blob: fdb9d10a85e69b4669b647c8d55c3957f1dd884b [file] [log] [blame]
# This script runs WordCount example locally in a few different ways.
# Specifically, all combinations of:
# a) using mvn exec, or java -cp with a bundled jar file;
# b) input filename with no directory component, with a relative directory, or
# with an absolute directory; AND
# c) input filename containing wildcards or not.
# The one optional parameter is a path from the directory containing the script
# to the directory containing the top-level (parent) pom.xml. If no parameter
# is provided, the script assumes that directory is equal to the directory
# containing the script itself.
# The exit-code of the script indicates success or a failure.
set -e
set -o pipefail
VERSION=$(mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version | grep -v '\[')
function check_result_hash {
local name=$1
local outfile_prefix=$2
local expected=$3
local actual=$(LC_ALL=C sort $outfile_prefix-* | md5sum | awk '{print $1}' \
|| LC_ALL=C sort $outfile_prefix-* | md5 -q) || exit 2 # OSX
if [[ "$actual" != "$expected" ]]
echo "FAIL $name: Output hash mismatch. Got $actual, expected $expected."
echo "head hexdump of actual:"
head $outfile_prefix-* | hexdump -c
echo "pass $name"
# Output files are left behind in /tmp
function get_outfile_prefix {
local name=$1
# NOTE: mktemp on OSX doesn't support --tmpdir
mktemp -u "/tmp/$name.out.XXXXXXXXXX"
function run_via_mvn {
local name=$1
local input=$2
local expected_hash=$3
local outfile_prefix="$(get_outfile_prefix "$name")" || exit 2
local cmd='mvn exec:java -f pom.xml -pl examples \ \
-Dexec.args="--runner=DirectPipelineRunner --inputFile='"$input"' --output='"$outfile_prefix"'"'
echo "$name: Running $cmd" >&2
sh -c "$cmd"
check_result_hash "$name" "$outfile_prefix" "$expected_hash"
function run_bundled {
local name=$1
local input=$2
local expected_hash=$3
local outfile_prefix="$(get_outfile_prefix "$name")" || exit 2
local cmd='java -cp '"$JAR_FILE"' \ \
--runner=DirectPipelineRunner \
--inputFile='"'$input'"' \
echo "$name: Running $cmd" >&2
sh -c "$cmd"
check_result_hash "$name" "$outfile_prefix" "$expected_hash"
function run_all_ways {
local name=$1
local input=$2
local expected_hash=$3
run_via_mvn ${name}a "$input" $expected_hash
run_bundled ${name}b "$input" $expected_hash
function check_for_jar_file {
if [[ ! -f $JAR_FILE ]]
echo "Jar file $JAR_FILE not created" >&2
exit 2
run_all_ways wordcount1 "LICENSE" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
run_all_ways wordcount2 "./LICENSE" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
run_all_ways wordcount3 "$PWD/LICENSE" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
run_all_ways wordcount4 "L*N?E*" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
run_all_ways wordcount5 "./LICE*N?E" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
run_all_ways wordcount6 "$PWD/*LIC?NSE" c5350a5ad4bb51e3e018612b4b044097
if [[ ! "$PASS" ]]
echo "One or more tests FAILED."
exit 1
echo "All tests PASS"