blob: 5b39cf81400f83d4b7238b6f9df8c005956033a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* License); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
plugins { id 'org.apache.beam.module' }
description = "Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Go :: Test"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Dataflow. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with Dataflow to validate that the runner behaves as expected.
task dataflowValidatesRunner() {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
doLast {
def options = [
"--runner dataflow",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Dataflow. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with Dataflow to validate that the runner behaves as expected, on arm64 machines.
task dataflowValidatesRunnerARM64() {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner dataflow",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Flink. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with Flink to validate that the runner behaves as expected.
task flinkValidatesRunner {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:container:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:container:java8:docker"
dependsOn ":runners:flink:${project.ext.latestFlinkVersion}:job-server:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:expansion-service:buildTestExpansionServiceJar"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner flink",
"--flink_job_server_jar ${project(":runners:flink:${project.ext.latestFlinkVersion}:job-server").shadowJar.archivePath}",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Samza. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with Samza to validate that the runner behaves as expected.
task samzaValidatesRunner {
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:container:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:container:java8:docker"
dependsOn ":runners:samza:job-server:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:expansion-service:buildTestExpansionServiceJar"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner samza",
"--samza_job_server_jar ${project(":runners:samza:job-server").shadowJar.archivePath}",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Spark. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with Spark to validate that the runner behaves as expected.
task sparkValidatesRunner {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:container:java8:docker"
dependsOn ":runners:spark:3:job-server:shadowJar"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:expansion-service:buildTestExpansionServiceJar"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner spark",
"--spark_job_server_jar ${project(":runners:spark:3:job-server").shadowJar.archivePath}",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for the Python Portable runner (aka. ULR). Runs tests
// in the integration directory with the ULR to validate that the runner behaves
// as expected.
// The ULR can exhibit strange behavior when containers are built with outdated
// vendored directories. For best results use the clean task, like so:
// ./gradlew clean :sdks:go:test:ulrValidatesRunner
tasks.register("ulrValidatesRunner") {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:container:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:container:java8:docker"
dependsOn "setupVirtualenv"
dependsOn ":sdks:python:buildPython"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:expansion-service:buildTestExpansionServiceJar"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner portable",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
workingDir "${project.rootDir}/sdks/python"
args "-c", ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && pip install -e ."
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", ". ${envdir}/bin/activate && ./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// ValidatesRunner tests for Prism. Runs tests in the integration directory
// with prism in docker mod to validate that the runner behaves as expected.
task prismValidatesRunner {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:container:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:container:java8:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:expansion-service:buildTestExpansionServiceJar"
doLast {
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--runner prism",
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"
// A method for configuring a cross-language validates runner test task,
// intended to be used in calls to createCrossLanguageValidatesRunnerTask.
ext.goIoValidatesRunnerTask = { proj, name, scriptOpts, pipelineOpts ->
return proj.tasks.register(name) {
group = "Verification"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:test:goBuild"
dependsOn ":sdks:go:container:docker"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:extensions:schemaio-expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:debezium:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:build"
dependsOn ":sdks:java:testing:kafka-service:buildTestKafkaServiceJar"
doLast {
def ioExpJar = project(":sdks:java:io:expansion-service").shadowJar.archivePath
def schemaIoExpJar = project(":sdks:java:extensions:schemaio-expansion-service").shadowJar.archivePath
def debeziumIoExpJar = project(":sdks:java:io:debezium:expansion-service").shadowJar.archivePath
def gcpIoExpJar = project(":sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service").shadowJar.archivePath
def kafkaJar = project(":sdks:java:testing:kafka-service:").buildTestKafkaServiceJar.archivePath
def pipelineOptions = [ // Pipeline options piped directly to Go SDK flags.
def options = [
"--pipeline_opts \"${pipelineOptions.join(' ')}\"",
options.addAll(scriptOpts)"Running the command: sh -c ./ ${options.join(' ')}")
exec {
executable "sh"
args "-c", "./ ${options.join(' ')}"