blob: f71f38543a8e4b075b932050cd1a1fb6798e389d [file] [log] [blame]
"license": [
"Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or",
"more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed",
"with this work for additional information regarding copyright ",
"ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache ",
"License Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except ",
"in compliance with the License.",
"You may obtain a copy of the License at",
"licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to",
"in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed ",
"either express or implied. See the License for the specific language",
"governing permissions and limitations under the License."
"description": [
"This JSON file describes the structure for a hadoop deployment",
"These are the main components:",
"root_user : This is the HCFS super user.",
"The root_user is the owner of / in the file system. So in POSIX DFS",
"this would be 'root'.",
"dir : The directories to create with permissions.",
"Each directory is a tuple (path,perm,user,group).",
"According to the FileSystem API, null user/group args have no effect.",
"In many cases these are just null, for example /tmp.",
"Note that PERMs are STRINGS, not numbers. JSON doesnt support octals.",
"user : These are the users which we create to use the system.",
"In this file, we use the archetypal 'tom' and 'alice' users.",
"the reason we create such users is to provision home dirs for them",
"that will allow them to use hadoop with unqualified paths, etc",
"we expect a provisioner to create dirs like '/user/alice'.",
"Note that the permissions are group readable.",
"Thus, those using this to provision should choose groups wisely for",
"the users in this file.",
"Motivation: A brief note on why we have created this artifact",
"Provisioning hadoop systems requires construction of directories",
"As each ecosystem component evolves, its directory requirements do to",
"However, there are many ways to create these directories",
"In the past, this has been done in a bash script.",
"However, different systems may create such dirs differently",
"For example, you could use 'hadoop fs -mkdir' (slow but simple) ",
"Or you could use a FUSE mount and standard unix mkdir",
"Or you could make direct file system API calls (fast but more complex)",
"So to give different hadoop provisioners flexibility, we have decided",
"on a standard, pure schema for defining permissions, and we expect ",
"various provisioner scripts (such as that in BIGTOP-952) to come along",
"possibly in more than one language, which provision hadoop ecosystems",
"using a variety of methods.",
"This artifact is maintained by the public, please contribute to its",
"up-to-date-ness, by notifying us of any deficiencies over time."
"dir": [
["/user/oozie/share", null,null,null],
["/user/oozie/share/lib", null,null,null],
["/user/oozie/share/lib/hive", null, null, null],
["/user/oozie/share/lib/mapreduce-streaming", null, null, null],
["/user/oozie/share/lib/distcp", null, null, null],
["/user/oozie/share/lib/pig", null, null, null],
"user": [
["tom", "0755", null],
["alice", "0755", null],
["bigtop", "0755", null]