blob: d5042aa619415c9b6cc86972c9e69ee0695dd4c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import groovy.util.CliBuilder
* Scripting functions to make writing a test similar to the quickstart
* instructions from
class TestScripts {
// Global state to maintain when running the steps
class var {
static File startDir
static File curDir
static String repoUrl
static String ver
static String gcpProject
static String gcpRegion
static String gcsBucket
static String bqDataset
static String pubsubTopic
def TestScripts(String[] args) {
def cli = new CliBuilder()
cli.ver(args:1, 'SDL Version')
cli.repourl(args:1, 'Repository URL')
cli.gcpProject(args:1, 'Google Cloud Project')
cli.gcpRegion(args:1, 'Google Cloud Region')
cli.gcsBucket(args:1, 'Google Cloud Storage Bucket')
cli.bqDataset(args:1, "BigQuery Dataset")
cli.pubsubTopic(args:1, "PubSub Topic")
def options = cli.parse(args)
var.repoUrl = options.repourl
var.ver = options.ver
println "Repository URL: ${var.repoUrl}"
println "Version: ${var.ver}"
if (options.gcpProject) {
var.gcpProject = options.gcpProject
println "GCS Project: ${var.gcpProject}"
if (options.gcpRegion) {
var.gcpRegion = options.gcpRegion
println "GCS Region: ${var.gcpRegion}"
if (options.gcsBucket) {
var.gcsBucket = options.gcsBucket
println "GCS Storage bucket: ${var.gcsBucket}"
if (options.bqDataset) {
var.bqDataset = options.bqDataset
println "BigQuery Dataset: ${var.bqDataset}"
if (options.pubsubTopic) {
var.pubsubTopic = options.pubsubTopic
println "PubSub Topic: ${var.pubsubTopic}"
def ver() {
return var.ver
def gcpProject() {
return var.gcpProject
def gcpRegion() {
return var.gcpRegion
def gcsBucket() {
return var.gcsBucket
def bqDataset() {
return var.bqDataset
def pubsubTopic() {
return var.pubsubTopic
// Both documents the overal scenario and creates a clean temp directory
def describe(String desc) {
var.startDir = File.createTempDir()
var.curDir = var.startDir
print "**************************************\n* Scenario: ${desc}\n**************************************\n"
// Just document the intention of a set of steps
def intent(String desc) {
print "\n**************************************\n* Test: ${desc}\n**************************************\n\n"
def success(String desc) {
print "\n**************************************\n* SUCCESS: ${desc}\n**************************************\n\n"
// Run a command
public String run(String cmd) {
println cmd
if (cmd.startsWith("cd ")) {
return ""
} else if (cmd.startsWith("mvn ")) {
return _mvn(cmd.substring(4))
} else {
return _execute(cmd)
// Check for expected results in actual stdout from previous command, if fails, log errors then exit.
public void see(String expected, String actual) {
if (!actual.contains(expected)) {
println "Cannot find ${expected} in ${actual}"
error("Cannot find expected text")
println "Verified $expected"
// Check if there are one or more matches in stdout of the last command.
public boolean seeAnyOf(List<String> expecteds, String actual) {
for (String expected: expecteds) {
if(actual.contains(expected)) {
println "Verified $expected"
return true
println "Cannot find ${expecteds} in text"
return false
// Cleanup and print success
public void done() {
println "[SUCCESS]"
// Run a single command, capture output, verify return code is 0
private String _execute(String cmd) {
def shell = "sh -c cmd".split(' ')
shell[2] = cmd
def pb = new ProcessBuilder(shell)
def proc = pb.start()
String output_text = ""
def text = new StringBuilder()
proc.inputStream.eachLine {
println it
text.append(it + "\n")
output_text = text.toString().trim()
if (proc.exitValue() != 0) {
println output_text
error("Failed command")
return output_text
// Change directory
private void _chdir(String subdir) {
var.curDir = new File(var.curDir.absolutePath, subdir)
if (!var.curDir.exists()) {
error("Directory ${var.curDir} not found")
// Run a maven command, setting up a new local repository and a settings.xml with a custom repository
private String _mvn(String args) {
def m2 = new File(var.startDir, ".m2/repository")
def settings = new File(var.startDir, "settings.xml")
settings.write """
def cmd = "mvn ${args} -s ${settings.absolutePath} -Ptestrel -B"
String path = System.getenv("PATH");
// Set the path on jenkins executors to use a recent maven
// MAVEN_HOME is not set on some executors, so default to 3.5.2
String maven_home = System.getenv("MAVEN_HOME") ?: '/home/jenkins/tools/maven/apache-maven-3.5.4'
println "Using maven ${maven_home}"
def mvnPath = "${maven_home}/bin"
def setPath = "export PATH=\"${mvnPath}:${path}\" && "
return _execute(setPath + cmd)
// Clean up and report error
public void error(String text) {
println "[ERROR] $text"