blob: 2f9a5d0634cb4fd97728f014d291163035418478 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// This file contains common build rules that are to be applied
// to all projects and also a set of methods called applyXYZNature which
// sets up common build rules for sub-projects with the same needs.
// The supported list of natures are:
// * Java - Configures plugins commonly found in Java projects
// * Go - Configures plugins commonly found in Go projects
// * Docker - Configures plugins commonly used to build Docker containers
// * Grpc - Configures plugins commonly used to generate source from protos
// * Avro - Configures plugins commonly used to generate source from Avro specifications
// For example, see applyJavaNature below.
println "Applying build_rules.gradle to $"
// Apply common properties/repositories and tasks to all projects.
// Gradle determines project uniqueness based upon the project group and its name.
// We use the project.path as the group name to make this mapping unique since
// we have a few projects with the same name.
group = project.path
version = "2.3.0-SNAPSHOT"
// Define the default set of repositories for all builds.
repositories {
maven { url offlineRepositoryRoot }
// To run gradle in offline mode, one must first invoke
// 'updateOfflineRepository' to create an offline repo
// inside the root project directory. See the application
// of the offline repo plugin within build_rules.gradle
// for further details.
if (gradle.startParameter.isOffline()) {
// Release staging repository
maven { url "" }
// Apache nightly snapshots
maven { url "" }
// Apache release snapshots
maven { url "" }
// Provide code coverage
// TODO: Should this only apply to Java projects?
apply plugin: "jacoco"
// Apply a plugin which provides tasks for dependency / property / task reports.
// See
// for further details. This is typically very useful to look at the "htmlDependencyReport"
// when attempting to resolve dependency issues.
apply plugin: "project-report"
// Apply a task dependency visualization plugin which creates a ".dot" file in the build directory
// giving the task dependencies for the current build. Unfortunately this creates a ".dot" file
// in each sub-projects report output directory.
// See for further details.
apply plugin: "cz.malohlava.visteg"
// Apply a plugin which provides the 'updateOfflineRepository' task that creates an offline
// repository. This offline repository satisfies all Gradle build dependencies and Java
// project dependencies. The offline repository is placed within $rootDir/offline-repo
// but can be overridden by specifying the 'offlineRepositoryRoot' Gradle option.
// Note that parallel build must be disabled when executing 'updateOfflineRepository'
// by specifying '-Dorg.gradle.parallel=false', see
apply plugin: "io.pry.gradle.offline_dependencies"
offlineDependencies {
repositories {
maven { url offlineRepositoryRoot }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
includeSources = false
includeJavadocs = false
includeIvyXmls = false
// Returns a string representing the relocated path to be used with the shadow plugin when
// given a suffix such as "".
ext.getJavaRelocatedPath = { String suffix ->
return "org.apache.beam"
+ (project.path + ":" +":", ".").replace("-", "_")
+ ".repackaged."
+ suffix;
// A class defining the set of configurable properties accepted by applyJavaNature
class JavaNatureConfiguration {
double javaVersion = 1.8 // Controls the JDK source language and target compatibility
boolean enableFindbugs = true // Controls whether the findbugs plugin is enabled and configured
boolean enableShadow = true // Controls whether the shadow plugin is enabled and configured
// Configures a project with a default set of plugins that should apply to all Java projects.
// Users should invoke this method using Groovy map syntax. For example:
// applyJavaNature(javaVersion: 1.8)
// See JavaNatureConfiguration for the set of accepted properties.
// The following plugins are enabled:
// * java
// * maven
// * net.ltgt.apt (plugin to configure annotation processing tool)
// * propdeps (provide optional and provided dependency configurations)
// * propdeps-maven (configure Maven pom generation to understand optional and provided dependency configurations)
// * checkstyle
// * findbugs
// * shadow
// * com.diffplug.gradle.spotless (code style plugin)
// Dependency Management for Java Projects
// ---------------------------------------
// By default, the shadow plugin is enabled to perform shading of commonly found dependencies.
// Because of this it is important that dependencies are added to the correct configuration.
// Dependencies should fall into one of these four configurations:
// * compile - Required during compilation or runtime of the main source set.
// This configuration represents all dependencies that much also be shaded away
// otherwise the generated Maven pom will be missing this dependency.
// * shadow - Required during compilation or runtime of the main source set.
// Will become a runtime dependency of the generated Maven pom.
// * testCompile - Required during compilation or runtime of the test source set.
// This must be shaded away in the shaded test jar.
// * testShadow - Required during compilation or runtime of the test source set.
// TODO: Figure out whether this should be a test scope dependency
// of the generated Maven pom.
// When creating a cross-project dependency between two Java projects, one should only rely on the shaded configurations.
// This allows for compilation/test execution to occur against the final artifact that will be provided to users.
// This is by done by referencing the "shadow" or "testShadow" configuration as so:
// dependencies {
// shadow project(path: "other:java:project1", configuration: "shadow")
// testShadow project(path: "other:java:project2", configuration: "testShadow")
// }
// This will ensure the correct set of transitive dependencies from those projects are correctly added to the
// main and test source set runtimes.
ext.applyJavaNature = {
println "applyJavaNature with " + (it ? "$it" : "default configuration") + " for project $"
// Use the implicit it parameter of the closure to handle zero argument or one argument map calls.
JavaNatureConfiguration configuration = it ? it as JavaNatureConfiguration : new JavaNatureConfiguration()
apply plugin: "maven"
apply plugin: "java"
// Configure the Java compiler source language and target compatibility levels. Also ensure that
// we configure the Java compiler to use UTF-8.
sourceCompatibility = configuration.javaVersion
targetCompatibility = configuration.javaVersion
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint:all","-Xlint:-options","-Xlint:-cast","-Xlint:-deprecation","-Xlint:-processing","-Xlint:-rawtypes","-Xlint:-serial","-Xlint:-try","-Xlint:-unchecked","-Xlint:-varargs","-parameters"]
// Configure the default test tasks set of tests executed
// to match the equivalent set that is executed by the maven-surefire-plugin.
// See
test {
include "**/Test*.class"
include "**/*Test.class"
include "**/*Tests.class"
include "**/*TestCase.class"
// Configure all test tasks to use JUnit
tasks.withType(Test) {
useJUnit { }
// Configures annotation processing for commonly used annotation processors
// across all Java projects.
apply plugin: "net.ltgt.apt"
dependencies {
// Note that these plugins specifically use the compileOnly and testCompileOnly
// configurations because they are never required to be shaded or become a
// dependency of the output.
def auto_value = ""
def auto_service = ""
compileOnly auto_value
apt auto_value
testCompileOnly auto_value
testApt auto_value
compileOnly auto_service
apt auto_service
testCompileOnly auto_service
testApt auto_service
// Add the optional and provided configurations for dependencies
// TODO: Either remove these plugins and find another way to generate the Maven poms
// with the correct dependency scopes configured.
apply plugin: 'propdeps'
apply plugin: 'propdeps-maven'
// Configures a checkstyle plugin enforcing a set of rules and also allows for a set of
// suppressions.
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
configFile = project(":").file("sdks/java/build-tools/src/main/resources/beam/checkstyle.xml")
configProperties = [ "checkstyle.suppressions.file": project(":").file("sdks/java/build-tools/src/main/resources/beam/suppressions.xml") ]
showViolations = true
maxErrors = 0
// Enables a plugin which can apply code formatting to source.
// TODO: Should this plugin be enabled for all projects?
apply plugin: "com.diffplug.gradle.spotless"
spotless {
java {
target rootProject.fileTree(rootProject.rootDir) {
include 'sdks/java/**/*.java'
// Code formatting disabled because style rules are out of date.
// eclipse().configFile(rootProject.file('sdks/java/build-tools/src/main/resources/beam/beam-codestyle.xml'))
// Enables a plugin which performs code analysis for common bugs.
// This plugin is configured to only analyze the "main" source set.
if (configuration.enableFindbugs) {
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
findbugs {
excludeFilter = rootProject.file('sdks/java/build-tools/src/main/resources/beam/findbugs-filter.xml')
sourceSets = [sourceSets.main]
tasks.withType(FindBugs) {
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = false
// Enables a plugin which can perform shading of classes. See the general comments
// above about dependency management for Java projects and how the shadow plugin
// is expected to be used for the different Gradle configurations.
// TODO: Enforce all relocations are always performed to:
// getJavaRelocatedPath(package_suffix) where package_suffix is something like ""
if (configuration.enableShadow) {
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
// Shade guava in all our dependencies.
shadowJar {
classifier = "shaded"
dependencies {
relocate("", getJavaRelocatedPath("")) {
// is too generic, need to exclude guava-testlib
exclude "**"
exclude "**"
exclude "**"
exclude "**"
// Create a new configuration 'shadowTest' like 'shadow' for the test scope
configurations {
shadow {
description = "Dependencies for shaded source set 'main'"
compile.extendsFrom shadow
shadowTest {
description = "Dependencies for shaded source set 'test'"
extendsFrom shadow
testCompile.extendsFrom shadowTest
// TODO: Figure out how to create ShadowJar task for testShadowJar here
// that is extendable within each sub-project with any additional includes.
// This could mirror the "shadowJar" configuration block.
// Optionally, we could also copy the shading configuration from the main
// source set and apply it here.
// Shading the test jar has a lot less need but can still be beneficial for
// resolving class conflicts for tests during test execution or exposing
// test libraries for users.
// Ban these dependencies from all configurations
configurations.all {
// guava-jdk5 brings in classes which conflict with guava
exclude group: "", module: "guava-jdk5"
// Ban the usage of the JDK tools as a library as this is system dependent
exclude group: "", module: ""
// protobuf-lite duplicates classes which conflict with protobuf-java
exclude group: "", module: "protobuf-lite"
// Exclude these test dependencies because they bundle other common
// test libraries classes causing version conflicts. Users should rely
// on using the yyy-core package instead of the yyy-all package.
exclude group: "org.hamcrest", module: "hamcrest-all"
exclude group: "org.mockito", module: "mockito-all"
// Force usage of the libraries defined within our common set found in the root
// build.gradle instead of using Gradles default dependency resolution mechanism
// which chooses the latest version available.
// TODO: Figure out whether we should force all dependency conflict resolution
// to occur in the "shadow" and "testShadow" configurations.
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
ext.applyGoNature = {
println "applyGoNature with " + (it ? "$it" : "default configuration") + " for project $"
apply plugin: "com.github.blindpirate.gogradle"
golang {
goVersion = '1.9'
// GoGradle fails in a parallel build during dependency resolution/installation.
// Force a dependency between all GoGradle projects during dependency resolution/installation.
// TODO: Figure out how to do this by automatically figuring out the task dependency DAG
// based upon task type.
List<String> goProjects = [
if (!goProjects.contains(project.path)) {
throw new GradleException(project.path + " has not been defined within the list of well known go projects within build_rules.gradle.")
int index = goProjects.indexOf(project.path)
if (index != 0) {
String previous = goProjects.get(index - 1)
println "Forcing: '" + previous + "' to be evaulated before '" + project.path + "'"
afterEvaluate {
println "Forcing: '" + project.path + ":resolveBuildDependencies' must run after '" + previous + ":installDependencies'"
tasks.getByPath(project.path + ":resolveBuildDependencies").mustRunAfter tasks.getByPath(previous + ":installDependencies")
println "Forcing: '" + project.path + ":resolveTestDependencies' must run after '" + previous + ":installDependencies'"
tasks.getByPath(project.path + ":resolveTestDependencies").mustRunAfter tasks.getByPath(previous + ":installDependencies")
ext.applyDockerNature = {
println "applyDockerNature with " + (it ? "$it" : "default configuration") + " for project $"
apply plugin: "com.palantir.docker"
docker {
noCache true
ext.applyGrpcNature = {
println "applyGrpcNature with " + (it ? "$it" : "default configuration") + " for project $"
apply plugin: ""
protobuf {
protoc {
// The artifact spec for the Protobuf Compiler
artifact = ""
// Configure the codegen plugins
plugins {
// An artifact spec for a protoc plugin, with "grpc" as
// the identifier, which can be referred to in the "plugins"
// container of the "generateProtoTasks" closure.
grpc {
artifact = "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.2.0"
generateProtoTasks {
ofSourceSet("main")*.plugins {
// Apply the "grpc" plugin whose spec is defined above, without
// options. Note the braces cannot be omitted, otherwise the
// plugin will not be added. This is because of the implicit way
// NamedDomainObjectContainer binds the methods.
grpc { }
// TODO: Decide whether this should be inlined into the one project that relies on it
// or be left here.
ext.applyAvroNature = {
println "applyAvroNature with " + (it ? "$it" : "default configuration") + " for project $"
apply plugin: "com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro"