blob: 3f91c1b60498bea6c2350753fbbe8bad30883b3b [file] [log] [blame]
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= Apache Bigtop
*Bigtop is an Apache Foundation project for Infrastructure Engineers and Data Scientists looking for
comprehensive packaging, testing, and configuration of the leading open source big data components.*
Bigtop supports a wide range of components/projects, including, but not limited to, Hadoop, HBase and Spark.
[cols="3*", options="header"]
| Packaging
| Smoke testing
| Virtualization
| Bigtop supports a wide range of components/projects, including, but not limited to, Hadoop, HBase and Spark.
| Bigtop provides an integrated smoke testing framework, alongside a suite of over 50 test files.
| Bigtop provides vagrant recipes, raw images, and (work-in-progress) docker recipes for deploying Hadoop from zero.
Bigtop components power the leading Hadoop distros and support many Operating Systems, including Debian/Ubuntu,
CentOS, Fedora, SUSE and many others.
Bigtop includes tools and a framework for testing at various levels (packaging, platform, runtime, etc.) for both
initial deployments as well as upgrade scenarios for the entire data platform, not just the individual components.
== Tool requirements for building Bigtop
[cols="a,a,a", options="header"]
| On all systems
| Also on RPM-based systems
| Also on DEB-based systems
| * Java JDK 1.6
* Apache Ant
* Apache Maven
* wget
* tar
* git
* subversion
* gcc
* gcc-c++
* make
* fuse
* protobuf-compiler
* autoconf
* automake
* libtool
* sharutils
* xmlto
| * lzo-devel
* zlib-devel
* fuse-devel
* openssl-devel
* python-devel
* libxml2-devel
* libxslt-devel
* cyrus-sasl-devel
* sqlite-devel
* mysql-devel
* openldap-devel
* rpm-build
* createrepo
* redhat-rpm-config (RedHat/CentOS only)
| * libxslt1-dev
* libkrb5-dev
* libldap2-dev
* libmysqlclient-dev
* libsasl2-dev
* libsqlite3-dev
* libxml2-dev
* python-dev
* python-setuptools
* liblzo2-dev
* libzip-dev
* libfuse-dev
* libssl-dev
* build-essential
* dh-make
* debhelper
* devscripts
* reprepro
== Continuous Integration
Apache Bigtop uses Jenkins for continuous integration testing (you can learn more about Jenkins[here]). There are 2 Jenkins servers currently running for the
The Apache Jenkins server runs the "Bigtop-trunk" job whenever code is committed to the trunk branch,
which in turn runs several test jobs.
The Bigtop Jenkins server runs daily jobs for the 0.3 and trunk branches, and each job has a configuration
for each supported operating system. In each branch there is a job to build each component, a job to run
package tests and a job to build package repositories. There are also jobs for building virtual machine
images as well as the 2 most recent releases and other miscellaneous tasks for various RCs and tests.
For example:
Runs all of the jobs for the trunk branch.
Builds the HBase packages only.
Runs the package tests.
Builds an APT or YUM package repository.
Builds the 0.5.0 release.
Builds virtual machines of branches trunk and 0.3 for KVM, VMWare and VirtualBox.