blob: 963f814831002fe75b477fe30fb0055ca868c12e [file] [log] [blame]
Bigtop's approach to running CI off of Jenkins is simple: we use
Groovy DSL Job plugin extensively so that Jenkins configuration
can be as stateless as possible. All we require from a Jenkins
admin is that the following plugins are installed:
* Amazon EC2 Plugin
* Credentials Plugin
* Disk Usage Plugin
* DynamicAxis Plugin
* Git Plugin
* Gradle plugin
* Hudson Extended Read Permission Plugin
* Job DSL Plugin
* Mailer
* Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
* Matrix Project Plugin
* Matrix Reloaded Plugin
* Parameterized Trigger Plugin
* SSH Credentials Plugin
* SSH Slaves plugin
* Timestamper
Once you have all the above plugins installed, all you have to do in
order to start Bigtop CI is to create one Bootstrap job. Pick a type
of 'Build a free-style software project' when asked by Jenkins and
hook it up to Bigtop's Git repo. Then select 'Process Job DSLs' as
one and only build step, pointing it at
as a DSL script that needs to be looked up in the filesystem.
That is it! You only need to run it now in order to have all
the required Jenkins jobs.