blob: bf8149cf8f94996d28b0455678d8bb2fccae2352 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project xmlns=""
Top-level POM file for Hadoop stack testing collects together a number of
common functionality, dependencies,
Most of the defaults can be overwritten in sub-modules if so desired.
Making sure that we have proper variables needed for Hadoop testing
These settings should be enforced at the top level
Default exclude mask for failsafe plugin. OPTIONAL
Default value is set below to represent non-existent name
If a module needs to exclude certain test patterns this property has to be overwritten
Default include mask for failsafe plugin. OPTIONAL
Default value is set below
If a module needs to run different set of tests this property has to be overwritten
destination folder where all temp. files will be copied for further processing, REQUIRED
Should be defined in a sub-module
test artifact jar name to be processes e.g. data unpacking, etc, REQUIRED
Should be defined in a sub-module
groupId of test artifact which contains jar files, REQUIRED
Should be defined in a sub-module
artifactId of test artifact which contains jar files, REQUIRED
Should be defined in a sub-module
version of test artifact which contains jar files, REQUIRED
Should be defined in a sub-module
pattern of resources inside of test artifact to be unpacked in 'unpack'
target folder where all temp. files will be unpacked, OPTIONAL
Default value is set below
Type of artifact containing test classes. Default is test-jar
This equals to classifier="tests"
<!-- Gmaven plugin enables a lot of runtime flexibility for us -->
<!-- Turn them on for all children -->
<!-- Gmaven plugin enables a lot of runtime flexibility for us -->
<!-- The following plugins must be enabled inside modules in order to work -->
<!--Let's skip unit tests all together for there are none-->
<!-- Copy the test artifacts so it is easier to deal with it-->
<!-- This is were actual preparation is started -->
import org.apache.bigtop.itest.*
def nm =['org.apache.maven-dependency-plugin.artifactId'];
def vers =['org.apache.maven-dependency-plugin.version'];
def trgt =;
def src =['org.codehaus.groovy.maven.jar'] ?:
def prefix =['org.codehaus.groovy.maven.destination'];
try {
JarContent.listContent(src).each {
TestListUtils.touchTestFiles(prefix, it);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
println "[WARNING] No test classes were found inside of: ${src}";
<message>HADOOP_CONF_DIR env. variable has to be set</message>
<message>HADOOP_HOME env. variable has to be set</message>