blob: 0977cf3d094a6bed72fe66173f0c6caa1da62b8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package beam
import (
type WindowIntoOption interface {
type windowTrigger struct {
trigger trigger.Trigger
func (t windowTrigger) windowIntoOption() {}
// Trigger applies the given trigger to the window.
func Trigger(tr trigger.Trigger) WindowIntoOption {
return windowTrigger{trigger: tr}
type accumulationMode struct {
mode window.AccumulationMode
func (m accumulationMode) windowIntoOption() {}
// PanesAccumulate applies an Accumulating AccumulationMode to the window.
// After a pane fires, already processed elements will accumulate and
// elements will be repeated in subseqent firings for the window.
func PanesAccumulate() WindowIntoOption {
return accumulationMode{mode: window.Accumulating}
// PanesDiscard applies a Discarding AccumulationMode to the window.
// After a pane fires, already processed elements will be discarded
// and not included in later firings for the window.
func PanesDiscard() WindowIntoOption {
return accumulationMode{mode: window.Discarding}
type allowedLateness struct {
delay time.Duration
func (m allowedLateness) windowIntoOption() {}
// AllowedLateness configures for how long data may arrive after the end of a window.
func AllowedLateness(delay time.Duration) WindowIntoOption {
return allowedLateness{delay: delay}
// WindowInto applies the windowing strategy to each element.
func WindowInto(s Scope, ws *window.Fn, col PCollection, opts ...WindowIntoOption) PCollection {
return Must(TryWindowInto(s, ws, col, opts...))
// TryWindowInto attempts to insert a WindowInto transform.
func TryWindowInto(s Scope, wfn *window.Fn, col PCollection, opts ...WindowIntoOption) (PCollection, error) {
if !s.IsValid() {
return PCollection{}, errors.New("invalid scope")
if !col.IsValid() {
return PCollection{}, errors.New("invalid input pcollection")
ws := window.WindowingStrategy{Fn: wfn, Trigger: trigger.DefaultTrigger{}}
for _, opt := range opts {
switch opt := opt.(type) {
case windowTrigger:
// TODO(BEAM-3304): call validation on trigger construction here
// so local errors can be returned to the user in their pipeline
// context instead of at pipeline translation time.
ws.Trigger = opt.trigger
case accumulationMode:
ws.AccumulationMode = opt.mode
case allowedLateness:
ws.AllowedLateness = int(opt.delay / time.Millisecond)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown WindowInto option type: %T: %v", opt, opt))
edge := graph.NewWindowInto(s.real, s.scope, &ws, col.n)
ret := PCollection{edge.Output[0].To}
return ret, nil