nodes) classification. For full list of roles
# supported by each component, refer to $roles_map datastructure in cluster.pp file
# for example:
# - namenode
# - resourcemanager
# By specifying above roles, you instruct a node to run only namenode and resourcemanager.
# When roles are disabled, all worker daemons for each component assume hadoop_head_node as
# their master. With roles enabled, this assumption may no longer be valid and its upto the user
# to specify the FQDN for each master daemons to all nodes so that worker daemons can communicate
# with master. FQDN and port for master daemons of each component can be specified using below
# configurations.
# Storage directories (will be created if doesn't exist)
# - /data/1
# - /data/2
# - /data/3
# - /data/4
#bigtop::bigtop_repo_uri: ""
# Use a pre-installed java environment. The default value of 'false' will cause
# the default jdk by bigtop to be installed.
# this to 'true' requires a compatible java environment be avaialble prior to Bigtop
# installation.
#bigtop::jdk_preinstalled: false
# Test-only variable controls if user hdfs' sshkeys should be installed to allow
# for passwordless login across the cluster. Required by some integration tests
#hadoop::common_hdfs::testonly_hdfs_sshkeys: "no"
# Default
#hadoop::common_hdfs::ha: "disabled"
# Kerberos
#hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication: "kerberos"
#kerberos::krb_site::domain: ""
#kerberos::krb_site::realm: "BIGTOP.APACHE.ORG"
#kerberos::krb_site::kdc_server: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
#kerberos::krb_site::kdc_port: "88"
#kerberos::krb_site::admin_port: "749"
#kerberos::krb_site::keytab_export_dir: "/var/lib/bigtop_keytabs"
# applies to hdfs, yarn, mapred, kms and httpfs
hadoop::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::krb_site::realm')}"
hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_namenode_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
# actually default but needed for hadoop_namenode_uri here
hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_namenode_port: "8020"
# If there is a datanode/network failure in the write pipeline, DFSClient will try
# to remove the failed datanode from the pipeline and then continue writing with the
# remaining datanodes. As a result, the number of datanodes in the pipeline is decreased.
# The feature is to add new datanodes to the pipeline. This is a site-wide property to
# enable/disable the feature. When the cluster size is extremely small, e.g. 3 nodes or
# less, cluster administrators may want to set the policy to NEVER in the default
# configuration file or disable this feature. Otherwise, users may experience an unusually
# high rate of pipeline failures since it is impossible to find new datanodes for replacement.
# See also dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.policy
# hadoop::common_hdfs::hdfs_replace_datanode_on_failure: "false"
# Set as shown below in site.yaml to also enable Kerberos authentication
# on the web GUIs of journalnode, namenode, datanode, resourcemanager and
# nodemanager when you enable Kerberos for Hadoop API communication. This
# intentionally is not the default right now.
#hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_http_authentication_type: "%{hiera('hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication')}"
# A secret is necessary for the cross-service-cross-node session cookie.
# Provide this by setting the following to something long and secret:
# ... or have trocla generate secrets for Hadoop components automatically. For
# this to work, the trocla puppet module must be installed.
#hadoop::generate_secrets: true
hadoop::common_yarn::hadoop_ps_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
hadoop::common_yarn::hadoop_rm_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
hadoop::common_yarn::hadoop_rm_port: "8032"
hadoop::common_mapred_app::jobtracker_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
hadoop::common_mapred_app::mapreduce_jobhistory_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
# actually default but needed for hadoop::common_yarn::yarn_log_server_url here
bigtop::hadoop_history_server_port: "19888"
bigtop::hadoop_history_server_url: "http://%{hiera('hadoop::common_mapred_app::mapreduce_jobhistory_host')}:%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_history_server_port')}"
hadoop::common_yarn::yarn_log_server_url: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_history_server_url')}/jobhistory/logs"
hadoop::httpfs::hadoop_httpfs_port: "14000"
hadoop::kms_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
hadoop::kms_port: "9600"
bigtop::hadoop_zookeeper_port: "2181"
hadoop::zk: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}:%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_zookeeper_port')}"
bigtop::hadoop_namenode_uri: "hdfs://%{hiera('hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_namenode_host')}:%{hiera('hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_namenode_port')}"
hadoop_hbase::base_relative_rootdir: "/hbase"
hadoop_hbase::common_config::rootdir: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_namenode_uri')}%{hiera('hadoop_hbase::base_relative_rootdir')}"
hadoop_hbase::common_config::zookeeper_quorum: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
hadoop_hbase::common_config::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
hadoop_hbase::client::thrift: true
hadoop_hbase::deploy::auxiliary: true
solr::server::root_url: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_namenode_uri')}"
solr::server::zk: "%{hiera('hadoop::zk')}"
solr::server::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
# Default but needed here to make sure, hue uses the same port
solr::server::port: "8983"
hadoop_oozie::server::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
hcatalog::server::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
hcatalog::webhcat::server::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
# spark
spark::common::master_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
# to enable spark HA, ensure zookeeper is available and uncomment the line below
#spark::common::zookeeper_connection_string: "%{hiera('hadoop::zk')}"
alluxio::common::master_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
# qfs
qfs::common::metaserver_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
qfs::common::metaserver_port: "30000"
qfs::common::chunkserver_port: "30000"
qfs::common::metaserver_client_port: "20000"
qfs::common::chunkserver_client_port: "22000"
hadoop_zookeeper::server::myid: "0"
- ["0", "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}:2888:3888"]
hadoop_zookeeper::server::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
# those are only here because they were present as extlookup keys previously
bigtop::hadoop_rm_http_port: "8088"
bigtop::hadoop_rm_proxy_port: "8088"
bigtop::hbase_thrift_port: "9090"
bigtop::hadoop_oozie_port: "11000"
hadoop_hive::common_config::hbase_zookeeper_quorum: "%{hiera('hadoop_hbase::common_config::zookeeper_quorum')}"
hadoop_hive::common_config::kerberos_realm: "%{hiera('kerberos::site::realm')}"
hadoop_hive::common_config::metastore_uris: "thrift://%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}:9083"
# set this to true in production to avoid potential metastore corruption
hadoop_hive::common_config::metastore_schema_verification: false
# tez
hadoop::common::tez_conf_dir: "/etc/tez/conf"
hadoop::common::tez_jars: "/usr/lib/tez"
# to enable tez in hadoop, uncomment the lines below
# hadoop::common::use_tez: true
# hadoop::common_mapred_app::mapreduce_framework_name: "yarn-tez"
# to enable tez in hive, uncomment the lines below
# hadoop_hive::common_config::hive_execution_engine: "tez"
kafka::server::port: "9092"
kafka::server::zookeeper_connection_string: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}:2181"
zeppelin::server::spark_master_url: "yarn-client"
zeppelin::server::hiveserver2_url: "jdbc:hive2://%{hiera('hadoop-hive::common::hiveserver2_host')}:%{hiera('hadoop-hive::common::hiveserver2_port')}"
zeppelin::server::hiveserver2_user: "%{hiera('bigtop::hiveserver2_user')}"
zeppelin::server::hiveserver2_password: "%{hiera('bigtop::hiveserver2_password')}"
# Flink
flink::common::jobmanager_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"
flink::common::jobmanager_port: "6123"
flink::common::jobmanager_memory: "1600m"
flink::common::taskmanager_memory: "1728m"
flink::common::taskmanager_number_of_taskslots: "1"
flink::common::parallelism_default: "1"
flink::common::jobmanager_failover_strategy: "region"
flink::common::rest_port: "8081"
# The first element is FQDN for master node and the succeeding ones are for segment nodes.
gpdb::common::nodes: ["%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}", "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"]
gpdb::common::gp_home: "/usr/lib/gpdb"
gpdb::common::db_base_dir: "/data_gp"
gpdb::common::master_db_port: "5432"
gpdb::common::segment_db_port_prefix: "4000"
ambari::agent::server_host: "%{hiera('bigtop::hadoop_head_node')}"