blob: 360b579195cfabe519a52fca1c95b1f3e614573b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder.containsInAnyOrder;
import static org.hamcrest.number.IsCloseTo.closeTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptors;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
/** Test JdbcUtil. */
public class JdbcUtilTest {
@Rule public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
// TODO(BEAM-13846): Support string-based partitioning once the transform supports modifying
// range properties (inclusive/exclusive).
static final JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<String> PROTOTYPE_STRING_PARTITIONER =
new JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<String>() {
public Iterable<KV<String, String>> calculateRanges(
String lowerBound, String upperBound, Long partitions) {
List<KV<String, String>> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
// For now, we create ranges based on the very first letter of each string.
// For cases where we have empty strings, we use that as the bottom of one range,
// and generate other ranges from that point.
if (lowerBound.length() == 0) {
lowerBound = String.valueOf(Character.toChars(1)[0]);
ranges.add(KV.of("", lowerBound));
int dif = upperBound.charAt(0) - lowerBound.charAt(0);
int stride = dif / partitions != 0 ? Long.valueOf(dif / partitions).intValue() : 1;
String currentLowerBound = lowerBound; // String.valueOf(lowerBound.charAt(0));
while (currentLowerBound.charAt(0) <= upperBound.charAt(0)) {
int upperBoundCharPoint = currentLowerBound.charAt(0) + stride;
upperBoundCharPoint =
upperBoundCharPoint > upperBound.charAt(0)
? Character.toChars(upperBound.charAt(0) + 1)[0]
: upperBoundCharPoint;
char currentUpperBound = Character.toChars(upperBoundCharPoint)[0];
if (currentUpperBound >= upperBound.charAt(0)) {
// This means that we have reached the end, and that we want to use our upper bound
// as our final upper bound.
int finalChar = upperBound.charAt(upperBound.length() - 1);
upperBound =
upperBound.substring(0, upperBound.length() - 1)
+ Character.toChars(finalChar)[0];
ranges.add(KV.of(currentLowerBound, upperBound));
return ranges;
ranges.add(KV.of(currentLowerBound, String.valueOf(currentUpperBound)));
currentLowerBound = String.valueOf(currentUpperBound);
return ranges;
public void setParameters(KV<String, String> element, PreparedStatement preparedStatement) {
try {
preparedStatement.setString(1, element.getKey());
preparedStatement.setString(2, element.getValue());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public KV<Long, KV<String, String>> mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
if (resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 3) {
return KV.of(
resultSet.getLong(3), KV.of(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getString(2)));
} else {
return KV.of(0L, KV.of(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getString(2)));
public void testGetPreparedStatementSetCaller() throws Exception {
Schema wantSchema =
.addField("col1", Schema.FieldType.INT64)
.addField("col2", Schema.FieldType.INT64)
.addField("col3", Schema.FieldType.INT64)
String generatedStmt = JdbcUtil.generateStatement("test_table", wantSchema.getFields());
String expectedStmt = "INSERT INTO test_table(col1, col2, col3) VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
assertEquals(expectedStmt, generatedStmt);
public void testStringPartitioningWithSingleKeyFn() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<String> helper = PROTOTYPE_STRING_PARTITIONER;
List<KV<String, String>> expectedRanges =
Lists.<KV<String, String>>newArrayList(KV.of("a", "a"));
List<KV<String, String>> ranges = Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges("a", "a", 10L));
// It is not possible to generate any more than one range, because the lower and upper range are
// exactly the same.
// The range is "a" to the very next element after it, which would be "a"+1 -> "b".
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(1, ranges.size());
assertArrayEquals(expectedRanges.toArray(), ranges.toArray());
public void testStringPartitioningWithSingleKeyMultiletterFn() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<String> helper = PROTOTYPE_STRING_PARTITIONER;
List<KV<String, String>> expectedRanges =
Lists.<KV<String, String>>newArrayList(KV.of("afar", "afar"));
List<KV<String, String>> ranges =
Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges("afar", "afar", 10L));
// It is not possible to generate any more than one range, because the lower and upper range are
// exactly the same.
// The range is "afar" to the very next element after it, which would be "afar"+1 -> "afas".
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(1, ranges.size());
assertArrayEquals(expectedRanges.toArray(), ranges.toArray());
public void testStringPartitioningWithMultiletter() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<String> helper = PROTOTYPE_STRING_PARTITIONER;
List<KV<String, String>> ranges =
Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges("afarisade", "zfastaridoteaf", 10L));
// The upper bound is "zfastaridoteaf" to the very next element after it, which would
// be "zfastaridoteaf"+1 -> "zfastaridoteaf".
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(13L, ranges.size());
KV.of("afarisade", "c"),
KV.of("c", "e"),
KV.of("e", "g"),
KV.of("g", "i"),
KV.of("i", "k"),
KV.of("k", "m"),
KV.of("m", "o"),
KV.of("o", "q"),
KV.of("q", "s"),
KV.of("s", "u"),
KV.of("u", "w"),
KV.of("w", "y"),
KV.of("y", "zfastaridoteaf")));
public void testDatetimePartitioningWithSingleKey() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<DateTime> helper =
DateTime onlyPoint =;
List<KV<DateTime, DateTime>> expectedRanges =
Lists.newArrayList(KV.of(onlyPoint, onlyPoint.plusMillis(1)));
List<KV<DateTime, DateTime>> ranges =
Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges(onlyPoint, onlyPoint, 10L));
// It is not possible to generate any more than one range, because the lower and upper range are
// exactly the same.
// The range goes from the current DateTime to ONE MILISECOND AFTER.
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(1, ranges.size());
assertArrayEquals(expectedRanges.toArray(), ranges.toArray());
public void testDatetimePartitioningWithMultiKey() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<DateTime> helper =
DateTime lastPoint =;
// At least 10ms in the past, or more.
DateTime firstPoint = lastPoint.minusMillis(10 + new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
List<KV<DateTime, DateTime>> ranges =
Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges(firstPoint, lastPoint, 10L));
// DateTime ranges are able to work out 10-11 ranges because they split in miliseconds which is
// very small granularity.
assertThat(Double.valueOf(ranges.size()), closeTo(10, 1));
public void testLongPartitioningWithSingleKey() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<Long> helper =
List<KV<Long, Long>> expectedRanges = Lists.newArrayList(KV.of(12L, 13L));
List<KV<Long, Long>> ranges = Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges(12L, 12L, 10L));
// It is not possible to generate any more than one range, because the lower and upper range are
// exactly the same.
// The range goes from the current Long element to ONE ELEMENT AFTER.
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(1, ranges.size());
assertArrayEquals(expectedRanges.toArray(), ranges.toArray());
public void testLongPartitioningNotEnoughRanges() {
JdbcReadWithPartitionsHelper<Long> helper =
// The minimum stride is one, which is what causes this sort of partitioning.
List<KV<Long, Long>> expectedRanges =
Lists.newArrayList(KV.of(12L, 14L), KV.of(14L, 16L), KV.of(16L, 18L), KV.of(18L, 21L));
List<KV<Long, Long>> ranges = Lists.newArrayList(helper.calculateRanges(12L, 20L, 10L));
// The ranges go from the current lowerBound to ONE ELEMENT AFTER the upper bound.
// Because the query's filter statement is : WHERE column >= lowerBound AND column < upperBound.
assertEquals(4, ranges.size());
assertArrayEquals(expectedRanges.toArray(), ranges.toArray());
public void testSavesFilesAsExpected() throws IOException {
File tempFile1 = temporaryFolder.newFile();
File tempFile2 = temporaryFolder.newFile();
String expectedContent1 = "hello world";
String expectedContent2 = "hello world 2";
Files.write(tempFile1.toPath(), expectedContent1.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Files.write(tempFile2.toPath(), expectedContent2.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
URL[] urls =
JdbcUtil.saveFilesLocally(tempFile1.getAbsolutePath() + "," + tempFile2.getAbsolutePath());
assertEquals(2, urls.length);
new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(urls[0].getFile())), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(urls[1].getFile())), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));