blob: f61a18c8d8876cbf0055d20992feaa2c3cf1f1b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# The following is a bit of a tricky map. The idea here is that the keys
# correspond to anything that could be specified in
# hadoop_cluster_node::cluster_components:
# The values are maps from each role that a node can have in a cluster:
# client, gateway_server, library, master, worker, standby
# to a role recognized by each puppet module's deploy class.
# Note that the code here will pass all these roles to all the deploy
# classes defined in every single Bigtop's puppet module. This is similar
# to how a visitor pattern works in OOP. One subtle ramification of this
# approach is that you should make sure that deploy classes from different
# modules do NOT accept same strings for role types.
# And if that wasn't enough of a head scratcher -- you also need to keep
# in mind that there's no hdfs key in the following map, even though it
# is a perfectly legal value for hadoop_cluster_node::cluster_components:
# The reason for this is that hdfs is treated as an alias for either
# hdfs-non-ha or hdfs-ha depending on whether HA for HDFS is either enabled
# or disabled.
$roles_map = {
hdfs-non-ha => {
master => ["namenode"],
worker => ["datanode"],
standby => ["secondarynamenode"],
hdfs-ha => {
master => ["namenode"],
worker => ["datanode"],
standby => ["standby-namenode"],
yarn => {
master => ["resourcemanager"],
worker => ["nodemanager"],
client => ["hadoop-client"],
# mapred is the default app which runs on yarn.
library => ["mapred-app"],
mapreduce => {
library => ["mapred-app"],
kms => {
master => ["kms"],
hbase => {
master => ["hbase-master"],
worker => ["hbase-server"],
client => ["hbase-client"],
ignite_hadoop => {
worker => ["ignite-server"],
solrcloud => {
worker => ["solr-server"],
spark => {
worker => ["spark-on-yarn"],
client => ["spark-client"],
library => ["spark-yarn-slave"],
spark-standalone => {
master => ["spark-master"],
worker => ["spark-worker"],
alluxio => {
master => ["alluxio-master"],
worker => ["alluxio-worker"],
flink => {
master => ["flink-jobmanager"],
worker => ["flink-taskmanager"],
flume => {
worker => ["flume-agent"],
kerberos => {
master => ["kerberos-server"],
oozie => {
master => ["oozie-server"],
client => ["oozie-client"],
hcat => {
master => ["hcatalog-server"],
gateway_server => ["webhcat-server"],
sqoop => {
gateway_server => ["sqoop-server"],
client => ["sqoop-client"],
httpfs => {
gateway_server => ["httpfs-server"],
mahout => {
client => ["mahout-client"],
giraph => {
client => ["giraph-client"],
hive => {
master => ["hive-server2", "hive-metastore"],
client => ["hive-client"],
tez => {
client => ["tez-client"],
zookeeper => {
worker => ["zookeeper-server"],
client => ["zookeeper-client"],
ycsb => {
client => ["ycsb-client"],
zeppelin => {
master => ["zeppelin-server"],
qfs => {
master => ["qfs-metaserver"],
worker => ["qfs-chunkserver", "qfs-client"],
client => ["qfs-client"],
gpdb => {
master => ["gpdb-master"],
worker => ["gpdb-segment"],
kafka => {
worker => ["kafka-server"],
ambari => {
master => ["ambari-server"],
worker => ["ambari-agent"],
bigtop-utils => {
client => ["bigtop-utils"],
livy => {
master => ["livy-server"],
elasticsearch => {
master => ["elasticsearch-server"],
worker => ["elasticsearch-server"],
logstash => {
client => ["logstash-client"],
kibana => {
client => ["kibana-client"],
class hadoop_cluster_node (
$hadoop_security_authentication = hiera("hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication", "simple"),
$bigtop_real_users = [ 'jenkins', 'testuser', 'hudson' ],
$cluster_components = ["all"]
) {
user { $bigtop_real_users:
ensure => present,
system => false,
managehome => true,
if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") {
kerberos::host_keytab { $bigtop_real_users: }
User<||> -> Kerberos::Host_keytab<||>
include kerberos::client
$hadoop_head_node = hiera("bigtop::hadoop_head_node")
$standby_head_node = hiera("bigtop::standby_head_node", "")
$hadoop_gateway_node = hiera("bigtop::hadoop_gateway_node", $hadoop_head_node)
$ha_enabled = $standby_head_node ? {
"" => false,
default => true,
# look into alternate hiera datasources configured using this path in
# hiera.yaml
$hadoop_hiera_ha_path = $ha_enabled ? {
false => "noha",
true => "ha",
class node_with_roles ($roles = hiera("bigtop::roles")) inherits hadoop_cluster_node {
define deploy_module($roles) {
class { "${name}::deploy":
roles => $roles,
$modules = [
node_with_roles::deploy_module { $modules:
roles => $roles,
class node_with_components inherits hadoop_cluster_node {
# Ensure (even if a single value) that the type is an array.
if (is_array($cluster_components)) {
$components_array = $cluster_components
} else {
if ($cluster_components == undef) {
$components_array = ["all"]
} else {
$components_array = [$cluster_components]
$given_components = $components_array[0] ? {
"all" => delete(keys($roles_map), ["hdfs-non-ha", "hdfs-ha"]) << "hdfs",
default => $components_array,
$ha_dependent_components = $ha_enabled ? {
true => "hdfs-ha",
default => "hdfs-non-ha",
$components = member($given_components, "hdfs") ? {
true => delete($given_components, "hdfs") << $ha_dependent_components,
default => $given_components
$master_role_types = ["master", "worker", "library"]
$standby_role_types = ["standby", "library"]
$worker_role_types = ["worker", "library"]
$gateway_role_types = ["client", "gateway_server"]
if ($::fqdn == $hadoop_head_node or $::fqdn == $hadoop_gateway_node) {
if ($hadoop_gateway_node == $hadoop_head_node) {
$role_types = concat($master_role_types, $gateway_role_types)
} elsif ($::fqdn == $hadoop_head_node) {
$role_types = $master_role_types
} else {
$role_types = $gateway_role_types
} elsif ($::fqdn == $standby_head_node) {
$role_types = $standby_role_types
} else {
$role_types = $worker_role_types
$roles = get_roles($components, $role_types, $roles_map)
class { 'node_with_roles':
roles => $roles,
notice("Roles to deploy: ${roles}")